Drafts by Ricardo Gomes
Trabalho Final: Seminário da História do Judaísmo
Historiografia da Religião Bíblica a partir da ... more Trabalho Final: Seminário da História do Judaísmo
Historiografia da Religião Bíblica a partir da cultura dos escribas hebreus
Papers by Ricardo Gomes
No âmbito do seminário de História do Cristianismo Antigo e Medieval foi oportuno propor-se a rea... more No âmbito do seminário de História do Cristianismo Antigo e Medieval foi oportuno propor-se a realização de uma leitura sobre a espiritualidade de Francisco de Assis.
Em 11 páginas realizou-se uma leitura crítica dos capítulos da obra de Vauchez sobre a espiritualidade de São Francisco de Assis.
Public Management Review, 2008
Page 1. Developments Paper WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE REGARDED AS A STAKEHOLDER FOR PUBLIC ORGANIZATIO... more Page 1. Developments Paper WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE REGARDED AS A STAKEHOLDER FOR PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES? Evidence from an empirical investigation in Brazilian municipalities ...
Public Management Review, 2010
... Jørgensen et al. (199820. Jørgensen, TB, Hansen, HF, Antonsen, M. and Melander, P. 1998. Publ... more ... Jørgensen et al. (199820. Jørgensen, TB, Hansen, HF, Antonsen, M. and Melander, P. 1998. Public Organizations, Multiple Constituencies, and Governance. Public Administration , 76: 499–518. ... 199820. Jørgensen, TB, Hansen, HF, Antonsen, M. and Melander, P. 1998. ...

International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 2012
Purpose -This paper seeks to extend the analysis of performance management regimes by Bouckaert a... more Purpose -This paper seeks to extend the analysis of performance management regimes by Bouckaert and Halligan to other countries in order to contribute to the developing theory of forms and challenges in public sector performance management. Design/methodology/approach -The state of performance management and the context in which it has evolved is assessed in seven different countries using dimensions drawn from Bouckaert and Halligan's work along with elements from earlier work by Pollitt and Bouckaert. These are summarized in a table and comparisons made to generate additional insights into the factors that influence the shape and speed of public management evolution. Findings -The paper finds that the Bouckaert and Halligan framework for analyzing public sector performance management is useful, albeit with some modifications. Specifically, it finds that administrative culture is a key factor influencing the speed of reform and that the attitude of elites (politicians and civil servants, in most cases) is also a vital piece of the puzzle that was not included in Bouckaert and Halligan, but did appear in the earlier framework of Pollitt and Bouckaert. It also finds evidence that economic and political crises occurring together accelerate the introduction of integrated performance management systems, but that trust in government does not appear to be a significant factor. Finally, the paper observes that, absent political crisis/commitment, governments will prioritise "external" performance measures such as customer service, participation and transparency objectives over "internal" performance measures such as financial, staff management and whole of government reporting. Originality/value -The countries studied provide a rare insight into lesser-known performance management regimes and the use of the Bouckaert and Halligan framework allows for comparisons to earlier (and future) research. The findings will be of interest to scholars in public administration reform and performance management.
This paper presents an investigation which has been carried out through a case study with one Bra... more This paper presents an investigation which has been carried out through a case study with one Brazilian organization at the forestry sector in order to devise viable indicators of sustainable production (ISP) for measuring sustainability and try to generate strategic information for ...
Page 1. Does stakeholder orientation matter? Empirical evidence about power and influence in loca... more Page 1. Does stakeholder orientation matter? Empirical evidence about power and influence in local government decision-making Ricardo Corrêa Gomes Doctor of Philosophy ASTON UNIVERSITY August 03 This copy of the ...
Chirality, 2010
A two-dimensional HPLC method based on the direct injection of biological samples has been develo... more A two-dimensional HPLC method based on the direct injection of biological samples has been developed and validated for the determination of lansoprazole enantiomers in human plasma. The lansoprazole enantiomers were extracted from the biological matrix using an octyl restricted access media bovine serum albumin column (C8 RAM BSA) and the enantioseparation was performed on an amylose tris(3,5-dimethoxyphenylcarbamate) chiral column using acetonitrile:water (35:65 v/v) and UV detection at 285 nm. Analysis time was 25 min with no time spent on sample preparation. The method was applied to the analysis of the plasma samples obtained from nine Brazilian volunteers who received a 30 mg oral dose of racemic lansoprazole and was able to quantify the enantiomers of lansoprazole in the clinical samples analyzed.
BAR. Brazilian Administration Review. ANPAD. Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em A... more BAR. Brazilian Administration Review. ANPAD. Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração. [email protected]. ISSN (Versión en línea): 1807-7692. BRASIL. 2004. Ricardo Corrêa Gomes. WHO ARE ...
... AREA: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Ricardo C. Gomes Universidade Federal de Vicosa Av. Ph. ... from ... more ... AREA: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Ricardo C. Gomes Universidade Federal de Vicosa Av. Ph. ... from its environment. Donaldson & Preston (1995) shed light on this impasse suggesting that in order to be fully accepted as a theory, the stakeholder theory has to: ...
BAR: Brazilian Administration Review
Abstract: Performance assessment in profit and not-for-profit organizations has been on the agend... more Abstract: Performance assessment in profit and not-for-profit organizations has been on the agenda for scholars and practitioners for the last thirty years or so. Despite this effort we still do not have a comprehensive model of organizational performance for all kinds of ...
New government orientations and economic, technological and social changes have modified the natu... more New government orientations and economic, technological and social changes have modified the nature of public services, leading to an increased interest in the transference of management practices from the private sector into the public sector (Pollitt and Bouckaert 2000, ...
Encontro da ANPAD- …, 2009

International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 2014
ABSTRACT Purpose – Much has been done in the public organization performance management field and... more ABSTRACT Purpose – Much has been done in the public organization performance management field and there are some established theories that account for what would improve performance, but there is little strong empirical evidence about the determinants factors to performance in developing countries. This paper aims to contribute to the knowledge in this area by providing some empirical evidence about the importance of management and resource for the local government performance. Design/methodology/approach – The paper presents a cross-sectional investigation carried out with a sample of Brazilian municipalities. Data come from reliable sources, namely official databases. In order to ensure causality, regression and correlation analysis was carried out with the data. Educational outcomes were chosen as the dependent variable for measuring performance. Findings – The analysis indicates that financial resources are paramount in producing performance to the extent that resource availability increases educational effectiveness, and dependence on intergovernmental transfer of financial resources reduces the effectiveness a great deal. Some other issues, such as mayoral quality have little or no importance upon performance. Originality/value – The study corroborates some established ideas and challenges others. An example of the latter is the notion that the quality of political leadership (the mayor) is a determinant factor for performance. An example of the former is that more money is likely to represent better performance if the local government is able to raise money for itself instead of relying solely on transferences from upper tie authorities.
Academic Works by Ricardo Gomes

A Câmara nupcial como chave hermenêutica do Evangelho de Tomé, 2019
O evangelho de Tomé tem sido lido e relido ao longo dos séculos, as leituras têm sido literais, f... more O evangelho de Tomé tem sido lido e relido ao longo dos séculos, as leituras têm sido literais, figurativas ou simbólicas. Desde os seus primórdios este texto apresenta-se ao seu leitor envolto numa aura de mistério e enigma com mensagens por desvelar e significados por desvendar. No âmbito do mestrado de História e Cultura das Religiões foi desenvolvido um esforço de investigação que terá como objetivo situar as vivências e mentalidades do evangelho de Tomé. Vivências estas diretamente associadas ao desenvolvimento do cristianismo primitivo no espaço geográfico da Síria oriental nomeadamente em Edessa. Esta investigação procura responder às seguintes questões: qual foi o contexto histórico deste evangelho, o seu espaço social, os seus vínculos sociais e as suas vivências e mentalidades; qual é o núcleo da sua mensagem e quais são as caraterísticas específicas da linguagem e da experiência no cristianismo primitivo de Edessa a leste do Eufrates. Espera-se assim dar um contributo à compreensão histórica do desenvolvimento do espaço mental cristão no primeiro século. O evangelho de Tomé, em especial a sua cristologia e antropologia, forma uma nova perspetiva a partir da qual será possível observar as origens do movimento cristão e a forma como a figura de Jesus foi retratada nos diferentes contextos sociais e espaços geográficos do mundo antigo.
Palavras Chave: Evangelho de Tomé, mentalidades, vivências, espaço simbólico, figura de Jesus, cristianismo primitivo.
Neste trabalho iremos estudar a narrativa do Êxodo de um ponto de vista histórico, tendo em conta... more Neste trabalho iremos estudar a narrativa do Êxodo de um ponto de vista histórico, tendo em conta que essa narrativa não é um relato histórico em concreto, mas antes a história de múltiplas memórias recolhidas acerca deste evento. Contextualizando o processo como as memórias foram tratadas pelos escribas hebreus ao longo dos séculos, iremos explorar a tradição oral e o papel preponderante da memória no seu desenvolvimento.
Trabalho Final do Seminário de História do Cristianismo Antigo e Medieval
Explora a teologia e c... more Trabalho Final do Seminário de História do Cristianismo Antigo e Medieval
Explora a teologia e cristologia do Evangelho de Tomé, contextualizando o ambiente histórico e cultural que originou esta tradição que veio a influenciar o cristianismo oriental e o movimento monástico copta.
Drafts by Ricardo Gomes
Historiografia da Religião Bíblica a partir da cultura dos escribas hebreus
Papers by Ricardo Gomes
Em 11 páginas realizou-se uma leitura crítica dos capítulos da obra de Vauchez sobre a espiritualidade de São Francisco de Assis.
Academic Works by Ricardo Gomes
Palavras Chave: Evangelho de Tomé, mentalidades, vivências, espaço simbólico, figura de Jesus, cristianismo primitivo.
Explora a teologia e cristologia do Evangelho de Tomé, contextualizando o ambiente histórico e cultural que originou esta tradição que veio a influenciar o cristianismo oriental e o movimento monástico copta.
Historiografia da Religião Bíblica a partir da cultura dos escribas hebreus
Em 11 páginas realizou-se uma leitura crítica dos capítulos da obra de Vauchez sobre a espiritualidade de São Francisco de Assis.
Palavras Chave: Evangelho de Tomé, mentalidades, vivências, espaço simbólico, figura de Jesus, cristianismo primitivo.
Explora a teologia e cristologia do Evangelho de Tomé, contextualizando o ambiente histórico e cultural que originou esta tradição que veio a influenciar o cristianismo oriental e o movimento monástico copta.
Introdução à história do mundo bíblico e da Bíblia Hebraica a partir da cultura dos escribas de Israel. Reflexão sobre a evolução histórica da crença no Antigo Israel do politeísmo até ao monoteísmo.