Papers by Risanita Fardian Farid

Psyche 165 journal, Nov 12, 2023
An employee nowadays is required to be able to adapt quickly to every job given, and to be able t... more An employee nowadays is required to be able to adapt quickly to every job given, and to be able to learn from existing experience in order to compete with other workers. This research aims to determine the role of learning agility in improving the collaborative behavior of millennial generation employees in the Padang City Government. The independent variable in this research is learning agility and the dependent variable is collaboration behavior. The measuring instruments used in this research are the Learning Agility scale and the collaboration behavior scale. The sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling, namely sampling using certain considerations according to the desired criteria to determine the number of samples to be studied. The sample for this research was 266 employees in the Padang City Government. Validity and reliability testing in this research used the Cronbach Alpha technique. The results of the validity coefficient on the learning agility scale with corrected item-total correlation values range from 0.316 up to 0.646, while the reliability coefficient is 0.831. The results of the validity coefficient on the Collaboration Behavior scale with corrected item-total correlation values range from 0.302 up to 0.749, while the reliability coefficient is 0.853. Based on data analysis, the calculated t value of 17.309 is greater than the t table, which is 1.660. So it can be seen that the significance value is 0.001 < 0.05, which means the hypothesis is accepted. This illustrates that learning agility has a significant effect on collaborative behavior. So it can be explained that H1 states that learning agility has a positive effect on collaborative behavior. The effective contribution of the learning agility variable to collaboration behaviour variable is 53%.

Deleted Journal, Jul 16, 2023
Unemployment in Indonesia is 12% dominated by university graduates (bachelor/diploma), while to b... more Unemployment in Indonesia is 12% dominated by university graduates (bachelor/diploma), while to become a developed country in 2045 it is necessary to achieve an entrepreneurial ratio of 4%. To achieve this ratio, the government encourages tertiary institutions to direct graduates to become entrepreneurs. Efforts to foster this interest in entrepreneurship also need to be facilitated by campus understanding regarding the entrepreneurial character of students, so that entrepreneurship programs can be carried out effectively by taking into account the personal characteristics of students. This study aims to examine the influence of personality traits on entrepreneurial character, and to test entrepreneurial character in predicting entrepreneurial behavior in Indonesian higher education graduates. This study was tested using a non-experimental quantitative method through a survey of 69 higher education graduates of which 42% were entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial character was tested through 22 items of the Entrepreneurial Character Scale (Husna, Zahra & Haq, 2018), while the conscientiousness personality trait was tested using the Language version of the Ten Item Personality Inventory by Gosling (Akhtar, 2018). The results of the study show that entrepreneurial character can be significantly explained by the conscientiousness personality trait by 22% (p≤0.05). Entrepreneurial character is related to entrepreneurial behavior and family characteristics (having entrepreneurial parents) among university graduates in Indonesia, but the entrepreneurial education factor is not significantly related to entrepreneurial character. Further studies are suggested to test more about Entrepreneurship Education in predicting entrepreneurial behavior and the effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education in fostering entrepreneurial interest and behavior. ABSTRAK Pengangguran di Indonesia sebesar 12% didominasi oleh lulusan perguruan tinggi (sarjana/diploma), sedangkan untuk menjadi negara maju di 2045 perlu tercapai rasio kewirausahan sebesar 4%. Untuk mencapai rasio tersebut, pemerintah mendorong perguruan tinggi untuk mengarahkan lulusan untuk menjadi wirausahawan. Upaya

Psyche 165 Journal
Siswa SMK masih termasuk dalam tahap perkembangan remaja, dimana pada tahap ini remaja masih menc... more Siswa SMK masih termasuk dalam tahap perkembangan remaja, dimana pada tahap ini remaja masih mencari identitasnya yang merupakan masa peralihan dari tahap perkembangan anak menuju dewasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepercayaan diri dengan kesiapan kerja pada siswa kelas XII di SMK X Padang. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah kepercayaan diri dan variable terikatnya adalah kesiapan kerja. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah skala kepercayaan diri dan skala kesiapan kerja. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah teknik probability random sampling yaitu teknik penentuan sampel diambil berdasarkan dari tabel Isaac dan Michael dengan taraf kekeliruan 10% sehingga sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 108 siswa di SMK X Padang. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Cronbach Alpha. Hasil koefisien validitas pada skala kepercayaan diri dengan nilai corrected item-total correlation berkisar ant...

ANFUSINA: Journal of Psychology
The parenting style applied by both parents has a big influence on the child's development. T... more The parenting style applied by both parents has a big influence on the child's development. The low interaction between one or both parents in parenting has an impact on the poor attachment between parent and child. Dysfunctional parenting causes children to have low psychological well-being, less optimal and effective maternal care also has a significant impact on the child's mental and emotional development. Good parenting will reduce the damage to the child's social skills and he can be accepted by his peer environment. This study aims to increase information and knowledge about positive parenting through positive parenting education training. The training module is structured around the positive parenting principles coined by John Gray. The research module was prepared based on the Russell method with a focus on content and empirical validation tests. The content validation test resulted in Aiken V values moving between 0.71 to 0.94 with a mean of 0.78, while the emp...

ANFUSINA: Journal of Psychology
Online counseling, or cyber counseling, or virtual counseling, is one of the new trends that has ... more Online counseling, or cyber counseling, or virtual counseling, is one of the new trends that has emerged since the COVID-19 pandemic. This trend is attached to teenagers aged 17 to 19 years who currently sit in college on average. Living side by side with technology, it is easy for them to keep up with these new developments. However, whether online counseling services, or cyber counseling, or virtual counseling, are able to reduce the most common anxiety symptoms that arise in individual mental health disorders. This type of research is a survey, which involves 172 students from XY University, West Sumatra which are divided into user and non-user groups of online counseling. Descriptive statistical analysis technique was used to see the difference in scores between the two groups. The results showed that the anxiety level in the online counseling user group was higher than the non-user group.Keywords: online counseling, anxiety scores, adolescents

Psyche 165 Journal
Relationship of Parenting Patterns With Entrepreneured Characters Graduations In Indonesia. There... more Relationship of Parenting Patterns With Entrepreneured Characters Graduations In Indonesia. There has been an increase in the number of educated unemployed who come from college graduates (diploma & bachelor degree), making the government encourage graduates to become entrepreneurs with various facilities and policies. However, not everyone has the will and ability to be entrepreneurial. The creation of entrepreneurship is not only influenced by environmental support, personal characteristics today are considered a significant variable influencing the creation of entrepreneurship. It is known that positive parenting that provides proper autonomy to children is related to the independent, courageous, and creative character that characterizes entrepreneurship. This study aims to determine whether the (authoritative) parenting style is positively related to the entrepreneurial character of Indonesian university graduates. This study is a non-experimental correlational quantitative surv...

Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati
ABSTRACT: THE EFECTIVENESS OF SELF-DETERMINATION LEARNING MODEL OF INSTRUCTION IN IMPROVING SOCIA... more ABSTRACT: THE EFECTIVENESS OF SELF-DETERMINATION LEARNING MODEL OF INSTRUCTION IN IMPROVING SOCIAL PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS ON SLOW-LEARNER STUDENT The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of SDLMI program (Self-Determination Learning Model of Instruction)in increasing social problem solving skills for slow-learner. This research used single subject design that involved a 14 years old male student with a borderline defective intelligent quotient (Full Scale IQ = 73, Wechsler Scale). The program effectiveness was measured by comparing pretest and posttest SDLMI score.This study found that SDLMI was significant to increase social problem solving skills in male slow learner student. Participant could also maintain social problem-solving skill for one week after problem solving instruction was given. Furthermore, educations about SDLMI need to be given for parents and teacher who struggle with special-need or slow-learner students. Keywords: Slow-learner, Social Problem...
Papers by Risanita Fardian Farid