Papers by Ricardo Ruffoni

Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte, 2021
Objetivo: determinar la ocurrencia y características de lesiones musculoesqueléticas y osteoartic... more Objetivo: determinar la ocurrencia y características de lesiones musculoesqueléticas y osteoarticulares en deportistas brasileños practicantes de Jiu-Jitsu brasileño (BJJ). Método: Se aplicó un cuestionario cerrado a 146 deportistas de BJJ sobre las lesiones sufridas, autodiagnosticadas o diagnosticadas clínicamente, en los últimos 12 meses. Los datos se trataron mediante estadística inferencial, que se analizaron con el programa SPSS© 20.0. Resultados: En total se reportaron 403 heridos. La mayoría de los atletas que participan en esta investigación son de nivel principiante, siendo el cinturón azul el tamaño de muestra más grande (43,15%). Además, se observó que la mayoría de los deportistas entrenan entre 2 y 6 horas semanales (65%), siendo este grupo el más afectado por las lesiones (246 en total). En general, las lesiones más frecuentes se produjeron en las extremidades inferiores. La rodilla fue la zona más afectada y la luxación de los dedos fue la lesión más frecuente. Cuant...
Artes marciais, esportes de combate e lutas: conhecimento aplicado, 2021

The Brazilian society demands a quality education. Based on that prerogative, the present article... more The Brazilian society demands a quality education. Based on that prerogative, the present article looks to contemplate concerning the directions taken by the national education. For so much, the descriptive nature methodology was used, based on a literature revision that approached the historical of the school Physical Education, the traverse themes and analyze it of the dicotomy among the Traditional and Contemporary Physical Education. In that direction, was noticed that, to apply a Contemporary pedagogy it is of great relevance to discuss points, such as: the contents of conceptual nature, procedimental and atitudinal and the change of paradigm of the sport and the biological ones in the search of the discipline for the body. Today, the Physical Education should contribute to the intellectual activity, returned to a reflection on the corporal culture of the movement, by means of use the thematic axes, intensivity of the sports, inclusion and that incorporates the elements of our...

Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais definem lutas como disputas em que o(s) oponente(s) deve(m) ... more Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais definem lutas como disputas em que o(s) oponente(s) deve(m) ser subjugado(s), mediante tecnicas e estrategias de desequilibrio, contusao, imobilizacao ou exclusao de um determinado espaco na combinacao de acoes de ataque e defesa. Caracterizam-se por uma regulamentacao especifica, a fim de punir atitudes de violencia e de deslealdade. Como exemplo de lutas, o documento cita desde as brincadeiras de cabo-de-guerra e braco-de-ferro ate as praticas mais complexas da capoeira, do judo e do carate. Embora Ferreira (2006) aponte que a maioria dos professores de Educacao Fisica nao utilizam as lutas em suas aulas, consideramos sua presenca importante por pertencerem a cultura corporal de movimento e ampliarem o repertorio psicomotor e linguistico-corporal do aluno. Com o objetivo de normatizar os conteudos da Educacao Basica a Secretaria Estadual de Educacao, no ano de 2012, disponibilizou aos professores, um documento curricular obrigatorio, a partir d...

Objetivo: Esse estudo teve por objetivo avaliar e comparar os níveis de autoestima de praticantes... more Objetivo: Esse estudo teve por objetivo avaliar e comparar os níveis de autoestima de praticantes masculinos e femininos de musculação. Metodologia: Adotou-se uma abordagem quantitativa, de delineamento transversal e de caráter descritivo e comparativo. Compuseram a amostra 120 praticantes de musculação, sendo 60 do sexo masculino e 60 do sexo feminino, com idade média de 25 anos em ambos os grupos. Para a coleta de dados recorreu-se a Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg. Os dados foram tratados estatisticamente no software SPSS 20.0, de forma descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: As médias gerais obtidas foram de 2,57±0,61 e 2,57±0,78, para os grupos do sexo feminino e masculino, respectivamente. Os praticantes indicaram autoestima classificada como média. As comparações não indicaram diferença com significância estatística. Considerações finais: Os homens e mulheres praticantes de musculação investigados, com tempo de prática equivalentes, possuem autoestimas semelhantes. Dessarte, ...

FIEP Bulletin On-line, 2006
o esporte como fenomeno social de caracteristicas universais constitui-se numa verdadeira forma d... more o esporte como fenomeno social de caracteristicas universais constitui-se numa verdadeira forma de cultura e reflete valores politicos e ideologicos da sociedade. Apontado por Tubino (1999) como o maior fenomeno socio-cultural do final do seculo, o esporte e a atividade fisica podem preparar o individuo para uma ocupacao sadia do tempo livre. OBJETIVO: analisar os motivos iniciais determinantes a participacao de um grupo de quatrocentos e seis (406) individuos em todas as academias de ginastica na cidade de Cabo Frio cadastradas junto ao CREF/RJ e comparar aos fatores atuais de aderencia. METODOLOGIA: entrevista estruturada e validada por tres Doutores, baseada na escala Likert com perguntas que versavam sobre os motivos alegados para o inicio da atividade e outras relacionadas a manutencao das mesmas nas academias apos um periodo minimo de tres meses. PRINCIPAIS RESULTADOS MOTIVACIONAIS: estetica (19,96%), seguido pela necessidade de melhora da saude (18,12%); e a quantidade de ati...

During the history of the humanity Educational and the Physical Education come suffering a great ... more During the history of the humanity Educational and the Physical Education come suffering a great process from development, stimulated for diverse reasons. Some debates and research had been, e still is being elaborated for some studious and personalities of diverse segments of the society, with this, the function of the Professor if finds in constant perfectioning. In the pertaining to school environment in many aspects it did not follow the occurred changes in the education forms. It disciplines it Pertaining to school Physical Education until certain point advanced, however, many times imprisoned in the administrative bureaucracy and the lack of physical structure, it still lacks of definitive actions to follow a globalized world, that it demands each time plus a bigger dynamics and a bigger gamma of new challenges, to continue offering to the pupils a captivate and efficient education. The sports used traditionally in the education institutions are historically efficient tools, h...

Research, Society and Development, 2021
Objetivo: Analisar a representação imagética do corpo no buscador Google Imagens. Metodologia: De... more Objetivo: Analisar a representação imagética do corpo no buscador Google Imagens. Metodologia: De natureza exploratória-descritiva e abordagem quali-quantitativa, adotou-se a Análise Semiótica, fundamentada nos pressupostos teóricos de Bauer e Gaskell, respeitando os estágios metodológicos, sugeridos pelos autores: Escolha de imagens; Inventário denotativo; Análise dos níveis de significação. No primeiro estágio, foram coletadas as 100 primeiras imagens do Google Imagens, em um corte transversal, no dia 27 de dezembro de 2020, tendo como palavra-chave: corpo. Após aplicados os critérios de exclusão, foram selecionadas 42 imagens. Resultados: A diferença entre a incidência dos gêneros foi significativa, sendo o gênero masculino presente em 14,2% (n = 6) das imagens e o feminino em 85,8% (n = 36). De acordo com o perfil estético da amostra, foram identificadas duas imagens classificadas como fora do padrão estereotipado, enquanto as demais fotos (95,3%) faziam referência a corpos que ...
Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte, 2018
Fiep Bulletin on Line, 2014

Fiep Bulletin on Line, 2009
Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar o perfil das qualidades fisicas e indices dermatogli... more Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar o perfil das qualidades fisicas e indices dermatoglificos da Equipe Ruffoni de Judo na faixa etaria de 9 a 14 anos. O estudo foi realizado atraves de testes motores baseados em protocolos conceituados com o intuito de avaliar as seguintes qualidades fisicas: equilibrio dinâmico, coordenacao motora, agilidade e forca explosiva. O grupo tambem foi submetido a uma avaliacao para identificacao do perfil dermatoglifico, atraves de impressoes digitais. A amostra foi composta por 20 atletas do sexo masculino, praticantes de Judo na Equipe Ruffoni de Judo, compreendidos entre a faixa etaria de 9 a 14 anos. Os resultados encontrados para as qualidades fisicas dos alunos entre 9 e 11 anos foram: Equilibrio Dinâmico: 1,6 ± 0,52, Coordenacao: 3,90 ± 0,88, Agilidade: 12,18 ± 1,09 e Forca Explosiva: 23,20 ± 3,19. Os alunos compreendidos entre a faixa etaria de 12 a 14 anos apresentaram os seguintes valores: Equilibrio Dinâmico: 1,8 ± 0,42, Coordenacao: 4,10 ± 0,57, Agilidade: 11,07 ± 0,52 e Forca explosiva: 32,20 ± 7,28. As caracteristicas dermatoglificas encontradas no grupo de alunos entre 9 e 11 anos foram: Arco (A): 0,8 ± 1,1, Presilha (L): 7,9 ± 1,3, Verticilo (W): 1,3 ± 1,3, Indice Delta (D10): 10,5 ± 2,1 e Somatorio da quantidade total de linhas (SQTL): 123,1 ± 28,1. Para os alunos de 12 a 14 anos foram obtidos os seguintes indices: Arco (A): 1,4 ± 2,6, Presilha (L): 7,2 ± 2,4, Verticilo (W): 1,4 ± 1,3, Indice Delta (D10): 10 ± 3,4, Somatorio da quantidade total de linhas (SQTL): 96,4 ± 34,3. Estes resultados indicam que os alunos da Equipe Ruffoni de Judo apresentam uma predisposicao as qualidades fisicas velocidade e forca explosiva, caracteristicas estas que devem ser trabalhadas a fim de se obter maiores chances de alcancar sucesso no judo.

Fiep Bulletin on Line, 2014
The aim of this study was to demonstrate the need for knowledge of struggles for physical educati... more The aim of this study was to demonstrate the need for knowledge of struggles for physical education classes at school. Thus, were compared the knowledge of pupils of the sixth and third periods of the degree course in physical education about content of struggles in the school context UNIABEU, in other words, students who had (sixth semester) and who have not had (third semester) discipline of teaching methodology of fights. The sample was 37 students of both genders, including 17 students from sixth period and 19 from third period. Data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire, consisting of 10 questions, adapted from the questionnaire developed by FERREIRA (2009). The results showed significant differences at two items assessed: (i) correct definition of struggles according to the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (p = 0,01824) and (ii) the possibility of giving lessons in school with students of both sexes (p = 0,03582). So, our results demonstrated that while most students feel able to minister classes struggles in school physical education classes, many students who have not had the disciplinary content methodology in fights at graduation, although they already had practiced or still practice some form of struggle, do not have correct concepts about struggles and still do not know how to work correctly fights in the school context.
Fiep Bulletin on Line, Mar 1, 2011

Fiep Bulletin on Line, 2012
The present study deals with the prevention of childhood obesity and promoting health at school. ... more The present study deals with the prevention of childhood obesity and promoting health at school. Among the various methods and procedures used in this direction, stimulation of physical activity has received, perhaps, a greater emphasis among professionals who work in this area. It is believed that the child outside the standard of obesity tends to have better motor performance and better adherence to physical activity. The objective of this study is to establish a comparison between school children obese and nonobese, using psychomotor tests in order to assess their motor skills. We conducted a field study with 16 (sixteen) students, the Colegio Republicano, with chronological age of 8 and 9 years with the support of literature review. Through the analysis of data collected by psychomotor tests revealed a non significant difference between the two groups. Children with excess body fat had the same difficulties as other children, lying on the same level of psychomotor development, which leads us to conclude that childhood obesity is not interference factor in child development.

Fiep Bulletin on Line, 2013
The physical education at school is a matter of intense debates as regards the practical applicat... more The physical education at school is a matter of intense debates as regards the practical application of all methodology theories that exists in the area. This research aims to analyze the methodology processes that are developed in the physical education classes, identifying the teaching styles by Muska Mosston (1986) used by teachers in the private schools. A descriptive and qualitative methodology was applied, and the sample consisted in 12 teachers, of both sexes, of elementary school. These professionals work in private schools located in Rio de Janeiro city, in Meier and nearby. In the results presented, the command style predominated with 50% in the classes of the teachers observed. The task style represented 34%. The oriented discovery and the inclusion styles, 8% each one. The command style has as its main characteristics the technicality, the traditional methodology trend, and the evaluation prioritizes the motor domain, and there is also a lower frequency of dialogue between the teacher and the student. The student active participation in the teaching-learning process has been valued now-a-days because this participation stimulates the formation of a citizen who is conscious, critical, creative and autonomous. This way, it is necessary to avoid the use of teaching methodologies as the styles command and task. Given these considerations, considering the teacher importance in the citizen formation according to the proposals of (PCN, 1997), the research indicates the necessity of a reassessment of the theoretical references, resorting to others teaching methodologies, aimed the improvement in the preparation of physical education classes following the current trends in education.

Fiep Bulletin on Line, 2008
The object of study of this monograph is the reflection on the school Physical Education: how it ... more The object of study of this monograph is the reflection on the school Physical Education: how it has been applied on high school grades, and why the classes don't often awaken practical interest of the students. This work had the objective of identifying the origins and the reasons why the students move from the practice of physical activity on school Physical Education. The study was based on a descriptive research and was performed through a questionnaire with a unique and closed question. The chosen group was composed of 30 students who were coursing from 1st to 3rd grade of high school with ages from 15 to 27 years old. This work meant to look for the main factors which lead to the lack of interest of the students for the Physics Education classes. The results show that the most cited factor, with 23,3% of votes was the “laziness”, followed by “I don't have abilities”, with 20,0% of the students, and “I don't like physical activity” with 11,1%. It was possible to identify with this study, that there are other factors which influence in the participation of the students on physical education classes, and the teacher in possession of these information must re-examine his planning of class, and also his attitudes as an educator, in order to awaken the interest of the students, decreasing this way, the escape of the physical education classes.
Fiep Bulletin on Line, 2012

The Scholar Physical Education (SPE) has been extensively targeted for discussion about its socia... more The Scholar Physical Education (SPE) has been extensively targeted for discussion about its social role in order to support his importance as a compulsory subject and its importance in society. Researchers from the area of education, as Armstrong and Sleap (1990), admit that the school, through physical education has an important role to play, whereas the Physical Education working human movement, an important factor in the process of acquisition and maintenance of health. The purpose of this article is to stimulate reflection on how the SPE can influence and benefit the health of the population. The methodology used in this study was a literature review, descriptive in nature, drawn from papers already published, consisting mainly of books and articles from periodicals that address issues and relations between the Health Promotion and Physical Education. It was verified through this study, the strong relationship between physical inactivity in childhood and adolescence and sedentary lifestyle in adulthood and this affinity worries us because of diseases that can arise due to lack of physical activity practice. Is important the understanding that health is gained through changes in attitudes and habits of the daily lifestyle of children and adolescents, since the habits relating to promotion of health should be cultivated throughout life and not just used for a particular purpose momentary. We conclude the importance of physical education in health promotion, which is meant beyond the physical walls and school age, making him a valuable social tool.

Introdução:O desempenho dos atletas de voleibol pode ser influenciado por fatores psicológicos, h... more Introdução:O desempenho dos atletas de voleibol pode ser influenciado por fatores psicológicos, havendo a necessidade de investigações sobre determinadas situações potencialmente estressantes durante o jogo.Objetivo:Investigar os fatores produtores de estresse em atletas de equipes universitárias de voleibol durante a partida.Métodos:Participaram da pesquisa 28 atletas universitários(21,63±1,75 anos de idade). O instrumento utilizado foi o Teste de Estresse Psíquico para o Voleibol (TEP-V) constituído de 18 situações típicas de estresse durante as partidas de voleibol, sendo analisados o nível de estresse, o comportamento provável e o nível de eficiência de tal comportamento.Valores percentuais foram utilizados para a análise estatística. Resultados:A situação “Minha equipe perde o ponto em um momento decisivo por um erro meu” foi considerada a mais estressante, com 39,3% considerando estressante e 53,6% como muito estressante. O comportamento provável mais indicado pelos atletas fo...
FIEP Bulletin, 2010
... Motta & Ruffoni (2006) afirmavam que “as lutas, não são somente técnicas físicas para o c... more ... Motta & Ruffoni (2006) afirmavam que “as lutas, não são somente técnicas físicas para o corpo, mas também um princípio filosófico para ... Marco e Junqueira (1993) consideram que cabe observar que a motivação nos esportes é determinada, por um lado, pelas possibilidades ...
Papers by Ricardo Ruffoni