Papers by Reginaldo Gomes de Oliveira

Sharing borders with Venezuela and Guyana, the State of Roraima
presents an uneven topography as... more Sharing borders with Venezuela and Guyana, the State of Roraima
presents an uneven topography as it is located among areas with distinctive
ecological problems such as hills, valleys and forests. There exists a social and
cultural multiplicity involving indigenous and non-indigenous people, with the
relationships being marked by cultural violence, political and social problems,
economic extortion, and environmental deterioration.
In 1988, along with the Brazilian Federal Constitution, Roraima was
transformed from a Federal territory into a Union State. At the beginning of the
1980's, a discussion regarding citizenship, civil laws, demarcating of Indian
reserves and the establishment of municipal districts came about as a result of the
"Political Opening" process and social manifestations associated with the
movement for direct elections during the colonel years. Along with this, there
was the participation of non-governmental organizations (indigenous and nonindigenous)
as well as governmental institutions.
This work intends to analyze how the Roraima society incorporated those
socio-cultural and political transformations characterized by the innovations in
the new 1988 Brazilian Charter. The changing conceptions and postures not only
related to the new State's infrastructure, but also the demands of the local
population's behavior regarding the presence of the Indian, now demanding the
recognition of the indigenous right for the construction of the new society.
Analyzing the confrontations established inside the socio-cultural and
geopolitical plurality of Roraima, there does not appear to be a right and a wrong
side. Consequently, in the search of permanent values in the socio-cultural
context and in the new institution order, there is an increase in knowledge and
the exercise of citizenship.
In that sense, it was considered fundamental the local press publication of
the social and political ideas of roraimense citizens as one of our sources. We
analyzed their visions and postures associated with the new form of relationships
and existences, identifying the existing conflicts among the several segments
social roraimenses. Those speeches published in the press, because of their
ideological connotations, are very important for the understanding of the last two
decades of the history of Roraima. A history of the present time roraimense as a
true "laboratory" for our fundamental understanding of the establishment and
process of the mentality and of political institutions in Roraima and in
contemporary Brazil.
Key Words:
Roraima, Contemporary Amazon, Cultural history, History of the Political
Representations, Geopolitical, Interethnic relationships.

Revista do Hospital das Clínicas, 2002
Traumatic spinal cord injury is one of the most disabling conditions occurring in man and thus st... more Traumatic spinal cord injury is one of the most disabling conditions occurring in man and thus stimulates a strong interest in its histopathological, biochemical, and functional changes, primarily as we search for preventive and therapeutic methods. To develop an experimental model for transplantation of cells from the fetal rat central nervous system to the site of an injured spinal cord of an adult rat in which the transplanted cells survive and become integrated. This experimental model will facilitate investigations of factors that promote regeneration and functional recovery after spinal cord trauma. Fifteen adult Wistar rats underwent laminectomy, and an spinal cord lesion was made with microdissection. Fetal spinal cord tissue was then transplanted to the site of the injury. The rats were monitored over a 48-hour period, and then their vertebral column was completely removed for histological analysis. In 60% of transplanted rats, the fetal tissue at the injured site remained ...
Textos e Debates, 2015
Neste trabalho apresento de forma sintética dados do processo de colonização holandesa na Amazôni... more Neste trabalho apresento de forma sintética dados do processo de colonização holandesa na Amazônia. A ideia central desse breve estudo tem como foco a Colônia do Essequibo, como presença política e militar, que viveu uma intensa e dinâmica reelaboração cultural e física devido ao forte contato com os índios da região.
A cronologia histórica de acordos e tratados bilaterais assinados pelos governos da República Fed... more A cronologia histórica de acordos e tratados bilaterais assinados pelos governos da República Federativa do Brasil e da República Cooperativa da Guiana registrou no ano de 1985 a convergência entre ambos os países para a assinatura de um acordo para a construção da ponte internacional sobre o rio Tacutu com o objetivo de estimular os vetores geoeconômicos entre o arco norte brasileiro e o caribe guianense.
Prisma Juridico, Dec 26, 2017
Este artigo tem o objetivo de analisar os prazos processuais previstos na Legislação Eleitoral em... more Este artigo tem o objetivo de analisar os prazos processuais previstos na Legislação Eleitoral em cotejo com os princípios do contraditório e da ampla defesa. Argumenta-se que os prazos na Justiça Eleitoral afrontam os princípios do contraditório e da ampla defesa, uma vez que a celeridade no julgamento das ações eleitorais subtrai das partes tempo necessário para preparar o ajuizamento de ação, de contestar e interpor recurso. Para tanto, será analisada a legislação eleitoral e abordada da doutrina em relação ao tema, utilizando-se como marco teórico o modelo constitucional de processo.

Spine, 2010
The report of a rare case of lead poisoning by an intradiscal firearm bullet is presented. To des... more The report of a rare case of lead poisoning by an intradiscal firearm bullet is presented. To describe and discuss the clinical and radiologic features (by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging) of a gunshot wound in the L2-L3 space which caused lead poisoning 5 years afterwards. Lead poisoning from firearm bullets is rare, but the possibility should be investigated in the case of bullets lodged in the joints. A 30-year-old man presented to the emergency room with an intense lumbar pain complaint, colic, intestinal constipation, insomnia, and progressive headache for 20 days. He had a history of a gunshot wound 5 years previously, and the bullet was left in situ, in the intravertebral disc between L2 and L3, as confirmed by radiographs, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. The hypothesis of lead poisoning was confirmed by the laboratory results. Chelation treatment with calcium versenate (disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate, or CaNa (2) EDTA) was indicated. The patient was admitted and treated once again, before surgical removal of the bullet. After removal of the bullet, the patient had an episode of recurrence, and a new chelation cycle was performed, with complete resolution. Lead poisoning can result in severe clinical disorders that require rapid treatment. In this case, both clinical and surgical treatments led to complete resolution of the symptoms.
Papers by Reginaldo Gomes de Oliveira
presents an uneven topography as it is located among areas with distinctive
ecological problems such as hills, valleys and forests. There exists a social and
cultural multiplicity involving indigenous and non-indigenous people, with the
relationships being marked by cultural violence, political and social problems,
economic extortion, and environmental deterioration.
In 1988, along with the Brazilian Federal Constitution, Roraima was
transformed from a Federal territory into a Union State. At the beginning of the
1980's, a discussion regarding citizenship, civil laws, demarcating of Indian
reserves and the establishment of municipal districts came about as a result of the
"Political Opening" process and social manifestations associated with the
movement for direct elections during the colonel years. Along with this, there
was the participation of non-governmental organizations (indigenous and nonindigenous)
as well as governmental institutions.
This work intends to analyze how the Roraima society incorporated those
socio-cultural and political transformations characterized by the innovations in
the new 1988 Brazilian Charter. The changing conceptions and postures not only
related to the new State's infrastructure, but also the demands of the local
population's behavior regarding the presence of the Indian, now demanding the
recognition of the indigenous right for the construction of the new society.
Analyzing the confrontations established inside the socio-cultural and
geopolitical plurality of Roraima, there does not appear to be a right and a wrong
side. Consequently, in the search of permanent values in the socio-cultural
context and in the new institution order, there is an increase in knowledge and
the exercise of citizenship.
In that sense, it was considered fundamental the local press publication of
the social and political ideas of roraimense citizens as one of our sources. We
analyzed their visions and postures associated with the new form of relationships
and existences, identifying the existing conflicts among the several segments
social roraimenses. Those speeches published in the press, because of their
ideological connotations, are very important for the understanding of the last two
decades of the history of Roraima. A history of the present time roraimense as a
true "laboratory" for our fundamental understanding of the establishment and
process of the mentality and of political institutions in Roraima and in
contemporary Brazil.
Key Words:
Roraima, Contemporary Amazon, Cultural history, History of the Political
Representations, Geopolitical, Interethnic relationships.
presents an uneven topography as it is located among areas with distinctive
ecological problems such as hills, valleys and forests. There exists a social and
cultural multiplicity involving indigenous and non-indigenous people, with the
relationships being marked by cultural violence, political and social problems,
economic extortion, and environmental deterioration.
In 1988, along with the Brazilian Federal Constitution, Roraima was
transformed from a Federal territory into a Union State. At the beginning of the
1980's, a discussion regarding citizenship, civil laws, demarcating of Indian
reserves and the establishment of municipal districts came about as a result of the
"Political Opening" process and social manifestations associated with the
movement for direct elections during the colonel years. Along with this, there
was the participation of non-governmental organizations (indigenous and nonindigenous)
as well as governmental institutions.
This work intends to analyze how the Roraima society incorporated those
socio-cultural and political transformations characterized by the innovations in
the new 1988 Brazilian Charter. The changing conceptions and postures not only
related to the new State's infrastructure, but also the demands of the local
population's behavior regarding the presence of the Indian, now demanding the
recognition of the indigenous right for the construction of the new society.
Analyzing the confrontations established inside the socio-cultural and
geopolitical plurality of Roraima, there does not appear to be a right and a wrong
side. Consequently, in the search of permanent values in the socio-cultural
context and in the new institution order, there is an increase in knowledge and
the exercise of citizenship.
In that sense, it was considered fundamental the local press publication of
the social and political ideas of roraimense citizens as one of our sources. We
analyzed their visions and postures associated with the new form of relationships
and existences, identifying the existing conflicts among the several segments
social roraimenses. Those speeches published in the press, because of their
ideological connotations, are very important for the understanding of the last two
decades of the history of Roraima. A history of the present time roraimense as a
true "laboratory" for our fundamental understanding of the establishment and
process of the mentality and of political institutions in Roraima and in
contemporary Brazil.
Key Words:
Roraima, Contemporary Amazon, Cultural history, History of the Political
Representations, Geopolitical, Interethnic relationships.