The present work was elaborated in the scope of the Master in Law and Security of the Faculty of ... more The present work was elaborated in the scope of the Master in Law and Security of the Faculty of Law of the New University of Lisbon, and had as aim to answer the following question: "What are the legal limits of application of the use of force in Cyberspace?" To this end, we will address security in cyberspace, including the summary analysis of cyber attacks to Estonia in 2007, and some considerations regarding cybercrime, a problem that is increasingly part of our daily lives. Likewise, and due to its relevance and relevance, we will analyze the phenomena of terrorism and cyberterrorism. After this framework, we will delimit the use of force, as well as explain some important concepts to understand how the general principle of prohibition of the use of force works, such as the concept of aggression, and what the concepts of “jus ad bellum” and “jus in bello”, as well as their differences. We will also address the exception to the prohibition on the use of force, which tr...
Para muitos autores, o terrorismo, num passado recente, teve como primeiro "marco" o "atentado" o... more Para muitos autores, o terrorismo, num passado recente, teve como primeiro "marco" o "atentado" ocorrido em 21 de Dezembro de 1988, na Escócia (Lockerbie). "O atentado de Lockerbie foi um ataque terrorista ao vôo 103 da Pan Am (…). O avião Boeing 747-121 partira do Aeroporto de Londres Heathrow em Londres com destino a Nova Iorque, e explodiu no ar logo acima da cidade escocesa de Lockerbie, matando 270 pessoas (259 no avião e 11 na terra) de 21 nacionalidades diferentes. Deste total, 189 vítimas eram cidadãos dos Estados Unidos da América." (Cfr. Wikipédia. [Consult. 09 Jun. 12]. Disponível em 11 Presidente da República à data.
The present work was elaborated in the scope of the Master in Law and Security of the Faculty of ... more The present work was elaborated in the scope of the Master in Law and Security of the Faculty of Law of the New University of Lisbon, and had as aim to answer the following question: "What are the legal limits of application of the use of force in Cyberspace?" To this end, we will address security in cyberspace, including the summary analysis of cyber attacks to Estonia in 2007, and some considerations regarding cybercrime, a problem that is increasingly part of our daily lives. Likewise, and due to its relevance and relevance, we will analyze the phenomena of terrorism and cyberterrorism. After this framework, we will delimit the use of force, as well as explain some important concepts to understand how the general principle of prohibition of the use of force works, such as the concept of aggression, and what the concepts of “jus ad bellum” and “jus in bello”, as well as their differences. We will also address the exception to the prohibition on the use of force, which tr...
Para muitos autores, o terrorismo, num passado recente, teve como primeiro "marco" o "atentado" o... more Para muitos autores, o terrorismo, num passado recente, teve como primeiro "marco" o "atentado" ocorrido em 21 de Dezembro de 1988, na Escócia (Lockerbie). "O atentado de Lockerbie foi um ataque terrorista ao vôo 103 da Pan Am (…). O avião Boeing 747-121 partira do Aeroporto de Londres Heathrow em Londres com destino a Nova Iorque, e explodiu no ar logo acima da cidade escocesa de Lockerbie, matando 270 pessoas (259 no avião e 11 na terra) de 21 nacionalidades diferentes. Deste total, 189 vítimas eram cidadãos dos Estados Unidos da América." (Cfr. Wikipédia. [Consult. 09 Jun. 12]. Disponível em 11 Presidente da República à data.
Papers by Ricardo Caiado