Papers by Ricardo Brod Mendez

… Descritiva e Desenho Técnico e VII …, Jan 1, 2007
O presente trabalho insere-se nos estudos do projeto Modela Pelotas, e relata todas as etapas env... more O presente trabalho insere-se nos estudos do projeto Modela Pelotas, e relata todas as etapas envolvidas no processo de modelagem tridimensional simplificada e publicação via internet, em uma enciclopédia virtual, de um elemento arquitetônico pertencente ao Patrimônio Histórico da cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Etapas anteriores do projeto tiveram como produto vários trabalhos, os quais contribuíram para a estruturação do acervo do projeto, e, na fase atual do projeto, encontra-se em estudo possibilidades que levem à otimização de modelos, com objetivo de aproveitá-los em aplicações multimídia diferenciadas. Para a realização deste estudo partiu-se de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema. Em seguida, selecionou-se o elemento arquitetônico a ser modelado, no caso o prédio que abriga a sede da Secretaria de Finanças da Prefeitura Municipal de Pelotas, RS-Brasil, identificando-se, após, as técnicas empregadas no processo de modelagem geométrica e visual do elemento e posterior otimização do mesmo, concluindo o processo com a disponibilização deste via internet. Ao final, a metodologia aqui apresentada mostra-se capaz de embasar outros usuários interessados em contribuir com modelos tridimensionais otimizados e próprios para publicação na internet. Palavras-chave: modelos tridimensionais, modelagem geométrica, modelagem visual, arquitetura virtual, internet. ABSTRACT The present work, which is part of the project Modela Pelotas, and reports all the steps involved in the process of the simplified three-dimensional modeling and publication through the internet, in a virtual encyclopedia, of an architectural element which belongs to the Historic site of the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, telling. Previous stages of the project had generated three dimensional models, and, in the current phase of the project, are in study possibilities leading to the optimization of the models, with the objective to use them in different multimedia applications. The accomplishment of this study in special started with a bibliographical revision on the subject in question. After that, it was selected the architectural element for modeling, in this case, the building that shelters the Secretariat of Finances of the Municipal City hall of Pelotas, RS-Brazil, identifying, then, the techniques used in the process of geometric and visual modeling of the element and posterior optimization of it, concluding the process with the disponibilization of the model in the internet. At the end of this paper, the methodology presented here reveals to be capable to base other users interested in contributing with optimized and three-dimensional models ready for publication in the internet.
O presente trabalho aborda o processo de criação de imagens panorâmicas aliadas a estereoscopia. ... more O presente trabalho aborda o processo de criação de imagens panorâmicas aliadas a estereoscopia. Mostra também como funciona a percepção da profundidade tanto pela visão humana como de forma artificial, com uma aplicação no Passeio Virtual realizado na Catedral São Francisco de Paula localizada na cidade de Pelotas/ RS. Possibilita que o usuário observe o local de maneira mais detalhada, simulando a visualização real do interior da igreja. Palavras-chave: Estereoscopia, Panoramas, Anaglifo, Visão 3D.

This work approaches the uses of technologies for creation of virtual environments based on image... more This work approaches the uses of technologies for creation of virtual environments based on images, with an application to the central square of the city of Pelotas/RS. It makes possible to the user to accomplish an interactive walkthrough with resources that allows architectural and urban planning evaluations through simulations of color changes in the buildings, insertion of new constructions and analysis of the conservation condition of the buildings, with advantages if compared to traditional methods of analysis with static photographic assemblies. It emphasizes the research of solutions for interactive visualization of environments, focused in the identification of sources of information and not in mathematical modeling. Besides the selection of the urban scenes to be studied, it was considered techniques for modeling the architectural elements to obtain the maximal preservation of their natural characteristics (conservation state, colors and wealth of details), ways of visualization of nowadays conservation, but integrated with bibliographical dates (historical, constructive techniques and location). It also includes the uses of multimedia objects to the presentation of contents. In the search of solutions, techniques of photogrammetric modeling were investigated, looking for the construction of realistic objects and maintenance of the characteristics of the original object but using simplified geometric models. It was done a search about forms of presentation of navigable virtual environments through interactive panoramas and also using a prototype of stereoscopy. The work culminates with the coalition of all studied technologies in a prototype of the central square of Pelotas called “Praça República Virtual–PRV” (to rescue the old name of the current Square Cel. Pedro Osório). It works like a stonemason of proofs in the measure that opens various options of use in studies in the area of Architecture and Urban Planning.
Papers by Ricardo Brod Mendez