Papers by Ricardo Mairal Usón
De Gruyter eBooks, Mar 22, 2012
Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica, 1998
RESUMEN: En este artículo se analiza la estructura interna del dominio léxico de SENTIMIENTO, en ... more RESUMEN: En este artículo se analiza la estructura interna del dominio léxico de SENTIMIENTO, en cuanto a la interfaz entre su jerarquía semántica y los patrones de complementación de sus miembros. De esta manera, puede decirse que semántica y sintaxis convergen en una representación del conocimiento. Se utiliza la naturaleza jerárquica de esquemas cognitivos a nivel de dimensión para mostrar cómo la gradación implícita en ellos refleja niveles de prominencia conceptual. Este análisis permite poner en relieve parámetros de categorización, que realzan perspectivas diferentes sobre nuestra representación mental de los sentimientos.
International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar, Taiwan. URL: buffalo. edu/research/rrg/MairalRRG05. pdf, Jun 1, 2005
Important initiatives in this respect are Wierzbicka's Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) (cf.

Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 2021
This paper examines a set of lexicographic projects with innovative routes of access to lexical k... more This paper examines a set of lexicographic projects with innovative routes of access to lexical knowledge, and which constitute a first step towards a more intelligent dictionary, These projects include: (1) collocation dictionaries that specify the relations between a base word and its collocate; (2) dictionaries that make explicit the semantic and lexical restrictions between a predicate and its arguments; (3) lexical resources that describe the linguistic properties of a lexical entry within the context of its frame or frames of activation; (4) dictionaries that provide a conceptual organization of the definiens, instead of the definiendum. Without a doubt, the Digital Era (artificial intelligence, data and text mining, and machine learning) has opened up a vast range of possibilities, which will lead to intelligent lexicographic resources that are more intelligent and interconnected. This chapter concludes with some ideas and proposals about the characteristics of a dictionary 5...
Atlantis: Revista de la …, Jan 1, 1997
The question of argument structure has become one of the key issues in lexical semantics. Researc... more The question of argument structure has become one of the key issues in lexical semantics. Research in this area mainly is concerned with the explanatory power of lexical representations, and the predictive power of the lexicon, or more specifically, the way arguments project onto syntax. Each linguistic theory addresses this question from a different perspective, and in this respect, Simon Dik's Functional Grammar is no exception. Despite the fact that much has been written on this topic, this issue is far from being resolved. We would like to give added impetus to the original FG working program on argument structure by bringing the interaction of semantic and syntactic information to the foreground. In this article, we place the FG perspective on argument structure within the wider framework of other proposals in order to see how it can be made more powerful and robust.
International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar, Taiwan. URL: buffalo. edu/research/rrg/MairalRRG05. pdf, Jun 1, 2005
The question of argument structure has become one of the key issues in lexical semantics. Researc... more The question of argument structure has become one of the key issues in lexical semantics. Research in this area is mainly concerned with the explanatory power of lexical representations, and the predictive power of the lexicon, or more specifically, the way arguments project onto syntax. Each linguistic theory addresses this question from a different perspective, and in this respect, Simon Dik's Functional Grammar (FG) is no exception. Despite the fact that much has been written on this issue, it is far from being ...
Ontologies have been criticized because they are not sufficiently flexible, and thus cannot captu... more Ontologies have been criticized because they are not sufficiently flexible, and thus cannot capture the dynamism and
complexity of reality. However, they have increasingly
come into focus because of the need for knowledge managemen tin both general and specialized knowledge domains. EcoLexicon is a frame-based visual thesaurus on the
environment that is gradually evolving towards the status of
a formal ontology. For this purpose, the information in its
relational database is in the process of being linked to the
ontological system of FunGramKB, a multipurpose knowledge
base that has been specifically designed for natural
language understanding with modules for lexical, grammatical,
and conceptual knowledge. This enables the explicitation
of specialized knowledge as an extension of general
knowledge through its representation in the domain-specific
satellite ontology of a main general ontology.
Papers by Ricardo Mairal Usón
complexity of reality. However, they have increasingly
come into focus because of the need for knowledge managemen tin both general and specialized knowledge domains. EcoLexicon is a frame-based visual thesaurus on the
environment that is gradually evolving towards the status of
a formal ontology. For this purpose, the information in its
relational database is in the process of being linked to the
ontological system of FunGramKB, a multipurpose knowledge
base that has been specifically designed for natural
language understanding with modules for lexical, grammatical,
and conceptual knowledge. This enables the explicitation
of specialized knowledge as an extension of general
knowledge through its representation in the domain-specific
satellite ontology of a main general ontology.
complexity of reality. However, they have increasingly
come into focus because of the need for knowledge managemen tin both general and specialized knowledge domains. EcoLexicon is a frame-based visual thesaurus on the
environment that is gradually evolving towards the status of
a formal ontology. For this purpose, the information in its
relational database is in the process of being linked to the
ontological system of FunGramKB, a multipurpose knowledge
base that has been specifically designed for natural
language understanding with modules for lexical, grammatical,
and conceptual knowledge. This enables the explicitation
of specialized knowledge as an extension of general
knowledge through its representation in the domain-specific
satellite ontology of a main general ontology.