Drafts by Rina Marina Masri

The river is a natural detail that serves to drain the water from upstream to downstream. River f... more The river is a natural detail that serves to drain the water from upstream to downstream. River flow is affected by several natural and man-made components. Flood phenomena a reason to know the value of the contribution of components of the discharge. Analysis of the main components of river discharge in the research conducted to address the causes of flooding that harm life and property. Data collection and processing streamflow, precipitation, volume of waste, drainage building dimensions, the volume of sediment and land use over a period of 10 years was obtained from the study sites. The research method is descriptive and quantitative percentage of principal component analysis is used to obtain the sequence of the components cause changes in flood discharge. The analysis showed precipitation components worth 50.702 % of the discharge, the volume of waste 23.776 %, 16.664 % drainage, sedimentation volume of 8.354 % and 0.503 % of land use. The order of the values is the biggest component causing flooding rainfall , waste management , drainage , sedimentation volume and land use at the sites. Information major components cause flooding can be used as an academic paper to enhance regulation and legislation as well as the preparation of programs and projects priority scale for flood prevention.
Papers by Rina Marina Masri

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The purpose of research were (1) a conceptual, functional model designed and implementation for e... more The purpose of research were (1) a conceptual, functional model designed and implementation for environmental management and monitoring for education building development, (2) standard operational procedure made for management and monitoring for education building development, (3) assessed physic-chemical, biological, social-economic environmental components so that fulfilling sustainable development, (4) environmental management and monitoring program made for decreasing negative and increasing positive impact in education building development activities. Descriptive method is used for the research. Cibiru UPI Campus, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia was study location. The research was conducted on July 2016 to January 2017. Spatial and activities analysis were used to assess physic-chemical, biological, social-economic environmental components. Environmental management and monitoring for education building development could be decreasing water, air, soil pollution and environmental degradation in education building development activities.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
The purpose of research were: (1) exploring gridding method for making topographic maps, (2) inve... more The purpose of research were: (1) exploring gridding method for making topographic maps, (2) inventing terrain model that producing from 3D data, (3) structuring standard operational procedure for making topographic maps, (4) producing topographic maps from terrestrial surveying data, digital terrain model, computer aided mapping and satellite imagery, (5) evaluating topographic maps which produced. The research is using descriptive method. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia was research location. The research was conducted on September 2017 to December 2017. Geometric calculation is used to calculate abscissa, ordinate and height information, using spreadsheet. Topographic map which was producing contour line from digital terrain model software, satellite imagery from internet, line map from computer aided mapping software could be more accurate and effective than conventional and analog method.
Jurnal Abmas, Nov 19, 2021
Penataan lahan dan bangunan perkotaan menggunakan sistem informasi geografis berbasis komputer ..... more Penataan lahan dan bangunan perkotaan menggunakan sistem informasi geografis berbasis komputer .... (Iskandar Muda P.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Nov 1, 2019
Multi-criteria evaluation method is a method that can be used in making decisions by making compl... more Multi-criteria evaluation method is a method that can be used in making decisions by making complex issues into simple. GIS (Geographic Information System) is a tool that has a positive impact in the scientific decision-making process of planning for program development activities. Decision-making by integrating the multi-criteria evaluation with GIS has significant potential for the complexity of making a decision. The study of literature of this article focuses on the discussion of multi-criteria evaluation based on GIS. The purpose of writing this article is to organize and classify articles decisions using GIS-based MCDA. Based on the results of the study, determining the location of the housing using GIS-based multicriteria evaluation became the topic most widely presented. GIS-based multicriteria evaluation gave the result of decisions capable of precise, fast and effective.

Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan
This article aims to evaluate group learning in the field of Civil Engineering and environmental ... more This article aims to evaluate group learning in the field of Civil Engineering and environmental science in the 21st-century learning system. The 21st-century learning system is designed for the 21st-century generation to keep up with the latest technological developments. Survey and mapping learning systems in pandemic conditions have adopted and implemented 21st-century learning systems, but detailed and precise information has not been studied. The research method used is the descriptive quantitative method. The participants of this study are Civil Engineering students. The pretest and posttest questions were used to collect data related to the comprehension test by giving a test via the google form link. The results showed an increase in understanding of the 21st-century learning system. The value of Civil Engineering students' knowledge about the 21st-century learning system increased. This illustrates that delivering material about the 21st-century learning system is quite...

Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan
The purpose of writing this article is to determine the level of Civil Engineering capacity in th... more The purpose of writing this article is to determine the level of Civil Engineering capacity in the development of green buildings to realize sustainable development. Civil engineering really considers advances in transportation technology, environmental changes such as climate, soil structure and natural disasters as well as the development of green buildings to realize sustainable development. Civil engineering is used to design and oversee the construction of infrastructure. However, the facts on the ground show that there are still many who think that the construction of green buildings is not the responsibility of civil engineering personnel but the responsibility of spatial planning personnel. Constraints from the unaccommodated green building by civil engineering personnel of UPI Bandung gave rise to the author's idea to conduct an evaluation of green building development to increase the capacity of Civil Engineering in realizing sustainable development. The activity metho...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
The purpose of research were (1) a conceptual, functional model designed and implementation for r... more The purpose of research were (1) a conceptual, functional model designed and implementation for railway geometric design, (2) standard operational procedure made for railway geometric design using satellite imagery and digital terrain model, (3) calculated geometric information on the railway route so that fulfilling geometric national and international standard, (4) horizontal alignment drawing presented on the railway route, (5) vertical alignment drawing presented on the railway route. This research uses a descriptive method. Study location in South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. July 2016 to January 2017 is when conducting research. Calculation of horizontal and vertical geometry information using spatial analysis. Horizontal and vertical geometric calculated on railway route based on satellite image and digital terrain model could be faster, easier and cheaper than terrestrial and analog method.
The objectives of research were (1) to design conceptual model and to build multi-criteria evalua... more The objectives of research were (1) to design conceptual model and to build multi-criteria evaluation for vocational school zone based on geographic information system (GIS), (2) creating database management system of vocational school zone based on GIS, (3) producing thematic map of vocational school zone based on GIS. The research is using descriptive method. The research population is physical, chemical, biological and environmental conditions. The sampling technique is purposive. Research instruments are measurement and mapping tools, questionnaires, observations, computer hardware and software. Primary data were taken by physical, chemical and biological environments. Secondary data taken are maps of soil texture, soil drainage, soil type, erosion, slope, the effective depth of soil and flooding. Spatial analysis is used to superimpose layers, using GIS software.

Agenda Pembangunan Berkelanjutan atau Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) sebagai kesepakatan pe... more Agenda Pembangunan Berkelanjutan atau Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) sebagai kesepakatan pembangunan global berisi seperangkat tujuan transformatif antara lain (1) Tidak ada kemiskinan dalam bentuk apapun di seluruh penjuru dunia, (2) Tidak ada lagi kelaparan, mencapai ketahanan pangan, perbaikan nutrisi, serta mendorong budidaya pertanian yangberkelanjutan, (3) Kesehatan yang baik dan Kesejahteraan yang menjamin kehidupan yang sehat serta mendorong kesejahteraan hidup untuk seluruh masyarakat di segala umur. Fakta di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa penanganan kemiskinan, kelaparan, kesehatan dan kesejahteraan hidup cenderung kurang efektif, terutama di masa pandemi Covid 19. Pondok pesantren sebagai lembaga pendidikan tidak hanya mengajarkan ilmu dan pengetahuan, namun membekali para santri dengan keterampilan kerja dan keterampilan sosial kemasyarakatan melalui pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Permasalahan pesantren perkotaan pada saat Pandemi Covid 19 semakin kompleks, sebagai lemb...

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
The rapid development of information and communication technology will deliver the public to the ... more The rapid development of information and communication technology will deliver the public to the changing era, including in the business industry. The global community is currently in a transition towards digital society which is characterized by intensive use of science, technology and humanities, integrated infrastructure that demands human resources to be able to creative and innovative in order to face the demands in the digital business era. The existence of these changes affect global trends in logistics business practices in the industry, including by the movement towards free markets and regional cooperation to expand markets. Market expectations also change as global competition in products and services pushes for higher standards, lower costs and increasingly diverse choices of customers in the market. Research is needed with a comprehensive qualitative approach, mechanism, and exploration of needs to be anticipated by university to become a center of excellence and contri...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2017
The purpose of research were (1) a conceptual, functional model designed and implementation for s... more The purpose of research were (1) a conceptual, functional model designed and implementation for spatial airports, (2) a causal, flow diagrams and mathematical equations made for airport activity, (3) obtained information on the conditions of space and activities at airports assessment, (4) the space and activities evaluation at airports based on national and international airport services standards, (5) options provided to improve the spatial and airport activities performance become the international standards airport. Descriptive method is used for the research. Husein Sastranegara Airport in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia was study location. The research was conducted on September 2015 to April 2016. A spatial analysis is used to obtain runway, taxiway and building airport geometric information. A system analysis is used to obtain the relationship between components in airports, dynamic simulation activity at airports and information on the results tables and graphs of dynamic model. Airport national and international standard could not be fulfilled by spatial and activity existing condition of Husein Sastranegara. Idea of re-location program is proposed as problem solving for constructing new airport which could be serving international air transportation.

Innovation of Vocational Technology Education, 2018
Education is one of the most important things to prepare for the competitive human resources in a... more Education is one of the most important things to prepare for the competitive human resources in achieving success in the era of globalization. The main source of the success of the national development of a country is the development of human resources. Vocational education is expected to be one form of education that is able to develop human resources. Vocational education is an education that prepares students to work in a particular field.This article aims to examine the aspect and sphere of research related to vocational education. The method used is the study of literature relating to research on vocational education as well as an analysis of several publications. The results show that there is a wide range of topics related to vocational training, ranging from models of learning, instructional media, graduate competence, motivation, teacher performance, the role of industry to the development of vocational education, teaching materials of vocational education, information syst...

2017 3rd International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech), 2017
The objective of researchs are (1) making matrix of a conceptual model, designing matrix of funct... more The objective of researchs are (1) making matrix of a conceptual model, designing matrix of functional model and system implementation for regional function, (2) making standard operational procedure for multi criteria evaluation of regional function using geographic information system, (3) superimposing slope, soil and rain fall layers to gain regional function using multi criteria evaluation, (4) produced thematic map of regional function in district region, (5) produced attribute table of regional function in district region. Descriptive and formal correlation method is used for the research. Garut was the research site. The study was done from January 2017 to May 2017. A overlay operation is used to the superimposed slope, soil and rain layers become a regional function. Multi criteria evaluation for regional function using geographic information system could be used for the spatial arrangement.
Forum Geografi, 2012
The objectives of research are: to evaluate land suitability for housing based on soil characteri... more The objectives of research are: to evaluate land suitability for housing based on soil characteristics; and to propose policy on the sustainable housing development in Bandung and West Land Bandung District. The method used in the spatial analysis is descriptive method based on several i.e. on data description of a case, circumstances, attitudes, relationships or a system of thought that became the object of research. The result of research as follows: 41.76% at fine zone residential lands, 44.81% at moderate zone residential good lands. Result of analysis give alternatives policies as set up the standardization the building coverage ratio, limited the conservation area to residential lands and others, increasing the conservation funding for decreasing natural accident disaster as flood, landslides etc.

2017 3rd International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech)
The objective of researchs are (1) making matrix of a conceptual model, designing matrix of funct... more The objective of researchs are (1) making matrix of a conceptual model, designing matrix of functional model and system implementation for regional function, (2) making standard operational procedure for multi criteria evaluation of regional function using geographic information system, (3) superimposing slope, soil and rain fall layers to gain regional function using multi criteria evaluation, (4) produced thematic map of regional function in district region, (5) produced attribute table of regional function in district region. Descriptive and formal correlation method is used for the research. Garut was the research site. The study was done from January 2017 to May 2017. A overlay operation is used to the superimposed slope, soil and rain layers become a regional function. Multi criteria evaluation for regional function using geographic information system could be used for the spatial arrangement.

Proceedings of the 6th UPI International Conference on TVET 2020 (TVET 2020), 2021
The education environment in Indonesia has actually been implementing online distance learning me... more The education environment in Indonesia has actually been implementing online distance learning methods for a long time, especially at universities. Several universities in Indonesia have started implementing the hybrid learning method for their students, which combines face-to-face lectures in classrooms with online learning through application provided by the University. However, in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, the whole learning method changed to an online learning method, which in its implementation, the use of online learning faced many challenges. Research is needed with a comprehensive qualitative approach, and exploration to find out the effectiveness of the implementation of online lectures through the platforms provided by the University and other platforms during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The results of the study are useful for improving and aiming at evaluating the strategy that has been implemented previously based on the results of research related to the effec...

Penyimpangan pembangunan perumahan terhadap penataan ruang di kawasan Bandung Utara secara faktua... more Penyimpangan pembangunan perumahan terhadap penataan ruang di kawasan Bandung Utara secara faktual didukung oleh data dan analisis keruangan. Tahapan-tahapan penelitian, yaitu : survei pendahuluan, pembuatan model konseptual dan instrumen, pengumpulan data dan validasi instrumen, pembuatan model fungsional, pemasukan data empirik dan simulasi, implementasi model awal, revisi model dan menguji validitas model, menguji sensitivitas model, penyusunan hasil dan merumuskan kebijakan. Tujuan penelitian yaitu : mengetahui faktor-faktor pemicu yang paling berpengaruh terhadap pembangunan perumahan, menyusun prediksi prioritas dampak penting hipotetik pembangunan perumahan berdasarkan pelingkupan, mengetahui dampak lingkungan pembangunan perumahan dan menyusun kebija kan rencana pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan di kawasan Bandung Utara berdasarkan analisis sensitivitas model sistem dinamis. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan analitik eksplanatoris. Penelitian dilakukan dari Mar...

RINA MARINA MASRI. The Study of Environmental Change in The Bad Zone for Residential (Case Study ... more RINA MARINA MASRI. The Study of Environmental Change in The Bad Zone for Residential (Case Study in North Bandung Area) under supervision of SANTUN R.P.SITORUS, KOOSWARDHONO MUDIKDJO, LILIK BUDI PRASETYO and HARTRISARI HARDJOMIDJOJO. Area in North Bandung have high value of economy as comfortable for living and suitable for plantation activity, so that phenomena of land conversion to be important issues to environmental change. The goal of the research is designing a model and policy for the sustainable house development in bad zone residential lands. The objectives of research are: to evaluate existing residential based on land use for housing; to find the causing factors why community choose to stay in the house development; to find the environmental changes; to design dynamic model for environmental changes and to propose the policy on the sustainable housing development in bad zone related to the environmental changes at North Bandung. The research has been done for 1 year since...
Drafts by Rina Marina Masri
Papers by Rina Marina Masri