REVISTA NÚMERO 22 by Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica REALA

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Oct 28, 2024
Objetivos: analizar la delegación de competencias municipales en la provincia en el derecho propi... more Objetivos: analizar la delegación de competencias municipales en la provincia en el derecho propio de Andalucía, con especial atención al ejercicio de la competencia delegada como competencia propia provincial. Metodología: análisis de normas, jurisprudencia y doctrina. Resultados: estudio de la delegación municipal de competencias en la provincia en el derecho de Andalucía, en particular cuando su ejercicio supone el ejercicio de la competencia propia de asistencia, poniendo de manifiesto las implicaciones que ello tiene. Se abordan también algunos aspectos clave de la figura. Conclusiones: la principal conclusión de este trabajo es que el ejercicio delegado de la competencia municipal como competencia provincial propia supone una manifestación de «la integración de municipios y provincias en una sola comunidad política» (preámbulo de la Ley de Autonomía Local de Andalucía) y comporta consecuencias específicas. / Objectives: To analyze the delegation of municipal competences in the province in the Andalusian law, with special attention to the exercise of delegated competence as a provincial competence. Methodology: Analysis of norms, jurisprudence and doctrine. Results: Study of the delegation of municipal powers in the province in the Andalusian Law, with special attention to the exercise of the delegated power as own provincial competence; some key aspects of the figure are also addressed. Conclusions: The main conclusion of this work is that the delegated exercise of municipal competence as its own provincial competence is a manifestation of «the integration of municipalities and provinces into a single political community» (preamble to the Law of Local Autonomy of Andalusia) and has specific consequences.

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Oct 28, 2024
Objetivos: el presente artículo se propone analizar críticamente los criterios de adjudicación de... more Objetivos: el presente artículo se propone analizar críticamente los criterios de adjudicación de plazas escasas en centros escolares de la red pública. Metodología: la metodología empleada es el análisis de las fuentes primarias –normativa estatal y autonómica– y secundarias –jurisprudencia y doctrina– y su discusión crítica. El artículo comienza describiendo el sistema de asignación de plazas previsto en la normativa educativa. A continuación, se aborda la compatibilidad del establecimiento de distinciones en el acceso a los servicios públicos educativos con el principio de igualdad. La parte central del estudio se dedica a identificar y discutir los criterios de adjudicación más frecuentemente empleados. Resultados: el análisis realizado evidencia el carácter discutido y discutible de la mayoría de los criterios de adjudicación habitualmente empleados. Conclusiones: como conclusión, el artículo propone un sistema de asignación de plazas alternativo, el sorteo ponderado, que permite equilibrar mejor la libertad de elección de centro de las familias y el principio de equidad. / Objectives: This article aims to critically analyze the criteria for allocating scarce places in public schools. Methodology: The methodology used is the analysis of primary sources (state and regional regulations) and secondary sources (case law and doctrine) and their critical discussion. Specifically, the system for assigning places provided for in educational regulations is presented. Next, the compatibility of the establishment of distinctions in access to public educational services with the principle of equality is addressed. The central part of the study is dedicated to identifying and discussing the most frequently used allocation criteria. Results: The analysis carried out shows the disputed and debatable nature of the majority of allocation criteria usually included in the regulations. Conclusions: In conclusion, the article proposes an alternative system for allocating places, the weighted lottery, which allows for a better balance between families’ freedom of choice of school and the principle of equity.

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Oct 28, 2024
Objetivos: el presente trabajo aborda el debate jurídico que suscita el encaje de las instalacion... more Objetivos: el presente trabajo aborda el debate jurídico que suscita el encaje de las instalaciones eólicas en el territorio, a fin de identificar mecanismos de ordenación coordinada de esta actividad con otras políticas sectoriales. Metodología: la investigación realizada se orienta a dar solución a los problemas reales que plantea la aplicación del derecho en esta materia, empleando para ello la metodología habitual de las ciencias jurídicas (especialmente, el análisis normativo y doctrinal). Resultados: se ha conseguido precisar la forma en la que los planes urbanísticos han de llevar a cabo esa labor integradora, clarificando previamente los trámites administrativos exigidos para la implantación de este tipo de infraestructuras. Conclusiones: la implantación de un parque eólico debe conllevar un nuevo ordenamiento urbanístico del área en la que se ubica, a fin de que las servidumbres impuestas por la instalación de dichas infraestructuras sean contempladas en los regímenes de uso de los suelos situados en torno a las mismas. Con el fin de acometer esa función, la ordenación del territorio, la zonificación y los planes especiales se erigen en las tres piezas esenciales del sistema. / Objectives: This work addresses the legal debate that arises about the fit of wind installations in the territory, in order to identify mechanisms for coordinated management of this activity with other sectoral policies. Methodology: From an eminently practical approach, the research carried out is aimed at providing solutions to the real problems posed by the application of Law in this matter, using the usual methodology of legal sciences (especially normative and doctrinal analysis). Results: It has been possible to specify the way in which urban plans must carry out this integrative work, previously clarifying the administrative procedures required for the implementation of this type of infrastructure. Conclusions: The implementation of a wind farm must entail a new urban planning of the area in which it is located, so that the easements imposed by the installation of said infrastructures are contemplated in the land use regimes located around the same. In order to undertake this function, territorial planning, zoning and special plans are the three essential pieces of the system.

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Oct 28, 2024
Objetivos: el presente estudio plantea el análisis de un modelo particular de protección del medi... more Objetivos: el presente estudio plantea el análisis de un modelo particular de protección del medio ambiente como el que se desarrolla en el Valle de Arán en un marco constitucional claro de descentralización territorial. Metodología: se expone el régimen jurídico aplicable al Valle de Arán a nivel estatutario y se revisa el régimen jurídico desarrollado en los últimos veinticinco años, así como se analiza la capacidad de ordenación de la Administración aranesa en aras de la consolidación de su autonomía como entidad local de carácter especial. Resultados: se evidencia el peso del territorio y sus especialidades para la articulación de un modelo de gestión y tutela ambiental concreto, que tiene correspondencia con un estatus jurídico propio del Valle de Arán. Conclusiones: reconocimiento de una ordenación ambiental fuertemente determinada por el territorio; sin embargo, no puede tratarse como un modelo de gestión aislado o autónomo, sino que deben existir conexiones con estrategias y fórmulas de protección generalmente compartidas bajo el paraguas del derecho ambiental, que debe garantizar la eficacia de los instrumentos de protección de este bien jurídico aplicados. / Objectives: The current study proposes the analysis of a particular model of environmental protection such as the one developed in the Aran Valley in a clear constitutional framework of territorial decentralization. Methodology: Presentation of the legal system applicable to the Val d’Aran at Statutory level; review of the legal system developed over the last 25 years; and analysis of the Aranese administration’s management capacity, regarding its autonomy as a local entity of a special character. Results: Evidence of the weight of the territory and its specialities for the articulation of a specific environmental management and protection model; correspondence and reflection in the Valle d’Aran’s own legal status. Conclusions: Recognition of an environmental management strongly determined by the territory; however, it cannot be treated as an isolated or autonomous management model; there must be connections with strategies and formulas of protection generally shared under the umbrella of Environmental Law; it must guarantee the effectiveness of the instruments of protection of this legal good applied.

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Oct 28, 2024
Objetivos: realizar una revisión crítica del estado de la cuestión en materia de transparencia, b... more Objetivos: realizar una revisión crítica del estado de la cuestión en materia de transparencia, buena administración y buen gobierno con ocasión del décimo aniversario de la aprobación de la Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre. Metodología: con la finalidad de construir un estudio sistemático y completo del tema tratado, la investigación se lleva a cabo mediante un análisis legal, doctrinal y jurisprudencial de los elementos que afectan a dos pilares clave de las políticas públicas de gobierno abierto: la transparencia y la colaboración (concepto este último que comprende la integridad y la rendición de cuentas o accountability). Además, se analiza el impacto del principio de buena administración en el procedimiento administrativo a la luz de la jurisprudencia más reciente. El método empleado es el comparativo, tomándose como muestra la normativa estatal y la extremeña. Resultados: la investigación constata diversos déficits y excesos que convendría tener presentes en futuras reformas legislativas, tanto a nivel estatal como autonómico. Conclusiones: se considera necesario realizar una modificación de la Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre con la finalidad de integrar la jurisprudencia de la Sala Tercera y depurar defectos de técnica normativa. Asimismo, se concluye que sería adecuado regular un régimen de acceso especial a la información pública aplicable a aquellos sujetos que juegan un papel determinante en la formación de la opinión pública. A nivel autonómico, como conclusión principal, se recomienda llevar a cabo una refundición de la legislación en materia de transparencia y buen gobierno. Por lo que respecta a la buena administración, sería conveniente –siguiendo la CDFUE, la normativa autonómica y la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo– que el legislador estatal reconociera expresamente el derecho a una buena administración. Finalmente, se critica la técnica empleada para regular los principios de buen gobierno y los códigos de conducta, así como la inexistencia de evaluaciones objetivas y obligatorias que permitan conocer su grado de cumplimiento. / Objectives: To carry out a critical review of the state of the art of transparency, good administration and good government on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the approval of the Spanish Law on Transparency and Good Government. Methodology: In order to build a systematic and comprehensive study of the subject, the research is guided by a legal, doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis of the elements that affect two key pillars of open government policies: transparency and collaboration (the latter concept includes integrity and accountability). It also analyses the impact of the principle of good administration in the administrative process in the light of recent case law. The method used is comparative, taking as a sample the regulations of the State and those of Extremadura. Results: The research reveals several shortcomings and excesses that should be taken into account in future legislative reforms, both at the level of the State and of the Autonomous Communities. Conclusions: It is considered necessary to amend Law 19/2013, of 9 December 2013, in order to integrate the jurisprudence of the Spanish Supreme Court and to correct the shortcomings of the regulatory technique. Likewise, it is concluded that it would be appropriate to regulate a special regime of access to public information applicable to those subjects that play a decisive role in the formation of public opinion. At the regional level, the main conclusion is that a recast of the legislation on transparency and good governance is recommended. With regard to good administration, it would be advisable for the State legislator to expressly recognise the right to good administration, in line with the CDFUE, the regional regulations and the jurisprudence of the Spanish Supreme Court. Finally, the technique used to regulate the principles of good governance and the codes of conduct is criticised, as is the lack of objective and binding evaluations to determine the degree of compliance.

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Oct 28, 2024
Objetivos: este artículo lleva a cabo una reflexión sobre el alcance actual de los criterios suje... more Objetivos: este artículo lleva a cabo una reflexión sobre el alcance actual de los criterios sujetos a juicio de valor en nuestro marco público de contratación, para lo cual analizaremos los diferentes aspectos que envuelven a los criterios subjetivos. Metodología: la habitual en los estudios jurídicos, con manejo del derecho positivo, la doctrina científica, las resoluciones de los tribunales de recursos contractuales y la jurisprudencia. Resultados: la raquítica y desarmonizada regulación que de los mismos realiza la actual ley de contratos, convierte a los criterios sujetos a juicio de valor, con más asiduidad de la deseada, en un artefacto jurídico maleable y arbitrario. Conclusiones: inferimos la necesidad de acometer un proceso de reforma de los criterios sujetos a juicio de valor que, sin implicar un cambio disruptivo que comprometa la esencia de los mismos, permita una mejora normativa que garantice un adecuado equilibrio entre su utilización con un terreno de juego marcado y abonado por la certidumbre en el que deben desenvolverse todos los operadores económicos, dando lugar a la configuración de un marco jurídico claro y seguro. / Objectives: This article aims to carry out a reflection on the current scope of the criteria subject to value judgment in our public contracting framework, for which we will analyze the different aspects that involve subjective criteria. Methodology: The usual one in legal studies, with handling of positive law, scientific doctrine, resolutions of contractual appeals courts and jurisprudence. Results: The rickety and disharmonized regulation that the current Contract Law makes of them, turns the criteria subject to value judgment, with more assiduity than desired, into a malleable and arbitrary legal artifact. Conclusions: We infer the need to undertake a process of reform of the criteria subject to value judgment that, without implying a disruptive change that compromises the loss of their essence, allows a regulatory improvement that guarantees an adequate balance between their use with a playing field marked and fertilized by certainty in which all economic operators must operate, giving rise to the configuration of a clear and secure legal framework.

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Oct 28, 2024
Objetivos: a partir de la Ley de Instituciones Locales de Euskadi y de la reciente Ley de Empleo ... more Objetivos: a partir de la Ley de Instituciones Locales de Euskadi y de la reciente Ley de Empleo Público Vasco, el art. realiza una descripción y un análisis del novedoso régimen jurídico de la figura del directivo público profesional en sus municipios distintos de los de gran población y plantea una aplicación de dicha figura en el área de urbanismo de un ayuntamiento. Metodología: se ha empleado la metodología habitual en las ciencias jurídicas: estudio de la legislación, de la doctrina y de la jurisprudencia, pero también se realiza un estudio analítico de los datos que describen la organización de unos ayuntamientos característicos del País Vasco. Resultados: se define una propuesta de modelo organizativo de un área de urbanismo en un ayuntamiento intermedio considerando la nueva figura del directivo público profesional. Conclusiones: el nuevo escenario habilitado por la Ley de Instituciones Locales de Euskadi para la implantación de la figura del directivo público profesional permitirá desplegar un nuevo modelo organizativo en los ayuntamientos intermedios del País Vasco y responder a las nuevas y tradicionales necesidades de la sociedad que estas Administraciones tienen la obligación de satisfacer, como en áreas tan trascendentales como la de urbanismo. / Objectives: Based on the Law of Local Institutions of Euskadi and the recent Basque Public Employment Law, the paper carries out a description and analysis of the new legal regime of the professional public director profile in the Basque Country intermediate municipalities and proposes an application of this Director profile in the urban planning area of a city council. Methodology: The usual methodology in legal sciences has been used: study of legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence, but an analytical study of the data that describes the organization of some characteristic city councils of the Basque Country is also carried out. Results: A proposal for an organizational model of an urban planning area is defined in an intermediate city council, considering the professional public director new profile. Conclusions: The new scenario enabled by the Law of Local Institutions of Euskadi for the implementation of the professional public director profile will allow the deployment of a new organizational model in the intermediate town councils of the Basque Country and will be able to respond to the new and also traditional social needs that these administrations have to fulfill, in areas such as urban planning.
Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Oct 28, 2024
Recensión del libro de Luis Medina Alcoz: Historia del derecho administrativo español, con prólog... more Recensión del libro de Luis Medina Alcoz: Historia del derecho administrativo español, con prólogo de Manuel Rebollo Puig, Marcial Pons, 2022, 535 pp. / Review of the book by Luis Medina Alcoz: Historia del derecho administrativo español, con prólogo de Manuel Rebollo Puig, Marcial Pons, 2022, 535 pp.
Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Oct 28, 2024
Recensión del libro de Álvaro Soriano Hinojosa, Las Administraciones públicas ante el arbitraje, ... more Recensión del libro de Álvaro Soriano Hinojosa, Las Administraciones públicas ante el arbitraje, Atelier, 2023, 592 pp. / Review of the book by Álvaro Soriano Hinojosa, Las Administraciones públicas ante el arbitraje, Atelier, 2023, 592 pp.
Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Oct 28, 2024
Recensión del libro de Agustín García Ureta, Cooperación al desarrollo. Aspectos jurídico-adminis... more Recensión del libro de Agustín García Ureta, Cooperación al desarrollo. Aspectos jurídico-administrativos, Iustel, 2023, 248 pp. / Review of the book by Agustín García Ureta, Cooperación al desarrollo. Aspectos jurídico-administrativos, Iustel, 2023, 248 pp.
Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Oct 28, 2024
Recensión del libro de M.ª Ángeles González Bustos, Régimen jurídico administrativo de la dinamiz... more Recensión del libro de M.ª Ángeles González Bustos, Régimen jurídico administrativo de la dinamización rural, Atelier, 2023, 165 pp. / Review of the book by M.ª Ángeles González Bustos, Régimen jurídico administrativo de la dinamización rural, Atelier, 2023, 165 pp.
Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Oct 28, 2024
Recensión del libro de M.ª Remedios Zamora Roselló, Minería y comunidades autónomas: territorio, ... more Recensión del libro de M.ª Remedios Zamora Roselló, Minería y comunidades autónomas: territorio, sostenibilidad y energía. Especial referencia a Galicia, Baleares y Andalucía, Tirant lo Blanch, 2024, 276 pp. / Review of the book from M.ª Remedios Zamora Roselló, Minería y comunidades autónomas: territorio, sostenibilidad y energía. Especial referencia a Galicia, Baleares y Andalucía, Tirant lo Blanch, 2024, 276 pp.
Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Oct 28, 2024
Recensión del libro coordinado por Gustavo Manuel Díaz González, Blockchain y Gobiernos locales, ... more Recensión del libro coordinado por Gustavo Manuel Díaz González, Blockchain y Gobiernos locales, Fundación Democracia y Gobierno Local, 2022, 373 pp. / Review of the book coordinated by Gustavo Manuel Díaz González Blockchain y Gobiernos locales, Fundación Democracia y Gobierno Local, 2022, 373 pp.
REVISTA NÚMERO 21 by Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica REALA

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Apr 15, 2024
Objetivos: el trabajo lleva a cabo una aproximación global a la cohesión sanitaria en España tras... more Objetivos: el trabajo lleva a cabo una aproximación global a la cohesión sanitaria en España tras dos décadas de vigencia de la Ley 16/2003. Metodología: se ha empleado la metodología habitual en las ciencias jurídicas; es decir, estudio de la legislación, de la doctrina y de la jurisprudencia. Resultados: en la primera parte del trabajo se identifican diversas señales de debilidad en el grado de cohesión efectiva del Sistema Nacional de Salud durante el período anterior a la crisis pandémica (2004-2019). En la segunda, se analiza la experiencia vivida en torno a la pandemia desde el punto de vista de la cohesión sanitaria. Conclusiones: se ha dejado pasar una circunstancia muy propicia para llevar a cabo rectificaciones de calado en la materia. Por eso, se formulan algunas propuestas para revertir la situación. / Objectives: The paper carries out a global approach to health cohesion in Spain after two decades of Law 16/2003 has been in force. Methodology: The usual methodology used in the legal sciences has been employed, i.e. a study of legislation, doctrine, and jurisprudence. Results: The first part of the study identifies various signs of weakness in the degree of effective cohesion of the National Health System during the period prior to the pandemic crisis (2004-2019). The second part of the paper analyses the experience of the pandemic from the point of view of health cohesion. Conclusions: A circumstance has been overlooked that is very conducive to making significant corrections in this area. For this reason, some proposals are put forward to reverse the situation.

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Apr 15, 2024
Objetivos: el objetivo de este trabajo es llevar a cabo una recapitulación sobre el alcance actua... more Objetivos: el objetivo de este trabajo es llevar a cabo una recapitulación sobre el alcance actual de las competencias educativas de las entidades locales en España. Metodología: la metodología utilizada es la propia de las ciencias jurídicas (análisis normativo, jurisprudencial y doctrinal). Resultados: se comienza con una exposición de la evolución histórica de las competencias educativas de las entidades locales. A continuación, se analizan las tres materias relacionadas con la educación en las que, de acuerdo con la redacción actual de la Ley Reguladora de las Bases del Régimen Local, la legislación sectorial les debería atribuir a los municipios competencias propias, así como las posibilidades de delegación competencial en este ámbito. En la siguiente parte del trabajo se abordan otras competencias educativas que ejercen las entidades locales, tanto las que les atribuye la propia legislación del sector como la prestación de servicios complementarios a los educativos. Finalmente, se trata de la cuestión de los centros docentes de titularidad de las entidades locales. Conclusiones: la principal conclusión del trabajo es que reforma de 2013 no ha atenuado la desconexión que ya se producía entre la legislación de régimen local y la legislación educativa, de tal manera que el art. 25.2.n) de la Ley Reguladora de las Bases del Régimen Local sigue sin ofrecer una idea clara de las competencias que realmente ejercen las entidades locales en materia educativa. / Objectives: The aim of this work is to carry out a recapitulation of the current scope of the educational competences of local authorities in Spain. Methodology: The methodology used is that of the legal sciences (normative, jurisprudential and doctrinal analysis). Results: We begin with an exposition of the historical evolution of the educational competences of local authorities. This is followed by an analysis of the three areas related to education in which, according to the current wording of the Act on the bases of local government, the sectoral legislation should grant the municipalities their own competences, as well as the possibilities of delegating competences in this field. The following part of the paper deals with other educational competences exercised by local bodies, both those attributed to them by the sectoral legislation itself and the provision of services complementary to educational services. Finally, it deals with the question of local authority-owned educational establishments. Conclusions: The main conclusion of the paper is that the 2013 reform has not attenuated the disconnection that was already occurring between local regime legislation and education legislation, such that art. 25.2.n) of the Act on the bases of local government still does not offer a clear idea of the competences actually exercised by local authorities in educational matters.

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Apr 15, 2024
Objetivos: este artículo tiene como objetivo verificar cómo se está cumpliendo el derecho comunit... more Objetivos: este artículo tiene como objetivo verificar cómo se está cumpliendo el derecho comunitario sobre transición energética por las comunidades autónomas (CC. AA.). Metodología: exposición de las obligaciones que impone la UE para cambiar el modelo energético; revisión de la jurisprudencia del TC sobre el cumplimiento del derecho comunitario y los títulos competenciales que habilitan a las CC. AA para esa transformación energética, para concluir con el análisis del marco normativo aprobado por el Estado y las regiones. Resultados: clarificación y sistematización del marco legal para la transición energética; las aportaciones del TC respecto a la distribución de competencias en dicha materia, y la concreción de los sectores implicados y los instrumentos de intervención más relevantes de que disponen las CC. AA. Conclusiones: corresponsabilidad estatal y autonómica en la aplicación del derecho comunitario para la transición energética; la necesidad de realizar una actuación coordinada, leal y eficiente, y la exigencia de un impulso más decidido en el uso de las energías renovables y la eficiencia energética por todas las regiones. / Objectives: The objective of this article is to verify how the community law on energy transition is being complied with by the autonomous regions. Methodology: The methodology used starts from exposing the obligations imposed by the EU to change the energy model, the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court on compliance with the community law and the competency titles that enable the autonomous regions for this energy transformation; to conclude with the analysis of the regulatory framework approved by the State and the regions. Results: The main results of this research are the clarification and systematization of the legal framework for the energy transition; the contributions of the Constitutional Court regarding the distribution of competences in this area; and the specification of the sectors involved and the most relevant intervention instruments available to the Autonomous Communities. Conclusions: We can summarize the main conclusions in the state and regional co-responsibility in the application of community law for the energy transition; the need for coordinated, loyal and efficient action; and the demand for a more decisive push in the use of renewable energies and energy efficiency by all regions.

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Apr 15, 2024
Objetivos: el presente trabajo persigue remover la tradicional e inamovible concepción de las man... more Objetivos: el presente trabajo persigue remover la tradicional e inamovible concepción de las mancomunidades de municipios, para, mediante su reconversión, pero sin renunciar por ello a sus fundamentos más sólidos, convertirlas en instrumentos administrativos de ámbito local, de primer orden, para la transformación de las zonas rurales más necesitadas de sostenibilidad, desarrollo rural y lucha contra la despoblación. Metodología: la investigación se basa en literatura académica (posiciones doctrinales) en disposiciones legales europeas, estatales y autonómicas y en jurisprudencia constitucional, centrada toda ella en las Mancomunidades de Municipios. Resultados: partiendo de una modernización conceptual de las mancomunidades de municipios (2.0), fruto de una reflexión profunda y acompasada a los nuevos tiempos, se puede posibilitar que dichas entidades locales, sin implicar un cambio disruptivo con su pasado, puedan hacer operativas las nuevas políticas públicas emergentes tendentes a lograr la sostenibilidad económica, social y medioambiental, el desarrollo rural de los territorios y personas, así como la fijación y atracción de población; en particular en los municipios más pequeños, que son a los que tradicionalmente dan servicio y los que presentan una menor penetración de tales políticas. Conclusiones: para lograr este complejo reto, resulta imprescindible dotar a los gestores públicos de los municipios mancomunados de una cobertura jurídica adecuada que deberá procurarse tanto desde la legislación básica local del Estado como desde la legislación de desarrollo sobre régimen local de las comunidades autónomas. / Objectives: the present work seeks to remove the traditional and immovable conception of the Associations of Municipalities, to, through their reconversion, but without giving up their most solid foundations, convert them into local administrative instruments, of the first order, for the transformation of the rural areas most in need of sustainability, rural development and the fight against depopulation. Methodology: the research is based on academic literature (doctrinal positions) on European, state and regional legal provisions and on constitutional jurisprudence, all of which focuses on the Associations of Municipalities Using the most modern doctrinal and normative positions. Results: starting from a conceptual modernization of the Associations of Municipalities (2.0), the result of a deep reflection and in step with the new times, can it be possible for these local entities, without implying a disruptive change with their past, to make the new policies operational emerging public initiatives aimed at achieving economic, social and environmental sustainability, the rural development of territories and people, as well as the establishment and attraction of population, in particular, in the smallest municipalities, which are the ones they traditionally serve and the that present a lower penetration of such policies. Conclusions: To achieve this complex challenge, it is essential to provide the public managers of the joint municipalities with adequate legal coverage that must be provided both from the basic local legislation of the State and from the development legislation on the local regime of the Autonomous Communities.

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Apr 15, 2024
Objetivos: este artículo pretende analizar la necesidad de acometer un proceso de reforma en la r... more Objetivos: este artículo pretende analizar la necesidad de acometer un proceso de reforma en la regulación de la intervención administrativa sobre la publicidad de productos alimentarios no saludables en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico, como instrumento de lucha contra la obesidad, tomando como referencia la reciente aprobación de normas de rango legal en Portugal y Reino Unido. Metodología: la habitual en los estudios jurídicos, con manejo del derecho positivo, la doctrina científica, las resoluciones de organismos reguladores y la jurisprudencia. Resultados: los mecanismos de autorregulación y corregulación publicitaria no han servido para frenar el incremento de las tasas de obesidad en la población, especialmente en los menores. La efectividad de las medidas de limitación y prohibición a la publicidad de estos productos requieren de su tratamiento en normas de naturaleza legal o reglamentaria, así como el reconocimiento del ejercicio de potestades públicas como la sancionadora, como se ha realizado en países como Portugal y Reino Unido. Conclusiones: el ordenamiento jurídico español debería adaptar sus determinaciones en la línea que están siguiendo los países objeto de este estudio, como medio eficaz de lucha contra la obesidad y de fomento de hábitos nutricionales saludables, para lograr la mejora de la salud futura de los ciudadanos. / Objectives: This article aims to analyze the need to undertake a reform process in the regulation of administrative intervention on the advertising of unhealthy food products in our legal system, as an instrument to combat obesity, taking as reference the recent approval of standards of legal rank in Portugal and the United Kingdom. Methodology: The usual one in legal studies, with management of positive law, scientific doctrine, resolutions of regulatory bodies and jurisprudence. Results: Advertising self-regulation and co-regulation mechanisms have not served to stop the increase in obesity rates in the population, especially in minors. The effectiveness of the measures to limit and prohibit the advertising of these products requires their treatment in standards of a legal or regulatory nature, as well as the recognition of the exercise of public powers such as sanctioning, as has been done in countries such as Portugal and the United Kingdom. Conclusions: The Spanish legal system should adapt its determinations in the line that the countries object of this study are following, as an effective means of fighting obesity and promoting healthy nutritional habits, to achieve improvement in the future health of citizens.

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Apr 15, 2024
Objetivos: el presente artículo tiene por objeto deslindar el régimen jurídico de las alteracione... more Objetivos: el presente artículo tiene por objeto deslindar el régimen jurídico de las alteraciones de los grupos políticos locales. Dicho de otra manera, se ha pretendido analizar en profundidad, a la luz del art. 73.3 de la LBRL, las figuras de la adscripción y no adscripción a los grupos políticos, dado que se prevén de forma inacabada las vicisitudes sustantivas y procedimentales de la alteración de estos. Metodología: la metodología utilizada es la típica del derecho: el uso de la normativa, jurisprudencia, doctrina consultiva y la doctrina científica. Resultados: se han establecido las bases del encaje dogmático y cauce procedimental aplicable a la no adscripción (principal mecanismo forzoso de alteración del grupo político local), teniendo particularmente en consideración los motivos de la existencia de esta figura, así como la intervención de una pluralidad de sujetos en las decisiones sobre la composición de los grupos. Conclusiones: nuestro ordenamiento jurídico no prevé un régimen jurídico completo de no adscripción o, más ampliamente dicho, alteración del grupo político local, ni en los aspectos sustantivos para su producción ni tampoco sobre el iter procedimental que seguir para su acuerdo, necesitándose para ello la intervención del legislador. / Objectives: The purpose of this article is to define the legal regime of the alterations of the local political groups. In other words, it has been intended to analyze in depth, in the light of article 73.3 of the LBRL, the figures of the ascription and non-ascription to the political groups, since the substantive and procedural vicissitudes of the alteration of these are provided for in an unfinished way. Methodology: The methodology used is typical of law: the use of regulations, jurisprudence, advisory doctrine and scientific doctrine. Results: We have established the basis of the dogmatic and procedural framework applicable to the non-attachment (main mechanism for the forced alteration of the local political group), taking into particular consideration the reasons for the existence of this figure as well as the intervention of a plurality of subjects in the decisions on the composition of the groups. Conclusions: Our legal system does not provide for a complete legal regime of non-attachment or, more broadly speaking, alteration, of the local political group, neither in the substantive aspects for its production nor on the procedural iter to be followed for its agreement, requiring the intervention of the legislator.

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, Apr 15, 2024
Objetivos: el presente estudio aborda un análisis del estatuto económico de los miembros electos ... more Objetivos: el presente estudio aborda un análisis del estatuto económico de los miembros electos de las entidades locales. Metodología: se emplea la metodología inductiva propia de las ciencias jurídicas, sin olvidar la perspectiva histórico-jurídica y, todo ello, bajo la técnica de la investigación dogmática de lege ferenda. Resultados: se indaga sobre la problemática que ha planteado desde su inicial instauración en la década de los ochenta valorando el rendimiento institucional del sistema respecto de los principios de buen gobierno que deberían de presidirlos. Conclusiones: se realizan distintas propuestas de mejora normativa a fin de que, en su caso, sean tenidas en cuenta en una eventual reforma del sistema. / Objectives: The present study addresses an analysis of the economic status of the elected members of local entities. Methodology: The inductive methodology typical of legal sciences is used, without forgetting the historical-legal perspective and, all of this, under the technique of dogmatic research de lege ferenda. Results: The problem that has arisen since its initial establishment in the 1980s is investigated, assessing the institutional performance of the system with respect to the principles of good governance that should govern them. Conclusions: Different proposals for regulatory improvement are made so that, where appropriate, they are taken into account in a possible reform of the system.
REVISTA NÚMERO 22 by Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica REALA
REVISTA NÚMERO 21 by Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica REALA
Entre los aciertos de la LRSAL se analiza la incorporación de la perspectiva del impacto sobre el mercado y la concurrencia. Asimismo, se pone de manifiesto la ausencia de una política pública sobre la calidad de los servicios públicos locales. / The aim of this paper is to reflect on local public services and local economic initiative as we approach the tenth anniversary of the enactment of Law 27/2013, of 27 December, on the Rationalisation and Sustainability of Local Administration (LRSAL). The aim is to take stock of its application, on the one hand, of the aspects that we consider to be most deficient and problematic in this area: in particular, the concept of local public service and its delimitation with local economic activities and, intimately related to this differentiation, the determination of the legally established procedure for the implementation and modification of the forms of provision of public services. These are therefore «old» problems that have yet to be resolved. It also examines the impact of the regional legislation on local government enacted after the LRSAL on the system for the management of public services and the exercise of local economic initiative.
On the other hand, the LRSAL’s successes include the incorporation of the perspective of the impact on the market and competition. It also highlights the absence of a public policy on the quality of local public services.
Es por ello que el propósito de este trabajo consiste en aproximarse al régimen jurídico de los diferentes TARC existentes en España –prestando especial atención a aquellos creados por las Comunidades Autónomas y las entidades locales–, para comprobar si éstos se han configurado realmente como un auténtico órgano independiente.
Para ello, tomando como referencia los condicionantes que derivan directamente del Derecho de la Unión Europea, analizaremos algunos de los elementos más relevantes de la organización y funcionamiento de dichos órganos, tales como la forma de designación de sus miembros, la duración de su mandato y su revocabilidad o la apariencia de independencia respecto de las partes. / One of the main characteristics of the special administrative appeal on the award of public contracts, regulated by the LCSP, is that its resolution is attributed to administrative bodies created ad hoc –the so-called administrative courts of contractual appeals (TARC)–, specialized in public procurement and endowed with guarantees of independence, both from the contracting authorities and from potential interested bidders.
Thus, the aim of this paper is to approach the legal regime of the different TARC existing in Spain -paying special attention to those created by the Autonomous Communities and local entities-, to check if they have really been configured as a real independent bodies.
To that end, taking as a reference the conditions that come directly from European Union Law, we will analyse some of the most relevant elements of the organization and functioning of these bodies, such as the way in which their members are appointed, the duration of their mandate and its revocability or the appearance of independence from the parties.
Entre los principales resultados alcanzados en la investigación hay que destacar la existencia de significativas diferencias retributivas en las Administraciones implantadas en la Comunidad Autónoma Madrid; existe un solapamiento retributivo en los niveles bajos de los puestos superiores que puede generar desmotivación en los funcionarios públicos; los abanicos salariales de las Administraciones estudiadas son relativamente estrechos, destacando las de Bilbao y el País Vasco; la equidad interna es débil al no existir una buena correspondencia entre la responsabilidad y las retribuciones asignadas en los puestos superiores; la implantación de una futura carrera horizontal supondría un incremento en el gasto de personal de muchas Administraciones públicas; y la carrera de la función pública superior en España es relativamente corta. / This article analyzes the salary of more than twenty thousand senior positions in Spanish public administrations from the perspective of their internal equity, their salary structure and their link with the vertical career path. For this purpose, the central administration of five autonomous communities, five local administrations and the General State Administration have been studied.
Among the main results of the research, it is worth highlighting the existence of significant differences in the salaries of the administrations located in the territory of Autonomous Community Madrid; there is a salary overlap at the lower levels of the higher positions that can generate demotivation among civil servants; the salary ranges of the administrations studied are relative narrow, with those of Bilbao and the Basque Country standing out; internal equity is weak as there is no good correspondence between responsibility and the salaries assigned to higher positions; the implementation of a future horizontal career would mean an increase in personnel costs for many public administrations; and the career of the senior civil service in Spain is relatively short.
En nuestro orden constitucional, la isla es una entidad a la que se le reconoce autonomía y a la que se le atribuye una determinada organización administrativa para la gestión de sus intereses particulares, con lo que nos hacemos la pregunta de saber en qué medida el reconocimiento de la realidad insular de La Graciosa ha afectado a sus elementos organizativos.
La legislación aplicable no ofrece sin embargo opciones para dar encaje a la insularidad de La Graciosa teniendo en cuenta que tal reconocimiento implica dotarla de los atributos propios de una isla. Esto acarrea como consecuencia la necesidad de encontrar en el escaso margen dispuesto por nuestra regulación de régimen local una solución para el desarrollo de la organización administrativa de esta isla. / Thanks to Law 1/2018, of 5 November, on the reform of the Statute of the Canary Islands (hereinafter, the EAC 2018), as well as the motion passed by the Spanish Senate in June 2018, La Graciosa has been legally recognised as an island.
The island is an entity to which our Constitution recognises autonomy and to which a certain administrative organisation is attributed for the management of its particular interests, so we wonder how this recognition has affected the organisation of La Graciosa.
However, the legislation does not offer any options to accommodate the insularity of La Graciosa. The consequence of this is the need to find a solution for the development of the administrative organisation of this island within the limited margin provided by our local regime regulations.
Los supuestos de transfuguismo han creado en ocasiones alarma social, hábilmente potenciada también por los partidos políticos para justificar el incremento de los mecanismos de control sobre los representantes electos para reprimir cualquier disidencia, pero es necesario ponderar, ya que todo disidente no debería ser considerado tránsfuga si su actuación no provoca una incidencia directa sobre la acción de gobierno.
En los últimos años se ha producido un incremento de la formación de coaliciones electorales como sujetos políticos habilitados para presentar candidaturas, con una parca regulación en cuanto a su régimen jurídico y funcionamiento. El fenómeno del transfuguismo también está presente en el seno de las coaliciones electorales con unos perfiles característicos y diferenciadores, lo que ha llevado a los partidos firmantes del Pacto Antitransfugismo a poner su foco de atención sobre este problema exigiendo reformas normativas.
En el presente trabajo realizamos una reflexión sobre el concepto de tránsfuga, exponiendo los distintos acuerdos y pactos que han alcanzado los partidos políticos para combatir estas conductas y los cambios normativos en los que se han plasmado los acuerdos. Tras exponer el régimen jurídico de las coaliciones electorales exponemos cómo se refleja en las mismas el transfuguismo y cuáles son sus singularidades.
Terminamos con una reflexión sobre la necesidad de aquilatar el concepto de tránsfuga, diferenciándolo de la simple disidencia puntual, y la necesidad de reforzar los mecanismos de control sobre las decisiones de los partidos para evitar un uso arbitrario de la facultad de expulsión del afiliado.
One of the most concerned and dysfunctional issues in our political system, is political transfugism, and also the response given to this phenomenon.
Turncoating creates social alarm, skillfully promoted by parties to justify the increase of control’s mechanisms to repress any dissent. In this point is necessary to ponder. Not all dissidents should be considered turncoats if their decissions do not cause a direct impact on government action.
Recently, electoral coalitions has been increases, with scant regulation in terms of their legal regime and operation. Transfugism is also present in this coalitions, and it has there differents characteristic and profiles. That’s why the Anti-Transfugism Pact focus their attention on this problem, demanding regulatory reforms.
In this paper we carry out a reflection on the concept of turncoat, exposing the agreements and pacts that political parties have reached to combat these behaviors. We also remarks the normative changes in which the agreements have been embodied.
After exposing the legal regime of the electoral coalitions, we expose how the transfugism is reflected in them and what their singularities are. We end with a reflection on the need to assess the concept of turncoat, differentiating it from simple punctual dissidence, and the need to strengthen control mechanisms over party decisions to avoid their arbitrary use of the power to expel the member.
Esta obra analiza, de forma rigurosa y completa, las distintas competencias y el papel que los entes locales tienen que asumir para ser los auténticos protagonistas de la transición justa energética que nos conduzcan a la descarbonización de la economía. La autora presenta interesantes críticas al régimen jurídico vigente y nuevas propuestas lege ferenda.
Review of the book from González Ríos, Isabel: Los Entes Locales ante la transición y sostenibilidad energética. Nuevos desafíos jurídicos-administrativos para 2030-2050.Thomson Reuters Aranzadi. 2021. 423 pp. Prólogo Ángel Sánchez Blanco.
This monograph analyzes, in a rigorous and complete way, the different competences and the role that local entities have to assume to be the authentic protagonists of the just energy transition that will lead us to the decarbonization of the economy. The author presents interesting criticisms of the current legal regime and new lege ferenda proposals.
La aprobación de la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas, supone la introducción de un nuevo trámite de consulta pública previa en el procedimiento de elaboración de normas con rango legal y reglamentario, regulado en su artículo 133. Este trámite, de carácter preceptivo, refuerza la participación ciudadana, al garantizarse en una fase muy temprana, previa al procedimiento normativo en sentido propio, cuando todavía no existe una propuesta redactada del proyecto o anteproyecto de ley o de reglamento y todas las opciones están abiertas. Sin embargo, nada dice este precepto sobre los efectos jurídicos que se anudan a la omisión –o práctica inadecuada– de la consulta pública previa, a pesar de ser ésta una cuestión de gran relevancia y que, en el fondo, determina la efectividad real de este trámite. Sobre esta cuestión versa este trabajo que, ante el silencio de la LPACAP, pretende aportar herramientas a los operadores jurídicos que ilustren sobre cuáles deben ser los efectos jurídicos de la omisión de este trámite en el procedimiento de elaboración de normas reglamentarias. Con este fin, se analizan tanto las diferentes interpretaciones ofrecidas por la doctrina como la jurisprudencia recaída hasta el momento. / The passing of Spanish Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on Common Administrative Procedures for Government Administrations introduced a new public consultation procedure that must take place prior to the drafting of legal rules with legal and regulatory status, as established under its section 133. That mandatory procedure enhances public participation because it occurs during a very early phase when all options are still open, prior to the initiation of the actual legislative process and before any draft versions of laws or regulations have been produced. However, the Law does not address the legal effects resulting from the omission –or improper exercise– of that initial public consultation, despite the significance of the matter as a factor that fundamentally determines the actual effectiveness of the procedure. This article addresses this issue in view of its absence from the legislation and in an effort to provide those working in the field of law with tools to help determine the legal effects of the omission of that procedure during development of laws and regulations. To this end, the various interpretations offered in the literature and in existing case law are analysed.
El art. 37.16 de la Ley Orgánica 4/2015 de Protección de la Seguridad Ciudadana (LOPSC) tipifica como infracción administrativa el abandono de animales domésticos en condiciones en que pueda peligrar su vida. En este trabajo se pone de manifiesto la inadecuada redacción del precepto (copia literal de una antigua falta del Código Penal) y se reflexiona acerca de cuál es o debe ser su bien jurídico protegido. Para finalizar, se analizan los concursos de infracciones y de normas punitivas que pueden plantearse entre este precepto de la LOPSC y otras normas que castigan el abandono de animales domésticos. / The art. 37.16 of Organic Law 4/2015 on the Protection of Citizen Security (LOPSC), classifies the abandonment of domestic animals in conditions that could endanger their lives as an administrative offence. This paper shows the inadequate drafting of the precept (a copy of a repealed penal offence) and a reflection on what is or should be its protected legal asset. Finally, it is analysed the concurrent offences and the rules for coexistence between this precept of the LOPSC and other norms that punish the abandonment of domestic animals.
El presente trabajo versa sobre la Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional 151/2017 que anuló el artículo 197.1.a) de la Ley Orgánica de Régimen Electoral General –promulgada como parte de los acuerdos entre todas las fuerzas políticas parlamentarias para luchar contra el trasfuguismo– por el que se eliminaba el valor del voto de los concejales no adscritos que participaran en la votación de mociones de censura municipales. Mediante el análisis y la discrepancia con la tesis de esta Sentencia se explica el papel constitucional de los partidos políticos en el sistema electoral de listas cerradas y bloqueadas, y el fraude político y constitucional producido al votante. Este trabajo también explica las distintas restricciones en las leyes autonómicas sobre los concejales no adscritos y efectúa propuestas de reforma. / This paper deals with Constitutional Court Judgment 151/2017 that annulled article 197.1.a) of the Organic Law of General Electoral Regime –promulgated as part of the agreements between all the parliamentary political forces to fight against party turncoat– by which the value of the vote of the unaffiliated councilors, who participate in the vote on municipal no-confidence vote, was eliminated. The constitutional role of political parties in the electoral system of closed and blocked lists and the political and constitutional fraud produced to the voter are studied through the analysis and discrepancy with the thesis of this Judgment. This study also explains the different restrictions in the regional laws on non-attached councilors and makes reform proposals.
La irrupción de la economía digital ha implicado grandes transformaciones para los distintos sectores económicos. Los cambios tecnológicos y la rapidez en los intercambios de información han permitido que proliferen nuevos modelos de negocio, caracterizados por una interacción más directa entre los usuarios y los «vendedores». El «fenómeno Airbnb» es una preocupación cada vez mayor en los distintos territorios del Estado, lo que ha tenido un impacto significativo en el crecimiento de la regulación específica en este campo. En el presente artículo analizamos las similitudes y divergencias regulatorias entre los distintas Comunidades Autónomas y Ayuntamientos, intentando resumir a grandes rasgos los elementos más característicos de la normativa en este ámbito. / The irruption of digital economy has implied great transformations for the different economic sectors. Technological changes and the promptness of information exchange has allowed for new business models to appear, characterised by a more direct interaction between users and sellers. The «Airbnb phenomenon» is a growing concern among regions within Spain, which has had a significative impact in the increasing development of specific regulation in this field. In this paper, we analyse the regulatory similarities and divergences among the regional and local approaches, trying to sum up the thrust of the legislation in this area.
De su análisis se deriva que la interpretación judicial asume el cambio de modelo operado por la LTBG y la consideración del derecho de acceso a la información como una garantía expansiva, lo que conduce a una necesaria interpretación restrictiva de las causas de inadmisión. En lo referente al motivo basado en la necesidad de una acción de reelaboración, los criterios aceptados desembocan en la inadmisión cuando las solicitudes fuerzan la elaboración ad hoc de un informe, sin perjuicio de asumir que todo otorgamiento del acceso requiere un mínimo de tratamiento, considerado tolerable. En cualquier caso, todavía es seguramente pronto para posicionamientos firmes y tajantes, requiriéndose una mayor producción jurisprudencial para delimitar con claridad los contornos de las causas de inadmisión, las cuales no dejan de estar formuladas como conceptos jurídicos indeterminados.
/ The main aim of this work is to analyse the most controversial questions which have been raised in courts, regarding the causes of non-admission of applications based on the right of access to public information and, specially, the one linked to the necessity of a later re-elaborating action. The legitimacy for the effective invocation of this cause was revised in a groundbraking decision of the spanish Supreme Court, given after a resolution of the Council for Transparency and Good Governance.
From its analysis follows that judicial interpretation assumes the change of model operated by the transparency act, and the ensuing consideration of the right of access to public information as an example of «expansive right», which leads to an unavoidable restrictive interpretation of the causes of non-admission. Regarding to the specific cause based on the need of a re-elaboration action, the accepted criteria settle a due non-admission decision when the applications would force the elaboration of an «ad hoc» report to be granted, notwithstanding the assumption that any grant of the exercise of the right of access requires a minimum processing work, considered as tolerable. It is maybe still soon for positive and categorical assessments about this issue; being necessary more case-law production in order to delimit more clearly the outlines of all the non-admission causes, which are indeed formulated as legal indeterminate concepts.
/ The deficient regulation of the regional cassation appeal made by article 86.3 LJCA, the lack of personal resources to make it effective, and the difficulty of admitting an appeal that has the purpose of «establishing jurisprudence» against the judgments of the Superior Courts of Justice that already establish it in the instance, has led many of them not to accept the regional cassation appeal in these cases, while others recognize its full operation. This interpretative disparity will be examined in view of the most current jurisprudence of the Supreme Court regarding the purpose of the cassation appeal and from a constitutional perspective, after recent pronouncements confirming the operation of this appeal, although they seem to relegate it to Superior Courts of Justice with several Chambers or Sections.
/ The Common Administrative Procedure Act of 2015 maintains the general principle of positive administrative silence, but incorporates the environmental exception, when the activity may cause damage to the environment, in which case the silence will be negative. This forecast must be applied to the regime of environmental licenses, regulated heterogeneously by the different Autonomous Communities. The Constitutional Court has confirmed the primacy of this basic regulation in its judgment 70/2018.
This study approaches the issue of the constitutionality, from a jurisdictional perspective, of the normative measures adopted by Autonomous Communities to enforce the right to housing in compliance with article 47 of the Constitution. This study has required the critical appraisal of the recent pronouncements made by the Constitutional Court on the incidence of certain State competences of transversal nature on housing, an area which had been reserved by the Autonomy Statutes as exclusive competence of Autonomous Communities.
/ The main scope of this study is the analysis of the reduction in the tax base of the Inheritance and Gift Tax for the acquisition mortis causa of the main residence of the deceased. Apart from evaluating its viability, State and regional regulations will be analysed, trying to highlight the different problems encountered and questioning the position of Spain’s Supreme Court in some aspects. Finally, a new formulation of its reduction will be provided.
/ Nearly a decade after the beginning of the second signing process of bilateral treaties to the recognition of the right to suffrage at the local level to foreign residents in Spain of some nationalities, within the framework of article 13.2 of Spanish Constitution, it’s time to make a balance regarding the practical incidence of that process. After having developed its effects in two electoral calls (municipal elections of 2011 and 2015), and at the gates of the local elections of 2019, the level of participation of potential beneficiaries of the treaties has been very low. This article analyses from a critical point of view these international instruments, offering alternatives to really advance in the recognition of the rights of political participation of foreign residents.
/ Since the establishment in 1919 of the municipal capital gain tax until the approval of the Law regulating the Local Treasuries of 1988, the determination of the increase in value as an integral element of its chargeable event and tax base had generated many problems, but all were of adaptation of the tax Ordinances to the law. Instead, after the approval of the 1988 Law, the main problems that have arisen are the adaptation of the law to the Constitution. So that, in 2017 the constitutional Court has established doctrine declaring the partial unconstitutionality of the tax. This circumstance, however, has generated another problem, which is the concretion of the effects of this partial declaration of unconstitutionality. In view of the doubts that this generates, the Supreme Court has issued in 2018 a judgment interpreting some basic aspects of constitutional doctrine.
/ Directive 2014/24/EU, passed by the European Parliament on January 14th 2014 and published in the Official Journal of the European Union on March 28th 2014, throws new light on the legal regime of general service contracts, and particularly on the regime applicable to contracts of legal services. Once the Directive has been transposed into Law 9/2017 of November 8th on Public Sector Contracts, the exclusions of legal services from their regulation and application, far from being respected, have not been addressed by the national legislator, nor even in the regulation of a simplified system for contracting these services. This paper addresses the treatment of contracting legal services under the Public Contracts Law, the pecularities of the contract of these services based on mutual trust as an element that distinguishes the provision of legal services, and the need for differentiated treatment when contracting certain legal tools –those excluded by art. 10.d) of the Directive–, as a possible measure in application of Directive 2014/24/EU.
Originally based on collaborative forms of economy not guided by the search of profit, in recent years a new model of tourism services known such as “tourist accommodation” or “tourist housing” has emerged. This model is orientend to residential housing and owners that, through digital services, is offered for touristic purposes. As economic activity with great social acceptance, nevertheless it is generating numerous conflicts related, for example, to the urban environment. The Autonomous Communities in the exercise of their competences in the tourism framework have approved regulations that limit this activity. On the other hand, the municipalities in the exercise of their urban competences are carrying out a major control and limitation of the activity through of zonification and locating this type of housing in specific areas of the city. This paper analyzes the legal perspective of this topic and how this type of measures and businesses are being development.
The important restrictions that the urban planning has imposed on the touristic apartments in the cities of Madrid and Barcelona impose an examination of these measures from the point of view of the principles of good economic regulation, the free provision of services and the protection of the fundamental rights of citizens in general and owners of housing in particular.
In this paper i will analyze the legal regime of consortia. A institution that, in recent years, has experienced unprecedented regulatory attention. Its organic, functional, budgetary and staff management regime has intensified notably. The objective of the last reforms has been very laudable and understandable after all these years of economic crisis that we continue to suffer. But i believe that the normative measures adopted have injures this institution which is essential in our State of Law. And not only that, but also, in the subject that will focus my attention especially, has generated more uncertainty than security and legal to our legal operators.
In the Official State Gazette number 272, of November 9, 2017, the Public Sector Contracts Law was published, entering into force on March 9. From the outset, the configuration of the minor contract in the new Law has aroused great interest and concern, not only among legal operators, but also among the companies themselves and professionals operating in the market. Despite its short life, there are many questions and doubts that the new legal text has generated, proliferating doctrinal opinions and reports from advisory bodies on the subject with different interpretive criteria, which has caused a high degree of legal uncertainty at the time of applying the rule. This paper intends to carry out a detailed study of the minor contract figure and its current regulatory regulation, analyzing, from a practical point of view, the consequences that the new regulation may have in the field of Public Administration. Finally, a series of arguments are presented in defense of the minor contract that lead to the conclusion that a correct use of it can be very useful in the field of local public procurement.
La Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional 55/2018, de 24 de mayo, ha estimado parcialmente el recurso de inconstitucionalidad interpuesto por el Gobierno de Cataluña frente a diversos preceptos de la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas. El pronunciamiento afecta a previsiones legales sustancialmente relacionadas con la disciplina de producción normativa y con la Administración electrónica. En el presente trabajo se estudia críticamente la doctrina afirmada en relación con el primero de los aspectos aludidos. Las dificultades a las que se ha debido enfrentar el juez de las leyes para la resolución del recurso de inconstitucionalidad en este punto, debidas fundamentalmente a la falta casi total de jurisprudencia previa en la materia, no le han impedido dictar una Sentencia que en líneas generales se encuentra, en nuestra opinión, correctamente fundamentada, si bien resulta posible identificar en ella algunos extremos en los que se echa en falta una mayor profundidad en el análisis.
The Constitutional Court’s Sentence 55/2018, of 24 May, partially upheld the appeal of unconstitutionality filed by the Government of Catalonia against various provisions of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations. The decision affects legal provisions substantially related to the discipline of regulatory production and electronic administration. This paper critically examines the doctrine affirmed in relation to the first of the above aspects. The Constitutional Court has had to face great difficulties in resolving the appeal of unconstitutionality on this point, fundamentally due to the almost total lack of previous case-law in the matter. Nevertheless the Court has been able to render a decision which can be seen as well-founded, though there are some aspects which could have been more deeply analyzed in order to get to develop a sounder argumentation.
La creación del grupo B en 2007 por el EBEP como grupo de clasificación de los cuerpos /escalas y categorías de funcionarios para los que se exige como requisito de acceso la posesión de la titulación de "Técnico superior en formación profesional" no ha venido acompañada precisamente por una regulación legislativa o normativa de desarrollo del mismo, pese a las evidentes presiones de algunas categorías profesionales, a la espera de un ámbito propio de promoción profesional y de las propias centrales sindicales. Los Ayuntamientos son los que más directamente ha sufrido esta inacción del legislador pero poseen herramientas para afrontar el reto.
The creation of the group «B» in 2007 by the EBEP as a classification group for the corps/scales and categories of staff –for which a requirement of access to the certification of «Higher technician in professional training» is required– actually has not been accompanied by a legislative regulation of its development in spite of the evidences of some professional categories, attending an own scope of professional promotion and of the own union companies. The City Councils are the ones which have suffered the most from this inaction of the legislator. Anyway, they have the tools to face the challenge.
The recent Judgments of the Superior Court of Justice of Andalucia that not strangers annul the Protection Coast Andalucia Plan, after two years of validity and, again, the motives of such legal rulings, for this Autonomous region that in 2015 was already facing the nullity of other of its instruments of territorial planning, the Plan of Town and country planning of the Western Costa del Sol of Malaga, make a new reflection necessary on the importance that the procedure and the strict fulfillment of the formal questions in the approval of the instruments of territorial planning have in practice juridical.
Recently in Spain a deep legislative reform of the electrical sector has been carried out. This fact has considerably reduced state support for the renewable energy sector. For this reason, renewable energy producers claimed damages caused by this legislative change against the Spanish State. The claims were made before national and international courts. The former are rejecting these claims on the basis of the concept of regulatory risk. Meanwhile, with regard to the latter, ICSID has recently decided the first controversy in this respect, failing in favour of investors. This arbitration decision bases its legal argumentation on the breach of the Energy Charter Treaty by the Spanish State. Thus, the analysis undertaken in this article allows identifying the existence of a differential treatment of the subject depending on the application of domestic or international law, which may have important consequences for the sector.
The reform of the basic legislation of the local regime operated by Law 27/2013, of December 27, on Rationalization and Sustainability of Local Administration has affected the municipal structure in order to try to correct the problems of small municipalities in a double sense: on the one hand, the requirements to create municipalities by segregation have been hardened; and, on the other, measures to promote the merger of municipalities have been approved, by regulating the voluntary merger agreement. These modifications delimit the object of this study that analyzes the main legal problems that the interpretation of these changes imply as well as their real consequences. On its basis, it is concluded that, although the changes are relevant to prevent new municipalities, they have a very limited effectiveness in reducing the existing small municipalities.
This paper studies the substantive aspects of the new andalusian regulation on tourist municipalities. The legal analysis of Decree 72/2017 allows us to conclude that quality is its main objective; that the declaration of «Tourist Municipality of Andalusia» is accentuated as a starting point and not as an arrival goal; and that the purpose of this regime is not to compensate the greater expenses that visitors affluence supposes but to maintain and elevate the tourist attraction of the municipality.
In Catalonia, services cards have an unique regulation, so far singular. The law on transparency, access to public information and corporate governance of this community has given them statutory and binding legal effects. They have gone from soft to hard law. And this fact has important consequences in the field of administration’s patrimonial responsibility. Two years after the entry into force of this law, it is time to analyze what has been the actual implementation of this new regulation and draw conclusions.
The constitutional reform by which in 2011 Spain amended Article 135 of the Constitution is the topic of this article. By such an amendment the principle of financial and budgetary stability as well as a strict control over the budget of public administration and the devolved regional institutions (Comunidades Autonomas) has been introduced. All this amounts to severe limitations on the structural deficit. In fact, this reform has brought about a strengthening of the supervisory powers of the State over policies which the Constitution confers to the Comunidades Autonomas as well as clamping down on their financial autonomy. The thrust of the article is to show how, in time of crisis, the “financial constitution” changes its structure to adapt to the inputs coming from European rules and the financial markets.
Esta tesis se desarrolla a partir de la experiencia italiana frente a la crisis económica.
The basic idea of this article is that the welfare state can favor a better coexistence among people and, through the cohesion and civil integration that the welfare state can guarantee, represents a fundamental factor of peace in times of crisis. This idea is developed moving from the Italian experience facing the economical crisis.
The statutes of Autonomous Parliaments are parliamentary administrative norms approved by each legislative chamber by virtue of their parliamentary autonomy. However, the parliamentary autonomy of each autonomous parliament does not have the same normative aspect for these purposes. It is studied in this article as despite having the Constitution as a common element, it is essential the special attribution that each autonomous chamber has and that the jurisprudence, both of the Constitutional Court, and that of the Supreme Court, has put in value, question that is included in the section related to the jurisprudence. In
conclusion, the bureaucratic organization, in what refers to personal media, may be substantially different in each one of the legislative assemblies, as analyzed in the conclusions of this study.
In this work we study the ruling of the Constitutional Court 151/2017 that implies a step forward in the setting of the rights regarding non-attached members of the Local Government (art. 23.2 CE). In particular we refer to the participation in the control of the Local Government when dealing with a motion of censure against the Mayor. In this sense, the Constitutional Court recognizes this right to all the members of the Local Government, and eliminates the requirement of reinforced quorum in art.197.1 letter a, paragraph 3 LOREG for non-attached members, without differentiating neither the circumstances nor the not necessarily fraudulent goals, that could have led to that decoupling, declaring it null.
In recent years, the taxi industry has faced the incursion of collaborative economy in urban passenger transport in passenger cars. P2P platforms like Uber or Cabify try to compete in this sector monopolized by the taxi. In this sense, the transit of the use of the collaborative transport model to the lease of vehicle with driver (VTC) has legally helped these platforms. However, the debate as to whether the Uber or Cabify benefits should be associated with the principle of freedom to provide services or whether they are included in the transport sector are still present. This study aims to analyze all these issues, focusing both on the legal regime of the taxi, as on the VTC, and how the struggle between the taxi sector and the advancement of these p2p service is being solved
The Constitutional Court, with its Judgment no. 108/2017, of September 21, has declared unconstitutional the Law of the Parliament of Catalonia 8/2015, of June 10, of creation of the municipality of Medinyà. It is a town in the province of Girona that has struggled since the 1970s for its municipal segregation, even processing a singularly convulsive proceeding that ended up being denied in 2003 for lacking the town of enough inhabitants. Its creation by law was conceived then as the only possibility to satisfy the aspirations of Medinyà. However, filed an appeal by the President of the Government, the Constitutional Court reaches the conclusion that the Law of creation of the municipality of Medinyà incurs an unbridgeable defect of
Palabras claves: Contratos públicos; convenios de colaboración; directivas de contratación pública
This paper examines how European and Spanish public procurement rules tackle agreements between entities within the public sector. In Spain these agreemets were initially above those rules, but now they cannot have the same object as a contract. Spanish law is not in line with European law, since under European law agreements are valid even if their object could be attained with a contract, provided that they meet some requirements. On the other hand, attention is paid to these requisites, laid down by Eurepean law, in order to ascertain if agreements are asked to comply with harder rules than «in house providing», and if it has to be so. Public entities are not obliged to «buy» if they can fulfill their needs with their own resources. And «their own resources» include the resources of entities or bodies closely related, or even any entity within the public sector. Otherwise decentralized States, in which there are many autonomous entities whose cooperation involves agreements between independent bodies, would be impaired.
Keywords: Agreements between entities within the public sector; In house providing; Public procurement
The new public independent authorities in charge of access to information’s claims have adopted conflicting positions on the rules applicable to requests for information made by political representatives and on their own competence to hear complaints they may raise. The right of access to the information of the political representatives cannot have a smaller scope in its substantive, procedural and guarantees content than the one that the new regulation on transparency and access to the information recognizes to any person. The case law of the Supreme Court has consistently affirmed this. It would contribute to legal certainty if this criterion was followed by every new public independent authorities and it was expressly established by a future legislative reform.
Act 27/2013, of 27 December, on rationalization and sustainability of Local Administrations, deeply reformed the basic legislation on entities of territorial scope inferior to the municipality to adapt it to the principles of efficiency, budgetary stability and financial sustainability. This regulation was appealed before the Constitutional Court, which has resolved most of the appeals filed. Therefore it is convenient to determine which impact has Act 27/2013 finally had in the Autonomous Communities legislation on infra-municipal entities and which are the alternatives offered to little settlements that aspire to a greater and more direct participation in the government of the interests of its population. For this purpose, the constitutional doctrine on the state competence to regulate this type of entities, the scope of the reform and the options that are opened before the autonomous legislator are exposed first. Subsequently, the basic precepts that specifically refer to the traditional entities of territorial scope inferior to the municipality, which retain their legal personality and their status as local entities, and the new deconcentrated municipal bodies are analysed.
Nuestro ordenamiento urbanístico contempla un supuesto indemnizatorio por la responsabilidad patrimonial derivada de este concreto supuesto de anulación de licencias, salvo que concurra dolo, culpa o negligencia graves del perjudicado. Pero junto a esta exigencia de restauración de la integridad patrimonial de los perjudicados, se alza la exigencia constitucional de la necesidad de ejecutar las sentencias en sus propios términos, correspondiendo en exclusiva al poder judicial proceder a esta ejecución.
Para conciliar todos los intereses en juego, exponemos las iniciativas legislativas que han adoptado algunas Comunidades Autónomas y que han sido abortadas por el Tribunal Constitucional, fundamentalmente por ser legislación procesal excluida del ámbito competencial autonómico y por afectar a las facultades del juez en orden a la ejecución de sentencias. El Estado también ha adoptado medidas legislativas, en el orden penal y contencioso-administrativo, para intentar dar una respuesta a este problema. Sobre ellas, fundamentalmente la del orden contencioso, nos detenemos exponiendo las dificultades que encontramos en su aplicación.
The unorganized growth in urban planning in Spain in the last decade of the 20 century and the beginning of the 21st century has provoked diverse negative consequences for the public interest and specially for the large number of foreigners that have been affected by the serious problem of having declared void and null, building licenses for their properties which were bought in good faith, only to discover that they are obliged to demolish such properties.
Our planning laws contemplate a possible compensation for the cancelation of a building license, except in the case of fraud, error or negligence on behalf of the injured party. But along with this demand for the replacement of the integral property of the injured party, it raises the constitutional demand to carry out the decisions of the Courts in its full terms, which corresponds exclusively to the judicial power, as well as to proceed to its execution.
To reconcile all the parties involved, we will show the various legal initiatives which have been taken by the different autonomous regions, which have been declared void and null by the Constitutional Court, basically due to the fact that regional parliaments have not got legal powers to regulate process law and additionally, because such initiatives would limit the exclusive faculties of the judges to execute their own decisions. The State also has adopted legal measures which are relevant in criminal and public process laws, so as to try and give a response to this problem. We will demonstrate and show the difficulties in applying such measures, specially the public process law area.
The work, renouncing to a precise definition of art, acknowledges that there are art objects and cultural objects, which, in this way, are relevant also in legal terms, and try to advance some reflections on the relevance of art in relation to the European discipline of public contracts and, in particular, what can be deduced from Directive 2014/24 / EU, which can well be understood as a sort of cultural sign that can provide insights into how art is perceived in Europe, even in political terms, in this historical phase. The paper therefore examines the use of negotiated procedures without prior publication of a contract notice, for the «creation or acquisition of a unique work of art or artistic performance», and to do so faces the problem of the object of the procurement by “contracting authorities” which deals with things or performances (works, supplies or services) relating to artistic products, by examining the needs which a public administration may have in relation to obtaining the availability of a work of art, and the different modes of this type of acquisition. Finally, the study examines the theme of «art exhibitions», trying to prove that they are autonomous objects, which are represented in the European directive under the diction «artistic performance».
The main objective of the present work is to show the most important problems that local taxes have concerning couples with stable union, especially from a constitutional point of view. In general, their conflicts are focused in two different aspects: on the one hand, the respect for the principles of fiscal justice set out by the Constitution, and, on the other hand, the demarcation of the competences between the State and local entities. These problems are specifically limited in the area of two different taxes: The Tax on the Increase in Value of the Urban Land and, indirectly, The Property Tax, being necessary to reformulate the state regulation in both cases. KEYWORDS Property tax, Tax on the Increase in Value of the Urban Land, Local taxation, Couples with stable union.
This report analyses the behavior of the main agents that form the local public sector and the actual cost of services which they provide according to the publication by the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration. The report concludes the urgent need to reduce and modernize our local Administration in order to decrease in overhead expenses, as well as modify the territorial area by proposing the merger of smaller municipalities in such a way to have sufficient capacity to respond to the challenges and needs that 21st Century world population demands without causing them to lose their identity.
In recent months, three Sentences passed by Spain's Constitutional Court have deemed unconstitutional the regulations governing determination of the tax base for the Capital Gains Tax on Urban Land in Gipúzcoa, Álava and all the country's Autonomous Regions. This paper examines the background, rationale and consequences of these Sentences, focussing particularly on the ruling concerning the unconstitutional nature of several provisions contained in the Consolidated Text of the Law Regulating Local Public Finance and its repercussions for local councils and taxpayers in the Autonomous Regions.
This paper studies the way a Local authority can provide a public service of its competence jointly or cooperatively with other public authorities. Specifically, article 12.4 of Directive 2014/24 /EU, on «contracts for the joint provision of public services», is analyzed. Its basis and the conditions that must be fulfilled for its valid use are studied, as it is an exception to the rules on public works contracts. The conclusion is that European law supports and regulates a traditional way of managing local public services.
The present study analyzes the main news introduced in the legal regime of the administrative consortia by the successive reforms that have taken place since 2013 and which have been reflected in a basic regulation of these that, among other relevant issues, addresses the extinction of these by combining administrative legislation and private. We analyze the problems that the extinguishment regime poses by showing the possible solutions that can be adopted with respect to them.
This paper reflects on the situation of public procurement, and possible measures to adequately correct the problems of opacity and corruption in public procurement in Spain.
Both urban and housing plans should be devoted to the effectiveness of the right to decent housing, according to the Constitution. Nevertheless, the disparity of their competences, terms of validity and technical measures provoked that they turned away and became uncoordinated. This study analyzes those problems and makes some proposals to overcome them.
The aim of this work is to illustrate in a synthetic, but overall, the system resulting from this regulatory framework with the aim of introducing the study of anti-corruption policies in Italy and the institutions called upon to realize them.
In recent years we have witnessed a process of increasing liberalization of public services, which means returning economic activities that had been excluded from the market. This process has been less at the local level, but there have also been cases of liberalization of local public services, such as funeral services. This paper examines these liberalization processes and their consequences, analyzing what powers municipalities can exercise in relation to liberalized services, which, despite their return to the market, remain services of general interest.
At the European level the recognition of local self-government is a peaceful matter after being approved in the European Charter of Local Autonomy. However, the scope of this local financial autonomy varies according to the model of public finances that each country adopts. In this article we analyze the German and British models of local finance, two opposite examples in the way of organizing their treasure that directly affect the scope of the local autonomy of their municipalities. After a first part where the legal basis of the local autonomy is analyzed, the main sources of municipal financing are studied in each model, and it concludes with an assessment of the financial autonomy of the local entities within the Spanish system in comparison with the exposed models.
In 2011 the Andalusian Government established a procedure of acquiring medicines through auction as a measure to control the pharmaceutical expense. This action has been harshly criticised by both the Spanish Central Government and the pharmaceutical companies since their interests have been seriously affected. However, the Spanish Constitutional Court has approved this system as constitutional thus, other regional governments may adopt it as well. Therefore, it seems necessary to examine this matter from a legal point of view since, although it started as a temporary measure due to the recession, it may become a regular practice of public distribution of medicines in Spain.
This paper discusses local ordinances, especially the so-called coexistence ordinances, to the extent they affect the daily activities of the homeless. There are three areas of regulation: the prohibition of begging; a ban on sleeping, washing and perform physiological needs in public spaces; and the prohibition of sorting through garbage. This regulation is subjected to a critical analysis, focusing on the fact that has an impact on the fundamental rights of the homeless. The basic parameters of control are the reserve of law and, above all, the principle of proportionality. The conclusion reached is that, in many cases, this regulation is not only illegal, it can also be included within the category Administrative Law of the enemy.
The municipal register of inhabitants is a document which belongs to the respective City Council, fundamental to the management of the municipal population for the important consequences of the inclusion in it and by the large amount of information that it compulsorily collects. These characteristics make it become a source of information very requested by different agents, among them must be especially noted the rest of Public Administrations. The Supreme Court has flatly rejected that City Councils may refuse to give data included in the municipal population register to other Administrations that claim them in a legitimate exercise of its own powers, by application of the institution of statistical confidentiality. This article will attempt to analyze whether, indeed, the statistical confidentiality is absolutely irrelevant to the information included in municipal registers of inhabitants.
This paper aims to study the control by the central government of goods and resources of local government revenue generators for the period of 1824 to 1834. Historical and legal circumstances are analyzed to understand why the Directorate General of Propios and Arbitrios is created in 1824. Then the development of its activities is analyzed over the next 10 years, with special attention to the appearance of judicial powers. Finally, the causes of the abolition of the Directorate General are analyzed.
This piece of research analyses the electoral offer of the Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG) at the regional level since 1982. Changes in its electoral strategy are examined. Particularly, it assesses the effects of movements along both the left-right and the centre-periphery dimensions on the size of its political group as well as on its options to hold office. Light is also shed on the increasing distance between the BNG´s political preferences and the voters' positions.
El presente artículo toma en consideración los efectos que el sistema de elección del Alcalde tiene sobre la democracia local, basándose en la consideración cinco aspectos: el sistema electoral y su influencia en la composición política de las administraciones locales; la estructura de la administración local y la distribución de funciones entre los alcaldes y el pleno municipal; el papel de los partidos políticos; los
mecanismos de control del ejecutivo local y la participación ciudadana. El estudio subraya especialmente la incidencia que el sistema de elección del alcalde por los concejales tiene en relación con los principios de responsabilidad, legitimidad, transparencia y eficiencia de la gestión local.
The reform operated of Law of the Local Administration Act of 1985 by the Law on Rationalisation Sustainability of the Local Government of 2013 has reformed the entire system of powers in order to avoid duplication. One of the competences that are affected is that of the food markets with the disappearing of its consideration as a public service, because, although this competence is contained in the article 25, then it is not covered in the list of mandatory public services.
The enactment of the 1978 Spanish Constitution meant not only the culmination of the democratic transition process, but also the instauration of a new state model built in diverse entities, each one of them with legal personality and competence on its own, that got together under the power of a common territorial base. In the local field, it provided those entities of constitutional guarantee, but left in the hands of the state legislator in which fields they could act; in other words, the scope of their competences in front of the silence of the Constitution. This regulation, then, allows the state legislator to specify the scope, limits, and competences of intervention of the local entities, thus implying that local actions are delimited by both the state and the constitutional regulation. Therefore, even though from the social politics’ point of view it would sound as beneficial for the citizens to impose community services instead of administrative sanctions, saying so, from the current regulation, would meant a rupture of the constitutional principles and guarantees.
This paper aims to study the incidence of Law 39/2015, of October 1, the Common Administrative Procedure Public Administration in the process of drafting local ordinances and regulations, including by addressing the substantive and formal limits to adjustments to the exercise of that regulatory power, with special attention to the leading case law.
In the same way that in the USA a clear case of suburban sprawl took place many decades ago, this phenomenon remained relatively unknown in Spain until thirty years ago, when this process began to be imitated here. Because of all this, many legal instruments have been created in Spain, instruments whose target is precisely to make Spanish cities more compact, therefore creating in some way the legal myth of the compact city. However, even if the compact city may be a positive model, the fact that the lawmaker tries to impose that model may be discussed, as, sometimes, an overload of regulations may not only fail to finish with the sprawl, but may stimulate this phenomenon, directly or indirectly. Moreover, it may artificially increase home prices.
The municipal competences on consumers and users defense from the local government legislation and the law of rationalization and sustainability of the local administration Abstract The defense of consumers and users is no longer seen as self-competence of municipalities after the reform of the regulatory Law on Local Government by Law rationalization and sustainability of the local administration (LRSAL). However, the roots of these powers to local governments and major legislative action on the matter of the regions has led to continue being considered as competences of municipalities in almost all of the regional legislative system. This, therefore, has become the main source of municipal powers in this area. Work is based on an analysis of the so-called by the LRSAL different competences and which has been the source of these and then attempted to describe from autonomous systems –and to a lesser extent of local legal systems– the breakdown of powers matter of consumers and users.
The so-called collaborative consumption is an innovative global phenomenon that entails an alternative to widely used consumer-society practices. The sharing-economy has had a major impact beyond the markets to goods and services, directly affecting the hotel industry, tourism and accommodation. These alternatives to more traditional vacation rental are, in fact, wide-spreading thanks to the home-sharing platforms offering private homes for tourist use at competitive prices, assuring neighbourhood experiences –your home, everywhere-. In this paper we analyse all these new possibilities of sharing-accommodation and its impact upon the Spanish legal system.
Systemic nature of railways is of essence but it has not always been properly understood. Network concept is well known for Transport Economics, it implies certain networks principles and characteristics showing the mechanics of network industries, such as railways. As far a Law is concerned, there is an inadequate constitutional regulation. Later on a specific legal category has been produced, network infrastructures, but it is based in the equivalence between infrastructures and networks, which it is deemed inadequate and reductionist. Finally, the network concept has been assumed by the Constitutional Court, as a functional element to narrow the powers on railways, overcoming any formalist criteria divorced for the reality. In conclusion any sectoral policy or legal analysis of railways must take into consideration their systemic nature.
This article tries to explain an academic methodology useful for the development of a List of Job Positions (RPT in Spanish) in local administrations, based on objective and quantifiable criteria that allow the technical and economic valuation of each job position. To do that, literature and conceptual framework has been revised analyzing the different contributions of authors and academics explaining what a RPT is, which are its objectives, its advantages and disadvantages, its difficulties and the procedure for its approval and subsequent modification. Finally, with the methodology proposed, the real case of an implementation of the RPT in a local administration in Spain is analyzed, together with its achievements and limitations.
The United Nations General Assembly adopted, at the plenary meeting from 25 to 27 September 2015, a declaration entitled «Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development». Spain, along with more than 192 countries, has signed the Agenda which came into effect on 1 January 2016. The Agenda is configured as an action plan for people, the planet, and prosperity and relates to 17 objectives and 169 goals to achieve across the globe, establishing that all public and private actors have to work for their attainment. The UN analyzed the legal nature of the declaration and the role of municipalities on the international level, especially in the implementation of the agenda.
After the Act 27/2013 of 27 December on the Streamlining and Sustainability of Local Government is required, for the constitution of a new municipality, it has a minimum population of 5,000 inhabitants. Such provisions have always been controversial in Spain, as evidenced by the legislative evolution after 1812 Constitution: have been set multiple figures on this and have been even opted, during long periods, for not requiring a particular demographic minimum, as has been the case in recent decades. The recovery of a minimum population for any new municipality — which has already been endorsed by the Constitutional Court in its Judgment no. 41/2016 of 3 March— also represents a clash between the new basic law of the State and the existing regional regulations that has already led to the firsts conflicts both in Catalonia and Andalusia.
Rationalization and Sustainability Law of the local administration from December 27th 2013 was the last legislative attempt to profound impact on the local tier organization in Spain. A law born without consensus which has failed in its objectives. This article aims to clarify the reasons of this failure from a political point of view. According to some authors like Alba and Navarro «the most relevant literature about local governance in Spain comes form Administrative Law scholars, highly oriented to the legal framework, the legal position of the local tier governance and issues related to legal procedures». The law was born out of a necessity imposed by the EU to control the budget of the municipal administration, it was also born without consensus and it failed in its objective of reducing the local tier. This failure is of great interest, because it can be compared to different models within Europe. In the European context there are two main models of local tier reduction: top-to-bottom which main trait is that the law come directly from the Central Legislative Body of Governance and applied to the local level (Denmark, but also Greece) and bottom-to-top which it is based in the voluntariness in achieving the reduction of local entities (Spain). Such a new Law has encounter vetoes and opposition from stakeholders who made impossible its enforcement because of the clashes between the center and the periphery of the Spanish institutional organization, and the veto power possessed by the Regional governance and even the municipalities subject to such law.
Governing, what a huge dilemma! It is probably at local level that this change can be or should be more easily seen. The following study aims to highlight the possibility of other governing approaches, trying to move from a traditional local government to a government with the citizens. These citizens are and should be more engaged each time, more active and more interested in city matters, as in the end city matters have an effect on their day-today. The best way to have access to the government is through the arrangement of networks of local actors with weight and influence on public decision taking. This way, local public policies taken in the Session should be subject not only to the four-year mandate but also to the dinamic activity of the local network of actors who informs directly the local government about the real state of the citienship. We will highlight the importance of all the public local policies studied in our research in the cultural heritage of Orihuela.
The reform of local legal system involves the opportunity for the "local administration officials with national qualification" beyond its traditional role as guarantors of legality, to become a sort of curators of ethics and morality of the res publica of the local authorities in the Spanish State. It will be done through the so called "democratic regeneration function" of the government and public administrations. This analysis extends to Italy, comparing the solutions that the Italian legal system and the Spanish ones give to the public probity and to the fight against corruption.
The consideration of social value in transactions with public capital should be a guarantee of improvement in our society. The recognition, inclusion and promotion of initiatives of social or environmental character, by public entities, at the time of conducting contests, procurement or grants, could generate an increase in the quality of life of citizens, target that certainly any public administration should pursue. In this article we review comprehensively the situation of the public administrations (local, regional and national) in Spain, and the recent changes in EU public procurement legislation, and after a diagnosis of situation, we develop several recommendations to encourage the incorporation of social value into the public procurement in Spain.
The local Consortium and its consideration as Local Authority has been a topic under constant discussion since Law, of 1985, regulating Local Regimen Bases came into forced. This discussion has increased even more when the Law of rationalization and sustainability of the Local Administration came into force. In addition to that, the taxing rights of the Consortium, is another issue that generates constant debate. This work tries to point out, although with some controversy, that the Consortium is not a Local Authority —because the basic central government legislator wanted to be this way— and, therefore, it cannot have any tax rights.
The modification of Law 7/1985 of April 2 Regulator of the Bases of Local Regime, by Law 27/2013, of December 27, of rationalization and sustainability of the Local Administration, has generated an area of legal insecurity regarding the competency of the municipality. The present article affirms that the power of International Cooperation for Development of which the municipalities were titled before the law 27/2013, which still is municipal responsibility. For this, it starts with the non-retroactivity of the reform for which they maintain the powers given by the laws before this, such as the International Development Cooperation, which is an activity of local interest and even of the Law of Service and Exterior Action of the State, issued after it has reinforced this interpretation.
The aim of this work is seeing, in unemployed people in La Rinconada (Sevilla, Spain), their opinion regarding employability (Redistributionist, Under Class and integration) between men and women. The sample consisted of 149 unemployed persons (52 men and 97 women) of the municipality. We designed and applyed a questionnaire composed of items that arise as positions adopted by unemployed persons in relation to the factors involved in the Social Employability questionnaire. Overall, the sample shows similar results in positioning Redistributionist (42.96%) and Integrationist (55.70%). The descriptive analysis of the positioning variable on social employability, shows differences according to sex. Most women maintain a Redistributionist discourse, and an integrationist positioning is represented mainly by the group of men. This finding is especially significant considering that traditionally female unemployment is above the male unemployment, and is most affected by economic crisis like the currently one.
This comment has been to point out the significant shift in the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court concerning relations jobs, which even has robbed the figurative nature of rule so that they could be subject to appeal. The judgment seeks to settle a question treated at length by both case law and the doctrine itself, what is in a relationship of jobs: if they really are or just legal rules within administrative acts performing this dual role as an instrument of management of human resources and as the last link in the organizational chain of a particular administration. The dissent raised again stressed that the issue does not seem to be definitely closed from the point of view of the characterization of these instruments adding precisely what it was combat: the legal uncertainty officials.
The local reform of 2013 has been a change in the scope of activity and local powers with respect to economic initiative of local authorities is an absolute subordination to the principle of budgetary stability art 135 of the Magna Carta of these. So this paper analyzes the art 86 LRBRL new determinations, following the amendment of this by law 27/2013, of 27 December and the conditions and forms of exercise of economic activity of local government from the study from the jurisprudence, literature, Community law and national and regional legislation for that year its forms and modalities, the procedure and requirements for it, determining the new model of local economic activity.
This paper analyzes the new legal regime of administrative consortia introduced by law 27/2013 and law 15/2014, which have changed the laws 7/1985 and 30/1992. Solutions and problems posed by these two laws are studied in order to determine whether, after the reform, the consortium will disappear, or, conversely, only will be resized.
The emergence of sport in the modern conception of the Welfare State, linked to the levels of quality of life of citizens, has supposed the administrative intervention in different areas of competence of all public administrations; and in particular at the local level, especially in the range of activities provided by the municipalities, which leads us to the analysis and study of the different rules that local activity is regulated, as well as sectoral laws of nature regional and, most notably, the recent law rationalization and sustainability of local government that has made a major reform of basic local government, concerning, among other contents, skills and services to be developed by the municipalities.
This paper explores the necessary reforms, both in electoral legislation and institutional settings, to establish a pure presidential system in Spanish municipal governments, with a segregated election for councilors and mayor. A change in this regard consolidate trends present in the successive changes that have been introduced in the local government, to a clear separation between the two principal organs of the municipal government (plenary and mayor) and to increase its executive power; on the other hand, would address the historical claim of direct election by the neighbors of which person must occupy the mayor of the municipalities, which would conform to the growing social aspirations to increase the institutes of direct democracy. The main hypothesis contemplated, the splits election of mayor and councilors, differs considerably from the reform proposals usually raised in the Spanish political system, so that the work also addresses constitutional doubts on the matter.
This article analyzes the new local frame after the modification of the principle of budgetary stability and the incorporation of the principle of financial sustainability to the maximum regulatory status. The new scenario shows the Local Administration as a reference within the set of government under a dynamic, customizable proposal incorporation of indicators for measuring and monitoring, to detect gaps and new challenges to incorporate and evolving model. A framework increasingly integrated in the process of European transformation.
Law 27/2013 for the Rationalization and Sustainability of the Local Administration (LRSAL) amended Article 25 of Law 7/1985 of April 2 regulating the bases of local government referring to the powers of the municipalities. Some interpretations, mainly from the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and the opinion of the Standing Committee of the State Council from May 22, 2014, maintain that municipalities would not have more power than those resulting from the current regulation of Article 25.2. Others maintain that the new wording does not affect the powers attributed by regulation with the rank of State or Autonomous Law, before its entry into force, even if it is not listed in Article 25.2 LRBRL. The last one is the position that remains in this article.
The aim of this document is to clarify the system to assign the town hall governments' competences. To achieve it, the argument line foundations are underpinned in the local autonomy concept, stressing on its competence aspect. Furthermore, the roles' allocation among overall and specific issues lawmakers is defined in this section. Later, this paper came focused on the article 25.2 of the LBRL, outlining its role concerning the legal system. In the chapter titled "the system's crisis" this essay studies several judgement assessments along with the legal system novelties (SSTC 31/0212, 240/2006 and LRSAL) which seem to change the competences allocation system. Likewise, this paper embraces the examination of the transitional legal regulations and concurs the thesis regarding with the capability of the overall lawmaker to restrict the local government competence scope, rejecting to the specific issues lawmaker capability for empowering to the town hall government to rule regarding certain matters. To come to an end, this paper suggests a method to guarantee that works and local facilities match with the social necessities.
The Basic Statute of Public Employees, far from clarifying the system of management of human resources in public administrations, opens the door to various models that can be generated for public service. Similarly, at the local level the lack of a systematic regulation of the status of themselves in the service of local government officials is necessary to extract the basic content rules state, on the other hand, has been noted by the administrative reality itself of the local governments: all have or RPT or a catalog of jobs and, of course, a template. On the other hand, is discussed from a view point merely introductory, the impact of the concept and content of relations jobs in the local civil service status and career implications of them.
The current canary electoral system produces discordances between the votes received and the seats allocated to parties due to (1) the double electoral barrier, (2) the use of the islands as constituencies where independent distributions of seats are made to parties, (3) and the fact that the size of these constituencies is not proportional to their populations. Given these discordances, this paper presents the technique of biproportional allocation as an alternative to the current method. Biproportionality considers both the total votes received by the parties as well as a distribution of seats among constituencies (islands) that is more adjusted to the updated population according to the last census of each one.
This paper describes the responsibilities and powers of the mayor during de moderate liberalism period from two different but complement points of view: theory and practice. The theoretical part results from the analysis of the Law of Organization and Attributions of the Town halls of January 8, 1845 as the most important law to the local administration and to the consolidation of a new type of mayor, chief of the local administration, separated from the council and appointed by the government between the elected councillors. This mayor had to two types of attributions: those delegated from the government and referred fundamentally to the public maintenance of the order and the health, and those derived from its elective character, that were focused on the administration of the resources of towns and their economic strengthening. The practical part of the manuscript came from the study of the city council of Santiago de Compostela between 1844 and 1868 though the minutes of the assembly, budgets, public announcements, correspondence and the public tax collection documentation, trying to offer an actual extent of the political outreach and management of the moderate mayor.
This paper presents a retrospective explanation as to how evaluation culture has been incorporated in the Public Administration sphere in the last three decades in Spain. Nowadays, evaluation processes are considered a systematic procedure implemented in the majority of public institutions. Evaluation, quality and excellence are relevant concepts embeddedness with the design of current plans, programs and projects. All issues within public institutions are likely to be evaluated but nevertheless, before this actually happens it is necessary to reflect: What has been the evaluation history in Spain? , How and why does it emerge and consolidate in the Public Administration this way of social research? I address the following questions with a longitudinal description of the evaluation process in the Public Administration based on the biographical method. Specifically, it has enjoyed the narrative of five professionals with a broad and recognized evaluator career inside and outside Spain. The aim is to conform a historical approach that represents the evolution of the evaluation culture in the Spanish Public Administration, analyzing and linking the individual testimonies of professional evaluators to the specific characteristics of particular social context.
The Sentence analyzed a turning point through which the Supreme Court changed years of jurisprudence. The figure par excellence was the Regulation on Workplace Relations. Through this analysis we can see, the criteria have changed, and is no longer the regulatory regime to follow according to the Supreme Court. Finally make an analysis by way of conclusions drawn following its comparative legal regime with the previous figure.
The current study aims to analyze the water provision as a basic service in local government service, with particular emphasis on costing systems. The financial implications for the end-users to recover costs through the taxation system and the influence of good practice in service management are contrasted. Firstly, in order to achieve this objective, we analyze the organization of water provision in Gipuzkoa, focusing on the legal and technical environments in which the service is provided. Subsequently, we analyzed different stages of the complete cycle (water supply and water sanitation) and each water provider organization.
Spain and Peru, from the late 70's, are implemented decentralization to sub-national governments in order to streamline the work of the State. The municipal level is not being more advanced than the regional government, but have local autonomy and sphere of competence. In recent years, regulating local matters has been challenged by lack of clarity in local competitions, as there have been cases of duplication of functions with other levels of government. Through this study are discussed, a comparative level, the model of decentralization and local duplication of powers has led to reforms undertaken by both countries.
Local Government has not traditionally occupied a central place in the Spanish political-administrative system. This is in contrast to the great vitality of local governments since the 1980’s, particularly in large and medium-sized Spanish cities. They took on great new responsibilities at a time when the autonomous communities were being consolidated. The result has been the duplicities, overlappings and inefficiencies that restrict the rights of citizens. The current crisis has demonstrated that this is unacceptable. This situation must be resolved by means of systems of coordination, integration and cooperation between the various territorial governments and all those who operate in the community. The Act 27/2013, of the 27th of December for the rationalization and sustainability of the Local Administration has been designed to preserve the future of the local Administration, its power and financial stability; to guarantee a set of rights for citizens with respect to their municipalities.
One year after the entry into force of the Act of rationalization and sustainability of the Local Administration we can value its necessity, opportunities and risks created. The adoption of the law in a time of economic crisis explains some of its solutions, which however cannot be considered radicals. The effectiveness of some of its provisions is now faced with the measures taken by autonomous governments, in a defensive attitude to their own competences and the municipal services concerned.
The purpose of this study focuses on making a legal-administrative assessment of the situation of the competences of local government, after the local government reform adopted by the Law dated December 27, 2013, as well as after reforms adopted in many Autonomous Communities. And the situation is particularly disturbing because has created a conflicting area between the State and the Autonomous Communities, caused by the different understanding that have made about the block of constitutionality in this subject.
The Law 27/2013, of December 27th, for the Rationalization and Sustainability of the Local Administration, takes into consideration, almost as its only measure, the merge of municipalities in order to change our municipal plant. This paper, after explaining the main features of our municipal plant (also from an historical point of view) and taking into account the achievements made by States from our nearby environment, is aimed to the study of the scarce legal provisions in the Law devoted to the merge of municipalities as well as the new instrument created to boost this policy. Not a single merge agreement has been signed one year after the Law entered into force, at the same time our municipal plant remains unalterable and without any prospect for the deep and urgent amendment that it requires.
The aim of this paper is to deal with the most outstanding aspects that arise from the new regulation of public officials in Spain, after the 2013 Act. Mainly focused on the principles of control, budgetary stability, restoration of Goverment competences and limitation of the number of public officials, this paper analyze the new regulation of the local civil servants, specially the so called "funcionarios con habilitación de carácter nacional" and the modificantions in remuneration regime, quantity of senior staff and intervention functions. Furthermore, it is intended checking the degree of compliance and development the new determinations one year after it has been passed.
In this work the most important legal and financial aspects including the Law 27/2013, of 27 December, rationalization and sustainability of local government are analyzed. The new measures included in that Act affect both the income of local authorities and their expenses. In this regard, issues concerning the economic effects of the merger of municipalities, the general abolition of licenses, the content of financial plans, the calculation of the actual cost of services, the local public sector downsizing, the novel addresses allocation to the Local Government of the power to grant certain financial actions, the dissolution of entities below the Municipality territory who do not submit their accounts before December 31, 2014 or the possibility of reducing the commercial or financial debt through the sale of public land heritage.
The put in practice of the Law 27/2013, of 30 December, on the Rationalization and Sustainability of Local Government, must beat various and important obstacles: doubts on its interpretation, the lack of an adequate transitional regime, asymmetric measures for different territories and the commonly known rejection to its pass. In this article we will study deeply the way the autonomous communities are putting in practice this Law.
The original version of the Local Administration Act of 1985 and its development of 1986 did not establish a clear distinction between local competences, local public services and reserved essential services. The reform carried out in 2003 provided some clarity, but not excessive. This article analyses the reforms undertaken in the field of local public services by Act No 27, of 27 December 2013, on the rationalization and sustainability of local government: the list of minimum municipal services is amended; the role of Province Governments in managing these minimum services is reinforced; changes in the forms of managing services are introduced; it amends the provision relating to local economic initiative and local reserves; by local authority does not meet its financial obligations it must arrange an integrated or coordinated management of mandatory services provided local authorities, in order to reduce costs; and it imposes upon Local Governments the obligation to determinate the effective costs of the services by 1 November each year.
This paper tries to identify some of the main guidelines underlying the Local Law reform made in Spain by law 27/2013 and to analyze how, in particular, this legislative change is expected to affect both the way our local governments had been acting since 1985 as well as the basic foundations of our constitutional framework in relation with local government. Specifically, the paper focuses on investigating whether the notion of local autonomy allows us to preach at least some legal resistance to the changes the 2013 reform is intending to make. It also analyzes the reform as a product of the trend, traceable in recent years, aimed to limit the possibilities of regional legislatures regulating local government, i.e. as a product and evidence of a legal recentralization process. Finally, the paper studies how local public services will be provided as a result of these legal changes, explaining how the new local law, in fact, is intended to introduce measures favoring increased privatization in the provision of local services.
Given the large uncertainty caused by the LRSAL, to date, four have adopted different standards CCAA (a law Galicia, Castile and León and Andalusia two separate decree-laws, and the Basque Country Circular) "shield" of municipal powers, to refine and clarify some of the issues for which the Act does not provide a clear unambiguous interpretation or application. The common denominator of this regional legislation is to try to disable the purpose of LRSAL reduce the improper classification of municipal competencies that do not have enabling Sector Legislator (regional) before or after the enactment of the Act, and condition in field of Social Services, Health and Education qualification of those powers to the modification of the regional financing. In this article these issues, based on the analysis of the Draft Law, and going through the important considerations about the same made by the State Council Opinion addressed.
This paper aims to analyze the scope of the reform of Local Government operated by the new Law 27/2013, of 27 December, rationalization and sustainability of local government, through which the achievement of the pursued following objectives: to clarify municipal powers to avoid duplication with the powers of other authorities so as to make effective the principle "one Administration, one competition"; rationalize the organizational structure of the local authority in accordance with the principles of efficiency, stability and sustainability financial; ensure a more rigorous financial and budgetary control and encourage private economic initiative avoiding disproportionate administrative interventions.
In view of the economic difficulties provoked by the current context of crisis, the European Union, in order to reinforce the innovative, environmental and social aspects of the services of general interest, supporting his continuity with certain degree of quality, has reacted approving a set of measures that try to increase the efficiency of the public expenditure guaranteeing the best results in terms of relation quality/price. One of them has been the Directive on the adjudication of the contracts of concession that will be the object of study of this paper.
The adoption of a new EU legislative package on public procurement has two clear objectives. On the one hand, improve the efficiency of public resources allocated to the task of supplying goods and services to public Authorities. For this scope it is necessary to simplify the procedures and eliminate administrative burdens. The second scope is to allow the use of public procurement as a tool to develop certain public policies. This article analyses the new Directives on public procurement and in particular the provisions that, more specifically, are designed for local Authorities.
This paper aims to compare the provisions regarding the integrity of the procurement procedure of Community law with regard to the current regime provided for in the Consolidated Law on Public Procurement, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011, of 14 November (TRLCSP), and certain provisions related to transparency and good governance being developed. It also aims to address the regulatory implications of the measures of the new public procurement Directives regarding transparency and corruption control, especially in relation to conflict of interest and illegal activities in this area. This will also probably help to refine the causes of incompatibility, prohibitions on contracting and illegal conduct in the procurement procedure laid down in Spanish law.
The current logic operation according to the economic principle has forced reflect on the study of traditional structures on which the government rests, and in particular on those that we believe should be used to restore the credibility of political institutions, the local authorities, whose proximity to the city places them in a privileged place for this purpose. It has been estimated from a comparative study trying to provide references for use in decision analysis strategies on the development and reform of local government perspective.
This article describes the evolution of the Italian legal and factual framework concerning renewable energies. The strong dependence on foreign sources, caused by the lack of carbon and petrol has influenced the development of the hydric sector, of geothermical energies and bionergies. Wind and photovoltaic energies have been obstacled by the resistance of the local population towards possible damages to the environment. At the same time, the use of atomic energy was precociously developed in the '60s and '70s, till 1987. At that time, three referenda abrogated the most important provisions concerning localization and construction of atomic plants. Since then, the Italian legal system has dedicated many efforts for the dismantling of existing plants.
Municipal corporations are instruments in the hands of local authorities for the development of economic activities and the provision of services. Due his nature the legal regime of these companies is different in some ways of the strictly private ones. Most relevant are two: control decisions are shared by different jurisdictions and the peculiar position of councilors in order to challenge corporate actions.
Presents a research, methodology and results, that evaluate the sustainability of the ways of making hybrid-complex city or urban praxis of the visible management government (VMG), from multilevel governance. The evaluation strategy [GEE + i] transversal and multidimensional develops from complexity in 4 phases. F1: Governance in the dramatic of the twenty-first century; F2: new conceptual architecture, territorial genetics; F3: onto-morphogenetic characterization of the hybrid city-genome, design and application of tools, models and governance indicators; F4: results, relation between morphogenetic analysis and experts’ opinion/delphi. Concludes proving the correlation between the current sociopolitical model, opposed to the constitutional governance model and federal decentralized State, the global economic perspectives and expresses in the absence of rule of law/justice and governance and space-locally in the centralized dissolution of the local government and hybrid city genome. The relationship between governance, formal ways of making/producing the hybrid city-genome tends to be positive and, between governance informal ways of making/producing the hybrid city-genome negative due to its autopoietic character; centrifugal and centripetal flows of power confrontation, centralization-decentralization, and absence of governance/social cohesion, deepens spatial and socio-political segregation and civic life precariousness, increasing protests and ingovernability which prevents/hinders to overcome poverty and sustainable development.
Changes that have occurred on the world have required new management models, imposing a new relationship between State and Society. In this sense, there is a tendency of Public Administration, which was considered inaccessible to citizens, to start to favor the participation of the citizens in that process. In this context, the present study aimed to verify how and when the citizen's participation occurred in the processes of elaboration, monitoring and evaluation of the Governmental Action Plan at the State level of the Brazilian government. The study had as its theoretical framework the participatory-democratic approach of the Governance, which seeks to stimulate the civil society organization and promote the restructuring of the decision-making mechanisms, in favor of higher citizen's engagement in activities of social control of the public administration and in the definition and implementation of public policies.
This article argues the main features of the peaceful coexistence in the schools and its relationship to the Law. It pays attention to the definition of violence and bullying which is given by the rules. This work exposes their consequences for the members of the school, as well as the civil responsibility of parents and schools. It also identifies the relationship between the classroom atmosphere and the education quality. It let us examine the educational politics developed by the Public Administrations –mainly the Spanish Autonomous Communities or Regions– in order to get a better coexistence in the schools and the education quality. It focuses on the recent rules about teachers' authority, and on the need of the families making an effort to give a good education to their children, and their cooperation with schools and teachers.
The health system is one of the pillars of the welfare State and key foundation of our citizenship. The process of institutionalization of the welfare State has created an organization called the national health system (NHS) of gigantic proportions, with a very high professional and resource concentration, adopting a great development of management models, sometimes not visible in explicit form, being professional career one of the key aspects. The assumption of powers of healing by the Autonomous Communities has been one of the most decisive aspects of the characteristics of the Spanish health care model, based on the activity of the regional health services. The Autonomous Communities currently have their respective health services. In further analyses research will be made from this point, it should be noted that when career models are cited we mean models covering the licensed and qualified NHS. Non-health professionals also have their specific career development in some Autonomous Communities but are not part of the object of study of this research.
This paper tries to find out the historical roots of the municipality and their executive branch, the city council. From a revisionist perspective of the bibliography produced during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, we have tried to demystify some assumptions about the municipal autonomy and self-government in the Middle Age, the debate about the setting up of an entirely new political administrative model by the Liberalism and the success of the centralizing policies executed by the Monarchy during the process of state strengthening at expense of local entities.
Every State needs an Administration that works as an executing arm of its purposes and, at the same time, the latter is pervaded in its action by the nature of the political regime that confers identity to the State. Therefore, it's no wonder that during Francoism the Spanish Public Administration turned into a powerful instrument that operated at the service of the dictatorship's ideological principles. Although the inefficiency of this model, which disregarded general interests, tried to be corrected as of the decade of the 50s, attempts to change the Administration collided with the authoritarian essence of the regime, which obstructed its effective modernisation. Starting from a multidisciplinary approach that combines the exegesis of the legal texts with the revision of the doctrinal contributions, this article analyses the development of the Spanish Administration in the 1936-1975 period, attending to its legal shape and the evolution of its structures.
The recent job market reform implemented by the present government entails -for the public administration as well- major modifications in the work relationship system, especially relevant for the non-civil servant public administrations employees. By carrying out this project we intend to do a follow-up of the different sentences which, in every level of judicial review, have befallen ever since the implementation of such reform; we will pay special attention to those collective redundancy plans, as well as to the so-called opt-out clauses of the collective agreements.
Within the organic framework of the Organic Law 1/2002, which regulates the right of association, both the State and the self-governing communities may rule by means of statutory law and within their competences, their legal system. An example of this is the Improvement of Consumer and User Protection Act (44/2006), which established a basic legal basis applicable to all consumers' associations, according to the powers vested the Spanish Constitution. Also the self-governing communities, in exercise of his competences for the protection of the consumer, have dictated laws that regulate the specific system of these associations when they have an area of regional action. The main aim of the present paper is to study this specific system established by the self-governing communities, his adequacy to the basic legislation of the State and determinate the legal reforms to realize in order that they could expire with his constitutional purpose.
The territorial implementation of certain facilities that can potentially generate a lot of wealth to the municipalities where they are located often causes disputes between the different levels of local authorities when determining to which corresponds the authorization, and depending on what criteria and legal title. This paper discusses some examples and proposes the consideration of certain elements as a means of resolving the jurisdictional arguments.
The regionalization process in Jalisco occurred in the nineties leading to the decentralization of regions and formulating a regional development plan for each of them. Currently, despite the measures taken to establish regional plans, it appears that there are disparities in regional development, being the most affected, the North Zone of the State. The aim of this paper is to analyze a key factor, the ratio of the institutions with the development of the Northern region of the State of Jalisco, with a brief analysis of the role of institutions from economic, political and social perspectives. The method used is a review of the existing literature on institutional theory and the development of the Northern Zone of State. It concludes by stating as a strategy to promote the development, evaluation and strengthening of the institutions involved in this process.
During the 9th legislature period of the Basque Government, the environmental department launched, a new model based in public - private co-responsibility, in reducing administrative burdens; in reinforcing the operational control, and in improving dialogue and transparency. Sixteen acts were approved aimed at achieving environmental and other strategic objectives, new and modern information and management system was implemented and the environmental collaboration entities were introduced. These actions set the basis for a modern and efficient management of the environmental administration, introducing rationality and efficiency in the environmental administrative process (entailing cost savings and increased productivity) and provides legal certainty for economic activities (which implies more competitiveness) and better service for all Basque citizens.
During recent years there has been a significant legislative change in Spain in order to modernize public administration, and in particular, they make available to the computer and information technologies and communication tools. Because of this, they have launched various plans Modernization of Public Administrations where the aim in this paper is to highlight one of the recent cases that have been made in the modernization of the municipalities in the province of Alicante in Spain.
ABSTRACT The boom in short-term rentals in Spain, over the last decade, has put the phenomenon at the center of public debate and has led many municipalities to consider the need to organize or limit them. This article analyzes, through the eyes of jurisprudence, the experiences accumulated in recent years through tourism legislation, local regulation and urban planning. The analysis of the different regulatory instruments, and particularly the examples of Barcelona and Bilbao, allows us to draw some useful conclusions and at the same time propose optimal regulatory solutions to address this phenomenon, making the «right to the city» or the «right to housing» compatible with the freedom to provide services.