Papers by Risky fany ardhiansyah
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 28, 2022

International Journal of Advanced Research
Victims in the criminal justice system will become victims of being re-victimized by the state be... more Victims in the criminal justice system will become victims of being re-victimized by the state because they have to wait so long to get their goods as a result of confiscation. Therefore, the problem in this study is how is the construction of the procedural law for determining evidence belonging to a victim of a crime through a preliminary examination based on restorative justice. This study aims to examine the philosophy of confiscation in the criminal justice system, the effectiveness of the criminal justice system regarding the return of confiscated goods, and the formulation of a system for determining the victims confiscated goods through a preliminary examination based on the value of justice. The research method used is normative legal research, namely research using legal positivism. The results of the study stated that the nature of evidence in evidence in the criminal justice system is one of the materials that form evidence instructions and can be used to strengthen the ...

Lampung Journal of International Law
The death penalty is one of old criminal type as the age of human life, and the most controversia... more The death penalty is one of old criminal type as the age of human life, and the most controversial crime in of all criminal systems, both in countries that adhere to the Common Law System and in countries that embrace Civil Law, Islamic Law and Socialist Law. There are two main thoughts about the death penalty, namely: first, those who want to keep it based on the force provisions, and second are those who wish to the abolition as a whole. Indonesia includes a country that still maintains capital punishment in a positive legal system. This paper aims to resolve problems of the death penalty concept concerning the controversy purpose of the death penalty and to analyze the regulations, procedures and philosophies regarding the death penalty in Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and China. This paper uses normative juridical research and the methods based on the doctrine and developed by the author. The approach used the legal approach, historical approach and comparative approach, then analyzed...

Risky fany ardhiansyah, 2019
Dalam mencapai tujuan uu pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi yang mana premium remidiumnya adalah... more Dalam mencapai tujuan uu pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi yang mana premium remidiumnya adalah penyelamatan kerugian keuangan negera,uu ini perlu di beri nafas yang luas dikarenakan semakin berkembangnya jaman semakin luas dan berkembang pula modus operandinya,oleh karena itu apabila sesuatu yg blm diatur oleh uu ini namun hal tersebut dianggap moral yg tercela maka perbuatan tersebut dapat dikategorikan sebagai sifat melawan hukum positif,didalam penulisan ini uu tipikor tidak mengenal adanya penyidikan in absentia namun hanya mengenal persidangan in absentia sebagaimana dalam pasal 38,disisi lain apabila alat bukti dalam tahap penyidikan telah terpenuhi namun tersangka kabur maka hal itu akan menjadi kendala bagi penyidik dikarenakan tdk ada aturan tertulis yg memperbolehkan dilakukan penyidikan in absentia,oleh karena itu penulis dalam tesis ini menjelaskan konsep dasar penyidikan in absentia sebagai terobosan penyelamatan kerugia. Keuangan negara
Papers by Risky fany ardhiansyah