Papers by Srinivasa Reddy
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2018

The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
The present investigation was carried out during 2014-15 and 2015–16 at Horticultural Research St... more The present investigation was carried out during 2014-15 and 2015–16 at Horticultural Research Station, Ananthrajupet, DRYSRHU, Andhra Pradesh to assess the genetic diversity in muskmelon, Cucumis melo. Genetic divergence evaluated using Mahalanobis D2 analysis revealed less to moderate diversity among fourty two genotypes. The cluster analysis of muskmelon exhibited a moderate clustering pattern and grouped genotypes into five distinct clusters with maximum of 37 genotypes in cluster I, two in cluster IV and one in each of cluster II, III and V. The highest inter-cluster distance (80.61) between Cluster III and IV indicating the genotypes of these clusters may give heterotic response and leads to better segregants. Among the morphological traits studied, fruit length (23.69%), pulp thickness (17.07%) and fruit girth (16.84%) contributed major share in the divergence of the genotypes which can be utilized for selection of individual genotypes for future crop improvement programme. M...
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2018

Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems, Jun 8, 2013
Chrysanthemum is one among the five commercially important potential flower crops in India (Janak... more Chrysanthemum is one among the five commercially important potential flower crops in India (Janakiram et al., 2006). Chrysanthemum aphid is an important pest of chrysanthemum that causes direct damage through fe eding re sulting in wilting, le af dis tortion and transmission of several viruses (Naved Sabir et al., 2012). The information on the efficacy of insecticides against this pest is scanty and keeping this in view, a study was undertaken to evaluate the bioefficacy of new insecticide molecules and a botanical compared to the generic insecticides against chrysanthemum aphid, Macrosiphoniella sanbarni (Koch). Insecticides tested for efficacy studies are profenofos 50EC (Curacron, Syngenta), dimethoate 30EC (Rogor, Che minova), acephate 75SP (Pace, Nagarjuna), imidacloprid 17.8SL (Confidor, Bayer), dichlorvos 76EC (Nuvan, Syngenta), acetamiprid 20SP (Pride, Dow), thiamethoxam 25WG (Actara, Syngenta), diafenthiuron 50WP (Pegasus, Syngenta), Azadirachtin (0.03%) EC (Vijayneem, MFL) and neem Oil 1EC (Neem Azal, Parry).
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2017

Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 2015
Banana germplasm with 17 different accessions for resistance were screened against banana stem we... more Banana germplasm with 17 different accessions for resistance were screened against banana stem weevil, Odoiporous longicollis in Koduru region of Kadapa district (Andhra Pradesh). All the accessions had infestation of stem weevil but with varying percent infestation. The 17 accessions of germplasm had weevil infestation ranging from 10.0–100 percent in 2012 with maximum infestation of 100 percent in red banana (AAA genome) followed by Bontha selection-88.88 % (ABB), Karpuravalli-84.60% (AAB) and Ellakibale-64.7% (AB) and the lowest was inSugandhalu-10.00% (AAB). In the year 2013, the infestation was in the range of 13.00-90.40% and with respect to infestation levels in different accessions, and the trend remained same as the earlier year wherein the highest infestation was recorded in red banana-90.40% followed by Bontha selection with the damage of 83.50 %, Karpuravalli (79.80%), Ellakibale (70.00%) and least in Sugandhalu-13.0% (AAB). There was no correlation between number of adu...
Experiments were conducted in farmers field in Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh during summer seas... more Experiments were conducted in farmers field in Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh during summer seasons of 2011 and 2012 using ridge gourd variety Ranjit to test the bio-efficacy of new acaricides (Fenazaquin, Spiromesifen, Hexythaizox and Fenpyroximate) against two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch. The results revealed all the new acaricides tested were effective against two spotted spider mite and recorded 55.55-99.66% mortality up to 14 days after spray as compared to standard acaricide, dicofol during I season (2011) and 66.50-100 % mortality in II s eason (2012). Fenazaquin and spiromesifen offered superior control over all other acaricides.

Indian Journal of Entomology
The banana pseudostem weevil (BPW) Odoiporus longicollis (Oliver) (Coleoptera: Curculiondae) is a... more The banana pseudostem weevil (BPW) Odoiporus longicollis (Oliver) (Coleoptera: Curculiondae) is a serious pest of banana. An experiment was conducted with cultivar Rasthali having eleven treatments during 2016 and 2017 to evaluate some insecticides and non-edible oils/ cakes against BPW. The results revealed that except mahua and castor oil cakes@ 1 kg/plant along with fertilizer application all others gave reduction in damage, and number of life stages of BPW. The injection of botanicals (2% neem oil) at monthly interval from 5-8 th month showed more damage as compared to injection of insecticides namely, 2% monocrotophos 36SL and chlorpyriphos 20EC at monthly intervals from 5-8 th month. The use of carbofuran 3G@ 750mg ai/plant in soil at 0, 2 nd , and 5 th month followed by leaf axil application @375mg ai/plant at 7 th month and carbofuran 3G @ 375mg ai/plant at 5 th , 6 th and 7 th month in leaf axil resulted in minimum damage and reduction in life stages of weevil, indicating that these could be recommended.

Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control
BackgroundEntomopathogens are frequent natural enemies of arthropods worldwide, and they are capa... more BackgroundEntomopathogens are frequent natural enemies of arthropods worldwide, and they are capable of alternative control agents against the important pests. The optimally selected botanical product can minimize their harmful effect on these entomopathogens, and it becomes essential to know the influence of combinations of botanicals and biopesticides (botanical biopesticide combination (BBC)) in comparison to their sole action.Main bodyBotanicals, especially neem products, are highly efficient to be combined with the entomopathogens (with some exceptions). There are many possible reasons for the synergistic action of these botanicals, attacking the immune system of the insect being one of the important ones. These botanicals when applied in combination with microbial pesticides showed maximum sublethal effects rather than complete mortality, making them the best alternatives for combating resistance development in insects. To work effectively, biological control agents must be us...

Journal of Applied and Natural Science
Field experiments were conducted for two seasons (2015-16 and 2016-17) to evaluate bio-rational i... more Field experiments were conducted for two seasons (2015-16 and 2016-17) to evaluate bio-rational insecticides against leaf miner (Liriomyza trifolii) damaging cantaloupes and it was found that among various insecticides viz. spinosad [email protected]/l, abamectin 1.9EC @0.3ml/l, fipronil 5SC@2ml/l, fipronil [email protected]/l, cyantraniliprole 10OD@ 1.8ml/l, triazophos 40EC@2ml/l, diafenthiuron 50WP@1g/l, novaluron 10EC@1ml/l, neem [email protected]/l, pongamia [email protected]/l, azadirachtin 1%EC @5ml/l, abamectin (1.03-2.33 mined leaves/10ft row) and spinosad (1.18-3.33 mined leaves/10ft row) in both the seasons prove to be highly effective in minimising the damage. All the treatments had significant effect on the yield as compared to control but among treatments they were non-significant in first season which was not the case in second season where highest yield was noted in spinosad (11.43t/acre) followed by azadirachtin(9.79t/acre) and abamectin (9.67t/acre). Though there was variation in yield within t...

The present investigation was carried out to study the performance of ten carnation (Dianthus car... more The present investigation was carried out to study the performance of ten carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) cultivars under naturally ventilated polyhouse in Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh during the year 2015-16.The experiment consists of ten treatmentsand it was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications. Vegetative, flowering,and yieldcharacters varied significantly among the cultivars. The results revealed that cv. Dona was recorded maximum plant height (112.00 cm),number of shoots (7.38) and length of shoots (110.10 cm)Whereas, cultivar Vincidor was recorded maximum number of internodes per shoot (19.86), Number of leaves per plant (164.88) and early (93.26 and 108.11 days) with respect to initiation of flower buds and bud opening and also recorded highest number of flowers per plant (8.80).The best quality flowers with respect to growth, earliness and yield were obtained in Vincidor followed by Dona and Soto.

Studies on the incidence of mango stone weevil, Sternochetus mangiferae (Fabricius) on 18 varieti... more Studies on the incidence of mango stone weevil, Sternochetus mangiferae (Fabricius) on 18 varieties and 16 hybrids (released and pre-released) were conducted for three years during 2010-2012. Results revealed that all the varieties and hybrids both released and pre-released were susceptible to weevil attack. In varieties high incidence was recorded in Banglora (60.28%), followed by Kesar (48.46%), Manoranjan (42.78%) and Safeda (40.97%). The other commercial varieties, viz. Neelum (37.85%) had higher infestation compared to Baneshan (7.12%). Among all the varieities screened lowest percent infestation was observed in Khader (2.22) and Peterpasand (3.00). Produtur Avakai, Alipasand and Pulihora which were used for pickle purpose also had higher infestation ranging from (30.56-35.71%). In the hybrids Dasheri × Vikarabad shown maximum infestation (73.61%), followed by Padiri × Ambalavi (59.58%). Ratna had lowest infestation of 0.77% compared to Amrapali (43.14%), Mallika (20.56%) and Neeleshan (14.64%).

The present investigation was carried out to study the performance of ten carnation (Dianthus car... more The present investigation was carried out to study the performance of ten carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) cultivars under naturally ventilated polyhouse in Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh during the year 2015-16.The experiment consists of ten treatmentsand it was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications. Vegetative, flowering,and yieldcharacters varied significantly among the cultivars. The results revealed that cv. Dona was recorded maximum plant height (112.00 cm),number of shoots (7.38) and length of shoots (110.10 cm)Whereas, cultivar Vincidor was recorded maximum number of internodes per shoot (19.86), Number of leaves per plant (164.88) and early (93.26 and 108.11 days) with respect to initiation of flower buds and bud opening and also recorded highest number of flowers per plant (8.80).The best quality flowers with respect to growth, earliness and yield were obtained in Vincidor followed by Dona and Soto.

Agriculture is a climate dependent activity. So, it is going to be affected by climate change lar... more Agriculture is a climate dependent activity. So, it is going to be affected by climate change largely.Vegetables are very generally sensitive to environmental extremes, and thus high temperatures and limited soil moisture are the major causes of low yields as they greatly affect several physiological and biochemical processes like reduced photosynthetic activity, altered metabolism and enzyme activity, thermal injury to the tissues, reduced pollination and fruit set etc., which will be further magnified by climate change. Climate is traditionally defined as the mean and variability of relevant atmospheric variables viz., temperature, precipitation, humidity, sunshine hours, cloudiness, pressure, drought, salinity, flooding, light, sea level rise, soil erosion, wind velocity etc. Any change in one of the parameter affects the other either directly or indirectly. Climate change influences the severity of environmental stress imposed on vegetable crops. The response of plants to environmental stresses depends on the plant developmental stage, the length and severity of the stress. Changes in climate parameters especially temperature and precipitation in particular, have a very strong influence on the insects’ physiology and behaviour, particularly development, reproduction and survival. Hot summer results in soaring insect number,where as milder and shorter winters mean that warm weather pests will start breeding sooner. With every degree of global temperature rise, the life cycle of each bug will be shorter. The quicker the life cycle, the higher will be the pest population. In bell pepper Sclerotium, Rhizoctonia and Pythium root rot will be more prevalent if crop is grown under high temperature stress. In cabbage the excess rainfall may cause incidence of soft rot and decreased seed yield. Global climate change is emerging as one of the major constraints for world food security and will become more prevalent in the coming years. There is urgent need for scientific research to improve our understanding of the interactions of rising temperature, precipitation as wellas with biotic factors such as pests and diseases.

Results revealed that none of the 16 varieties and 6 hybrids screened were resistant to the leaf ... more Results revealed that none of the 16 varieties and 6 hybrids screened were resistant to the leaf webber. The number of live webs ranged from 0-18, 0-24, 0-20, and 1-33 per tree in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, respectively indicating that there was some variation in year to year infestation with 2012 readings showing maximum incidence of leaf webber compared to other years under observation. No varieties or hybrids of mango screened for leaf webber incidence were highly resistant to the insect pest (Kavitha et al., 2005, Kannan and Venugopala Rao, 2006). Among all the sixteen varieties tested, Pulihora was highly susceptible with maximum infestation of 94 webs per tree followed by Peter (89), Banglora (71), Alipasand (64), Yellamanda (53), Neelum (49), Produtur Avakai(34) and least susceptible variety was Safeda with only 3 webs/ tree. The varieties viz., Dasheri (UP), Alphonso (Maharashtra) and Kesar (Gujarat) popularly cultivated in these states were also screened and found that the former varieties had less number of webs i.e. 6 webs per tree compared to Kesar which has 13 webs per tree. In contrary to our findings, studies conducted by Srivastava and Rizvi (2002) shown that the higher level of infestation was recorded for Dasheri and lowest pest incidence was recorded for late cultivar Fazli. The higher incidence in Dasheri may be due to the predominant cultivar grown in that region.

A field experiment was conducted at Horticultural College and Research Institute, Anantharajupet... more A field experiment was conducted at Horticultural College and Research Institute, Anantharajupet, Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh during 2010 -11 to find out feasible and profitable legume intercrops viz. bush beans, dolichos beans, cluster beans, blackgram, greengram, cow pea and field bean in banana. Intercrops significantly influenced the plant height of banana, but the effect was non significant with respect to pseudo stem circumference and number of leaves per plant, number of fingers per bunch and number of hands per bunch of banana. The study revealed that intercropping banana with cluster bean (48.96 t ha-1) showed highest banana equivalent yield which was comparable with that of black gram (48.51 t ha-1) followed by field bean (47.76 t ha-1) and sole banana (47 t ha-1). It was lesser than sole banana in rest of the intercropping combinations. Land equivalent ratio (LER) was greater than one in all the intercropping combinations and were found to be advantageous over sole cropping. LER was significantly higher with cluster bean (1.58) followed by black gram (1.49), field bean (1.49), dolichos bean (1.48) and green gram (1.47) followed by cowpea (1.45) and bush beans (1.44). Highest Benefit cost ratio was recorded in intercropping with dolichos bean (2.49) which was on par to that of cluster bean (2.37), black gram (2.37), field bean (2.29), bush beans (2.19), green gram (2.18) followed by cowpea (2.09) and sole banana(1.98).

The results (Fig. 1) showed that, except Kampalli and Duvvur blocks the papaya crops in all the b... more The results (Fig. 1) showed that, except Kampalli and Duvvur blocks the papaya crops in all the blocks were infected to some or greater extent by root-knot nematode. Out of the (344) collected root sample, (69) were found infected with root-knot nematode disease. Hence, the overall frequency of disease was 20.05% in one year crop and in two to three year old crop out of (283) samples (132) root samples had root-knot disease (Fig. 1) whereas, in nurseries 3-6% of root samples showed the presence of root-knot nematode.Maximum frequency of occurrence of the root-knot nematode disease was obtained in Khazipat (53.3%) and Vontimitta (26.6%) blocks whereas, minimum was found in Mydukuru (0.9). Similar survey conducted in India by Khan et al. (2014) and Khan and Hussain (1981) indicated that cultivation of papaya was affected due to root-knot nematodes. On the basis of perineal pattern characteristics, Meloidogyne incognita species of rootknot nematodes was identified.

A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of plant growth regulators (PGRs) on growth,... more A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of plant growth regulators (PGRs) on growth, seed yield, quality and economics of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) cv. Sudha. The seven treatments included in the experiment are two concentrations each of GA3 (50 and 75 ppm), NAA (10 and 25 ppm), Cycocel (100 and 250 ppm) and control (water spray), as presoaking, foliar spray at 30 and 60 DAS. Among different PGRs applied, spray of 75 ppm GA3 resulted in significant maximum plant height. However, maximum number of primary branches and secondary branches plant-1, number of umbels plant-1, number of umbellets umbel-1, number of seeds umbel-1, seed yield and B:C ratio was maximum with 250 ppm Cycocel. Minimum number of days to 50% flowering and maturity and maximum carbohydrate content and protein content were noticed with 75 ppm GA3. Similarly, lowest moisture content in seeds was also observed with 75 ppm GA3, while, the essential oil content in seeds was maximum with 50 ppm GA3.

A field experiment was conducted during rabi 2013-14 at Research Farm, Horticultural College and ... more A field experiment was conducted during rabi 2013-14 at Research Farm, Horticultural College and Research Institute, Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural University, Anantharajupet (Andhra Pradesh), India; to study the effect of growth regulators on growth, yield and quality of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) cv. Sudha. The experiment consists of seven treatments including control (water spray), two concentrations of GA3 (50 and 75 ppm), two concentrations of NAA (10 and 25 ppm) and two concentrations of cycocel (100 and 250 ppm) as pre-soaking, foliar spray at 30 and 60 DAS replicated thrice in a randomised block design. Among the PGRs cycocel 250 ppm recorded maximum number of primary branches and secondary branches per plant, number of umbels per plant, number of umbellets per umbel, number of seeds per umbel, seed yield and B:C ratio was maximum with 250 ppm Cycocel. While, maximum plant height was observed in GA3 75 ppm. However, GA375 ppm took minimum number of days to 50% flowering and maturity. Among the quality parameters, maximum carbohydrate content, protein content and lowest seed moisture content was recorded with GA3 75 ppm. While, the essential oil content in seeds was maximum with GA3 50 ppm.

Banana germplasm with 17 different accessions for resistance were screened against banana stem we... more Banana germplasm with 17 different accessions for resistance were screened against banana stem weevil, Odoiporous longicollis in Koduru region of Kadapa district (Andhra Pradesh). All the accessions had infestation of stem weevil but with varying percent infestation. The 17 accessions of germplasm had weevil infestation ranging from 10.0–100 percent in 2012 with maximum infestation of 100 percent in red banana (AAA genome) followed by Bontha selection-88.88 % (ABB), Karpuravalli-84.60% (AAB) and Ellakibale-64.7% (AB) and the lowest was in Sugandhalu-10.00% (AAB). In the year 2013, the infestation was in the range of 13.00-90.40% and with respect to infestation levels in different accessions, and the trend remained same as the earlier year wherein the highest infestation was recorded in red banana-90.40% followed by Bontha selection with the damage of 83.50 %, Karpuravalli (79.80%), Ellakibale (70.00%) and least in Sugandhalu-13.0% (AAB). There was no correlation between number of adults observed and percent damage and similarly no relation can be drawn between percent infestation and height of oviposition, This implies that the infestation caused by the weevils varied in different genotypes and also this information will be further helpful in selecting the resistant germplasms for future.
Papers by Srinivasa Reddy