Investigación y Educación en Enfermería, Apr 1, 2014
Objective. To understand the elderly's perception of their current condition. Methodology. Study ... more Objective. To understand the elderly's perception of their current condition. Methodology. Study undertaken in 2012 using the qualitative method of Minayo and the thematic analysis according to Bardin's suggestions. Data were collected through semistructured interviews that took place in the homes of the elderly people. The guiding question was: At this point in your life, how do you feel? Tell me. Results. The elderly who were satisfied stated that this was due to the good relationship with their family, spouse, to the fact of having autonomy and respect from the society. Those who were shown to be dissatisfied reported lack of family support, physical limitations imposed by age and the presence of illnesses as the main causes. Conclusion. The adult population requires the use of care technologies that cover all the stages of life, including old age. Nursing professionals should be prepared for the increasing care demand of these people.
The study aimed to understand how care for the aged has been accomplished at Family Health Units ... more The study aimed to understand how care for the aged has been accomplished at Family Health Units according to health professionals. Methods: Qualitative study, using social phenomenological analysis according to Alfred Schutz. Results: Seven professionals with a higher education degree were interviewed with the help of a guiding question. Based on the analysis, the following was evidenced: care based on health programs, to the detriment of care integrality and the expanded clinic, and view of integral care needs and perspectives. Conclusion: This study reveals the need to improve elderly care. The professionals recognize the population aging and indicate the need for training. The education of health workers education is the starting point for change. In addition, managers and the State need to organize a care network that includes the elderly, with services offered according to the demand.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem, Jun 1, 2011
This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with ... more This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with cancer. It is a qualitative study using Alfred Schütz's social phenomenology as a framework. Seven adolescents were interviewed. Four themes emerged from the analysis of their discourses: Impact of the disease on their lives; The discomfort of treatment; Coping strategies and Projection to the future without the disease. The statements of the adolescents revealed that the experience with the chemotherapeutic treatment affects several possibilities of being-in-the-world-with-the-others. The healthcare team plays a fundamental role in the lives of these adolescents, and this relationship goes beyond the scientific level.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem, Jun 1, 2011
This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with ... more This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with cancer. It is a qualitative study using Alfred Schütz's social phenomenology as a framework. Seven adolescents were interviewed. Four themes emerged from the analysis of their discourses: Impact of the disease on their lives; The discomfort of treatment; Coping strategies and Projection to the future without the disease. The statements of the adolescents revealed that the experience with the chemotherapeutic treatment affects several possibilities of being-in-the-world-with-the-others. The healthcare team plays a fundamental role in the lives of these adolescents, and this relationship goes beyond the scientific level.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem, Jun 1, 2011
This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with ... more This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with cancer. It is a qualitative study using Alfred Schütz's social phenomenology as a framework. Seven adolescents were interviewed. Four themes emerged from the analysis of their discourses: Impact of the disease on their lives; The discomfort of treatment; Coping strategies and Projection to the future without the disease. The statements of the adolescents revealed that the experience with the chemotherapeutic treatment affects several possibilities of being-in-the-world-with-the-others. The healthcare team plays a fundamental role in the lives of these adolescents, and this relationship goes beyond the scientific level.
Objective: This study was aimed at understanding how the elderly perceive the care provided in pr... more Objective: This study was aimed at understanding how the elderly perceive the care provided in primary healthcare services. Methods: This is a qualitative study. Results: The analysis gave rise to the main topic to emerge: The duality in the perception of primary healthcare services, analyzed on the basis of two subcategories. It was shown that there is a controversy in the perception of primary healthcare services provided, bringing up positive and negative aspects. The statements show a demand for individualized care actions and, although in some cases complex healthcare services are needed, there is no demand for integrated care services. Conclusion: The research shows that, although there may be a certain degree of integrality in the actions of a well-articulated team, integral healthcare can only be achieved through the healthcare network and if integrated into all the organizational areas of the healthcare system, thus benefiting the people involved in these actions.
Resumen Objetivo: investigar el efecto del uso de diferentes agentes (hialuronidasa tópica, fotob... more Resumen Objetivo: investigar el efecto del uso de diferentes agentes (hialuronidasa tópica, fotobiomodulación y la combinación de fotobiomodulación y hialuronidasa tópica) en la prevención de la formación de lesiones causadas por la extravasación de doxorrubicina y en la reducción de las lesiones formadas por la extravasación de ese fármaco. Método: estudio experimental con 60 ratas Wistar, distribuidos aleatoriamente en cuatro grupos de 15 animales. Grupo 1 (Control); Grupo 2 (Hialuronidasa); Grupo 3 (Fotobiomodulación) y Grupo 4 (Hialuronidasa + Fotobiomodulación). La herida se indujo aplicando 1 mg de doxorrubicina por vía subcutánea en el lomo de los animales. La concentración de hialuronidasa tópica fue de 65 unidades de turbidez/g, la energía utilizada fue de 1 joule de láser rojo de 100 mW por centímetro cuadrado. En la evaluación macroscópica cada dos días durante 28 días se observaron las siguientes variables: piel intacta, presencia de flictena, hiperemia, exudado, sangrad...
OBJETIVO: identificar os atributos de qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT), os níveis de satisfaçã... more OBJETIVO: identificar os atributos de qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT), os níveis de satisfação e a relação desses indicadores com a funcionalidade familiar de trabalhadores administrativos em uma universidade pública do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. METODO: Pesquisa transversal, de abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados utilizando formulário de informações sociodemográficas, diagnóstico de QVT e APGAR familiar. RESULTADOS: Os atributos de QVT mais apontados foram o bom relacionamento com colegas e superior hierárquico, jornada de trabalho, ações de treinamento e aperfeiçoamento e condições adequadas do ambiente físico. Foram relatados altos níveis de satisfação de QVT e disfunção familiar moderada em 8% dos entrevistados. Não observamos associação entre os níveis de QVT e a funcionalidade familiar. A qualidade do tempo passado com a família é mais importante que a quantidade de tempo no convívio familiar. CONCLUSOES: Observamos necessidades distintas entre trabalhadores mais novos e mais velhos na instituição. É necessária a busca por metodologias e formas de gestão que diminuam os conflitos entre gerações tão distintas e que valorizem as habilidades de cada uma.
Objectives: to identify in the scientific literature the knowledge produced about skin tears inju... more Objectives: to identify in the scientific literature the knowledge produced about skin tears injuries in the elderly. Methods: it is an integrative literature review (2014-2019), carried out by searching the databases/platforms National Library of Medicine, Biomedical Answers and Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, with descriptors and the Boolean operators “and” and “or ”. Results: from the bibliographic search, selection and analysis, eight articles made up the sample. For skin tears injuries in the elderly, four pillars of care emerged: maintenance of organic and tissue homeostasis with a focus on proper nutrition and hydration; avoid trauma to senile skin, providing a safe environment with suitable devices; and the systematization of health care and education for elderly skin care. Conclusion: as prevention mechanisms, primary prevention is achieved through a unique care plan and health education activities, focused on risk factors and vulnerabilities, minimizing damage and complications.
Objetivo: avaliar a ação da fotobiomodulação associada a hialuronidase tópica nos extravasamentos... more Objetivo: avaliar a ação da fotobiomodulação associada a hialuronidase tópica nos extravasamentos e infiltrações de antineoplásicos, na prevenção de formação de lesões. Método: Estudo transversal, retrospectivo, descritivo que analisou os dados referentes a extravasamento e infiltração de antineoplásicos em um Ambulatório de Oncologia de um Hospital Público do interior do Estado de São Paulo no período de janeiro de 2018 a outubro de 2019. Resultados: A população do estudo constitui-se de 15 participantes, destes, 53% (n=8) apresentaram extravasamento e 47% (n=7) infiltração, gerando uma incidência de 0,6% e 0,5% respectivamente. Os antineoplásicos mais envolvidos foram paclitaxel e carboplatina. Não houve formação de lesões nos 15 pacientes estudados. Foram realizadas apenas 02 sessões de FBM em cada paciente com exceção de 01 paciente que foram realizadas 07 sessões, por ser extravasamento de antraciclina. Conclusão: O protocolo administrado foi efetivo na prevenção de formação d...
O PET-SAUDE (Programa de Educacao pelo Trabalho para Saude do Ministerio da Saude, Brasil) fortal... more O PET-SAUDE (Programa de Educacao pelo Trabalho para Saude do Ministerio da Saude, Brasil) fortalece praticas academicas que interliguem universidades a demandas da sociedade. Tem como principios integralidade e humanizacao do cuidado na Saude da Familia. Objetiva-se analisar o PET-SAUDE desenvolvido por Universidade em parceria com Secretaria Municipal de Saude. Produzem-se intervencoes, onde estudantes, docentes, profissionais dos servicos e comunidade sao protagonistas. E uma inovacao pedagogica que integra cursos de medicina e enfermagem e fortalece a pratica academica que interliga a universidade, em atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensao, com demandas sociais de forma compartilhada.
Objetivo: compreender os fatores estressores, reação e interação parental de crianças em tratamen... more Objetivo: compreender os fatores estressores, reação e interação parental de crianças em tratamento quimioterápico ambulatorial frente ao cuidado domiciliar. Método: estudo compreensivo, de abordagem qualitativa, realizado com quatorze pais e mães de crianças em tratamento quimioterápico ambulatorial de um hospital especializado. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de grupo focal no período de janeiro a fevereiro de 2018. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin e discutidos de acordo com o Modelo de Sistemas de Betty Neuman. Resultados: tem-se a criação de três categorias temáticas: 1. Fatores Estressores: cuidando da criança no domicílio após quimioterapia ambulatorial; 2. Interação com o ambiente: convivendo com o câncer e com o tratamento quimioterápico ambulatorial; e 3. Reação dos pais: superando ter um filho com câncer e em tratamento quimioterápico ambulatorial. Conclusão: para os pais, conviver com o câncer, tratamento quimioterápico e prestar cui...
O Processo De Trabalho Em Urgência e Emergência Em Interface Com a Morte
Revista da Rede de Enfermagem do Nordeste, 2013
Estudio cualitativo cuyo objetivo fue comprender la experiencia de profesionales de enfermería en... more Estudio cualitativo cuyo objetivo fue comprender la experiencia de profesionales de enfermería en el proceso de trabajo con paciente adulto y su familia que experimentan el evento de la muerte en la sala de emergencia. Analizadas narrativas de 12 profesionales de primeros auxilios de hospital universitario de alta complejidad, en Botucatu, São Paulo, Brasil. La recolección de datos ocurrió de diciembre de 2008 a abril de 2009, por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Utilizando el análisis de contenido, el tema central emergió: La organización del trabajo en urgencia y emergencia, con cuatro subcategorías: Muerte como rutina de trabajo; Trabajo en equipo; Motivación en el Trabajo; y Muerte en hospital universitario. Las posibilidades de crecimiento personal y profesional, la necesidad y el deseo de intervenir fueron identificados como factores de motivación para el trabajo en urgencia y emergencia, incluso cuando permeada por la muerte.
The working process in urgency and emergency in interface with death
Revista da Rede de Enfermagem do Nordeste, 2014
This qualitative study aimed to understand the experience of nursing professionals in the working... more This qualitative study aimed to understand the experience of nursing professionals in the working process with adult patients and their families who experience the death event in emergency rooms. One analyzed narratives of 12 professionals, from an emergency room in a university hospital of high complexity, in Botucatu, São Paulo. Data collection occurred from December 2008 to April 2009, through semi-structured interviews. Using content analysis, the central theme emerged: The organization of work in urgency and emergency rooms, with four subcategories: Death as a working routine, Teamwork, Motivation at Work, and Death at a teaching hospital. One concluded that the possibilities of personal and professional growth, the need, and the desire to intervene were identified as motivators for working in emergency rooms, even when it is permeated by death.
This qualitative study aimed to understand the experience of nursing professionals in the working... more This qualitative study aimed to understand the experience of nursing professionals in the working process with adult patients and their families who experience the death event in emergency rooms. One analyzed narratives of 12 professionals, from an emergency room in a university hospital of high complexity, in Botucatu, São Paulo. Data collection occurred from December 2008 to April 2009, through semi-structured interviews. Using content analysis, the central theme emerged: The organization of work in urgency and emergency rooms, with four subcategories: Death as a working routine, Teamwork, Motivation at Work, and Death at a teaching hospital. One concluded that the possibilities of personal and professional growth, the need, and the desire to intervene were identified as motivators for working in emergency rooms, even when it is permeated by death. Descriptors: Nursing Process; Death; Emergency Nursing; Qualitative Research. Estudo qualitativo que objetivou compreender a experiênc...
This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with ... more This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with cancer. It is a qualitative study using Alfred Schütz’s social phenomenology as a framework. Seven adolescents were interviewed. Four themes emerged from the analysis of their discourses: Impact of the disease on their lives; The discomfort of treatment; Coping strategies and Projection to the future without the disease. The statements of the adolescents revealed that the experience with the chemotherapeutic treatment affects several possibilities of being-in-the-world-with-the-others. The healthcare team plays a fundamental role in the lives of these adolescents, and this relationship goes beyond the scientific level.
The study aimed to comprehend the pain influence as a motive to search for hospital labor assista... more The study aimed to comprehend the pain influence as a motive to search for hospital labor assistance. We used a social-existential phenomenological approach proposed by Schütz. Nine pregnant women conducted to the maternity participated in the study, from February to June of 2013. The interview was guided by the questions: Tell me how the pain influenced your decision of looking for a hospital. What is meaning of pain to you in this phase of your pregnancy? The speeches were submitted to ideographic and nomothetic analysis that resulted in the following categories: pain identification, pain with vaginal losses, pain permanence and progression, influence of family members to identify pain. The study allowed comprehending the influence of pain in the complexity of labor, considering its subjectivity and its multi-factors. It was also seen that it is not always possible to rationalize about pain considering the socio-cultural environment in where the pregnant women are. Descriptors: La...
A morte no contexto da enfermagem obstétrica: uma perspectiva do cuidar
The authors intend to unveil facets of the meaning of mother’s care who has lost her baby at the ... more The authors intend to unveil facets of the meaning of mother’s care who has lost her baby at the end of pregnancy, in the nursery labor view. For that, they used a Qualitative Research Methodology. The phenomenological methodology of inquiry allowed them to reach the subject of the study. The data were collected from obstetric office employees that answers reveals important points linked to this mother’s care.
Investigación y Educación en Enfermería, Apr 1, 2014
Objective. To understand the elderly's perception of their current condition. Methodology. Study ... more Objective. To understand the elderly's perception of their current condition. Methodology. Study undertaken in 2012 using the qualitative method of Minayo and the thematic analysis according to Bardin's suggestions. Data were collected through semistructured interviews that took place in the homes of the elderly people. The guiding question was: At this point in your life, how do you feel? Tell me. Results. The elderly who were satisfied stated that this was due to the good relationship with their family, spouse, to the fact of having autonomy and respect from the society. Those who were shown to be dissatisfied reported lack of family support, physical limitations imposed by age and the presence of illnesses as the main causes. Conclusion. The adult population requires the use of care technologies that cover all the stages of life, including old age. Nursing professionals should be prepared for the increasing care demand of these people.
The study aimed to understand how care for the aged has been accomplished at Family Health Units ... more The study aimed to understand how care for the aged has been accomplished at Family Health Units according to health professionals. Methods: Qualitative study, using social phenomenological analysis according to Alfred Schutz. Results: Seven professionals with a higher education degree were interviewed with the help of a guiding question. Based on the analysis, the following was evidenced: care based on health programs, to the detriment of care integrality and the expanded clinic, and view of integral care needs and perspectives. Conclusion: This study reveals the need to improve elderly care. The professionals recognize the population aging and indicate the need for training. The education of health workers education is the starting point for change. In addition, managers and the State need to organize a care network that includes the elderly, with services offered according to the demand.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem, Jun 1, 2011
This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with ... more This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with cancer. It is a qualitative study using Alfred Schütz's social phenomenology as a framework. Seven adolescents were interviewed. Four themes emerged from the analysis of their discourses: Impact of the disease on their lives; The discomfort of treatment; Coping strategies and Projection to the future without the disease. The statements of the adolescents revealed that the experience with the chemotherapeutic treatment affects several possibilities of being-in-the-world-with-the-others. The healthcare team plays a fundamental role in the lives of these adolescents, and this relationship goes beyond the scientific level.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem, Jun 1, 2011
This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with ... more This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with cancer. It is a qualitative study using Alfred Schütz's social phenomenology as a framework. Seven adolescents were interviewed. Four themes emerged from the analysis of their discourses: Impact of the disease on their lives; The discomfort of treatment; Coping strategies and Projection to the future without the disease. The statements of the adolescents revealed that the experience with the chemotherapeutic treatment affects several possibilities of being-in-the-world-with-the-others. The healthcare team plays a fundamental role in the lives of these adolescents, and this relationship goes beyond the scientific level.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem, Jun 1, 2011
This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with ... more This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with cancer. It is a qualitative study using Alfred Schütz's social phenomenology as a framework. Seven adolescents were interviewed. Four themes emerged from the analysis of their discourses: Impact of the disease on their lives; The discomfort of treatment; Coping strategies and Projection to the future without the disease. The statements of the adolescents revealed that the experience with the chemotherapeutic treatment affects several possibilities of being-in-the-world-with-the-others. The healthcare team plays a fundamental role in the lives of these adolescents, and this relationship goes beyond the scientific level.
Objective: This study was aimed at understanding how the elderly perceive the care provided in pr... more Objective: This study was aimed at understanding how the elderly perceive the care provided in primary healthcare services. Methods: This is a qualitative study. Results: The analysis gave rise to the main topic to emerge: The duality in the perception of primary healthcare services, analyzed on the basis of two subcategories. It was shown that there is a controversy in the perception of primary healthcare services provided, bringing up positive and negative aspects. The statements show a demand for individualized care actions and, although in some cases complex healthcare services are needed, there is no demand for integrated care services. Conclusion: The research shows that, although there may be a certain degree of integrality in the actions of a well-articulated team, integral healthcare can only be achieved through the healthcare network and if integrated into all the organizational areas of the healthcare system, thus benefiting the people involved in these actions.
Resumen Objetivo: investigar el efecto del uso de diferentes agentes (hialuronidasa tópica, fotob... more Resumen Objetivo: investigar el efecto del uso de diferentes agentes (hialuronidasa tópica, fotobiomodulación y la combinación de fotobiomodulación y hialuronidasa tópica) en la prevención de la formación de lesiones causadas por la extravasación de doxorrubicina y en la reducción de las lesiones formadas por la extravasación de ese fármaco. Método: estudio experimental con 60 ratas Wistar, distribuidos aleatoriamente en cuatro grupos de 15 animales. Grupo 1 (Control); Grupo 2 (Hialuronidasa); Grupo 3 (Fotobiomodulación) y Grupo 4 (Hialuronidasa + Fotobiomodulación). La herida se indujo aplicando 1 mg de doxorrubicina por vía subcutánea en el lomo de los animales. La concentración de hialuronidasa tópica fue de 65 unidades de turbidez/g, la energía utilizada fue de 1 joule de láser rojo de 100 mW por centímetro cuadrado. En la evaluación macroscópica cada dos días durante 28 días se observaron las siguientes variables: piel intacta, presencia de flictena, hiperemia, exudado, sangrad...
OBJETIVO: identificar os atributos de qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT), os níveis de satisfaçã... more OBJETIVO: identificar os atributos de qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT), os níveis de satisfação e a relação desses indicadores com a funcionalidade familiar de trabalhadores administrativos em uma universidade pública do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. METODO: Pesquisa transversal, de abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados utilizando formulário de informações sociodemográficas, diagnóstico de QVT e APGAR familiar. RESULTADOS: Os atributos de QVT mais apontados foram o bom relacionamento com colegas e superior hierárquico, jornada de trabalho, ações de treinamento e aperfeiçoamento e condições adequadas do ambiente físico. Foram relatados altos níveis de satisfação de QVT e disfunção familiar moderada em 8% dos entrevistados. Não observamos associação entre os níveis de QVT e a funcionalidade familiar. A qualidade do tempo passado com a família é mais importante que a quantidade de tempo no convívio familiar. CONCLUSOES: Observamos necessidades distintas entre trabalhadores mais novos e mais velhos na instituição. É necessária a busca por metodologias e formas de gestão que diminuam os conflitos entre gerações tão distintas e que valorizem as habilidades de cada uma.
Objectives: to identify in the scientific literature the knowledge produced about skin tears inju... more Objectives: to identify in the scientific literature the knowledge produced about skin tears injuries in the elderly. Methods: it is an integrative literature review (2014-2019), carried out by searching the databases/platforms National Library of Medicine, Biomedical Answers and Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, with descriptors and the Boolean operators “and” and “or ”. Results: from the bibliographic search, selection and analysis, eight articles made up the sample. For skin tears injuries in the elderly, four pillars of care emerged: maintenance of organic and tissue homeostasis with a focus on proper nutrition and hydration; avoid trauma to senile skin, providing a safe environment with suitable devices; and the systematization of health care and education for elderly skin care. Conclusion: as prevention mechanisms, primary prevention is achieved through a unique care plan and health education activities, focused on risk factors and vulnerabilities, minimizing damage and complications.
Objetivo: avaliar a ação da fotobiomodulação associada a hialuronidase tópica nos extravasamentos... more Objetivo: avaliar a ação da fotobiomodulação associada a hialuronidase tópica nos extravasamentos e infiltrações de antineoplásicos, na prevenção de formação de lesões. Método: Estudo transversal, retrospectivo, descritivo que analisou os dados referentes a extravasamento e infiltração de antineoplásicos em um Ambulatório de Oncologia de um Hospital Público do interior do Estado de São Paulo no período de janeiro de 2018 a outubro de 2019. Resultados: A população do estudo constitui-se de 15 participantes, destes, 53% (n=8) apresentaram extravasamento e 47% (n=7) infiltração, gerando uma incidência de 0,6% e 0,5% respectivamente. Os antineoplásicos mais envolvidos foram paclitaxel e carboplatina. Não houve formação de lesões nos 15 pacientes estudados. Foram realizadas apenas 02 sessões de FBM em cada paciente com exceção de 01 paciente que foram realizadas 07 sessões, por ser extravasamento de antraciclina. Conclusão: O protocolo administrado foi efetivo na prevenção de formação d...
O PET-SAUDE (Programa de Educacao pelo Trabalho para Saude do Ministerio da Saude, Brasil) fortal... more O PET-SAUDE (Programa de Educacao pelo Trabalho para Saude do Ministerio da Saude, Brasil) fortalece praticas academicas que interliguem universidades a demandas da sociedade. Tem como principios integralidade e humanizacao do cuidado na Saude da Familia. Objetiva-se analisar o PET-SAUDE desenvolvido por Universidade em parceria com Secretaria Municipal de Saude. Produzem-se intervencoes, onde estudantes, docentes, profissionais dos servicos e comunidade sao protagonistas. E uma inovacao pedagogica que integra cursos de medicina e enfermagem e fortalece a pratica academica que interliga a universidade, em atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensao, com demandas sociais de forma compartilhada.
Objetivo: compreender os fatores estressores, reação e interação parental de crianças em tratamen... more Objetivo: compreender os fatores estressores, reação e interação parental de crianças em tratamento quimioterápico ambulatorial frente ao cuidado domiciliar. Método: estudo compreensivo, de abordagem qualitativa, realizado com quatorze pais e mães de crianças em tratamento quimioterápico ambulatorial de um hospital especializado. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de grupo focal no período de janeiro a fevereiro de 2018. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin e discutidos de acordo com o Modelo de Sistemas de Betty Neuman. Resultados: tem-se a criação de três categorias temáticas: 1. Fatores Estressores: cuidando da criança no domicílio após quimioterapia ambulatorial; 2. Interação com o ambiente: convivendo com o câncer e com o tratamento quimioterápico ambulatorial; e 3. Reação dos pais: superando ter um filho com câncer e em tratamento quimioterápico ambulatorial. Conclusão: para os pais, conviver com o câncer, tratamento quimioterápico e prestar cui...
O Processo De Trabalho Em Urgência e Emergência Em Interface Com a Morte
Revista da Rede de Enfermagem do Nordeste, 2013
Estudio cualitativo cuyo objetivo fue comprender la experiencia de profesionales de enfermería en... more Estudio cualitativo cuyo objetivo fue comprender la experiencia de profesionales de enfermería en el proceso de trabajo con paciente adulto y su familia que experimentan el evento de la muerte en la sala de emergencia. Analizadas narrativas de 12 profesionales de primeros auxilios de hospital universitario de alta complejidad, en Botucatu, São Paulo, Brasil. La recolección de datos ocurrió de diciembre de 2008 a abril de 2009, por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Utilizando el análisis de contenido, el tema central emergió: La organización del trabajo en urgencia y emergencia, con cuatro subcategorías: Muerte como rutina de trabajo; Trabajo en equipo; Motivación en el Trabajo; y Muerte en hospital universitario. Las posibilidades de crecimiento personal y profesional, la necesidad y el deseo de intervenir fueron identificados como factores de motivación para el trabajo en urgencia y emergencia, incluso cuando permeada por la muerte.
The working process in urgency and emergency in interface with death
Revista da Rede de Enfermagem do Nordeste, 2014
This qualitative study aimed to understand the experience of nursing professionals in the working... more This qualitative study aimed to understand the experience of nursing professionals in the working process with adult patients and their families who experience the death event in emergency rooms. One analyzed narratives of 12 professionals, from an emergency room in a university hospital of high complexity, in Botucatu, São Paulo. Data collection occurred from December 2008 to April 2009, through semi-structured interviews. Using content analysis, the central theme emerged: The organization of work in urgency and emergency rooms, with four subcategories: Death as a working routine, Teamwork, Motivation at Work, and Death at a teaching hospital. One concluded that the possibilities of personal and professional growth, the need, and the desire to intervene were identified as motivators for working in emergency rooms, even when it is permeated by death.
This qualitative study aimed to understand the experience of nursing professionals in the working... more This qualitative study aimed to understand the experience of nursing professionals in the working process with adult patients and their families who experience the death event in emergency rooms. One analyzed narratives of 12 professionals, from an emergency room in a university hospital of high complexity, in Botucatu, São Paulo. Data collection occurred from December 2008 to April 2009, through semi-structured interviews. Using content analysis, the central theme emerged: The organization of work in urgency and emergency rooms, with four subcategories: Death as a working routine, Teamwork, Motivation at Work, and Death at a teaching hospital. One concluded that the possibilities of personal and professional growth, the need, and the desire to intervene were identified as motivators for working in emergency rooms, even when it is permeated by death. Descriptors: Nursing Process; Death; Emergency Nursing; Qualitative Research. Estudo qualitativo que objetivou compreender a experiênc...
This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with ... more This study aimed at understanding the meaning of chemotherapeutic treatment for adolescents with cancer. It is a qualitative study using Alfred Schütz’s social phenomenology as a framework. Seven adolescents were interviewed. Four themes emerged from the analysis of their discourses: Impact of the disease on their lives; The discomfort of treatment; Coping strategies and Projection to the future without the disease. The statements of the adolescents revealed that the experience with the chemotherapeutic treatment affects several possibilities of being-in-the-world-with-the-others. The healthcare team plays a fundamental role in the lives of these adolescents, and this relationship goes beyond the scientific level.
The study aimed to comprehend the pain influence as a motive to search for hospital labor assista... more The study aimed to comprehend the pain influence as a motive to search for hospital labor assistance. We used a social-existential phenomenological approach proposed by Schütz. Nine pregnant women conducted to the maternity participated in the study, from February to June of 2013. The interview was guided by the questions: Tell me how the pain influenced your decision of looking for a hospital. What is meaning of pain to you in this phase of your pregnancy? The speeches were submitted to ideographic and nomothetic analysis that resulted in the following categories: pain identification, pain with vaginal losses, pain permanence and progression, influence of family members to identify pain. The study allowed comprehending the influence of pain in the complexity of labor, considering its subjectivity and its multi-factors. It was also seen that it is not always possible to rationalize about pain considering the socio-cultural environment in where the pregnant women are. Descriptors: La...
A morte no contexto da enfermagem obstétrica: uma perspectiva do cuidar
The authors intend to unveil facets of the meaning of mother’s care who has lost her baby at the ... more The authors intend to unveil facets of the meaning of mother’s care who has lost her baby at the end of pregnancy, in the nursery labor view. For that, they used a Qualitative Research Methodology. The phenomenological methodology of inquiry allowed them to reach the subject of the study. The data were collected from obstetric office employees that answers reveals important points linked to this mother’s care.
Papers by Regina Popim