Rishi Ram Kattel
Dr. Rishi Ram Kattel is an academic with extensive practical and field experience within the agriculture sector in Nepal. He holds an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. He has over 15 years’ experience working on econometric modeling, agriculture statistics, value chain and supply chain diagnostic on high value commodities and crop seeds, participatory market system development (PMSD) and is familiar with a range of research and analysis methods, including the use Global Value Chain Mapping and a variety of statistical and qualitative research techniques. His work includes a number of studies and publications focused on value chain analysis, smallholder commercialization, Currently, He has completed his PhD in “Global Value Chain Analysis of Nepalese Large Cardamom in Easter Himalayas Road Corridor of Nepal” from AFU. Baseline-Endline Project Assessment for DiD in Before After Control Intervention (BACI) design, IPM evaluation, particularly with reference to issues related to financing. He has a strong publication record with more than 40 articles in reputed national and international journals as well as an extensive network within the national organizations government and university sectors. Recently, he has prepared agriculture, livestock and agro-tourism development strategy in Belaka and Triyuga Municipality in Udayapur district as well as prepared period plan, MTFP and RIP in three Palika of Panchadar district and Khadbari Municipality in Sankhuwasawa district as a Team Leader and Member. He has assessed the Value Chain Development Alliance and Financing of 12 potential sub-sectors (vegetable, large cardamom, ginger, dairy, goat, pig, banana, vegetable, honey, allo, sikki craft and lokta) as a Team Leader/VC Expert in Poverty Alleviation Fund/World Bank. He has completed review and assessment task in Asian Development Bank as a National Agribusiness Development Expert/Consultant on a study of achievements, lessons learned and way forward in agribusiness development through value chain approach. Under, ADB task, He had analysis details of Lentil in Bardiya, Banana in Kailali and Honey in Dang value chain showcasing and possible intervention strategy for value chain promotion of these sub-sectors. His team has assessed bilateral and multilateral funded value chain and agribusiness development project in Nepal mainly World Bank, ADB, International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), Swiss Development Cooperation, Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project (PM-AMP) and Helvetas. Recently, he has completed an assessment on municipal solid waste released, management and recycling in supply chain in major cities of Nepal (Bharatpur, Butwal and Hetauda) as a Principal Investigator (Team Leader). This project was founded by SANDEE/ICIMOD under the project of “The Economics of Solid Waste Management and Drainage: Sustainable Approach to Making South Asian Cities Climate-Resilient”. He has well handling of SPSS and STATA software. Dr. Kattel has strong command on data collection and analysis using agriculture statistical tools and techniques. He has already involved baseline study of more than 10 different project using statistical tools and comparative advance analysis. Mr. Kattel has already provided more than couple of training related to agriculture statistics, data collection, management and analysis. Country Experience: Nepal, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Thailand, Golf countries, Ethiopia, Honduras, Sri Lanka, India
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Papers by Rishi Ram Kattel