Papers by Kristijan Ristić

In this paper, the basic phenomena of climate change observed in the Republic of Serbia, as well ... more In this paper, the basic phenomena of climate change observed in the Republic of Serbia, as well as the factors that directly or indirectly affect sustainable development and climate change, are considered. What are climate changes and what led to them are questions for which there is no single definition today. Among the supporters of the theory of climate change there are two opinions: the climate is influenced by astronomical (natural) factors and anthropogenic (caused by human action) factors. On the other hand, in circles that dispute the theory of climate change, there is an opinion that the story of climate change is basically based on political and economic interests. Although the topic of climate change is essentially of a global nature, the focus of this work is on the most populous city of the Republic of Serbia -Belgrade, where anthropogenic factors that inevitably have an impact on climate change are especially pronounced. The aim of the work is to identify the main features of climate change, i.e., climate extremes in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, with a special focus on the city of Belgrade, and to indicate possible phenomena that appear as anthropogenic factors that have already contributed or could in the future. contribute to climate change, that is, to prevent climate change. First of all, those anthropogenic factors were observed from the aspect of direct human action on the environment in the clearly defined territorial scope of the administrative-legal jurisdiction of the city of Belgrade. accurately and accurately to certain segments of mutual connection, and how to identify the key factors of contemporary global relations on the peace level of the Republic of Serbia through cause-andeffect relationships and mutual effects. The work goes into the domain of empirical-theoretical frameworks of social sciences, descriptive and comparative methods were applied in the research, and basic statistical methods were also applied where possible.
Alta bank. Belgrade, Serbia, bord owner Abstrac: Ecological taxes are today considered one of the... more Alta bank. Belgrade, Serbia, bord owner Abstrac: Ecological taxes are today considered one of the most attractive instruments of environmental policy. Their basic idea is to change the price of natural resources in line with their scarcity, which corresponds to the fundamental principle of the market economy. Environmental taxes are means to correct, mitigate or eliminate diseconomies and other failings of the unregulated market. The motivation for their introduction is in fact the appropriate environmental resource management. It is assumed that the environmental tax in the amount of damage caused by particular economic activities would stimulate pollutants to include these damages in their production and consumption decisions.
Monetaristi su protivnici državne intervencije i pristalice slobodnog tržišnog procesa. Kejzijanc... more Monetaristi su protivnici državne intervencije i pristalice slobodnog tržišnog procesa. Kejzijanci su, obrnuto, pristalice i pobornici državne intervencije i protivnici stihijskog delovanja tržišnog mehanizma. Kao protivnici državne intervencije, monetaristi se ne slažu da treba voditi kontracikličnu fiskalnu politiku može da izazove veći rast rashoda javnog sektora u periodu recesije nego smanjenje rashoda u periodu ekspanzije i da se, usled toga, javni rashodi kontinuinirano povećavaju. Doduše, Tobin,

COBISS: 161914633, selektovani rad (9) GLOBALNA FINANSIJALIZACIJA Kristijan Ristić Davor Macura A... more COBISS: 161914633, selektovani rad (9) GLOBALNA FINANSIJALIZACIJA Kristijan Ristić Davor Macura Apstrakt Odabrani ekonomisti konačno su uvideli značaj tzv. hipoteze finansijske nestabilnosti i potrebu da se ekonomisti fokusiraju na leveridže: rast zaduživanja u odnosu na potraživanja, dohodak ili aktivu. Dugovnu deflacijsku teoriju depresije iskoristili su da gađaju u današnju suštinu globalnog sveta: što više dužnici plaćaju, to više duguju. A kada dugovi previše narastu i kada ekonomija ne stoji dovoljno dobro, dužnici su onda primorani na smanjenje leveridža i tada kreće tzv. spirala dugovne deflacije. Kombinacija zamke likvidnosti i tereta prezaduženosti uvodi nas u svet u kome je štedljivost ludost. Paradoks štednje ne glasi: povećana štednja donosi povećanju investicija, što bi povećalo buduće bogatstvo. Ali, u depresivnoj ekonomiji ko štedi taj ne troši. Rezultat je novi pad: privreda dublje tone. No, paradoks štednje "vuče" paradoks smanjenja leveridža i paradoks fleksibilnosti tržišta rada [1].

FBIM Transactions, Jan 15, 2014
In the modern world, and especially in Central and Eastern Europe, "dangerous" market economy is ... more In the modern world, and especially in Central and Eastern Europe, "dangerous" market economy is equated with well-being, which is the market order created in the West and Southern Europe. Even when the market economy reigns everywhere in Europe, the differences in welfare may remain the same or possibly become deeper. No illusions should be taught that in the near future, everyone in Europe will have long expected welfare. It can remain poor despite the introduction of a market economy. Social leveling just all can not succeed. Social differences are, therefore, inevitable for democracy and the market can not bear being. Like everywhere else so far, the market economy is not a native plant, "which can grow just about anywhere, and one should only be careful not to pull out it with the roots." But the market as a cultivated plant, requires careful care and climatic conditions. The market economic system much "nags" up to its full momentum and growth. Outstanding efforts, time and investment are imperatives for individuals, businesses, government and society. At the same time, it is not for sure that the flower beds of the market economy automatically will ensure social welfare. The market is therefore only necessary (and useful), but not sufficient condition for the flourishing of prosperity. Materially good standing companies are regulated by market principles, but and many poor societies are market oriented as well. The market here does not explain the differences in well-being, as well as the regional differences in the life standards are not explained by the climate, geographical location, historical development, traditions, religions, races, or traditions. Market even in identical economic system does not produce the same results. A good example of this is the EU. However, the economic power of the country and the social well-being of the individual do not depend exclusively on the economic system of market-oriented society. So far, they have always been economically successful in the long run, only those who submitted all resources to economic interests in the market economic system (Japan, USA, Germany). This is the "endowment of the merkantilistic European spirit", in which the religion, science, art, philosophy, market, and the state are at the service of economic success. To act profitably, efficient, flexible and according the marketing method, that is the way of the development of economic power and material existence.

FBIM Transactions, Jul 15, 2017
Svetska ekonomska kriza zajedno sa implementacijom neoliberalnog projekta obelodanila je pomeranj... more Svetska ekonomska kriza zajedno sa implementacijom neoliberalnog projekta obelodanila je pomeranja glavnog težišta globalne ekonomije iz sektora proizvodnje u sektor finansija, kao da privredna aktivnost više nije važna. Time je formalizovana primitivna privatna sloboda da se profitira na siromaštvu u formi tajno osmišljene privatne prednosti poput konkurencije, kao ključni podsticaj razvoja i generator monopola. Ekologija je ušla u dnevnu konverziju između dužnika. Dijalog interesa poverilaca i dužnika je izuzetno olakšan primenom specijalnog vida konverzije duga koji se očituje kroz otpis duga (dela) za ekološko očuvanje zelenog kontinenta (debt-for-nature swaps). Današnji svet pati zbog povećanja zagađivanja čovekove okoline i smanjenja ozonskog omotača. I naučnici pate, jer ne znaju da objasne kako će se to odraziti na poljoprivredne prinose, na zdravlje stanovništva, na nivo mora, na dužinu života ljudi, na porast temperature, na društveno ekonomski razvoj, na životni standard građana. Zbog toga, ekološka pitanja postaju sve više ekonomska, mada se ekološki problemi sve više premeštaju u ravan ekonomske nauke, koja već kreira nove finansijske instrumente za simultano rešavanje razvojnih i ekoloških problema. Jedan od najnovijih finansijskih instrumenata, koji je pokazao svu svoju delotvornost, jeste debt-for-nature swaps, putem koga se zaduženim zemljama oprašta deo inostranog duga u zamenu za povećanje investicije države u domenu očuvanja ekoloških dobara od značaja za celu u planetu. U suštini, tim procesom svi zarađuju: zemlja dužnik, jer faktički otkupljuje inostrani dug domaćom valutom i to uz popust, i zemlje poverioci, jer ne moraju da investiraju svež novac za očuvanje čovekove okoline već upotrebljavaju novac od dužnika koji najverovatnije nije ni bio naplativ.

FBIM Transactions, Jan 15, 2014
Problemi razvoja i uloge nauke u privredi i društvu jesu posledica dugog zastoja kritičke bespošt... more Problemi razvoja i uloge nauke u privredi i društvu jesu posledica dugog zastoja kritičke bespoštednosti, posrtanja u razvoju autentične teorijske misli, idejne ogrezlosti u rutinerstvu i pragmatizmu, i mentalne samouverenosti i zaljubljenosti u sebe. To je dovelo do deformacije naučnoistraživačkog rada i degradacije nauke, koja se voluntaristički prilagođavala zahtevima političkih centara. Stoga danas plaćamo danak za improvizatorstvo, za imitatorstvo, za neinventnost. U ekonomskoj nauci na široko su procvetali lažno-kritički radikalizmi prema društvenoj, ekonomskoj i socijalnoj stvarnosti, ali i sa izuzetno rafiniranim apstrahovanjima sopstvene nedoraslosti da se visokostručno i visokoekspertski uhvate u koštac sa izazovima vremena. Stvaralačkog tu nema ništa (izuzev ukoliko se jalovost ne reinterpretira kao doprinos); a ako ga, tu i tamo, ima, onda je to pregršt racionalnog sa ogromnom količinom jalovine u inače plitkim istraživanjima. Snaga "nauke" jedino se ispoljava ako "istrčali" pojedinac dobro "nasedne". Tada nastupa pravo etiketiranje i gaženje bez milosti i po cenu sahranjivanja. Nauka i njeni predstavnici su, dakle, samo tada moćni. Makroekonomija jeste najdinamičnija naučna disciplina današnjice (pored finansijskog monetarnog, fiskalnog i berzanskog menadžmenta), koja uključuje biheviorističke elemente ekonomije, kao što su očekivanja, kredibilitet i informacije. Informacije, po pravilu, uplivišu na očekivanja i kredibilitet jednako isto kao sto antiinflaciona reputacija vlade determiniše stabilizacioni kredibilitet, koji "hrani" razvojno poverenje i neinflatorna očekivanja. U tom lancu, svi stiču iskustvo i svi uče kroz "grešku i pokušaj" (tzv.kriva učenja -histerizis).
FBIM Transactions, Jan 15, 2015
Money laundering" is not a new phenomenon, as it exists in parallel with the existence of so-call... more Money laundering" is not a new phenomenon, as it exists in parallel with the existence of so-called black market, or underground economy. In the national economy, the gray market relies on smuggled goods and illegal trade payments as a result of disturbances of supply and demand of goods, services, money and foreign exchange. There are very significant illegal payments, which were acquired on irregular way, that do not operate under official monetary flows and that are not recorded in the Adresa autora zaduženog za korespodenciju:

Economics (Bijeljina), Jun 1, 2020
In the recent theory of economic growth, there are multiple explanations for the "downward trend ... more In the recent theory of economic growth, there are multiple explanations for the "downward trend of economic growth", which is already happening during the past decade in developed and emerging markets. Almost all economists have avoided researching the "hypothesis of a world without growth", dealing with Krugman's rhetoric of "secular stagnation is probable" or thinking about Koehn's rhetoric get rid of dependence on growth". The cult of growth is embedded in the economic, political and social heads so deeply that for each of them growth is an imperative of life and death. By reviewing certain literature and papers, we can draw a conclusion about trends in the world economy, the dominant macroeconomic mainstream and reconsider and we can a critically resist the role of "rule taker" in the economic policy of post-transition countries in the past ten years. This paper does not investigate or establish a research gap, and does not offer a solutions to current problems that may arise from comparative analyzes, but give a qualitative assessment of the neoliberal tone of global economic policy, note the controversies of economic growth and financial stability and reinterprets earlier doctrinal conflicts in the global economy, which can give perspective possible solutions or policies for post-transition countries today. The key goal of this paper is to give rise to future research.

MEST Journal, 2019
The current financial crisis highlighted the importance of establishing a banking union at EU lev... more The current financial crisis highlighted the importance of establishing a banking union at EU level, which would allow for an adequate response to the financial problems through the regional banking supervision in relation to the operations of banks in the Eurozone. The main results of this research shall in a synthetic way show that the formation of a banking union significantly contributes to strengthening of the integration of economies of the member countries, the promotion of confidence in the EU banking sector stability but without clear goals and objectives to be achieved in the real sector of the EU, which should provide, in addition to safer, a richer life, higher employment and exit from the stagnant framework. The paper analyzes the importance of the transition to a system of decision making on financial, fiscal and economic policies at the EU level. This system would allow an adequate response to the financial problems through regional banking supervision in relation to the operations of banks in the Eurozone. This would establish stronger accountability mechanism of the decisions taken. The ultimate goal would be the stability of the banking sector, improvement of business conditions in the real sector and the economic stability of the Eurozone.

We are facing the challenge of increasing application of new technological solutions in the publi... more We are facing the challenge of increasing application of new technological solutions in the public administration among which are the concept of ontology and the increasing exchange of knowledge and information with which we deal in this paper. This should be the primary drivers of power for the transition of work of the public administration to the new concept of e-m-i-Government. In this paper we perceive the IT situation in this region, development trend of ontology in the public administration and we suggest the solutions for public administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina to implement new solutions. In this paper we suggest the process organization of work and serving in the public administration as a basis for more efficient and more effective implementation of ontologies and the exchange of knowledge with the use of new technological solutions. Likewise, we propose the solution which is based on a single access point for all service users regardless of the communication chann...

MEST Journal, 2020
The contemporary state intervention in the form of so-called monitoring economy (Siegel) implies ... more The contemporary state intervention in the form of so-called monitoring economy (Siegel) implies a complementary response of the public sector to the economic actions of the private sector taken through supporting the development of the propulsive sectors, technical progress incentives, infrastructure financing, fiscal benefits, subsidies, and so on. In this context, modern states pay special attention to the economic development of underdeveloped areas aimed at harmonizing global, structural, sectoral, regional, interregional , sub-regional and local development. To accelerate the development of underdeveloped regions in developed industrial countries numerous mechanisms are used: subsidies, grants, lower interest rates loans, fiscal incentives and benefits, industry-targeted sales of land and buildings in undeveloped areas at affordable prices, providing benefits to the industry in purchase of scarce raw materials, determining preferential tariffs for public service obligations of state-owned enterprises to invest in undeveloped areas, administrative ban on new investments in highly developed and urban overcrowded regions, providing government subsidies in various forms (premiums for the purchase of capital equipment, premiums for hiring new workers, co-financing research). The paper hereof analyses the experiences of European countries that can serve the creators of the economic policies of the neighboring developing countries in order to promote regional economic development and equality.

The former polarization of financial theorists regarding the importance of money is characteristi... more The former polarization of financial theorists regarding the importance of money is characteristic more than a decade confrontation monetarist and Keynesians, theirs long - term debate and opposition thesis " money it's not important " and " just is Money important ", The last two decades of the twentieth century are characteristic of the official common house thesis that " money it is important " The justification for the need for a theoretical analysis in this work and today is found in the fact that contemporary macroeconomic theory recognizes the end of radical anti-Keynesianism and at the same time the end of the intellectual monopoly of the dominant neoliberal doctrine that logically relies on and/or emerges from it, namely monetarism and all later theoretical derivatives. On the other hand, the goal of this work is not to reach the possibility of formulating new theoretical propositions, but rather to review the conflicting positions of repre...

Risk management in payment transactions includes identifying, measuring and managing risks. That ... more Risk management in payment transactions includes identifying, measuring and managing risks. That is why it is necessary to establish its effective function in payment transactions. In the last ten years, the development of risk management in countries in transition is evident. Bearing these facts in mind, the aim of this research study is to analyze the risks in payment transactions, with special reference to the analysis of cash management. The results of this overview study show that each bank operates with a smaller or larger number of risks, positioning itself between two extremes: absolute risk acceptance and absolute risk non-acceptance. It is necessary that the level of risk acceptance be proportional to the bank's ability to cover the resulting losses, as well as to achieve an acceptable rate of return. Achieving higher returns is possible if the bank establishes effective identification, measurement and management of business risks. The carriers of security breaches ari...
Papers by Kristijan Ristić