Papers by Reuben Chukwuma

A group is a nonempty set G on which there is defined a binary operation (a, b) → ab satisfying t... more A group is a nonempty set G on which there is defined a binary operation (a, b) → ab satisfying the following properties. Closure: If a and b belong to G, then ab is also in G; Associativity : a(bc) = (ab)c for all a, b, c ∈ G; Identity : There is an element 1 ∈ G such that a1 = 1a = a for all a in G; Inverse: If a is in G, then there is an element a −1 in G such that aa −1 = a −1 a = 1. A group G is abelian if the binary operation is commutative, i.e., ab = ba for all a, b in G. In this case the binary operation is often written additively ((a, b) → a + b), with the identity written as 0 rather than 1. There are some very familiar examples of abelian groups under addition, namely the integers Z, the rationals Q, the real numbers R, the complex numers C, and the integers Z m modulo m. Nonabelian groups will begin to appear in the next section. The associative law generalizes to products of any finite number of elements, for example , (ab)(cde) = a(bcd)e. A formal proof can be given ...

The Economic and Political Development of the Sudan, 1977
Marcellus (2009) posits that the conceptualization of development as given by Ibezim (1999)above ... more Marcellus (2009) posits that the conceptualization of development as given by Ibezim (1999)above has some serious implications for a holistic approach to development planning in developing countries. To him, Ibezim’s submission promotes the idea and practice of equating development planning with economic planning as the economy is usually regarded as the bedrock for a nation’s development. Understood this way, Jhingan (2005: 489) says development planning implies:“deliberate control and direction of the economy by a central authority for the purpose of achieving definite targets and objectives within a specified period of time”. But emphasis on purely economic factors in development planning has not been successful in achieving development in the economic sector talk less of the overall national development in developing countries. In such countries, Jhingan (2005) notes that the essence of planning is to increase the rate of economic development by increasing the rate of capital formation through raising the levels of income, saving and investment. Against the foregoing, one can conclude that, Development planning comprehensively involves predetermining a nation’s visions, missions, policies and programmes in all facets of life such as social, human, political, environmental, technological factors etc. and the means of achieving them. Economic visions and programmes cannot be realized without looking at developmental issues holistically, which entails improvement in all human endeavours. Development planning presupposes a formally predetermined rather than a sporadic action towards achieving specific developmental results. More importantly, it entails direction and control towards achieving plan targets.
Mathematics according to Aristotle is a Physical science which studies about nature and human tra... more Mathematics according to Aristotle is a Physical science which studies about nature and human transactions. it can now be coined as a physical- social science because of the nature of the subject...

As a Teacher, I am aware t... more INSTRUCTION
As a Teacher, I am aware that my students are unique individuals and there are important factors to be considered in constructing an effective instructional material. Here are the factors; diverse user interests, abilities, backgrounds, cultures, languages, and maturity levels. Materials intended for student use should be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, social development, ability levels, special needs, and learning styles of students served by the collection.
The Materials to be selected should support, enrich and extend the school’s curriculum and to encourage informational, educational and recreational reading, viewing and/or listening.
Well, we all know that Teachers at all levels utilize a variety of instructional materials such as textbooks, presentations and handouts to enhance the quality of their lessons. The quality of those materials directly impacts the quality of teaching. Knowing how to find the best instructional materials is a valuable skill for a teacher to have.
The importance of Instructional Materials or Educational resources is to improve students’ knowledge, abilities, and skills, to monitor their assimilation of information, and to contribute to their overall development and upbringing. It also clarifies important concepts to arouse and sustain student’s interests, give all students in a class the opportunity to share experiences necessary for new learning, help make learning more permanent.
Criteria’s for evaluating instructional materials is very important to make teaching effective and meaningful, here are some criteria’s:
Aligns with curriculum and standards, and is current, valid and reliable, with real world examples. Design to meet the interest of the individual learners from various skills levels. Enhances conceptual understanding and engages higher order thinking skills. Free from bias.
Equity and Accessibility
Materials are durable, easily stored, transported and are universally accessible. Materials are easily updated and are adaptable and customizable to match the resources of the school.
Materials are appropriate for the subject matter, and also appropriate for the learner’s capacity or levels of learning.
Comprehensiveness of student and teacher resources; alignment of instructional components; organization of instructional materials; readability of instructional materials; pacing of content; ease of use and durability of materials.
Motivational strategies; teaching a few "Big Ideas;" explicit instruction; guidance and support; active participation of students; targeted instructional strategies; targeted assessment strategies.
The materials used for teaching should not be expensive, as long as it eye captivating and catches the attention of the students then it is an effective instructional materials.
Educational technology, sometimes termed EdTech or Learning Technology, is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.The term educational technology is often associated with, and encompasses,instructional theory and learning theory.
As an academic discipline, the study of educational technology prepares individuals by helping them acquire a deeper understanding and mastery of:
• learning resources: messages, people, materials, devices, techniques and settings;
• processes for analyzing and devising solutions to those problems through research, theory, design, production, evaluation, utilization;
• the processes involved in organization and personnel management.
The focus is on effective processes to facilitate learning using technologies and understanding the impacts of technology on learners and organizations.
Areas of specialization may include distance learning, human performance technology, technology integration and management, media design and development, learning sciences, instructional design, change management, and communications processes. It should be noted that the field is not merely concerned with learning technical skills nor the simplistic use of technology for technology’s sake in teaching, a common misperception by non-educators. Practitioners in the field typically hold an advanced degree, Master's or doctorate.
Technology in education is most simply and comfortably defined as an array of tools that might prove helpful in advancing student learning and may be measured on how and why individuals behave.
As a field, educational technology emphasizes communication skills and approaches to teaching and learning through the judicious use and integration of diverse media. Scholars in the field examine the uses of innovative media and technologies for education, examining all aspects from direct student learning to management and impacts on institutions. As in all forms of applied technology, the field studies how theoretical knowledge and scientific principles can be applied to problems that arise in a social context. Practitioners in educational technology seek new and effective ways of organizing the teaching and learning process through the best possible application of technological developments. These activities rely upon a body of knowledge for successful and ethical implementation, rather than routine tasks or isolated technical skills.
Teaching is a total package; it is true that teacher is the best instructional material because teacher is the one who manage the classroom. As the saying goes “you are the captain of your mind and the master of your soul” teacher is the captain of the classroom because of molding the minds of the students to become competent and independent individuals when it comes to excellence. Master of the classroom because of proving good feedback and developing the potential of the students through nurturing their minds for the possibilities in life. Using strategies or techniques that are varied to make teaching effective and meaningful is also a big factor for the students so that they can build confidence and have mastery of the subject matter.

As a Teacher, I am aware t... more INSTRUCTION
As a Teacher, I am aware that my students are unique individuals and there are important factors to be considered in constructing an effective instructional material. Here are the factors; diverse user interests, abilities, backgrounds, cultures, languages, and maturity levels. Materials intended for student use should be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, social development, ability levels, special needs, and learning styles of students served by the collection.
The Materials to be selected should support, enrich and extend the school’s curriculum and to encourage informational, educational and recreational reading, viewing and/or listening.
Well, we all know that Teachers at all levels utilize a variety of instructional materials such as textbooks, presentations and handouts to enhance the quality of their lessons. The quality of those materials directly impacts the quality of teaching. Knowing how to find the best instructional materials is a valuable skill for a teacher to have.
The importance of Instructional Materials or Educational resources is to improve students’ knowledge, abilities, and skills, to monitor their assimilation of information, and to contribute to their overall development and upbringing. It also clarifies important concepts to arouse and sustain student’s interests, give all students in a class the opportunity to share experiences necessary for new learning, help make learning more permanent.
Criteria’s for evaluating instructional materials is very important to make teaching effective and meaningful, here are some criteria’s:
Aligns with curriculum and standards, and is current, valid and reliable, with real world examples. Design to meet the interest of the individual learners from various skills levels. Enhances conceptual understanding and engages higher order thinking skills. Free from bias.
Equity and Accessibility
Materials are durable, easily stored, transported and are universally accessible. Materials are easily updated and are adaptable and customizable to match the resources of the school.
Materials are appropriate for the subject matter, and also appropriate for the learner’s capacity or levels of learning.
Comprehensiveness of student and teacher resources; alignment of instructional components; organization of instructional materials; readability of instructional materials; pacing of content; ease of use and durability of materials.
Motivational strategies; teaching a few "Big Ideas;" explicit instruction; guidance and support; active participation of students; targeted instructional strategies; targeted assessment strategies.
The materials used for teaching should not be expensive, as long as it eye captivating and catches the attention of the students then it is an effective instructional materials.
Educational technology, sometimes termed EdTech or Learning Technology, is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.The term educational technology is often associated with, and encompasses,instructional theory and learning theory.
As an academic discipline, the study of educational technology prepares individuals by helping them acquire a deeper understanding and mastery of:
• learning resources: messages, people, materials, devices, techniques and settings;
• processes for analyzing and devising solutions to those problems through research, theory, design, production, evaluation, utilization;
• the processes involved in organization and personnel management.
The focus is on effective processes to facilitate learning using technologies and understanding the impacts of technology on learners and organizations.
Areas of specialization may include distance learning, human performance technology, technology integration and management, media design and development, learning sciences, instructional design, change management, and communications processes. It should be noted that the field is not merely concerned with learning technical skills nor the simplistic use of technology for technology’s sake in teaching, a common misperception by non-educators. Practitioners in the field typically hold an advanced degree, Master's or doctorate.
Technology in education is most simply and comfortably defined as an array of tools that might prove helpful in advancing student learning and may be measured on how and why individuals behave.
As a field, educational technology emphasizes communication skills and approaches to teaching and learning through the judicious use and integration of diverse media. Scholars in the field examine the uses of innovative media and technologies for education, examining all aspects from direct student learning to management and impacts on institutions. As in all forms of applied technology, the field studies how theoretical knowledge and scientific principles can be applied to problems that arise in a social context. Practitioners in educational technology seek new and effective ways of organizing the teaching and learning process through the best possible application of technological developments. These activities rely upon a body of knowledge for successful and ethical implementation, rather than routine tasks or isolated technical skills.
Teaching is a total package; it is true that teacher is the best instructional material because teacher is the one who manage the classroom. As the saying goes “you are the captain of your mind and the master of your soul” teacher is the captain of the classroom because of molding the minds of the students to become competent and independent individuals when it comes to excellence. Master of the classroom because of proving good feedback and developing the potential of the students through nurturing their minds for the possibilities in life. Using strategies or techniques that are varied to make teaching effective and meaningful is also a big factor for the students so that they can build confidence and have mastery of the subject matter.
The 6-3-3-4 system of education, which was introduced in 1982 to replace the 6-5-4 system, accord... more The 6-3-3-4 system of education, which was introduced in 1982 to replace the 6-5-4 system, according to experts, was designed to inject functionality into the Nigerian school system, by producing graduates who would be able to make use of their hands, head and the heart (the 3Hs of education).
The idea was to have six years of primary education, three years of junior secondary education, another three years of either technical education for those who were more interested in learning a trade or three years of senior secondary school for those who were more academically inclined. The last four years of the 6-3-3-4 system is for tertiary education

Distance education as a generic term used to define the field ... more INTRODUCTION TO DISTANCE EDUCATION
Distance education as a generic term used to define the field or distance learning is a mode of delivering education and instruction, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a traditional setting such as a classroom. Distance learning provides "access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by time and distance, or both. Distance education courses that require a physical on-site presence for any reason (excluding taking examinations) may be referred to as hybrid or blended courses of study. Massive open online courses (MOOCs), aimed at large-scale interactive participation and open access via the web or other network technologies, are recent developments in distance education. A number of other terms (distributed learning, e-learning, online learning, etc.) are used roughly synonymously with distance education. However distance is the oldest and mostly commonly used term globally. It is also the broadest term and has the largest collection of related research articles.
There are several approaches to defining the term Open and Distance Learning (ODL). Adebayo (2007a) defined open and distance learning as the type of education that takes place outside the conventional school system; it is imparted without necessarily having personal interaction with students or learners. Creed (2001) defined distance learning as ‘an educational process in which a significant proportion of the teaching is conducted by someone far removed in space and /or time from the learners.
According to UNESCO (2002), ODL is one of the most rapidly growing fields of education, and its potential impact on all education delivery systems has been greatly accentuated through the development of Internet-based information technologies, and in particular the World Wide Web presenting approaches that focus on opening access to education and training provision, freeing learners from the constraints of time and place and offering flexible learning opportunities to individuals and groups of learners. To Kaufman, Watkins and Guerra (2000),.

Marcellus (2009) posits that the conceptualization of development as given by Ibezim (1999)above ... more Marcellus (2009) posits that the conceptualization of development as given by Ibezim (1999)above has some serious implications for a holistic approach to development planning in developing countries. To him, Ibezim’s submission promotes the idea and practice of equating development planning with economic planning as the economy is usually regarded as the bedrock for a nation’s development. Understood this way, Jhingan (2005: 489) says development planning implies:“deliberate control and direction of the economy by a central authority for the purpose of achieving definite targets and objectives within a specified period of time”. But emphasis on purely economic factors in development planning has not been successful in achieving development in the economic sector talk less of the overall national development in developing countries. In such countries, Jhingan (2005) notes that the essence of planning is to increase the rate of economic development by increasing the rate of capital formation through raising the levels of income, saving and investment. Against the foregoing, one can conclude that, Development planning comprehensively involves predetermining a nation’s visions, missions, policies and programmes in all facets of life such as social, human, political, environmental, technological factors etc. and the means of achieving them. Economic visions and programmes cannot be realized without looking at developmental issues holistically, which entails improvement in all human endeavours. Development planning presupposes a formally predetermined rather than a sporadic action towards achieving specific developmental results. More importantly, it entails direction and control towards achieving plan targets.
A group is a nonempty set G on which there is defined a binary operation (a, b) → ab satisfying t... more A group is a nonempty set G on which there is defined a binary operation (a, b) → ab satisfying the following properties.
Books by Reuben Chukwuma
Papers by Reuben Chukwuma
As a Teacher, I am aware that my students are unique individuals and there are important factors to be considered in constructing an effective instructional material. Here are the factors; diverse user interests, abilities, backgrounds, cultures, languages, and maturity levels. Materials intended for student use should be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, social development, ability levels, special needs, and learning styles of students served by the collection.
The Materials to be selected should support, enrich and extend the school’s curriculum and to encourage informational, educational and recreational reading, viewing and/or listening.
Well, we all know that Teachers at all levels utilize a variety of instructional materials such as textbooks, presentations and handouts to enhance the quality of their lessons. The quality of those materials directly impacts the quality of teaching. Knowing how to find the best instructional materials is a valuable skill for a teacher to have.
The importance of Instructional Materials or Educational resources is to improve students’ knowledge, abilities, and skills, to monitor their assimilation of information, and to contribute to their overall development and upbringing. It also clarifies important concepts to arouse and sustain student’s interests, give all students in a class the opportunity to share experiences necessary for new learning, help make learning more permanent.
Criteria’s for evaluating instructional materials is very important to make teaching effective and meaningful, here are some criteria’s:
Aligns with curriculum and standards, and is current, valid and reliable, with real world examples. Design to meet the interest of the individual learners from various skills levels. Enhances conceptual understanding and engages higher order thinking skills. Free from bias.
Equity and Accessibility
Materials are durable, easily stored, transported and are universally accessible. Materials are easily updated and are adaptable and customizable to match the resources of the school.
Materials are appropriate for the subject matter, and also appropriate for the learner’s capacity or levels of learning.
Comprehensiveness of student and teacher resources; alignment of instructional components; organization of instructional materials; readability of instructional materials; pacing of content; ease of use and durability of materials.
Motivational strategies; teaching a few "Big Ideas;" explicit instruction; guidance and support; active participation of students; targeted instructional strategies; targeted assessment strategies.
The materials used for teaching should not be expensive, as long as it eye captivating and catches the attention of the students then it is an effective instructional materials.
Educational technology, sometimes termed EdTech or Learning Technology, is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.The term educational technology is often associated with, and encompasses,instructional theory and learning theory.
As an academic discipline, the study of educational technology prepares individuals by helping them acquire a deeper understanding and mastery of:
• learning resources: messages, people, materials, devices, techniques and settings;
• processes for analyzing and devising solutions to those problems through research, theory, design, production, evaluation, utilization;
• the processes involved in organization and personnel management.
The focus is on effective processes to facilitate learning using technologies and understanding the impacts of technology on learners and organizations.
Areas of specialization may include distance learning, human performance technology, technology integration and management, media design and development, learning sciences, instructional design, change management, and communications processes. It should be noted that the field is not merely concerned with learning technical skills nor the simplistic use of technology for technology’s sake in teaching, a common misperception by non-educators. Practitioners in the field typically hold an advanced degree, Master's or doctorate.
Technology in education is most simply and comfortably defined as an array of tools that might prove helpful in advancing student learning and may be measured on how and why individuals behave.
As a field, educational technology emphasizes communication skills and approaches to teaching and learning through the judicious use and integration of diverse media. Scholars in the field examine the uses of innovative media and technologies for education, examining all aspects from direct student learning to management and impacts on institutions. As in all forms of applied technology, the field studies how theoretical knowledge and scientific principles can be applied to problems that arise in a social context. Practitioners in educational technology seek new and effective ways of organizing the teaching and learning process through the best possible application of technological developments. These activities rely upon a body of knowledge for successful and ethical implementation, rather than routine tasks or isolated technical skills.
Teaching is a total package; it is true that teacher is the best instructional material because teacher is the one who manage the classroom. As the saying goes “you are the captain of your mind and the master of your soul” teacher is the captain of the classroom because of molding the minds of the students to become competent and independent individuals when it comes to excellence. Master of the classroom because of proving good feedback and developing the potential of the students through nurturing their minds for the possibilities in life. Using strategies or techniques that are varied to make teaching effective and meaningful is also a big factor for the students so that they can build confidence and have mastery of the subject matter.
As a Teacher, I am aware that my students are unique individuals and there are important factors to be considered in constructing an effective instructional material. Here are the factors; diverse user interests, abilities, backgrounds, cultures, languages, and maturity levels. Materials intended for student use should be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, social development, ability levels, special needs, and learning styles of students served by the collection.
The Materials to be selected should support, enrich and extend the school’s curriculum and to encourage informational, educational and recreational reading, viewing and/or listening.
Well, we all know that Teachers at all levels utilize a variety of instructional materials such as textbooks, presentations and handouts to enhance the quality of their lessons. The quality of those materials directly impacts the quality of teaching. Knowing how to find the best instructional materials is a valuable skill for a teacher to have.
The importance of Instructional Materials or Educational resources is to improve students’ knowledge, abilities, and skills, to monitor their assimilation of information, and to contribute to their overall development and upbringing. It also clarifies important concepts to arouse and sustain student’s interests, give all students in a class the opportunity to share experiences necessary for new learning, help make learning more permanent.
Criteria’s for evaluating instructional materials is very important to make teaching effective and meaningful, here are some criteria’s:
Aligns with curriculum and standards, and is current, valid and reliable, with real world examples. Design to meet the interest of the individual learners from various skills levels. Enhances conceptual understanding and engages higher order thinking skills. Free from bias.
Equity and Accessibility
Materials are durable, easily stored, transported and are universally accessible. Materials are easily updated and are adaptable and customizable to match the resources of the school.
Materials are appropriate for the subject matter, and also appropriate for the learner’s capacity or levels of learning.
Comprehensiveness of student and teacher resources; alignment of instructional components; organization of instructional materials; readability of instructional materials; pacing of content; ease of use and durability of materials.
Motivational strategies; teaching a few "Big Ideas;" explicit instruction; guidance and support; active participation of students; targeted instructional strategies; targeted assessment strategies.
The materials used for teaching should not be expensive, as long as it eye captivating and catches the attention of the students then it is an effective instructional materials.
Educational technology, sometimes termed EdTech or Learning Technology, is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.The term educational technology is often associated with, and encompasses,instructional theory and learning theory.
As an academic discipline, the study of educational technology prepares individuals by helping them acquire a deeper understanding and mastery of:
• learning resources: messages, people, materials, devices, techniques and settings;
• processes for analyzing and devising solutions to those problems through research, theory, design, production, evaluation, utilization;
• the processes involved in organization and personnel management.
The focus is on effective processes to facilitate learning using technologies and understanding the impacts of technology on learners and organizations.
Areas of specialization may include distance learning, human performance technology, technology integration and management, media design and development, learning sciences, instructional design, change management, and communications processes. It should be noted that the field is not merely concerned with learning technical skills nor the simplistic use of technology for technology’s sake in teaching, a common misperception by non-educators. Practitioners in the field typically hold an advanced degree, Master's or doctorate.
Technology in education is most simply and comfortably defined as an array of tools that might prove helpful in advancing student learning and may be measured on how and why individuals behave.
As a field, educational technology emphasizes communication skills and approaches to teaching and learning through the judicious use and integration of diverse media. Scholars in the field examine the uses of innovative media and technologies for education, examining all aspects from direct student learning to management and impacts on institutions. As in all forms of applied technology, the field studies how theoretical knowledge and scientific principles can be applied to problems that arise in a social context. Practitioners in educational technology seek new and effective ways of organizing the teaching and learning process through the best possible application of technological developments. These activities rely upon a body of knowledge for successful and ethical implementation, rather than routine tasks or isolated technical skills.
Teaching is a total package; it is true that teacher is the best instructional material because teacher is the one who manage the classroom. As the saying goes “you are the captain of your mind and the master of your soul” teacher is the captain of the classroom because of molding the minds of the students to become competent and independent individuals when it comes to excellence. Master of the classroom because of proving good feedback and developing the potential of the students through nurturing their minds for the possibilities in life. Using strategies or techniques that are varied to make teaching effective and meaningful is also a big factor for the students so that they can build confidence and have mastery of the subject matter.
The idea was to have six years of primary education, three years of junior secondary education, another three years of either technical education for those who were more interested in learning a trade or three years of senior secondary school for those who were more academically inclined. The last four years of the 6-3-3-4 system is for tertiary education
Distance education as a generic term used to define the field or distance learning is a mode of delivering education and instruction, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a traditional setting such as a classroom. Distance learning provides "access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by time and distance, or both. Distance education courses that require a physical on-site presence for any reason (excluding taking examinations) may be referred to as hybrid or blended courses of study. Massive open online courses (MOOCs), aimed at large-scale interactive participation and open access via the web or other network technologies, are recent developments in distance education. A number of other terms (distributed learning, e-learning, online learning, etc.) are used roughly synonymously with distance education. However distance is the oldest and mostly commonly used term globally. It is also the broadest term and has the largest collection of related research articles.
There are several approaches to defining the term Open and Distance Learning (ODL). Adebayo (2007a) defined open and distance learning as the type of education that takes place outside the conventional school system; it is imparted without necessarily having personal interaction with students or learners. Creed (2001) defined distance learning as ‘an educational process in which a significant proportion of the teaching is conducted by someone far removed in space and /or time from the learners.
According to UNESCO (2002), ODL is one of the most rapidly growing fields of education, and its potential impact on all education delivery systems has been greatly accentuated through the development of Internet-based information technologies, and in particular the World Wide Web presenting approaches that focus on opening access to education and training provision, freeing learners from the constraints of time and place and offering flexible learning opportunities to individuals and groups of learners. To Kaufman, Watkins and Guerra (2000),.
Books by Reuben Chukwuma
As a Teacher, I am aware that my students are unique individuals and there are important factors to be considered in constructing an effective instructional material. Here are the factors; diverse user interests, abilities, backgrounds, cultures, languages, and maturity levels. Materials intended for student use should be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, social development, ability levels, special needs, and learning styles of students served by the collection.
The Materials to be selected should support, enrich and extend the school’s curriculum and to encourage informational, educational and recreational reading, viewing and/or listening.
Well, we all know that Teachers at all levels utilize a variety of instructional materials such as textbooks, presentations and handouts to enhance the quality of their lessons. The quality of those materials directly impacts the quality of teaching. Knowing how to find the best instructional materials is a valuable skill for a teacher to have.
The importance of Instructional Materials or Educational resources is to improve students’ knowledge, abilities, and skills, to monitor their assimilation of information, and to contribute to their overall development and upbringing. It also clarifies important concepts to arouse and sustain student’s interests, give all students in a class the opportunity to share experiences necessary for new learning, help make learning more permanent.
Criteria’s for evaluating instructional materials is very important to make teaching effective and meaningful, here are some criteria’s:
Aligns with curriculum and standards, and is current, valid and reliable, with real world examples. Design to meet the interest of the individual learners from various skills levels. Enhances conceptual understanding and engages higher order thinking skills. Free from bias.
Equity and Accessibility
Materials are durable, easily stored, transported and are universally accessible. Materials are easily updated and are adaptable and customizable to match the resources of the school.
Materials are appropriate for the subject matter, and also appropriate for the learner’s capacity or levels of learning.
Comprehensiveness of student and teacher resources; alignment of instructional components; organization of instructional materials; readability of instructional materials; pacing of content; ease of use and durability of materials.
Motivational strategies; teaching a few "Big Ideas;" explicit instruction; guidance and support; active participation of students; targeted instructional strategies; targeted assessment strategies.
The materials used for teaching should not be expensive, as long as it eye captivating and catches the attention of the students then it is an effective instructional materials.
Educational technology, sometimes termed EdTech or Learning Technology, is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.The term educational technology is often associated with, and encompasses,instructional theory and learning theory.
As an academic discipline, the study of educational technology prepares individuals by helping them acquire a deeper understanding and mastery of:
• learning resources: messages, people, materials, devices, techniques and settings;
• processes for analyzing and devising solutions to those problems through research, theory, design, production, evaluation, utilization;
• the processes involved in organization and personnel management.
The focus is on effective processes to facilitate learning using technologies and understanding the impacts of technology on learners and organizations.
Areas of specialization may include distance learning, human performance technology, technology integration and management, media design and development, learning sciences, instructional design, change management, and communications processes. It should be noted that the field is not merely concerned with learning technical skills nor the simplistic use of technology for technology’s sake in teaching, a common misperception by non-educators. Practitioners in the field typically hold an advanced degree, Master's or doctorate.
Technology in education is most simply and comfortably defined as an array of tools that might prove helpful in advancing student learning and may be measured on how and why individuals behave.
As a field, educational technology emphasizes communication skills and approaches to teaching and learning through the judicious use and integration of diverse media. Scholars in the field examine the uses of innovative media and technologies for education, examining all aspects from direct student learning to management and impacts on institutions. As in all forms of applied technology, the field studies how theoretical knowledge and scientific principles can be applied to problems that arise in a social context. Practitioners in educational technology seek new and effective ways of organizing the teaching and learning process through the best possible application of technological developments. These activities rely upon a body of knowledge for successful and ethical implementation, rather than routine tasks or isolated technical skills.
Teaching is a total package; it is true that teacher is the best instructional material because teacher is the one who manage the classroom. As the saying goes “you are the captain of your mind and the master of your soul” teacher is the captain of the classroom because of molding the minds of the students to become competent and independent individuals when it comes to excellence. Master of the classroom because of proving good feedback and developing the potential of the students through nurturing their minds for the possibilities in life. Using strategies or techniques that are varied to make teaching effective and meaningful is also a big factor for the students so that they can build confidence and have mastery of the subject matter.
As a Teacher, I am aware that my students are unique individuals and there are important factors to be considered in constructing an effective instructional material. Here are the factors; diverse user interests, abilities, backgrounds, cultures, languages, and maturity levels. Materials intended for student use should be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, social development, ability levels, special needs, and learning styles of students served by the collection.
The Materials to be selected should support, enrich and extend the school’s curriculum and to encourage informational, educational and recreational reading, viewing and/or listening.
Well, we all know that Teachers at all levels utilize a variety of instructional materials such as textbooks, presentations and handouts to enhance the quality of their lessons. The quality of those materials directly impacts the quality of teaching. Knowing how to find the best instructional materials is a valuable skill for a teacher to have.
The importance of Instructional Materials or Educational resources is to improve students’ knowledge, abilities, and skills, to monitor their assimilation of information, and to contribute to their overall development and upbringing. It also clarifies important concepts to arouse and sustain student’s interests, give all students in a class the opportunity to share experiences necessary for new learning, help make learning more permanent.
Criteria’s for evaluating instructional materials is very important to make teaching effective and meaningful, here are some criteria’s:
Aligns with curriculum and standards, and is current, valid and reliable, with real world examples. Design to meet the interest of the individual learners from various skills levels. Enhances conceptual understanding and engages higher order thinking skills. Free from bias.
Equity and Accessibility
Materials are durable, easily stored, transported and are universally accessible. Materials are easily updated and are adaptable and customizable to match the resources of the school.
Materials are appropriate for the subject matter, and also appropriate for the learner’s capacity or levels of learning.
Comprehensiveness of student and teacher resources; alignment of instructional components; organization of instructional materials; readability of instructional materials; pacing of content; ease of use and durability of materials.
Motivational strategies; teaching a few "Big Ideas;" explicit instruction; guidance and support; active participation of students; targeted instructional strategies; targeted assessment strategies.
The materials used for teaching should not be expensive, as long as it eye captivating and catches the attention of the students then it is an effective instructional materials.
Educational technology, sometimes termed EdTech or Learning Technology, is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.The term educational technology is often associated with, and encompasses,instructional theory and learning theory.
As an academic discipline, the study of educational technology prepares individuals by helping them acquire a deeper understanding and mastery of:
• learning resources: messages, people, materials, devices, techniques and settings;
• processes for analyzing and devising solutions to those problems through research, theory, design, production, evaluation, utilization;
• the processes involved in organization and personnel management.
The focus is on effective processes to facilitate learning using technologies and understanding the impacts of technology on learners and organizations.
Areas of specialization may include distance learning, human performance technology, technology integration and management, media design and development, learning sciences, instructional design, change management, and communications processes. It should be noted that the field is not merely concerned with learning technical skills nor the simplistic use of technology for technology’s sake in teaching, a common misperception by non-educators. Practitioners in the field typically hold an advanced degree, Master's or doctorate.
Technology in education is most simply and comfortably defined as an array of tools that might prove helpful in advancing student learning and may be measured on how and why individuals behave.
As a field, educational technology emphasizes communication skills and approaches to teaching and learning through the judicious use and integration of diverse media. Scholars in the field examine the uses of innovative media and technologies for education, examining all aspects from direct student learning to management and impacts on institutions. As in all forms of applied technology, the field studies how theoretical knowledge and scientific principles can be applied to problems that arise in a social context. Practitioners in educational technology seek new and effective ways of organizing the teaching and learning process through the best possible application of technological developments. These activities rely upon a body of knowledge for successful and ethical implementation, rather than routine tasks or isolated technical skills.
Teaching is a total package; it is true that teacher is the best instructional material because teacher is the one who manage the classroom. As the saying goes “you are the captain of your mind and the master of your soul” teacher is the captain of the classroom because of molding the minds of the students to become competent and independent individuals when it comes to excellence. Master of the classroom because of proving good feedback and developing the potential of the students through nurturing their minds for the possibilities in life. Using strategies or techniques that are varied to make teaching effective and meaningful is also a big factor for the students so that they can build confidence and have mastery of the subject matter.
The idea was to have six years of primary education, three years of junior secondary education, another three years of either technical education for those who were more interested in learning a trade or three years of senior secondary school for those who were more academically inclined. The last four years of the 6-3-3-4 system is for tertiary education
Distance education as a generic term used to define the field or distance learning is a mode of delivering education and instruction, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a traditional setting such as a classroom. Distance learning provides "access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by time and distance, or both. Distance education courses that require a physical on-site presence for any reason (excluding taking examinations) may be referred to as hybrid or blended courses of study. Massive open online courses (MOOCs), aimed at large-scale interactive participation and open access via the web or other network technologies, are recent developments in distance education. A number of other terms (distributed learning, e-learning, online learning, etc.) are used roughly synonymously with distance education. However distance is the oldest and mostly commonly used term globally. It is also the broadest term and has the largest collection of related research articles.
There are several approaches to defining the term Open and Distance Learning (ODL). Adebayo (2007a) defined open and distance learning as the type of education that takes place outside the conventional school system; it is imparted without necessarily having personal interaction with students or learners. Creed (2001) defined distance learning as ‘an educational process in which a significant proportion of the teaching is conducted by someone far removed in space and /or time from the learners.
According to UNESCO (2002), ODL is one of the most rapidly growing fields of education, and its potential impact on all education delivery systems has been greatly accentuated through the development of Internet-based information technologies, and in particular the World Wide Web presenting approaches that focus on opening access to education and training provision, freeing learners from the constraints of time and place and offering flexible learning opportunities to individuals and groups of learners. To Kaufman, Watkins and Guerra (2000),.