Papers by Ricardo de la Fuente Ballesteros
SIGLO DIECINUEVE (Literatura hispánica), May 7, 2009
SIGLO DIECINUEVE (Literatura hispánica), 1996
Reseña del libro "La filósofa por amor, ed. Joaquín Álvarez Barrientos".
Voy a glosar en este trabajo la idea que Carpentier tiene sobre lo esencial americano, sobre su i... more Voy a glosar en este trabajo la idea que Carpentier tiene sobre lo esencial americano, sobre su idea de América y su plasmación práctica en El reino de este mundo. Teoria y praxis, pues, que coherentemente se dan la mano en la obra del escritor cubano, aunque con ello no quiero romper una lanza a favor del academicismo de sus tesis. Carpentier no es en absoluto un pensador sistemático, es un simple ensayista, o mejor un novelador que antes de lanzarse a la aventura de fabular elabora unas bases de partida para su escritura. Hay unas lineas maestras sobre las que se asienta su forma de hacer la novela y, sobre todo, la elección de los materiales y la intención que quiere dar a su obra; de lo que se va a deducir una lectura de la misma. Es decir, que sus reflexiones tendrán un eminente carácter práctico'. Obviaré aqui, aunque haré alusión a ello, la referencia a realismo mágico /vs./ real maravilloso, que, como es bien sabido, parte del término acuriado por el critico de arte Franz Roh (-realismo mágico») en 1925, con el que caracterizó a un grupo de pintores expresionistas alemanes. Estos volvian a la realidad maravillando con su mirada los objetos cotidianos. Se trataba de una mistificación de la realidad. En 1927, el libro de Roh fue traducido a invitación de Ortega y Gasset dentro de la editorial Revista de Occidente, y pronto se utilizó en América el apelativo para designar obras literarias-segŭn recuerda Anderson Imbert-2 La especial relación entre hombre y naturaleza que se da en algunas novelas hispanoamericanas Ileva a Uslar Pietri en Hombres y letras de Venezuela (1948) a de-Sobre la falta de sistematicidad, ver EN1UQUE ANDERSON ImBERT,-Literatura fantástica, r-ealismo mágico y lo real maravilloso, en D. A. YATES (ed.), Otros mundos, otros fuegos, fantasía y realismo

SIGLO DIECINUEVE (Literatura hispánica), May 7, 2001
Neutron stars, and magnetars in particular, are known to host the strongest magnetic fields in th... more Neutron stars, and magnetars in particular, are known to host the strongest magnetic fields in the Universe. The origin of these strong fields is a matter of controversy. In this preliminary work, via numerical simulations, we study, for the first time in non-ideal general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) regime, the growth of the magnetic field due to the action of the mean-field dynamo due to subscale, unresolved turbulence. The dynamo process, combined with the differential rotation of the (proto-)star, is able to produce an exponential growth of any initial magnetic seed field up to the values required to explain the observations. By varying the dynamo coefficient we obtain different growth rates. We find a quasi-linear dependence of the growth rates on the intensity of the dynamo. Furthermore, the time interval in which exponential growth occurs and the growth rates also seems to depend on the initial configuration of the magnetic field.
This paper describes the structure of the learner corpus "Aprescrilov"[1] and its benefits for th... more This paper describes the structure of the learner corpus "Aprescrilov"[1] and its benefits for the didactics of SFL (Spanish as a Foreign Language) in multilingual Belgium. The learner corpus contains writing assignments by Flemish students ("Applied Linguistics" and "Linguistics and Literature") which were written during the three first years of their studies and compiled between 2005 and 2011. The compositions were corrected using a customized version of Markin[2], which allows analysing in a systematic way the problems in the texts. The annotations cover mistakes such as composition, spelling, punctuation, morphology, morphosyntax, pragmatics and lexicon among others. Analysis are based on the theoretical
Castilla: Estudios de Literatura, 1983

Background: No vaccine is entirely free from the risk of adverse reactions or remote sequel. Know... more Background: No vaccine is entirely free from the risk of adverse reactions or remote sequel. Knowledge and reporting of AEFI is very important in this vaccine era. Objective of the study was to assess the knowledge of Multipurpose Health Workers (MPHWS) regarding AEFI. Methods: A cross-sectional study was undertaken on randomly selected 30 MPHWs of Beri block. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered after taking verbal consent. The MPHWs had a minimum of one year experience and had received the latest formal training during measles catch up campaign. Data compiled and analysed using appropriate statistical tests. Results: A total of 30 MPHWs duly completed and returned their questionnaires. The mean age was 36.5±2.54 years and mean post-qualification experience was 5.3 years. About 83% of the MPHWs knew that fever, pain, redness and swelling at injection site were symptoms of AEFI and 93% knew about proper storage temperature, dose, route and site of vaccines. Only 56% knew about the storage temperature of diluents and risk of its contamination, 30% knew proper reconstitution of the vaccine. Only 33% knew about filling an adverse event form to report an AEFI. Twentyfive (83.5%) MPHWs had encountered an AEFI and only 14(46.6%) reported such within 24 h. It was observed that level of correct knowledge was decreasing with increasing age of respondents. Conclusions: There was a lack of knowledge about the cause, identification and reporting of AEFI despite periodic training programmes. There is need to train the health workers to improve reporting and prevent complications due to vaccines. There is also further need to ponder over the lacunae in training programmes responsible for persistent inadequate knowledge among MPHWs. Last but not the least "DO NOT FURTHER HARM" should always be the primary aim.
Resena de: RUBIO GONZALEZ, Lorenzo, Cuestiones fundamentales de teoria y didactica de la literatu... more Resena de: RUBIO GONZALEZ, Lorenzo, Cuestiones fundamentales de teoria y didactica de la literatura, Universidad de Valladolid, Secretario de Publicaciones, 1986 (106 pags.).
SIGLO DIECINUEVE (Literatura hispánica), 1995
Reseña del libro "Memoria de un setentón".
Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo, 1992
Anales de Literatura Española, 1996
Resena de: AMELL, Samuel, La narrativa de Juan Marse, contador de aventis, Madrid, Playor, C,olec... more Resena de: AMELL, Samuel, La narrativa de Juan Marse, contador de aventis, Madrid, Playor, C,olecc. Nova Scholar, 1984 (171 paginas)
Revista Valenciana estudios de filosofía y letras, Jul 5, 2016
SIGLO DIECINUEVE (Literatura hispánica)
Reseña del libro "La novela modernista de Ángel Ganivet".
SIGLO DIECINUEVE (Literatura hispánica)
Reseña del libro "Ángel Ganivet: una bibliografía anotada (1892-1995)".
SIGLO DIECINUEVE (Literatura hispánica)
Reseña del libro "Asimilaciones y rechazos: presencias del romanticismo en el realismo españ... more Reseña del libro "Asimilaciones y rechazos: presencias del romanticismo en el realismo español del siglo XIX".
SIGLO DIECINUEVE (Literatura hispánica)
Reseña del libro "El género chico. Introducción al estudio del teatro corto fin siglo (De su... more Reseña del libro "El género chico. Introducción al estudio del teatro corto fin siglo (De su incidencia gaditana)".
Papers by Ricardo de la Fuente Ballesteros