Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS)
The article aims to analyze the forms of role of community in the efforts to support the attainme... more The article aims to analyze the forms of role of community in the efforts to support the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals Village of clean water and sanitation. The study used perspective review over community participation by Keith Davis to take an approach over the problem. The data were collected through documentation and filling in the questionnaires by 158 households of Talontam village. The data were analyzed by using quantitative descriptive approach. The result of the study showed that to attain the sixth of Sustainable Development Goals village community who did not have access to clean water and sanitation participated in the forms of labor, idea, goods, and money that were executed in a form of saving money to build shallow borehole, hand-washing facilities, standard enclosed septic tanks and sanitations; building rainwater tanks; purchasing water filter; relocating septic tank; reusing used containers for hand washing; and participating in health counseling. T...
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Strategi digital marketing sangat penting dilakukan sebagai strategi untuk meningkatkan penjualan... more Strategi digital marketing sangat penting dilakukan sebagai strategi untuk meningkatkan penjualan. Saat ini ini menjalin komunikasi efektif dengan pelanggan menjadi suatu keharusan sehingga dapat memahami pelanggan. Ve Bordir dan Sulaman melakukan promosi dengan berbasis konten untuk menciptakan dan mendistribusikan konten yang bernilai dan menarik dengan tujuan mengajak, memperoleh, dan melibatkan target sasaran yang jelas dan dipahami agar dapat mendorong tindakan pelanggan yang menguntungkan. Metode yang dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan dengan tiga tahapan, pertama tahap persiapan, yaitu diawali melakukan koordinasi kegiatan, mengurus perizinan, pembuatan spanduk kegiatan, menyiapkan materi dan membuat jadwal kegiatan dan mempersiapkan sarana dan prasarana yang dibutuhkan. Tahap kedua, implementasi dan kegiatan, kegiatan ini dilakukan selama 3 hari. Hari pertama, sosialisasi untuk memberikan materi terkait strategi digital marketing berbasis konten. Hari ...
Penelitian ini berjudul Empirical Study pada Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Risiko Sistematis ... more Penelitian ini berjudul Empirical Study pada Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Risiko Sistematis Saham (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan yang Bergerak pada Sektor Keuangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2017-2018). Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Menganalisis signifikansi pengaruh leverage terhadap risiko sistematis saham perusahaan.2) Menganalisis signifikansi pengaruh firm size terhadap risiko sistematis saham perusahaan. 3) Menganalisis signifikansi pengaruh profitabilitas terhadap risiko sistematis saham perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang keuangan pada Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2018, sedangkan pemilihan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purphosive sampling yaitu pemilihan sampel berdasarkan kriteria tertentu. Meetodologi penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) uji instrumen penelitian meliputi uji validitas dan reliabilitas, 2) uji asumsi k...
This study aims to analyze 1) the effect of household consumption, investment, government spendin... more This study aims to analyze 1) the effect of household consumption, investment, government spending and net exports on Indonesia's economic growth, 2) the effect of interest rates, inflation and economic growth on investment, 3) the effect of inflation and foreign income on Indonesia's net exports. The type of data used is quarterly secondary data from 2015-2020. Sources of data obtained from BPS, BI and Bappenas. This research uses simultaneous equation model analysis in the form of two stage least square (2SLS), identification test and reduce form. The results of this study are 1). household consumption, investment, and net exports have a significant effect on Indonesia's economic growth. However, government spending has no significant effect on economic growth. 2). interest rates and economic growth have a significant effect on investment. However, the inflation rate has no significant effect on investment. 3) the exchange rate has a significant effect on net exports b...
Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PPKM) ini bertujuan agar supaya anggota karang taruna memil... more Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PPKM) ini bertujuan agar supaya anggota karang taruna memiliki kemampuan manajemen wirausaha sehingga ada kelangsungan usaha, yang pada akhirnya bisa meningkatkan pendapatan khalayak sasaran kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah karang taruna di Kelurahan Manahan Kecamatan Banjarsari Kota Surakarta. Metode penyuluhan antara lain ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab. Rencana kegiatan penyuluhan dilakukan satu kali pertemuan, berupa pelatihan pemasaran online. Luaran dari kegiatan ini adalah Karang taruna mempunyai ketrampilan pemasaran online Transfer iptek yang diselenggarakan ini bertujuan agar karang taruna memiliki ketrampilan pemasaran online dan masuk proceeding Kata kunci : Pelatihan, pemasaran online, karang taruna.
ABSTRAK Reading adalah salah satu keahlian yang penting dipelajari oleh siswa selain listening, s... more ABSTRAK Reading adalah salah satu keahlian yang penting dipelajari oleh siswa selain listening, speaking, and writing. Dengan reading siswa bisa menambah ilmu pengetahuannya. Dalam makalah ini, penulis membahas “ Strate g y Cli n k-Clunk d an Classwide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) ” , sebagai salah satu strategy dalam pengajaran reading pada teks narrative untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam reading . Dalam penggunaan strategi ini, siswa diberikan sebuah teks dan mereka diminta untuk menemukan kata-kata yang tidak mereka mengerti (Clunk) dan kata-kata yang dimengerti (Clink) . Setelah mendefinisikan semua kata yang dipilih dari teks, siswa diminta untuk duduk berpasangan, dan siswa mendiskusikan teks tersebut. Dimana masing-masing mereka memberikan penilaian terhadap hasil jawaban dari setiap pasangan, di dalam pasangan dibagi menjadi tutor dan tutee, tutor memberikan penilaian dua poin kepada tutee tiap jawaban yang benar dan jawaban yang salah di berikan satu poin proses ini dilaku...
The Zamrud Area is designated as a National Park through the Decree of the Minister of Environmen... more The Zamrud Area is designated as a National Park through the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry No. 350/ Menlhk/Setjen/PLA.2/5/2016 Year 2016. Within this area there are two lakes namely Pulau Besar Lake and Bawah Lake and have a diversity of flora and fauna. In the area of the Zamrud National Park, there are fishing communities who have been fishing for generations since the 70s, “mandah” and living in the area, and are involved in guarding and protecting the area from the threat of illegal logging and protected bird catching. The research approach used is qualitative. Research informants were taken based on criteria, namely to obtain a complete picture of the actions of traditional fishermen in securing and protecting the Zamrud National Park. The results showed that the forms of security measures taken by traditional fishermen in preserving the Zamrud National Park were: 1) Conducting river patrols, 2) Disseminating regional regulations, 3) Reprimanding visitors w...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemandirian belajar, motivasi kerja dan penga... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemandirian belajar, motivasi kerja dan pengalaman on the job training terhadap kesiapan kerja siswa pelatihan BLK baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Sampel penelitian peserta pelatihan Angkatan III Tahun 2018 di BLK Purworejo dan BLK Kebumen sebanyak 262 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode. Pengujian prasyarat analisis meliputi uji linieritas dan uji multikolinieritas. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah untuk hipotesis pertama yaitu dengan uji F dan analisis regresi ganda, untuk hipotesis kedua,ketiga dan keempat menggunakan korelasi parsial dan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1)Kemandirian Belajar, Motivasi Kerja dan Pengalaman On The Job Training secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kesiapan Kerja Siswa(2) Kemandirian belajar berpengaruh positif terhadap posifif dan signifikan terhadap Kesiapan Kerja (3) Motivasi Kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kesiapan ...
Every year the government allocate substanstial amount of budget for road construction, bettermen... more Every year the government allocate substanstial amount of budget for road construction, betterment and maintenance all over Indonesia either in national roads or provincial/ regency/ city roads due to early road deterioration. Such early roads deterioration also exists in Banten Province. This research is intended to analyze whether the implementation of quality standard met the technical specification and to analyze the most dominant variable determining road work quality using principal analysis component. Data collection from the respondents was conducted by distributing questionnaires related to road works in Serang-Pandeglang link containing 22 statements expressing 5 variables, i.e. human resources, road materials, equipments, construction method and material testing. Results show that one of 22 statements was not statistically valid and was therefore removed. After descriptive analysis, it was generally found that only about 40-60% of the respondents always/ almost always conduct 21 statments in the questionnaire. This indicates that both contractor and supervision consultant were not consistently implementing quality standard and therefore did not meet the technical specification. Based on factor analysis using principal component analysis, three factors influencing implementation of quality standard of road work were extracted. In factor 1, the most influencing sub variable was calibrating all equipments, conducting mix design and ensuring readiness of equipments (loading factor 0.811). In factor 2, the most influencing sub variable was conducting at least two number of passes of final compaction (loading factor of 0.788). In factor 3, the most influencing sub variable was testing of mix design to find values of stability, void, asphalt content, flow and density (loading factor of 0.860).
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2019
Traditional ecological knowledge and biodiversity conservation can support one another for manage... more Traditional ecological knowledge and biodiversity conservation can support one another for management of national parks in Indonesia as some such areas established in customary areas. This quantitative ethnobotany study aims to find the correlation of traditional ecological knowledge of medicinal plants of the Dayak Krayan people to biodiversity conservation in Kayan Mentarang National Park (KMNP), North Kalimantan, Indonesia. The research method used key informant interviews, transect walks, and questionnaire interviews. There were about 51 and 42 medicinal plants in Wa' Yagung and Pa' Padi respectively, which most used in life form of herb and tree, and to treat digestive system and infestations. Moreover, the important species are trees Alstonia scholaris and Cinnamomum cuspidatum, and vine Aristolochia sp. which grow in primary forest, while shrub Melastoma malabathricum in young secondary forest. There were significant differences in knowledge and use regarding age and gender groups, which older groups tend to possess higher values. The linking concept is proposed by using a review of three stimuli NUR (Natural-Usefulness-Religious) pro-conservation tool of traditional ecological knowledge and biodiversity conservation. The authorities' stakeholders in KMNP will have to emphasize the traditional ecological knowledge in short or long-term management plan to achieve the objective of collaborative management in this national park.
This research was case study in Modjopanggoong Sugar Mill Tulungagung. And the title was ” the us... more This research was case study in Modjopanggoong Sugar Mill Tulungagung. And the title was ” the using of audit of the human resources to increase the work productivity employees in production unit of Modjopanggoong Sugar Mill ”. The purpose of this research was to know whether the employees in production unit of Modjopanggoong Sugar Mill tulungagung had gotten good productivity which was assessed by auditing of human resources function. Furthemore, the technique of research analysis used phases to audit the human resources. Those were introduction survey, introduction research, detail testing, developing, researching the audit founding and reporting. From the result of analysis and discussion showed that the role of internal auditor was not optimal yet all this time, especially for the audit of the human resources which was had the company whereas internal auditor has important role. Therefore, the internal auditor position must be able to keep indepedency level in auditing process. This condition was not found in Modjopanggoong Sugar Mill Tulungagung because the internal auditor position was not in direct reponsibility to the managing director. Then, the productivity of total employees beetwen target and production realization which was not realized was 0,4 % in 2006, the index productivity was 0,4 % in 2006. And it was counted by using the analysis of index productivity. From the analysis above it was valued that productivity level was not achieved optimally. This condition could be seen from index productivity that taken down. And it was caused by deviation of production which was not realized. If it was compared the expexted target, eventhough the company increase the imployees. Based on the conclusion above the researcher could implicate that it was better the company management to be more able to optimal the internal audit role. So the company could evaluate the productivity level of human resources progress. And productivity level, controlling and manpower planning could be achieved directly or indirecly that related with the production in order to get positive synergy for the progression of the company optimally.
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS)
The article aims to analyze the forms of role of community in the efforts to support the attainme... more The article aims to analyze the forms of role of community in the efforts to support the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals Village of clean water and sanitation. The study used perspective review over community participation by Keith Davis to take an approach over the problem. The data were collected through documentation and filling in the questionnaires by 158 households of Talontam village. The data were analyzed by using quantitative descriptive approach. The result of the study showed that to attain the sixth of Sustainable Development Goals village community who did not have access to clean water and sanitation participated in the forms of labor, idea, goods, and money that were executed in a form of saving money to build shallow borehole, hand-washing facilities, standard enclosed septic tanks and sanitations; building rainwater tanks; purchasing water filter; relocating septic tank; reusing used containers for hand washing; and participating in health counseling. T...
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Strategi digital marketing sangat penting dilakukan sebagai strategi untuk meningkatkan penjualan... more Strategi digital marketing sangat penting dilakukan sebagai strategi untuk meningkatkan penjualan. Saat ini ini menjalin komunikasi efektif dengan pelanggan menjadi suatu keharusan sehingga dapat memahami pelanggan. Ve Bordir dan Sulaman melakukan promosi dengan berbasis konten untuk menciptakan dan mendistribusikan konten yang bernilai dan menarik dengan tujuan mengajak, memperoleh, dan melibatkan target sasaran yang jelas dan dipahami agar dapat mendorong tindakan pelanggan yang menguntungkan. Metode yang dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan dengan tiga tahapan, pertama tahap persiapan, yaitu diawali melakukan koordinasi kegiatan, mengurus perizinan, pembuatan spanduk kegiatan, menyiapkan materi dan membuat jadwal kegiatan dan mempersiapkan sarana dan prasarana yang dibutuhkan. Tahap kedua, implementasi dan kegiatan, kegiatan ini dilakukan selama 3 hari. Hari pertama, sosialisasi untuk memberikan materi terkait strategi digital marketing berbasis konten. Hari ...
Penelitian ini berjudul Empirical Study pada Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Risiko Sistematis ... more Penelitian ini berjudul Empirical Study pada Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Risiko Sistematis Saham (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan yang Bergerak pada Sektor Keuangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2017-2018). Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Menganalisis signifikansi pengaruh leverage terhadap risiko sistematis saham perusahaan.2) Menganalisis signifikansi pengaruh firm size terhadap risiko sistematis saham perusahaan. 3) Menganalisis signifikansi pengaruh profitabilitas terhadap risiko sistematis saham perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang keuangan pada Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2018, sedangkan pemilihan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purphosive sampling yaitu pemilihan sampel berdasarkan kriteria tertentu. Meetodologi penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) uji instrumen penelitian meliputi uji validitas dan reliabilitas, 2) uji asumsi k...
This study aims to analyze 1) the effect of household consumption, investment, government spendin... more This study aims to analyze 1) the effect of household consumption, investment, government spending and net exports on Indonesia's economic growth, 2) the effect of interest rates, inflation and economic growth on investment, 3) the effect of inflation and foreign income on Indonesia's net exports. The type of data used is quarterly secondary data from 2015-2020. Sources of data obtained from BPS, BI and Bappenas. This research uses simultaneous equation model analysis in the form of two stage least square (2SLS), identification test and reduce form. The results of this study are 1). household consumption, investment, and net exports have a significant effect on Indonesia's economic growth. However, government spending has no significant effect on economic growth. 2). interest rates and economic growth have a significant effect on investment. However, the inflation rate has no significant effect on investment. 3) the exchange rate has a significant effect on net exports b...
Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PPKM) ini bertujuan agar supaya anggota karang taruna memil... more Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PPKM) ini bertujuan agar supaya anggota karang taruna memiliki kemampuan manajemen wirausaha sehingga ada kelangsungan usaha, yang pada akhirnya bisa meningkatkan pendapatan khalayak sasaran kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah karang taruna di Kelurahan Manahan Kecamatan Banjarsari Kota Surakarta. Metode penyuluhan antara lain ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab. Rencana kegiatan penyuluhan dilakukan satu kali pertemuan, berupa pelatihan pemasaran online. Luaran dari kegiatan ini adalah Karang taruna mempunyai ketrampilan pemasaran online Transfer iptek yang diselenggarakan ini bertujuan agar karang taruna memiliki ketrampilan pemasaran online dan masuk proceeding Kata kunci : Pelatihan, pemasaran online, karang taruna.
ABSTRAK Reading adalah salah satu keahlian yang penting dipelajari oleh siswa selain listening, s... more ABSTRAK Reading adalah salah satu keahlian yang penting dipelajari oleh siswa selain listening, speaking, and writing. Dengan reading siswa bisa menambah ilmu pengetahuannya. Dalam makalah ini, penulis membahas “ Strate g y Cli n k-Clunk d an Classwide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) ” , sebagai salah satu strategy dalam pengajaran reading pada teks narrative untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam reading . Dalam penggunaan strategi ini, siswa diberikan sebuah teks dan mereka diminta untuk menemukan kata-kata yang tidak mereka mengerti (Clunk) dan kata-kata yang dimengerti (Clink) . Setelah mendefinisikan semua kata yang dipilih dari teks, siswa diminta untuk duduk berpasangan, dan siswa mendiskusikan teks tersebut. Dimana masing-masing mereka memberikan penilaian terhadap hasil jawaban dari setiap pasangan, di dalam pasangan dibagi menjadi tutor dan tutee, tutor memberikan penilaian dua poin kepada tutee tiap jawaban yang benar dan jawaban yang salah di berikan satu poin proses ini dilaku...
The Zamrud Area is designated as a National Park through the Decree of the Minister of Environmen... more The Zamrud Area is designated as a National Park through the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry No. 350/ Menlhk/Setjen/PLA.2/5/2016 Year 2016. Within this area there are two lakes namely Pulau Besar Lake and Bawah Lake and have a diversity of flora and fauna. In the area of the Zamrud National Park, there are fishing communities who have been fishing for generations since the 70s, “mandah” and living in the area, and are involved in guarding and protecting the area from the threat of illegal logging and protected bird catching. The research approach used is qualitative. Research informants were taken based on criteria, namely to obtain a complete picture of the actions of traditional fishermen in securing and protecting the Zamrud National Park. The results showed that the forms of security measures taken by traditional fishermen in preserving the Zamrud National Park were: 1) Conducting river patrols, 2) Disseminating regional regulations, 3) Reprimanding visitors w...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemandirian belajar, motivasi kerja dan penga... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemandirian belajar, motivasi kerja dan pengalaman on the job training terhadap kesiapan kerja siswa pelatihan BLK baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Sampel penelitian peserta pelatihan Angkatan III Tahun 2018 di BLK Purworejo dan BLK Kebumen sebanyak 262 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode. Pengujian prasyarat analisis meliputi uji linieritas dan uji multikolinieritas. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah untuk hipotesis pertama yaitu dengan uji F dan analisis regresi ganda, untuk hipotesis kedua,ketiga dan keempat menggunakan korelasi parsial dan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1)Kemandirian Belajar, Motivasi Kerja dan Pengalaman On The Job Training secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kesiapan Kerja Siswa(2) Kemandirian belajar berpengaruh positif terhadap posifif dan signifikan terhadap Kesiapan Kerja (3) Motivasi Kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kesiapan ...
Every year the government allocate substanstial amount of budget for road construction, bettermen... more Every year the government allocate substanstial amount of budget for road construction, betterment and maintenance all over Indonesia either in national roads or provincial/ regency/ city roads due to early road deterioration. Such early roads deterioration also exists in Banten Province. This research is intended to analyze whether the implementation of quality standard met the technical specification and to analyze the most dominant variable determining road work quality using principal analysis component. Data collection from the respondents was conducted by distributing questionnaires related to road works in Serang-Pandeglang link containing 22 statements expressing 5 variables, i.e. human resources, road materials, equipments, construction method and material testing. Results show that one of 22 statements was not statistically valid and was therefore removed. After descriptive analysis, it was generally found that only about 40-60% of the respondents always/ almost always conduct 21 statments in the questionnaire. This indicates that both contractor and supervision consultant were not consistently implementing quality standard and therefore did not meet the technical specification. Based on factor analysis using principal component analysis, three factors influencing implementation of quality standard of road work were extracted. In factor 1, the most influencing sub variable was calibrating all equipments, conducting mix design and ensuring readiness of equipments (loading factor 0.811). In factor 2, the most influencing sub variable was conducting at least two number of passes of final compaction (loading factor of 0.788). In factor 3, the most influencing sub variable was testing of mix design to find values of stability, void, asphalt content, flow and density (loading factor of 0.860).
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2019
Traditional ecological knowledge and biodiversity conservation can support one another for manage... more Traditional ecological knowledge and biodiversity conservation can support one another for management of national parks in Indonesia as some such areas established in customary areas. This quantitative ethnobotany study aims to find the correlation of traditional ecological knowledge of medicinal plants of the Dayak Krayan people to biodiversity conservation in Kayan Mentarang National Park (KMNP), North Kalimantan, Indonesia. The research method used key informant interviews, transect walks, and questionnaire interviews. There were about 51 and 42 medicinal plants in Wa' Yagung and Pa' Padi respectively, which most used in life form of herb and tree, and to treat digestive system and infestations. Moreover, the important species are trees Alstonia scholaris and Cinnamomum cuspidatum, and vine Aristolochia sp. which grow in primary forest, while shrub Melastoma malabathricum in young secondary forest. There were significant differences in knowledge and use regarding age and gender groups, which older groups tend to possess higher values. The linking concept is proposed by using a review of three stimuli NUR (Natural-Usefulness-Religious) pro-conservation tool of traditional ecological knowledge and biodiversity conservation. The authorities' stakeholders in KMNP will have to emphasize the traditional ecological knowledge in short or long-term management plan to achieve the objective of collaborative management in this national park.
This research was case study in Modjopanggoong Sugar Mill Tulungagung. And the title was ” the us... more This research was case study in Modjopanggoong Sugar Mill Tulungagung. And the title was ” the using of audit of the human resources to increase the work productivity employees in production unit of Modjopanggoong Sugar Mill ”. The purpose of this research was to know whether the employees in production unit of Modjopanggoong Sugar Mill tulungagung had gotten good productivity which was assessed by auditing of human resources function. Furthemore, the technique of research analysis used phases to audit the human resources. Those were introduction survey, introduction research, detail testing, developing, researching the audit founding and reporting. From the result of analysis and discussion showed that the role of internal auditor was not optimal yet all this time, especially for the audit of the human resources which was had the company whereas internal auditor has important role. Therefore, the internal auditor position must be able to keep indepedency level in auditing process. This condition was not found in Modjopanggoong Sugar Mill Tulungagung because the internal auditor position was not in direct reponsibility to the managing director. Then, the productivity of total employees beetwen target and production realization which was not realized was 0,4 % in 2006, the index productivity was 0,4 % in 2006. And it was counted by using the analysis of index productivity. From the analysis above it was valued that productivity level was not achieved optimally. This condition could be seen from index productivity that taken down. And it was caused by deviation of production which was not realized. If it was compared the expexted target, eventhough the company increase the imployees. Based on the conclusion above the researcher could implicate that it was better the company management to be more able to optimal the internal audit role. So the company could evaluate the productivity level of human resources progress. And productivity level, controlling and manpower planning could be achieved directly or indirecly that related with the production in order to get positive synergy for the progression of the company optimally.
Papers by Rina Susanti