This research aims to find out the renewal of NU (nahdatul ulama)'s fatwa of Bahsul Masail ab... more This research aims to find out the renewal of NU (nahdatul ulama)'s fatwa of Bahsul Masail about the law of family planning (KB, keluarga Berencana, or family planning) in Indonesia, where it started from a law of haram, makruh, and halal. It specifies conditions through the maqasid shari'ah approach as a renewal of Islamic law. This study utilizes qualitative and descriptive analytical methods using a maqasid approach. In addition, the data that is obtained is analyzed descriptively by using deductive ideation methods. The results of this study are: 1) The reason for changing the legal fatwa on family planning( KB) from haram, makruh, and halal with condition is because of a new 'illat, namely the demands of the times. 2) Bahthul Masail NU agrees to the new fatwa under certain conditions. 3) The renewal of the new Family Planning Fatwa through the maqasid sharia approach can be carried out not only to avoid economic downturns but also to save the nation's children f...
The concept of al-darurah is a subject that has to be empowered and to be explored by students an... more The concept of al-darurah is a subject that has to be empowered and to be explored by students and scholars of Islamic studies. Al-darurah in Islamic finance is a concept that expend the theory of darurah from fiqh perspective and covered it from the perspective of darurah usuliyah as well. In Islamic finance, they applied the darurah concept such as in Tawarruq Munazam based products. Tawaruq Munazam has been ruled as not permissible by The International Council of Fiqh Academy of OIC in 2009 however it has been applied in Islamic banking in Malaysia based on the essential requirement in the current practise through Islamic products. Hence, a comprehensive and dynamic assement towards that application need to be applied to ensure that the application of darurah in Islamic finance not only align with the real concept of al-darurah but also meet the methodology of Islamic jurisprudence according to Maqasid al-Shariah. This article aimed to explain the concept of darurah in Islam in ...
Zakat adalah salah satu dari rukun Islam terpenting terutama yang berkaitan dengan Muamalat, deng... more Zakat adalah salah satu dari rukun Islam terpenting terutama yang berkaitan dengan Muamalat, dengan tujuan untuk menyucikan hati dan harta. Dalam membincangkan hukumhukum berkaitan zakat, banyak isu-isu berkaitan zakat yang timbul yang memerlukan kefahaman mendalam berkaitan tentang metodologi hukum Syariah dalam mengeluarkan hukum yang tuntas. Melihat kepada keadaan semasa, nampak seolah bahawa penekanan utama dalam soal zakat ialah jumlah kutipan, disamping beberapa silap faham lain dalam beberapa prinsip hukum berkaitan zakat, tanpa mendalami metodologi hukum sepertimana yang dibincangkan oleh mazhab Shafi‘i dan tanpa mengambil kira objektif utama/maqasid zakat. Menggunakan kajian kepustakaan sepenuhnya, kajian mendapati bahawa mazhabShafie mempunyai beberapa perbezaan dan keistimewaan dalam bidang zakat, seperti adanya konsep khultah yang dijuarai oleh ulama mazhab Shafi‘i dan konsep ini menjadi asas pengiraan bagi zakat perniagaan semasa bagi syarikat-syarikat dan perkongsian, ...
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau dan melihat perbezaan pandangan berhubung hukum spekulasi dal... more Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau dan melihat perbezaan pandangan berhubung hukum spekulasi dalam pasaran kewangan dan kedudukannya menurut perspektif Islam. Idea ini timbul ekoran daripada ketidaksepakatan dalam kalangan sarjana Islam bagi menentukan hujah dan adaptasi perundangan Islam (takyīf fiqhi) terhadap konsep spekulasi yang sering dikaitkan dengan dua istilah lain yang digunakan dalam konteks kewangan iaitu pelaburan dan perjudian. Rentetan daripada itu, para sarjana berbeza dalam menentukan hukum spekulasi. Tambahan pula, spekulasi merupakan istilah baru yang wujud pada zaman moden. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji status spekulasi menurut perspektif fiqh. Bagi mencapai tujuan tersebut, kajian yang berbentuk kualitatif ini menggunakan pendekatan takyīf fiqhi dalam melakukan analisis data. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat lima takyīf fiqhi yang dicadangkan oleh para sarjana, iaitu pelaburan, al-gharar, al-maysir, al-najash, dan al-bayʻ. Kesamaran terhadap takyīf fiqhi yang telah digunakan memerlukan penyelidikan kerana hakikat spekulasi adalah berbeza berdasarkan instrumen kewangan yang terlibat. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian ini hanya memfokuskan analisis takyīf fiqhi terhadap definisi spekulasi yang diberikan oleh sarjana secara umum tanpa memperincikan bentuk-bentuk spekulasi yang terlibat dalam setiap jenis instrumen kewangan seperti harta tanah, saham, dan derivatif. Hasil kajian mendapati spekulasi secara umumnya mempunyai konsep tersendiri yang tidak boleh disamakan dengan konsep jual beli (al-bay'), pelaburan, perjudian (almaysir), al-gharar mahupun al-najash.
Food additives are among the important items used in the current food industry. These are substan... more Food additives are among the important items used in the current food industry. These are substances added to food for various purposes such as preservation, giving flavor, retaining nutritional values, maintaining freshness and safety, increasing affordability and convenience and improving taste or appearance. As science and technology develop rapidly in producing different additives with multiple uses, there is a need to determine rulings on halal. Hence, this study is conducted to analyze the extent to which the Shafi'ite views are applied in the determination of halal rulings on additives in Malaysia. This study adopts a qualitative method
Pemakaian kaedah iḥtiyāṭ banyak digunakan dalam kebanyakan hukum menurut mazhab Syafii untuk meng... more Pemakaian kaedah iḥtiyāṭ banyak digunakan dalam kebanyakan hukum menurut mazhab Syafii untuk menghasilkan hukum yang jelas dan meyakinkan. Kaedah ini dilihat dapat menghasilkan hukum yang lebih tepat dan selari mengikut kehendak maqāṣid al-sharī’ah. Melihatkan kepada pengamalan mazhab Syafii yang dominan di Malaysia, maka kebanyakan standard dan peraturan yang diamalkan adalah berdasarkan hukum di dalam mazhab Syafii. Namun begitu, apabila diteliti terdapat beberapa perkara di dalam standard yang turut mengambil hukum daripada mazhab lain kerana dilihat lebih mudah untuk diamalkan. Ini menyebabkan berlakunya percanggahan hukum di dalam peraturan yang ditetapkan dengan apa yang diamalkan menurut mazhab Syafii termasuklah dalam isu berkaitan penyembelihan. Oleh itu, kajian ini akan memfokuskan terhadap analisis mengenai hukum sembelihan di dalam MS 1500: 2009 menurut perspektif mazhab Syafii berdasarkan pemakaian kaedah iḥtiyāṭ untuk menjelaskan penyesuaian kaedah mazhab Syafii dalam ...
Abstract: Ibn Qayyim states that changes and differences in issuing fatwa relatively depend on se... more Abstract: Ibn Qayyim states that changes and differences in issuing fatwa relatively depend on several elements which are the change of times, places, conditions, intentions and customs. In this article, we attempt to elaborate the elements in various form of changes, whether temporal, spatial, conditional, individual, or custom from Malaysia and Singapore contexts by using comparative approach. The contexts cover economy, religious composition, position of Muslims in politics and position of Islam in the constitution of both countries. Key words: Changes Fatwa Malaysia Singapore Condition INTRODUCTION " Taghayyur al-Fatwa wa Ihktilafuha bi Hasb Fazlur Rahman stated that the problems of human al-Niyyat wa al-'Awa'id " [3]. This expression means that society are always growing and changing along with the changes and differences in fatwa are caused by various changes in society itself. Thus, Islamic law will always form of changes, whether temporal, spatial, condit...
The concepts of maslahat and mafsadah known as the main reference in Islamic laws to resolve cont... more The concepts of maslahat and mafsadah known as the main reference in Islamic laws to resolve contemporary Muslims problems. The concepts of maslahat and mafsadah as a centre in maqâs} id al-syarî'ah already discussed by Imam al-Ghazali in his books. Imam al-Ghazali well known to be the first scholars in the study of these concepts. Imam al-Ghazali's highlights the concepts of maslahat and mafsadah should be based on the texts (nas} s}). However, Imam al-Ghazali mentioned the concept of maslahat used as a method not an absolute sources after al-Qur'an, al-Sunnah, ijmâ' and qiyâs in the deriving of Islamic laws. This paper tries to explains the concepts of maslahat and mafsadah following the study conducted by Imam al-Ghazali. The findings suggests that Imam al-Ghazali well known as the first jurist who pioners the framework of maqâs} id al-syarî'ah. There ara two reasons as to why he is considered as the pioneer of the concept of maqâs} id al-syarî'ah. The first reason is due to his systematic and detailed treatment of the concepts in his last and definitive work on legal theory; al-Mustas} fa. The second reason is due to the use of his terminologies and classifications of the concept by later jurists. These all serve as the evidences to considering him as the pioneer of the concepts of maslahat and mafsadah as a legal theory. Moreover, Imam al-Ghazali tried to proposed several 'tarjîh} ' methods how to apply the both concepts when there is a contradiction between the two concepts.
This paper attempts to analyse current development, achievement as well as contemporary challenge... more This paper attempts to analyse current development, achievement as well as contemporary challenges of Islamic astronomy studies at higher learning institutions in Malaysia. The studies in the institutions generally taught as an elective subject embedded in science based courses, as can be seen in several public universities. There are also specific courses of Islamic astronomy offered by some colleges or universities in form of short course at a level of certificate degree. At the moment, there is only one university in Malaysia, i.e. the University of Malaya, the prime university in the country which offers full time course of Islami c astronomy integrated with Shariah studies at level of baccalaureate degree. The existence of Islamic astronomy studies in Malaysian higher learning institutions has gradually help the society to solve various Shariah issues related to astronomy such as Islamic calendar, the determination of prayer times, qiblah directions and the beginning of lunar m...
The concept of the time value of money remains a matter of debate among Muslim scholars as it is ... more The concept of the time value of money remains a matter of debate among Muslim scholars as it is perceived to provide justification for riba. The perceived opening for riba is that the exchange of time for money will end with money begetting money. This would corrupt the traditional function of money as a means of purchasing goods because money is not something intended for itself. However, this research proves that the classical jurists in their scholarly writings discussed whether time can be given a counter value and ruled that it can. It is also found that contemporary scholars have explained this concept in the context of its application to modern financial activities conducted in a dual banking system. Even though they have been able to prove substantially the time value of money in financial transactions,
Perlembagaan Itqan Muluk membuktikan keilmuan Melayu-Islam di Tanah Melayu dan sebagai bukti kear... more Perlembagaan Itqan Muluk membuktikan keilmuan Melayu-Islam di Tanah Melayu dan sebagai bukti kearifan tempatan Melayu-Islam dalam menjalani kehidupan bernegara. Terkandung di dalamnya tentang bagaimana cara masyarakat Melayu menangani masalah negara dan berhadapan dengan cabaran penjajahan kuasa asing. Oleh kerana itulah artikel ini akan cuba menganalisis konsep nasionalisme Melayu-Islam yang difahami dalam Perlembangaan Itqan Muluk. Ia juga bakal menunjukkan keunggulan teori, world-view dan pemikiran sarjana Melayu sendiri berbanding dengan teori nasionalisme barat. Kajian mendapati bahawa perlembagaan Itqan Muluk memainkan peranan penting dalam penjagaan nasionalisme masyarakat Melayu tanpa mengabaikan ketinggian syariat Islam di Tanah Melayu.
The increasing number of the world population and changes in lifestyle and eating habits has caus... more The increasing number of the world population and changes in lifestyle and eating habits has caused the demand from the consumers for more chicken meat production. This high demand calls for a large production produced at a faster production rate. The development of science and technology together with cost efficiency effort has brought the use of mechanical knife into the slaughterhouses industry. However, from the rulings of fiqh, there are differences in opinion among Islamic scholars on the permissibility of its use. Some hold an opinion to allow its use and some are against. In this regard, this paper is presented to discuss and evaluate the differences of these views with reference to the measurement of maqasid al-shari'ah. Among the major features of measurement based on maqasid is the emphasis on the attainment of maslahah and the rejection of mafsadah. This study is a qualitative study using document analysis method. Various scholars' views including contemporary vi...
Generally, religious rulings (fatwa) in Malaysia are based on Shafi’ite madhhab as adherence to p... more Generally, religious rulings (fatwa) in Malaysia are based on Shafi’ite madhhab as adherence to provisions of enactments of respective state in Malaysia. However, recently there are changes in fatwa. This might be due to development of education system, exposure of ulama and public to openly discussion of Islamic rules, public interest and their necessity to a certain view as a wise solution that meets the reality and contemporary needs. Therefore, the article attempts to analyse factors that lead to upholding of Shafi’ite madhhab in fatwa as well as to identify rooms for other views of other madhhab in issuing such a fatwa. This is a library research whereby primary sources is a collection of fatwa of Religious council of Kelantan. Those data then have been analysed by using content analysis method. The findings of this research are, the restriction to Shafi’ite madhhab in Kelantan is confirmed in taking place of previous years, however in nowadays there is a room for di...
The Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is one of the forms of thinking skills that had been prac... more The Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is one of the forms of thinking skills that had been practiced by the early Islamic scholars such as Imām al-
Therapeutic abortion is the termination of pregnancy procedures based on medical justification. T... more Therapeutic abortion is the termination of pregnancy procedures based on medical justification. There are two schools of opinion concerning to the issue of abortion. The first group confirmed that this procedure is done with a reason to save the mother's life or known as a pro-life group. The second group emphasized on the right of a woman to choose whether to continue with the pregnancy or not, known as pro-choice. Consequently, a 'priority conflict' arises between them. Thus, this article aims to analyze this conflict in accordance with the concept of preservation of life as found in verse 12 of Surat al-Hashr and verse 31 of Surat al-Isra '. Through an analysis of the work of scholars in the field of jurisprudence and medicine, interviews with the experts in the field of obstetrics and interpretation of these two verses in view of the maslahah (benefit) and mafsadah (harm),it is found that pro-life is a priority that needs to be preserved where the maslahah to pro...
Permasalahan Ta ' lil Al-Ahkam yang mencelanya secara berlebihan maka perkataan al-ta'lil mula di... more Permasalahan Ta ' lil Al-Ahkam yang mencelanya secara berlebihan maka perkataan al-ta'lil mula diperkatakan secara meluas oleh ulama Usul. Dalam hal ini para Ulama Usul mengungkapkannya sebagaimana berikut: Hukum-hakam Allah diasaskan berdasarkan kemaslahatan 1. manusia sama ada di dunia mahupun akhirat. 2 Hal sedemikian menunjukkan kebaikan dan kelebihan Syariat Islam. Ianya telah disepakati oleh para ulama Usul, Muhaddithin, Mutakallimin bahkan golongan falsafah. 3 Menurut Dr. Yusuf Hamid al-'Alim, bahagian ini tidak disepakati oleh golongan Mutakallimin. 4 Bagi penulis jika ketidaksepakatan ini mengambil kira golongan Zahiri maka dakwaan tersebut benar. Namun jika mensabitkan ketidaksepakatan tersebut dengan golongan Asha'irah maka dakwaan itu masih terdedah kepada pertikaian. Kemungkinan beliau terpengaruh dengan dakwaan al-2
This research aims to find out the renewal of NU (nahdatul ulama)'s fatwa of Bahsul Masail ab... more This research aims to find out the renewal of NU (nahdatul ulama)'s fatwa of Bahsul Masail about the law of family planning (KB, keluarga Berencana, or family planning) in Indonesia, where it started from a law of haram, makruh, and halal. It specifies conditions through the maqasid shari'ah approach as a renewal of Islamic law. This study utilizes qualitative and descriptive analytical methods using a maqasid approach. In addition, the data that is obtained is analyzed descriptively by using deductive ideation methods. The results of this study are: 1) The reason for changing the legal fatwa on family planning( KB) from haram, makruh, and halal with condition is because of a new 'illat, namely the demands of the times. 2) Bahthul Masail NU agrees to the new fatwa under certain conditions. 3) The renewal of the new Family Planning Fatwa through the maqasid sharia approach can be carried out not only to avoid economic downturns but also to save the nation's children f...
The concept of al-darurah is a subject that has to be empowered and to be explored by students an... more The concept of al-darurah is a subject that has to be empowered and to be explored by students and scholars of Islamic studies. Al-darurah in Islamic finance is a concept that expend the theory of darurah from fiqh perspective and covered it from the perspective of darurah usuliyah as well. In Islamic finance, they applied the darurah concept such as in Tawarruq Munazam based products. Tawaruq Munazam has been ruled as not permissible by The International Council of Fiqh Academy of OIC in 2009 however it has been applied in Islamic banking in Malaysia based on the essential requirement in the current practise through Islamic products. Hence, a comprehensive and dynamic assement towards that application need to be applied to ensure that the application of darurah in Islamic finance not only align with the real concept of al-darurah but also meet the methodology of Islamic jurisprudence according to Maqasid al-Shariah. This article aimed to explain the concept of darurah in Islam in ...
Zakat adalah salah satu dari rukun Islam terpenting terutama yang berkaitan dengan Muamalat, deng... more Zakat adalah salah satu dari rukun Islam terpenting terutama yang berkaitan dengan Muamalat, dengan tujuan untuk menyucikan hati dan harta. Dalam membincangkan hukumhukum berkaitan zakat, banyak isu-isu berkaitan zakat yang timbul yang memerlukan kefahaman mendalam berkaitan tentang metodologi hukum Syariah dalam mengeluarkan hukum yang tuntas. Melihat kepada keadaan semasa, nampak seolah bahawa penekanan utama dalam soal zakat ialah jumlah kutipan, disamping beberapa silap faham lain dalam beberapa prinsip hukum berkaitan zakat, tanpa mendalami metodologi hukum sepertimana yang dibincangkan oleh mazhab Shafi‘i dan tanpa mengambil kira objektif utama/maqasid zakat. Menggunakan kajian kepustakaan sepenuhnya, kajian mendapati bahawa mazhabShafie mempunyai beberapa perbezaan dan keistimewaan dalam bidang zakat, seperti adanya konsep khultah yang dijuarai oleh ulama mazhab Shafi‘i dan konsep ini menjadi asas pengiraan bagi zakat perniagaan semasa bagi syarikat-syarikat dan perkongsian, ...
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau dan melihat perbezaan pandangan berhubung hukum spekulasi dal... more Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau dan melihat perbezaan pandangan berhubung hukum spekulasi dalam pasaran kewangan dan kedudukannya menurut perspektif Islam. Idea ini timbul ekoran daripada ketidaksepakatan dalam kalangan sarjana Islam bagi menentukan hujah dan adaptasi perundangan Islam (takyīf fiqhi) terhadap konsep spekulasi yang sering dikaitkan dengan dua istilah lain yang digunakan dalam konteks kewangan iaitu pelaburan dan perjudian. Rentetan daripada itu, para sarjana berbeza dalam menentukan hukum spekulasi. Tambahan pula, spekulasi merupakan istilah baru yang wujud pada zaman moden. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji status spekulasi menurut perspektif fiqh. Bagi mencapai tujuan tersebut, kajian yang berbentuk kualitatif ini menggunakan pendekatan takyīf fiqhi dalam melakukan analisis data. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat lima takyīf fiqhi yang dicadangkan oleh para sarjana, iaitu pelaburan, al-gharar, al-maysir, al-najash, dan al-bayʻ. Kesamaran terhadap takyīf fiqhi yang telah digunakan memerlukan penyelidikan kerana hakikat spekulasi adalah berbeza berdasarkan instrumen kewangan yang terlibat. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian ini hanya memfokuskan analisis takyīf fiqhi terhadap definisi spekulasi yang diberikan oleh sarjana secara umum tanpa memperincikan bentuk-bentuk spekulasi yang terlibat dalam setiap jenis instrumen kewangan seperti harta tanah, saham, dan derivatif. Hasil kajian mendapati spekulasi secara umumnya mempunyai konsep tersendiri yang tidak boleh disamakan dengan konsep jual beli (al-bay'), pelaburan, perjudian (almaysir), al-gharar mahupun al-najash.
Food additives are among the important items used in the current food industry. These are substan... more Food additives are among the important items used in the current food industry. These are substances added to food for various purposes such as preservation, giving flavor, retaining nutritional values, maintaining freshness and safety, increasing affordability and convenience and improving taste or appearance. As science and technology develop rapidly in producing different additives with multiple uses, there is a need to determine rulings on halal. Hence, this study is conducted to analyze the extent to which the Shafi'ite views are applied in the determination of halal rulings on additives in Malaysia. This study adopts a qualitative method
Pemakaian kaedah iḥtiyāṭ banyak digunakan dalam kebanyakan hukum menurut mazhab Syafii untuk meng... more Pemakaian kaedah iḥtiyāṭ banyak digunakan dalam kebanyakan hukum menurut mazhab Syafii untuk menghasilkan hukum yang jelas dan meyakinkan. Kaedah ini dilihat dapat menghasilkan hukum yang lebih tepat dan selari mengikut kehendak maqāṣid al-sharī’ah. Melihatkan kepada pengamalan mazhab Syafii yang dominan di Malaysia, maka kebanyakan standard dan peraturan yang diamalkan adalah berdasarkan hukum di dalam mazhab Syafii. Namun begitu, apabila diteliti terdapat beberapa perkara di dalam standard yang turut mengambil hukum daripada mazhab lain kerana dilihat lebih mudah untuk diamalkan. Ini menyebabkan berlakunya percanggahan hukum di dalam peraturan yang ditetapkan dengan apa yang diamalkan menurut mazhab Syafii termasuklah dalam isu berkaitan penyembelihan. Oleh itu, kajian ini akan memfokuskan terhadap analisis mengenai hukum sembelihan di dalam MS 1500: 2009 menurut perspektif mazhab Syafii berdasarkan pemakaian kaedah iḥtiyāṭ untuk menjelaskan penyesuaian kaedah mazhab Syafii dalam ...
Abstract: Ibn Qayyim states that changes and differences in issuing fatwa relatively depend on se... more Abstract: Ibn Qayyim states that changes and differences in issuing fatwa relatively depend on several elements which are the change of times, places, conditions, intentions and customs. In this article, we attempt to elaborate the elements in various form of changes, whether temporal, spatial, conditional, individual, or custom from Malaysia and Singapore contexts by using comparative approach. The contexts cover economy, religious composition, position of Muslims in politics and position of Islam in the constitution of both countries. Key words: Changes Fatwa Malaysia Singapore Condition INTRODUCTION " Taghayyur al-Fatwa wa Ihktilafuha bi Hasb Fazlur Rahman stated that the problems of human al-Niyyat wa al-'Awa'id " [3]. This expression means that society are always growing and changing along with the changes and differences in fatwa are caused by various changes in society itself. Thus, Islamic law will always form of changes, whether temporal, spatial, condit...
The concepts of maslahat and mafsadah known as the main reference in Islamic laws to resolve cont... more The concepts of maslahat and mafsadah known as the main reference in Islamic laws to resolve contemporary Muslims problems. The concepts of maslahat and mafsadah as a centre in maqâs} id al-syarî'ah already discussed by Imam al-Ghazali in his books. Imam al-Ghazali well known to be the first scholars in the study of these concepts. Imam al-Ghazali's highlights the concepts of maslahat and mafsadah should be based on the texts (nas} s}). However, Imam al-Ghazali mentioned the concept of maslahat used as a method not an absolute sources after al-Qur'an, al-Sunnah, ijmâ' and qiyâs in the deriving of Islamic laws. This paper tries to explains the concepts of maslahat and mafsadah following the study conducted by Imam al-Ghazali. The findings suggests that Imam al-Ghazali well known as the first jurist who pioners the framework of maqâs} id al-syarî'ah. There ara two reasons as to why he is considered as the pioneer of the concept of maqâs} id al-syarî'ah. The first reason is due to his systematic and detailed treatment of the concepts in his last and definitive work on legal theory; al-Mustas} fa. The second reason is due to the use of his terminologies and classifications of the concept by later jurists. These all serve as the evidences to considering him as the pioneer of the concepts of maslahat and mafsadah as a legal theory. Moreover, Imam al-Ghazali tried to proposed several 'tarjîh} ' methods how to apply the both concepts when there is a contradiction between the two concepts.
This paper attempts to analyse current development, achievement as well as contemporary challenge... more This paper attempts to analyse current development, achievement as well as contemporary challenges of Islamic astronomy studies at higher learning institutions in Malaysia. The studies in the institutions generally taught as an elective subject embedded in science based courses, as can be seen in several public universities. There are also specific courses of Islamic astronomy offered by some colleges or universities in form of short course at a level of certificate degree. At the moment, there is only one university in Malaysia, i.e. the University of Malaya, the prime university in the country which offers full time course of Islami c astronomy integrated with Shariah studies at level of baccalaureate degree. The existence of Islamic astronomy studies in Malaysian higher learning institutions has gradually help the society to solve various Shariah issues related to astronomy such as Islamic calendar, the determination of prayer times, qiblah directions and the beginning of lunar m...
The concept of the time value of money remains a matter of debate among Muslim scholars as it is ... more The concept of the time value of money remains a matter of debate among Muslim scholars as it is perceived to provide justification for riba. The perceived opening for riba is that the exchange of time for money will end with money begetting money. This would corrupt the traditional function of money as a means of purchasing goods because money is not something intended for itself. However, this research proves that the classical jurists in their scholarly writings discussed whether time can be given a counter value and ruled that it can. It is also found that contemporary scholars have explained this concept in the context of its application to modern financial activities conducted in a dual banking system. Even though they have been able to prove substantially the time value of money in financial transactions,
Perlembagaan Itqan Muluk membuktikan keilmuan Melayu-Islam di Tanah Melayu dan sebagai bukti kear... more Perlembagaan Itqan Muluk membuktikan keilmuan Melayu-Islam di Tanah Melayu dan sebagai bukti kearifan tempatan Melayu-Islam dalam menjalani kehidupan bernegara. Terkandung di dalamnya tentang bagaimana cara masyarakat Melayu menangani masalah negara dan berhadapan dengan cabaran penjajahan kuasa asing. Oleh kerana itulah artikel ini akan cuba menganalisis konsep nasionalisme Melayu-Islam yang difahami dalam Perlembangaan Itqan Muluk. Ia juga bakal menunjukkan keunggulan teori, world-view dan pemikiran sarjana Melayu sendiri berbanding dengan teori nasionalisme barat. Kajian mendapati bahawa perlembagaan Itqan Muluk memainkan peranan penting dalam penjagaan nasionalisme masyarakat Melayu tanpa mengabaikan ketinggian syariat Islam di Tanah Melayu.
The increasing number of the world population and changes in lifestyle and eating habits has caus... more The increasing number of the world population and changes in lifestyle and eating habits has caused the demand from the consumers for more chicken meat production. This high demand calls for a large production produced at a faster production rate. The development of science and technology together with cost efficiency effort has brought the use of mechanical knife into the slaughterhouses industry. However, from the rulings of fiqh, there are differences in opinion among Islamic scholars on the permissibility of its use. Some hold an opinion to allow its use and some are against. In this regard, this paper is presented to discuss and evaluate the differences of these views with reference to the measurement of maqasid al-shari'ah. Among the major features of measurement based on maqasid is the emphasis on the attainment of maslahah and the rejection of mafsadah. This study is a qualitative study using document analysis method. Various scholars' views including contemporary vi...
Generally, religious rulings (fatwa) in Malaysia are based on Shafi’ite madhhab as adherence to p... more Generally, religious rulings (fatwa) in Malaysia are based on Shafi’ite madhhab as adherence to provisions of enactments of respective state in Malaysia. However, recently there are changes in fatwa. This might be due to development of education system, exposure of ulama and public to openly discussion of Islamic rules, public interest and their necessity to a certain view as a wise solution that meets the reality and contemporary needs. Therefore, the article attempts to analyse factors that lead to upholding of Shafi’ite madhhab in fatwa as well as to identify rooms for other views of other madhhab in issuing such a fatwa. This is a library research whereby primary sources is a collection of fatwa of Religious council of Kelantan. Those data then have been analysed by using content analysis method. The findings of this research are, the restriction to Shafi’ite madhhab in Kelantan is confirmed in taking place of previous years, however in nowadays there is a room for di...
The Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is one of the forms of thinking skills that had been prac... more The Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is one of the forms of thinking skills that had been practiced by the early Islamic scholars such as Imām al-
Therapeutic abortion is the termination of pregnancy procedures based on medical justification. T... more Therapeutic abortion is the termination of pregnancy procedures based on medical justification. There are two schools of opinion concerning to the issue of abortion. The first group confirmed that this procedure is done with a reason to save the mother's life or known as a pro-life group. The second group emphasized on the right of a woman to choose whether to continue with the pregnancy or not, known as pro-choice. Consequently, a 'priority conflict' arises between them. Thus, this article aims to analyze this conflict in accordance with the concept of preservation of life as found in verse 12 of Surat al-Hashr and verse 31 of Surat al-Isra '. Through an analysis of the work of scholars in the field of jurisprudence and medicine, interviews with the experts in the field of obstetrics and interpretation of these two verses in view of the maslahah (benefit) and mafsadah (harm),it is found that pro-life is a priority that needs to be preserved where the maslahah to pro...
Permasalahan Ta ' lil Al-Ahkam yang mencelanya secara berlebihan maka perkataan al-ta'lil mula di... more Permasalahan Ta ' lil Al-Ahkam yang mencelanya secara berlebihan maka perkataan al-ta'lil mula diperkatakan secara meluas oleh ulama Usul. Dalam hal ini para Ulama Usul mengungkapkannya sebagaimana berikut: Hukum-hakam Allah diasaskan berdasarkan kemaslahatan 1. manusia sama ada di dunia mahupun akhirat. 2 Hal sedemikian menunjukkan kebaikan dan kelebihan Syariat Islam. Ianya telah disepakati oleh para ulama Usul, Muhaddithin, Mutakallimin bahkan golongan falsafah. 3 Menurut Dr. Yusuf Hamid al-'Alim, bahagian ini tidak disepakati oleh golongan Mutakallimin. 4 Bagi penulis jika ketidaksepakatan ini mengambil kira golongan Zahiri maka dakwaan tersebut benar. Namun jika mensabitkan ketidaksepakatan tersebut dengan golongan Asha'irah maka dakwaan itu masih terdedah kepada pertikaian. Kemungkinan beliau terpengaruh dengan dakwaan al-2
Papers by Ridzwan Ahmad