Papers by Rikha Bramawanto

Sebagai negara pemilik garis pantai terpanjang ke-2 di dunia, dengan panjang 99.093 km, garam men... more Sebagai negara pemilik garis pantai terpanjang ke-2 di dunia, dengan panjang 99.093 km, garam menjadi salah satu hasil komoditas di Indonesia. Namun produksi garam Indonesia tidak termasuk 5 besar negarapenghasil garam terbesar di dunia. Cuaca merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi garam. Salah satu cara membantu petani garam meningkatkan jumlah produksi garam adalah denganmenggunakan alat pemantau cuaca yang dapat memberikan informasi cuaca di sekitar lahan tambak garam yang meliputi suhu, tekanan udara, kelembaban, kecepatan angin, arah angin dan curah hujan.yangdiperoleh melalui pengukuran langsung di lahan tambak garam dan hasil pengukurannya ditransmisikan secara daring sehingga dapat dimonitor dari mana saja. Kendala yang ada adalah alat pemantau cuacabiasanya dipasang ditempat tinggi seperti diatas atau menempel di bangunan gedung. Untuk mendukung pemasangan alat pemantau cuaca di lahan tambak garam, diperlukan tiang penyangga atau sup...

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) merupakan sebuah wahana atau robot bawah air yang dirancang untuk... more Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) merupakan sebuah wahana atau robot bawah air yang dirancang untuk mampu bergerak di dalam air. Permintaan ROV diprediksi akan semakin meningkat dimasa yang akan datang, karenanya perlu direspons dengan penyediaan suatu ROV yang mudah untuk dibangun dan dioperasikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain dan membangun suatu ROV yang mudah untuk diikuti proses pembuatannya dan mudah untuk dioperasikan sehingga ke depannya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan observasi. Remotely Operated Vehicle dirancang dengan dimensi panjang 311,89 mm, lebar 240 mm dan tinggi 180 mm. Remotely Operated Vehicle memiliki tiga motor penggerak dengan Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Speed Cotroller Module sebagai sistem kendali. Pengujian ROV dilakukan meliputi uji pergerakan dan uji manuver, dengan hasil menunjukkan bahwa ROV memiliki rata-rata kecepatan maju 0,26 m/s dengan waktu berputar 180° menuju portside selama 6,7 s dan berputar 180° menuju starboard selama 6,3 s, ser...
Springer proceedings in physics, 2023

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The Pangandaran Integrated Aquarium and Marine Research Institute (PIAMARI) was developed in Pang... more The Pangandaran Integrated Aquarium and Marine Research Institute (PIAMARI) was developed in Pangandaran, and is equipped with public aquarium facilities. The Main Aquarium is an oceanarium in the form of a box, with a volume of 1.238 million liters, and accommodates various marine biota. This paper aims to provide an overview of the life support system used and the aquatic communities in the Main Aquarium. An inventory of principal components and equipment, the composition of biota, plankton, and ectoparasites was conducted in the oceanarium. The Main Aquarium is supported by filtration using a sand filter, protein skimmer, and an ozone generator. Water quality is maintained using the filtration combined with partial water changes. There are nine species of fish, including sharks and rays, and two species of turtles that are kept in the oceanarium, where most of the collections are omnivores, with IUCN LC conservation status and the rest NT to CR. Seven plankton genera were identif...

JST (Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi)
The schooling aquarium is cylindrical public oceanarium facilities with 137,000 l volume at PIAMA... more The schooling aquarium is cylindrical public oceanarium facilities with 137,000 l volume at PIAMARI Aquarium, Pangandaran. There are not many discussions related to oceanariums in Indonesia and this paper describes the live support system design, biota communities, and management of fish keeping in a oceanarium. Inventarisation of fish species composition, plankton, ectoparasites, and diseases was conducted in this oceanarium, The Oceanarium uses artificial lighting and a recirculation system with a sump equipped with physical, biological, protein skimmers, and ozone generators. Partial water change is applied to maintain the water quality. This oceanarium is a place for 16 fish species types of omnivores, planktivores, and herbivorous originate from Pangandaran waters and belong to IUCN LC conservation status. The fish is well adapted to the oceanarium environment, and each species has different behaviors.. Ten genus of plankton were identified in the oceanarium with diversity belo...

Jurnal Kelautan Nasional
Produksi garam di Indonesia pada umumnya dilakukan secara tradisional dan sangat bergantung pada ... more Produksi garam di Indonesia pada umumnya dilakukan secara tradisional dan sangat bergantung pada kondisi iklim-cuaca. Akan tetapi, keberadaan informasi cuaca di sekitar lahan pegaraman masih sangat minim karena peralatan pemantau cuaca yang telah ada hanya dipasang di sekitar bandara, pelabuhan, perkebunan, dan persawahan, yang jauh dari lokasi tambak garam. Oleh karena itu, pemasangan alat pemantau cuaca di lingkungan tambak garam sangat diperlukan agar diperoleh informasi cuaca yang akurat dan real-time. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah merekayasa instrumen berbiaya murah melalui integrasi beberapa perangkat sensor, mikrokontroler, dan modul-modul elektronik pendukung lainnya, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai alat pemantau cuaca di lingkungan tambak garam dengan mekanisme pengiriman datanya melalui Short Message Service (SMS). Tahapan penelitiannya meliputi desain konseptual, pengumpulan data sekunder melalui studi literatur dan observasi lapangan, pembuatan desain, pembuatan prot...

IOP conference series, Nov 1, 2021
PUMMA is a real-time tide gauge that has been operating in several locations in Indonesia. One of... more PUMMA is a real-time tide gauge that has been operating in several locations in Indonesia. One of them was installed in a mangrove area of Pangandaran that supports both the fisheries and tourism sectors. Tidal dynamics is one of the factors that can affect fish abundance in the mangrove ecosystem. PUMMA Pangandaran monitors the water levels of the mangrove ecosystem in real-time 24/7 and produces CCTV images. This paper aims to analyze the performance of the PUMMA in Pangandaran based on data from water level measurements and image quality from CCTV. The results show that the tidal range in the waters of the mangrove ecosystem in Pangandaran is 1.3 m, with the maximum and minimum high tides being 0.79 m and -0.53 m. The tidal type in the mangrove ecosystem in Pangandaran is semidiurnal and affected by geometry of the estuary. The water level in the mangrove area was influenced by sediments that form a sandbar at the mouth of the Ciputrapinggan River, which controls the fluxes of seawater. There is a data gap of 368 hours during the operation period of PUMMA, and mostly due to technical problems that often occurred at the beginning of the installation. However, after March and April, its performance was improved with only three hours data gap. For the quality of CCTV images, good quality contributed to about 76.67% and only 5.06% on bad quality. Overall, PUMMA’s performance showed excellent reliability in monitoring the water levels and the conditions of the mangrove ecosystem.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The current national salt demand in 2021 is 4.6 million tons, 84% of it: for manufacturing purpos... more The current national salt demand in 2021 is 4.6 million tons, 84% of it: for manufacturing purposes. The volume of imported salt reaches 50.29 percent of the national saltavailability. This high import is caused by lack of the industrial salt. In the 2020-2024 RPJMN, the total national salt production target in 2021 is 3 million tons, not enough, due to the natural conditions of high rainfall. KKP and Kemenkomarves are targeting to increase production through intensification and extensification of salt pond land, which is planned to be carried out in Flores and Sumbawa. However, according to our rough calculation, to meet the amount of national salt need, if the choice is the extensification: this will need 20 thousand hectares of newponds. This is hard option to proceed, because there are obstacles: limited land, not all types of land can be used for salt farming, high costs, long land clearing time, and dependence on weather. Plus, the negative impact on the environment from the l...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
PUMMA is a real-time tide gauge that has been operating in several locations in Indonesia. One of... more PUMMA is a real-time tide gauge that has been operating in several locations in Indonesia. One of them was installed in a mangrove area of Pangandaran that supports both the fisheries and tourism sectors. Tidal dynamics is one of the factors that can affect fish abundance in the mangrove ecosystem. PUMMA Pangandaran monitors the water levels of the mangrove ecosystem in real-time 24/7 and produces CCTV images. This paper aims to analyze the performance of the PUMMA in Pangandaran based on data from water level measurements and image quality from CCTV. The results show that the tidal range in the waters of the mangrove ecosystem in Pangandaran is 1.3 m, with the maximum and minimum high tides being 0.79 m and -0.53 m. The tidal type in the mangrove ecosystem in Pangandaran is semidiurnal and affected by geometry of the estuary. The water level in the mangrove area was influenced by sediments that form a sandbar at the mouth of the Ciputrapinggan River, which controls the fluxes of se...

AIP Conference Proceedings
Based on data obtained from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries reported by more Based on data obtained from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries reported by, in 2021, Indonesia will import 3.07 million tons of salt. This is because the stock from local salt farmers is insufficient and does not meet the quality for industrial salt standards. Variables that affect the amount of salt production and quality in Indonesia are Nino 3.4, negative Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). These two variables will affect the dry season that will occur in the form of wet or dry drought. If the dry season is wet, the national salt production will decrease which will result in crop failure. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has predicted national salt using several methods. However, the results of the salt prediction are still not able to approach the number of predictions of national salt accurately. Thus, in this study, the Average-Based Fuzzy Time Series method was used.

Jurnal Kelautan Nasional
Penduduk Indonesia yang tinggal di kawasan pesisir belum seluruhnya mendapatkan akses air tawar y... more Penduduk Indonesia yang tinggal di kawasan pesisir belum seluruhnya mendapatkan akses air tawar yang bersih dan layak konsumsi. Bantuan Pemerintah berupa alat desalinasi air laut berteknologi tinggi seperti sea water reverse osmosis, seringkali terkendala dalam pengoperasiannya. Salah satu alat desalinasi air laut paling sederhana dan mudah diterapkan oleh masyarakat pesisir adalah solar water distiller. Project ini mengaplikasikan konsep passive solar still konvensional yang ditambahkan alat pemanas air sederhana untuk meningkatkan laju evaporasi. Makalah ini menyajikan proses pembuatan alat tersebut mulai dari desain, pemilihan bahan, fabrikasi hingga pengujiannya. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa alat destilasi air laut dengan penambahan pemanas air sederhana efektif meningkatkan suhu air laut/brine secara signifikan. Kondisi tersebut memicu efisiensi peningkatan laju evaporasi (>300% pada kondisi optimum) sehingga dapat meningkatkan kecepatan produksi air suling. Hasil pengamata...

Sebagai negara pemilik garis pantai terpanjang ke-2 di dunia, dengan panjang 99.093 km, garam men... more Sebagai negara pemilik garis pantai terpanjang ke-2 di dunia, dengan panjang 99.093 km, garam menjadi salah satu hasil komoditas di Indonesia. Namun produksi garam Indonesia tidak termasuk 5 besar negarapenghasil garam terbesar di dunia. Cuaca merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi garam. Salah satu cara membantu petani garam meningkatkan jumlah produksi garam adalah denganmenggunakan alat pemantau cuaca yang dapat memberikan informasi cuaca di sekitar lahan tambak garam yang meliputi suhu, tekanan udara, kelembaban, kecepatan angin, arah angin dan curah hujan.yangdiperoleh melalui pengukuran langsung di lahan tambak garam dan hasil pengukurannya ditransmisikan secara daring sehingga dapat dimonitor dari mana saja. Kendala yang ada adalah alat pemantau cuacabiasanya dipasang ditempat tinggi seperti diatas atau menempel di bangunan gedung. Untuk mendukung pemasangan alat pemantau cuaca di lahan tambak garam, diperlukan tiang penyangga atau sup...

Ocean current condition which is hypothized support potential fisheries in Teluk Bone is interest... more Ocean current condition which is hypothized support potential fisheries in Teluk Bone is interesting to be studied. This article presents the result of a simulation of the threedimensional hydrodynamics modeling, in order to understand the current circulation in Teluk Bone. Snapshots of the modeling produce the phenomena that occur in Southeast Monsun period (August 1-10, 2004) in order to match with data verification available. Sea surface elevation at spring tide is 0.0492 – 2.4140 meters. The speed velocity of surface current at same condition in range of 0.5x10 -3 – 12.25x10 -3 m/sec, with dominant direction alongshore of the east coast and then headed North and West. Downwelling occurs somewhere in west coast and upwelling occurs somewher in east coast. The vertical upwelling velocity is in range of 0,5x10 -3 - 3,5x10 -3 m/sec, while vertical downwelling velocity is in range of 0,5x10 -3 - 4,6x10 -3 m/sec. In this monsoon period, the velocity of surface current support of the m...

ABSTRAK Teluk Bone merupakan wilayah potensial perikanan yang menarik untuk dipelajari pola arusn... more ABSTRAK Teluk Bone merupakan wilayah potensial perikanan yang menarik untuk dipelajari pola arusnya. Artikel ini menyajikan hasil simulasi dari pemodelan hidrodinamika arus tiga dimensi dalam rangka memahami pola sirkulasi arus di Perairan Teluk Bone. Pemodelan menghasilkan penggambaran fenomena yang terjadi pada periode Monsun Tenggara (1-10 Agustus 2004) sesuai dengan ketersediaan data verifikasi. Elevasi permukaan laut pada kondisi Pasang Purnama adalah berkisar 0,0492-2,4140 meter. Sedangkan kecepatan arus permukaan pada kondisi yang sama berkisar 0,5x10-3-12,25x10-3 m/dt, dengan arah dominan menyusur pantai timur yang kemudian menuju ke arah Utara dan Barat. Peristiwa downwelling terjadi di beberapa lokasi di pantai barat dan upwelling di beberapa lokasi di pantai timur. Dimana kisaran kecepatan arus vertikal yang menuju ke atas adalah 0,5x10-3-3,5x10-3 m/dt, sedangkan kisaran kecepatan arus vertikal yang menuju ke bawah adalah 0,5x10-3-4,6x10-3 m/dt. Pada periode ini kondisi k...

Ocean current condition which is hypothized support potential fisheries in Teluk Bone is interest... more Ocean current condition which is hypothized support potential fisheries in Teluk Bone is interesting to be studied. This article presents the result of a simulation of the three-dimensional hydrodynamics modeling, in order to understand the current circulation in Teluk Bone. Snapshots of the modeling produce the phenomena that occur in Southeast Monsun period (August 1-10, 2004) in order to match with data verification available. Sea surface elevation at spring tide is 0.0492 – 2.4140 meters. The speed velocity of surface current at same condition in range of 0.5x10 -3 – 12.25x10 -3 m/sec, with dominant direction alongshore of the east coast and then headed North and West. Downwelling occurs somewhere in west coast and upwelling occurs somewher in east coast. The vertical upwelling velocity is in range of 0,5x10 -3 - 3,5x10 -3 m/sec, while vertical downwelling velocity is in range of 0,5x10 -3 - 4,6x10 -3 m/sec. In this monsoon period, the velocity of surface current support of the...

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 2015
The study of Pb, Cd, Cu, Hg, and As and Fe in Natuna coastal waters, Riau Islands was conducted i... more The study of Pb, Cd, Cu, Hg, and As and Fe in Natuna coastal waters, Riau Islands was conducted in November 2012. Water and sediment samples were collected from 35 stations by purposive sampling method and those heavy metals were analysed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, flame type (FAAS). The results showed that concentrations of total Pb, Cd, Cu, Hg, and As in surface water were below instrument detection limit (2 µg/L for Pb, Cd, and Cu; 0.02 µg/L for Hg and As). Moreover, the concentration of metal Fe in surface water was 0.021-0.054 mg/L. Concentrations of Pb and Cu in sediment were 0.05-22.67 mg/kg and 3.77-11.00 mg/kg, respectively, at which the highest concentrations were found near Binjai Estuary. Those concentrations were significantly below the standard levels set by CCME (2002) and ANZECC/ARMCANZ (2000). Concentration of Fe in sediment varied from 751.13-2309.12 mg/kg and showed similar spatial distribution to Cu-in-sediment. No standard level for Fe in waters was available. Generally, it can be concluded that Natuna coastal water was still uncontaminated.

DEPIK, 2014
Abstrak. Perairan Natuna, khususnya pada Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah (KKLD) I diprioritaskan u... more Abstrak. Perairan Natuna, khususnya pada Kawasan Konservasi Laut Daerah (KKLD) I diprioritaskan untuk mendukung kegiatan perikanan berkelanjutan, sehingga penting diketahui kualitasperairannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kualitas air berdasarkan parameter fisika maupun kimia sebagai basis data terkini mengenai kualitas perairan Natuna pada musim transisi. Penelitian dilakukan di 31 stasiun pada bulan November 2012. Parameter kualitas air yang diukur antara lain kecerahan, derajat keasaman (pH), oksigen terlarut, suhu, salinitas, padatan tersuspensi total atau Total Suspended Solids (TSS) dan nutrien (nitrat, fosfat, silikat). Parameter pH, oksigen terlarut, suhu, dan salinitas diukur secara in-situ menggunaan alat water quality meter (TOA-DKK), kecerahan diukur menggunakan secchi disk, sedangkan sampel air di bawa ke laboratorium untuk dianalisis konsentrasi nutrien dan TSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai kisaran kecerahan yaitu 2-20,9 (m), pH 8,09-8...
Invensi ini berhubungan dengan alat pengering garam dengan cara diputar pada sebuah drum dengan p... more Invensi ini berhubungan dengan alat pengering garam dengan cara diputar pada sebuah drum dengan penambahan hembusan udara panas pada berkisar 300oC, sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas garam.
Papers by Rikha Bramawanto