Papers by Ricardo Correa-Rotter
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, Nov 1, 2021
Effect of dapagliflozin on urinary albumin excretion in patients with chronic kidney disease with... more Effect of dapagliflozin on urinary albumin excretion in patients with chronic kidney disease with and without type 2 diabetes: a prespecified analysis from the DAPA-CKD trial. Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 9(11), 755-766.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Jun 1, 2023
Conclusion: In our patients ePTFp was higher than the control group and correlate with the entity... more Conclusion: In our patients ePTFp was higher than the control group and correlate with the entity of the GFR reduction post nephrectomy. The group with a preoperatory ePTFp ≥ 2,2 mg/dl had a higher post nephrectomy GFR reduction. These results suggest that ePTFp identify the pre nephrectomy kidney functional reserve. In particular and ePTFp higher than limits highlighted in the literature (2.2 mg/dl) pre nephrectomy identify a greater risk of kidney function reduction post nephrectomy. ePTFp may be proposed as a parameter to identify patients with higher risk of decreased renal function post nephrectomy.
Defensas peritoneales
Elsevier eBooks, 2009
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Jun 1, 2023
Finereone added to a dual RAS/SGLT2 inhibition substantially prolongs lifespan of Col4a3-/-mice w... more Finereone added to a dual RAS/SGLT2 inhibition substantially prolongs lifespan of Col4a3-/-mice with progressive CKD due to Alport nephropathy. (A) Kaplan-Meier graph of survival. (B) Effects of RASi, RASi/SGLT2i, and RASi/SGLT2i/MRA treatments on kidney function (GFR) in Col4a3-/-mice. All quantitative data are means ± SD.
Ethnicity and Chronic Kidney Disease in Disadvantaged Populations—An International Perspective
Elsevier eBooks, 2020
Peritoneal Dialysis
Elsevier eBooks, 2012
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Jun 1, 2023
A high specificity and sensitivity analyses of the biomarkers versus outcome sTNFR1 74% p< 0.001,... more A high specificity and sensitivity analyses of the biomarkers versus outcome sTNFR1 74% p< 0.001, 68.2% p = 0.009 and 73.8% p< 0.001, uDKK3 39.7% p = 0.102, 51.4% p = 0.839 and 42.8% p = 0.26 and sBCL-3 60.5% p = 0.096, 46.0% p = 0.561 and 52.1% p 0.744. of TNFR1 on the rapid renal function decline. Thus, we believe in our DKD population, targeting TNFR1 pathway could be a promising tool in monitoring and treating our DKD population.

Síndrome de Conn: una experiencia quirúrgica
Antecedentes: El hiperaldosteronismo primario es una enfermedad que se manifiesta clinicamente po... more Antecedentes: El hiperaldosteronismo primario es una enfermedad que se manifiesta clinicamente por hipertension arterial sistemica e hipokalemia. Ocurre como consecuencia de la produccion autonoma en exceso de aldosterona en presencia de hiperplasia de la corteza suprarrenal o bien la de un tumor funcional. La reseccion tumoral permite la curacion en la mayor parte de los enfermos. El objetivo del presente estudio consiste en analizar una serie de pacientes con adenoma suprarrenal productor de aldosterona. Pacientes y metodos: Se revisaron los expedientes clinicos de 13 pacientes con sindrome de Conn. Se analizaron sus manifestaciones clinicas, metodo diagnostico, tratamiento y evolucion con enfasis en el comportamiento postoperatorio de la hipertension y la hipokalemia. Resultados: De un total de 105 pacientes llevados a adrenalectomia en un periodo de 12 anos (agosto 1991-febrero 2003), 13 pacientes fueron intervenidos por un tumor productor de aldosterona. La edad promedio fue de 43 ± 11 anos, ocho fueron mujeres y cinco hombres. Todos presentaron hipertension arterial, supresion de la actividad plasmatica de renina y 11 cursaban ademas con hipokalemia. En todos los pacientes se logro identificar el tumor suprarrenal por metodos de imagen y los estudios de laboratorio fueron compatibles con sindrome de Conn. Se practico adrenalectomia abierta en dos pacientes y laparoscopica en 11. No hubo complicaciones perioperatorias ni mortalidad. El estudio histologico establecio el diagnostico de adenoma en 12 pacientes y carcinoma en uno. La estancia hospitalaria promedio fue de 3.1 dias. En 12 pacientes se logro normalizar las cifras de tension arterial al extirpar el tumor y en todos los pacientes revirtio la hipokalemia. Conclusiones: El sindrome de Conn ocupo 12% en frecuencia dentro de las enfermedades tributarias de adrenalectomia en nuestro medio. En todos los casos se presento como hipertension arterial e hipokalemia. Los estudios de imagen permitieron localizar la enfermedad en todos los casos y mediante la reseccion de la glandula se logro la curacion en 92% de los pacientes
Revista De Investigacion Clinica, Apr 1, 2005

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Oct 6, 2020
Background. Patients undergoing haemodialysis (HD) are often discouraged from eating fruits and v... more Background. Patients undergoing haemodialysis (HD) are often discouraged from eating fruits and vegetables because of fears of hyperkalaemia and undernutrition, yet evidence to support these claims is scarce. We here explore the association between adherence to a healthy plant-based diet with serum potassium, surrogates of nutritional status and attainment of energy/protein intake targets in HD patients. Methods. We performed an observational single-centre study of stable patients undergoing HD with repeated dietary assessment every 3 months. Patients were provided with personalized nutritional counselling according to current guidelines. The diet was evaluated by 3-day food records and characterized by a healthy plant-based diet score (HPDS), which scores positively the intake of plant foods and negatively animal foods and sugar. The malnutrition inflammation score (MIS) and serum potassium were also assessed at each visit. We used mixed-effects models to evaluate the association of the HPDS with markers of nutritional status, serum potassium levels and attainment of energy/protein intake targets. Results. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 150 patients contributing to 470 trimestral observations were included. Their mean age was 42 years [standard deviation (SD) 18] and 59% were women. In multivariable models, a higher HPDS was not associated with serum potassium levels or odds of hyperkalaemia fpotassium >5.5 mEq/L; odds ratio [OR] 1.00 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.94-1.07] per HPDS unit higherg. Patients with a higher HPDS did not differ in terms of energy intake [OR for consuming <30 kcal/kg day 1.05 (95% CI 0.97-1.13)] but were at risk of low protein intake [OR for consuming <1.1 g of protein/kg/day 1.11 (95% CI 1.04-1.19)]. A higher HPDS was associated with a lower MIS, indicating better nutritional status. Conclusions. In patients undergoing HD, adherence to a healthy plant-based diet was not associated with serum potassium, hyperkalaemia or differences in energy intake. Although these patients were less likely to reach daily protein intake targets, they appeared to associate with better nutritional status over time.
Acute kidney injury in critical care COVID-19 patients on invasive mechanical ventilation: the potential preventive role of dexamethasone
Revista De Investigacion Clinica, May 5, 2023
Elsevier eBooks, 2009

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Dec 14, 2019
Aims: Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors (RASi) are the most effective treatments for diabetic k... more Aims: Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors (RASi) are the most effective treatments for diabetic kidney disease but significant residual renal risk remains, possibly because of other mechanisms of kidney disease progression unrelated to RAS that may be present. Sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors reduce albuminuria and may complement RASi by offering additional renal protection. This post hoc analysis investigated the effects of dapagliflozin on cardio-renal risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) with increased albuminuria treated with or without RASi at baseline. Materials and methods: We evaluated the effects of dapagliflozin 10 mg/day over 12-24 weeks across 13 placebo-controlled studies in patients with T2D with a urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) ≥30 mg/g at baseline. Patients were divided into two subgroups based on treatment with or without RASi at baseline. Results: Compared with patients with RASi at baseline (n = 957), patients without RASi (n = 302) were younger, had a shorter duration of diabetes (7 vs. 12 years), higher estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and lower UACR, serum uric acid (sUA), body weight and systolic blood pressure. Placebo-adjusted treatment effects of dapagliflozin on UACR, eGFR, glycated haemoglobin and haematocrit over 24 weeks were similar across groups. Mean reductions in body weight and sUA were more distinct in patients without RASi treatment at baseline.

BMC Nephrology, Mar 27, 2007
Background: Imatinib is a tyrosine-kinase inhibitor; for which there is limited information regar... more Background: Imatinib is a tyrosine-kinase inhibitor; for which there is limited information regarding its effects on AIDS Kaposi's sarcoma and none in patients with transplant-associated Kaposi's sarcoma. Sirolimus, an immunosuppressive drug used for kidney transplant, exhibits antiangiogenic activity related to impaired production of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), clinical benefit has been reported in Kaposi's sarcoma associated with renal graft. Case Presentation: Here we report a case of an 80 year old male, who developed Kaposi's Sarcoma nine months after receiving a living non-related donor kidney transplant at age 74. Three years after treatment with different chemotherapeutic agents for progressive cutaneous Kaposi's Sarcoma with no visceral involvement, he was prescribed Imatinib (200 mg/day for two weeks followed by 400 mg/day) after four weeks of treatment he developed anasarca, further progression of KS and agranulocytosis. Imatinib was discontinued and there was significant clinical recovery. One year later his immunosuppressive therapy was changed to Sirolimus and regression of the Kaposi's sarcoma occurred. Conclusion: The lack of benefit and severe toxicity associated with the use of Imatinib in this patient should alert clinicians of potentially adverse consequence of its use in patients with transplant associated Kaposi's sarcoma. On the other hand the positive response seen in this patient to Sirolimus even after a long evolution of Kaposi's sarcoma, multiple chemotherapy regimens and extensive cutaneous disease further suggest it therapeutical utility for transplant associated Kaposi's sarcoma.

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Background and Aims Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and its associated complications constitute a ma... more Background and Aims Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and its associated complications constitute a major challenge for healthcare systems worldwide. Albuminuria, measured as albumin-to-creatinine ratio (uACR), is a critical marker of glomerular injury and endothelial dysfunction. Elevated uACR is an independent predictor of CKD progression and cardio-renal mortality [1,2]. However, there is a paucity of data translating the burden of CKD at the population level according to uACR categories, in order to promote evidence-based policies. This study aims to assess the future epidemiological and financial burden of CKD using the Inside CKD microsimulation [3]. Specifically, we report CKD population level projections for cardio-renal complications, progression to end stage kidney disease (ESKD), and death due to any cause according to uACR categories. Method The Inside CKD microsimulation was used to simulate virtual individuals from 28 countries and regions. Individuals were assigned baselin...
Unmet Needs of CKD in Latin America: A Review from Expert Virtual Working Group
Kidney International Reports
High protein diets modulate renal lipid metabolism in Zucker fa/fa rats
The FASEB Journal, 2010
Molecularly targeted therapy for Kaposi's sarcoma in a kidney transplant patient: case repor... more Molecularly targeted therapy for Kaposi's sarcoma in a kidney transplant patient: case report, "what worked and what did not"

Frequency of Intradialytic Hypotension Events Do Not Increase with Oral Nutritional Supplementation during Hemodialysis Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Journal of Renal Nutrition, 2021
OBJECTIVE This study aimed to compare the effect of the use of a renal-specific oral nutritional ... more OBJECTIVE This study aimed to compare the effect of the use of a renal-specific oral nutritional supplement (RS-ONS) during hemodialysis sessions and the use of RS-ONS at home on the incidence of intradialytic hypotension. METHODS A single-center, 12-week, open-label, randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted. The intervention was a RN-ONS divided into two portions: 100 and 137 mL. The first portion was given after 1 hour of hemodialysis (HD) treatment, while the second portion was given 45 minutes before the end of HD. The research staff registered the baseline and final nutritional parameters and systolic arterial pressure (SAP) from the screen of the HD device during 36 HD sessions. Hypotension symptoms were also recorded every hour during each HD session. The nutritional and functional status was also assessed. RESULTS We registered a total of 16 hypotensive events during 1082 HD sessions: 9 were in patients supplemented at home (551 HD sessions) and 7 occurred in patients supplemented during HD P = .668. Incidence of intradialytic hypotension (IH) during 1082 HD sessions was 1.4%. The total malnutrition inflammation score (MIS) decreased in both groups (P < .01), and the percentage of cachexia improved in the supplemented-during-HD group (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS In this randomized controlled trial, intradialytic hypotension events did not increase with the RS-ONS during HD treatment. This strategy appears to be a safe anabolic nutritional strategy for the prevention of PEW, selecting stable patients and administering a fractioned volume of the supplement after the first hour of HD treatment. More studies with larger samples size are required to confirm these findings.
Papers by Ricardo Correa-Rotter