René Paquin
Docteur en histoire moderne (U. Montréal, 2014), boursier du CRSH (Ottawa), du FQRSC (Québec), ancien stagiaire de recherche à l'Institut d'Histoire de la Réformation (Université de Genève), chargé de cours en histoire à l'Université de Sherbrooke au Canada (1998-2016), conférencier en Amérique et en Europe dans le cadre de colloques internationaux et de sociétés savantes, auteur d'articles scientifiques et de chapitres d'ouvrages collectifs, j'ai publié plus récemment « L'Évangile à l'index ?Pierre Viret et la crise entourant la publication et la censure de la Bible en langue vulgaire (1540-1562) ». Paris: Hermann, Coll. « La République des Lettres », 2018, 618 pages (Préface par Bernard Dompnier, de l'Institut). Je publie régulièrement des comptes rendus dans la Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique de Louvain (Brepols). Outre l'histoire religieuse moderne, je m'intéresse à l'histoire ancienne et contemporaine de la déification (theosis) dans ses implications anthropologiques. Mon intérêt porte sur le «ressourcement» catholique au 20e s. dans ses relations avec l'immigration russe orthodoxe et plus spécifiquement sur l'oeuvre de Louis Bouyer (1913-2004). MOTS CLÉS: Bible, traductions, Renaissance, Réforme, Pierre Viret, protestantisme, censure, index, propagande, théologie catholique et ressourcement, déification, sophiologie, Louis Bouyer
Supervisors: Philippe Genequand, J-M De Bujanda
Supervisors: Philippe Genequand, J-M De Bujanda
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Papers by René Paquin
It obviously required a certain audacity to choose to devote a doctoral thesis, which is the origin of this book, to the reception of the Bible in the common language at the time of Gutenberg and in the religious crisis which followed the Martin Luther affair, whose 500th anniversary we have just celebrated (1517-2017). The argument, which is limited here to the French domain and to the Swiss Protestant reformer Pierre Viret (1511-1571), one of John Calvin's closest collaborators, is twofold and therefore calls for two types of methods. The first part concerns the most rigorous scholarly research, a field today somewhat neglected, perhaps because of its particular requirements which seem too unrewarding to the busy researcher. It was in fact a matter of providing a scientific edition of two treatises from the mid-16th century , which had remained anonymous until now, and of attempting to attribute authorship to them with certainty. The second part of René Paquin's project was to situate the two treatises chosen in the controversies which developed in the age of the Reformations on the possibility – even the necessity – of making the Bible available to all the faithful in their own language. . The result of this work is remarkable in every way.
It obviously required a certain audacity to choose to devote a doctoral thesis, which is the origin of this book, to the reception of the Bible in the common language at the time of Gutenberg and in the religious crisis which followed the Martin Luther affair, whose 500th anniversary we have just celebrated (1517-2017). The argument, which is limited here to the French domain and to the Swiss Protestant reformer Pierre Viret (1511-1571), one of John Calvin's closest collaborators, is twofold and therefore calls for two types of methods. The first part concerns the most rigorous scholarly research, a field today somewhat neglected, perhaps because of its particular requirements which seem too unrewarding to the busy researcher. It was in fact a matter of providing a scientific edition of two treatises from the mid-16th century , which had remained anonymous until now, and of attempting to attribute authorship to them with certainty. The second part of René Paquin's project was to situate the two treatises chosen in the controversies which developed in the age of the Reformations on the possibility – even the necessity – of making the Bible available to all the faithful in their own language. . The result of this work is remarkable in every way.