Papers by Reconnecting with Your Culture

MEC-EDUPAZ, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2023
Los proyectos deben ser medidos para lograr el tratamiento eficiente de los recursos, como la mej... more Los proyectos deben ser medidos para lograr el tratamiento eficiente de los recursos, como la mejora de las comunidades, en la arquitectura de sistemas complejos porque tienen un impacto inmediato. El grupo étnico Wayuu de la península de Guajira en Colombia se utiliza en este estudio de caso para ilustrar cómo la teoría del cambio y la metodología EVPA (European Venture Philanthropy Association) se pueden utilizar para crear una propuesta de evaluación de impacto social que aborde la relevancia de Proyectos de extensión en poblaciones vulnerables y rurales. Comienza midiendo el grado de organización necesario para tener un impacto social positivo, averiguando el valor agregado creado para las
comunidades y viendo cómo avanzan en la superación de desafíos sin perder su identidad cultural al tiempo que incorporan nuevos métodos, innovaciones y desarrollos aplicados. Para definir una metodología que sea capaz de medir la organicidad de la comunidad, concretamente a través de la Tectología, se analizan los datos más pertinentes desde una primera aproximación. Los resultados observados permitieron establecer la relevancia social al tener en cuenta la planificación y construcción de viviendas nuevas en la Alta Guajira y revisar los componentes arquitectónicos en relación con los componentes culturales y proporcionar indicadores para evaluar el impacto social de los proyectos de vinculación comunitaria. Finalmente, es necesario realizar un seguimiento periódico de estos indicadores a partir de los lineamientos estructurados para la evaluación y gestión de impactos sociales desarrollado por la Asociación Internacional para la Evaluación de Impactos, fortaleciendo el desarrollo local e integral a partir de su participación y democracia.

Vol. 43 Núm. 2 (2022): Arquitectura y Urbanismo, 2022
This article reflects on various didactic experiences of the Mexican educational syst... more This article reflects on various didactic experiences of the Mexican educational system based on public cultural policies. These were aimed at promoting inclusive pedagogical actions that contribute to the construction of a culture of equity and respect among the children of the world where popular culture is considered a cultural heritage. The methodology used starts from “Reconnecting With Your Culture” which consists in discovering, knowing, and communicating the heritage treasures of the city, in which experiences are shared and knowledge networks are created and gender disparities are eliminated, and guarantee equal access for people at all levels of basic education and vocational training. It is concluded that to build a good society, it is necessary to make a community, in the different nations of the world, promoting interdisciplinary and inviting disciplines to consider the cultural value and its ways of inhabiting
RWYC BULLETIN 2022-I Vol No. 01, 2022
The bulletin 2022-I Volume No. 01 of the Reconnecting with your Culture program, is the synthesis... more The bulletin 2022-I Volume No. 01 of the Reconnecting with your Culture program, is the synthesis of the work carried out in the first semester of the year 2022. It was published on July 20 to commemorate the two years of the pesagogical program at an international level and to socialize progress of the program in different fields of action.
The newsletter becomes a platform capable of socializing publications, articles, reflections, among other initiatives that members of national committees around the world consider to be of great value and usefulness to their peers in the rest of the world.
On the occasion of 41st World Heritage Day of UNESCO and ICOSMOS i.e. on 18th April 2022, W.H. Sm... more On the occasion of 41st World Heritage Day of UNESCO and ICOSMOS i.e. on 18th April 2022, W.H. Smith Memorial School organized a heritage walk to Mallikarjuna Temple at Tripurantakeshwar (mound in Sigra region) in Varanasi. The programme was organised under the guidance of Honourable Prof. Rana P.B. Singh along with the principal of the school Dr. Anita Pauline Dey, with a vision to spread awareness about our cultural heritage and also to develop a sense of unity and belonging within the young generation and allow them to understand in a better way about previous generations and the history.

Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y juventud , 2022
Olimpia Niglio es profesora de Restauración Arquitectónica en la Universidad de Pavia -Italia, y ... more Olimpia Niglio es profesora de Restauración Arquitectónica en la Universidad de Pavia -Italia, y profesora visitante permanente de Historia de la Arquitectura Comparada en la Hosei University, Tokio, donde es docente de grado y posgrado. Posdoctora del Ministerio de la Educación (MIUR) en Conservación de la Arquitectura y doctora de la Università di Napoli Federico II. Trabaja temas relativos a la restauración, el patrimonio y la cultura. En la actualidad se desempeña como investigadora principal del programa Italian Diaspora in the World. Dirige el Centro Internacional de Investigación Esempi di Architettura (EdA). Es vicepresidenta de
ICOMOS en el comité científico internacional Places of Religion and Ritual (Perico) y de Asian Cultural Landscape Association (Acla, Seúl, República de Corea). Los avances y reflexiones que Olimpia desarrolla en torno al patrimonio cultural, desde la perspectiva de las infancias y su relación con la escuela y el territorio, han permitido que la participación se extienda al mundo entero; cuenta con el apoyo de la Cátedra Unesco (Universidad y Patrimonio) y del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Italia. El programa Reconnecting with your Culture (Rwyc) es miembro de la comisión europea New European Bauhaus y de la Charter - European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance.
Guide accessible de la méthode pédagogique Reconnecting with your culture Un pas à pas, de chacun à chacun., 2022
Ce guide a été préparé pour que tous les enfants et
jeunes des écoles du monde entier, sans exclu... more Ce guide a été préparé pour que tous les enfants et
jeunes des écoles du monde entier, sans exclusion,
puissent participer au projet pédagogique
Reconnecting With Your Culture.
Il a été créé pour que les enfants et les adolescents,
leurs professeurs, grands-mères, grands-pères,
autres parents et la communauté locale, connaissent
les étapes à suivre dans la méthode pédagogique
internationale Reconnecting With Your Culture.
Le guide a été rédigé en langage clair et a été illustré
pour faciliter sa compréhension et l’autonomie des
personnes handicapées, leur permettant ainsi un accès
et une participation significative à l’application de la
méthode pédagogique.
INCONTRI -Anno 51 #4 , 2022
“Il progetto RWYC è importante e sarà utile soprattutto per le famgilie e gli insegnanti al fine ... more “Il progetto RWYC è importante e sarà utile soprattutto per le famgilie e gli insegnanti al fine di costruire un’educazione più umanistica attraverso una profonda comprensione del patrimonio culturale nel suo senso più ampio e che questa possa essere trasmessa ai bambini delle scuole che sono il nostro futuro”
Rinchen Dorji, Royal University of Bhutan, Kingdom of Bhutan (Settembre 2021)

An Accessible Guide to the Pedagogical Method Reconnecting with Your Culture Step-by-step, from everyone to everyone, 2022
This guide has been developed so that all
children and young people in schools around
the world, ... more This guide has been developed so that all
children and young people in schools around
the world, without exclusion, can participate
in the pedagogical project Reconnecting With
Your Culture.
What is the international
pedagogical method -
Reconnecting With Your
It is an educational method created by the
International Research Centre Esempi di
Architettura and the UNESCO Forum Chair
University and Cultural Heritage.
Reconnecting With Your Culture is aimed at
primary and secondary schools around the world.
The pedagogical method is an orderly process in
which children and adolescents with the help of
their teachers, mothers, fathers, and
representatives search for some cultural heritage,
draw it, and tell their experiences.
What is the purpose of the
pedagogical method -
Reconnecting With Your Culture?
Its objective is to bring young generations closer to the
values and content of their CULTURE. Strengthen local
identity as well as knowledge and protection of its
cultural heritage.
It has been created so that children
and adolescents, their teachers,
grandmothers, grandfathers, other
relatives, and the local community,
know the steps to follow of the
international pedagogical method.
The guide has been written using Clear
Language (clairvoyance) and has been illustrated
to facilitate its understanding and the autonomy
of people with disabilities, thus allowing them
access and meaningful participation in the
application of the pedagogical method
Guía accesible del método pedagógico Reconnecting with your culture Un paso a paso, de todos para todos., 2022
Esta guía se ha elaborado para que todos los niños,
niñas y jóvenes de las escuelas del mundo, si... more Esta guía se ha elaborado para que todos los niños,
niñas y jóvenes de las escuelas del mundo, sin exclusión,
puedan participar en el proyecto pedagógico
Reconnecting with your culture.
Se ha creado para que niños, niñas y adolescentes,
sus docentes, abuelas, abuelos, otros familiares y
comunidad local, conozcan los pasos a seguir
del método pedagógico internacional
Reconnecting with your culture.
La guía se ha redactado utilizando un Lenguaje Claro y se
ha ilustrado para facilitar su comprensión y la autonomía
de personas con discapacidad, permitiéndoles así el acceso
y la participación significativa en la aplicación del método

An Accessible Guide to the Pedagogical Method Reconnecting with your Culture Step-by-step, from everyone to everyone, 2022
This guide has been developed so that all
children and young people in schools around
the world, ... more This guide has been developed so that all
children and young people in schools around
the world, without exclusion, can participate
in the pedagogical project Reconnecting With
Your Culture.
What is the international
pedagogical method -
Reconnecting With Your
It is an educational method created by the
International Research Centre Esempi di
Architettura and the UNESCO Forum Chair
University and Cultural Heritage.
Reconnecting With Your Culture is aimed at
primary and secondary schools around the world.
The pedagogical method is an orderly process in
which children and adolescents with the help of
their teachers, mothers, fathers, and
representatives search for some cultural heritage,
draw it, and tell their experiences.
What is the purpose of the
pedagogical method -
Reconnecting With Your Culture?
Its objective is to bring young generations closer to the
values and content of their CULTURE. Strengthen local
identity as well as knowledge and protection of its
cultural heritage.
It has been created so that children
and adolescents, their teachers,
grandmothers, grandfathers, other
relatives, and the local community,
know the steps to follow of the
international pedagogical method.
The guide has been written using Clear
Language (clairvoyance) and has been illustrated
to facilitate its understanding and the autonomy
of people with disabilities, thus allowing them
access and meaningful participation in the
application of the pedagogical method.
Guia acessível do método pedagógico Reconnecting with your culture Um passo a passo, de todos para todos, 2022
Este guia foi elaborado para que todas as crianças e todos
os jovens das escolas do mundo, sem e... more Este guia foi elaborado para que todas as crianças e todos
os jovens das escolas do mundo, sem exceção, possam
participar do projeto pedagógico Reconnecting with your
Foi criado para que as crianças e os adolescentes,
seus docentes, seus avós, outros familiares e a
comunidade local conheçam os passos do método
pedagógico internacional Reconnecting with your
O guia foi redigido utilizando uma Linguagem Clara e foi
ilustrado para facilitar sua compreensão e a autonomia
de pessoas com deficiência, permitindo, assim, o acesso
e a participação significativa na aplicação do método pedagógico
Guida accessibile del metodo pedagogico Reconnecting with your culture Un passo dopo l’altro, da tutti per tutti., 2022
Questa guida è progettata in modo che tutti i bambini
e i giovani delle scuole del mondo, senza ... more Questa guida è progettata in modo che tutti i bambini
e i giovani delle scuole del mondo, senza eccezioni,
possano partecipare al progetto pedagogico
Reconnecting with your culture.
È stato creato in modo che i bambini e gli adolescenti,
i loro insegnanti, i loro nonni, gli altri membri della
famiglia e la comunità locale conoscano i singoli
passi del metodo pedagogico internazionale
Reconnecting with your culture.
La guida è stata scritta utilizzando un Linguaggio
Accessibile ed è stata illustrata per facilitare la sua
comprensione e autonomia anche da parte delle
persone con disabilità, consentendo così l’accesso e una
partecipazione significativa all’applicazione del metodo
Dutta & Chaudhuri, eds. Global Education, 2021
RANA P.B. SINGH President (Asia): RWYC-Reconnecting With Your Culture “The real difficulty is tha... more RANA P.B. SINGH President (Asia): RWYC-Reconnecting With Your Culture “The real difficulty is that people have no idea of what education truly is. We assess the value of education in the same manner as we assess the value of land or of shares in the stock-exchange market. We want to provide only such education as would enable the student to earn more. We hardly give any thought to the improvement of the character of the educated. The girls, we say, do not have to earn; so why should they be educated? As long as such ideas persist there is no hope of our ever knowing the true value of education.” ― M. K. Gandhi (on True Education).

VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability, 2021
Bringing children closer to the issues of culture and civic education in architecture and critica... more Bringing children closer to the issues of culture and civic education in architecture and critical thinking is essential because only by knowing and enhancing their respective heritages is it possible to appreciate the present and build the future of cities with them and for them, where a city is a place of construction of collective knowledge that encompasses the challenges of sustainability and the objectives of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations. From SUJ (Jesuit University System) we have a strong commitment to the protection and care of minors and vulnerable people. In recent years, a great effort has been made to move from a culture of protection and care to ensure access to culture to safe environments. The concept of Friendly Cities 8-80is taken up again, based on the premise: If we design the city for an 8-year-old and an 80-year-old, we will have a city that allows coexistence and harmony in a way that fosters equity, stimulates healthy lifestyles, and promotes sustaina...

Cuadernos de Investigación Educativa, 2015
Fecha de recibido: 09/04/2015 Fecha de aceptado: 29/05/2015 Resumen Esta investigación tiene como... more Fecha de recibido: 09/04/2015 Fecha de aceptado: 29/05/2015 Resumen Esta investigación tiene como principal objetivo indagar acerca de las concepciones sobre patrimonio cultural que tienen los adolescentes del primer ciclo de enseñanza media a partir de una experiencia de una propuesta didáctica basada en el aprendizaje experiencial denominada "Tras la muralla perdida" que comprende un recorrido por los restos de fortificaciones coloniales con un taller musical. Se realizó en un espacio cultural, ámbito de educación no formal que promueve la educación patrimonial, situado en el casco histórico de la capital del país durante los años 2013 y 2014. Se analizaron los productos logrados en el taller en forma de décimas poéticas improvisadas con acompañamiento musical, así como también los testimonios escritos que, de forma voluntaria, dejaron en la pizarra al culminar el paseo y las observaciones realizadas por el investigador. El interés de la investigación se centró en dilucidar qué piensan los jóvenes acerca del patrimonio cultural y su relación con la ciudad en la que habitan, perspectiva poco explorada en la educación escolar formal. De esta manera, primero se abordan las principales nociones teóricas acerca del patrimonio cultural y sus alcances en la educación. Luego se presenta el detalle del recorrido, prestando especial atención al proceso de construcción de las décimas poéticas objeto de este estudio y procediendo a su análisis y categorización. Finalmente se establecen algunas conclusiones acerca de la importancia del lugar que debe ocupar la educación patrimonial para lograr conformar una ciudadanía crítica, activa y democrática.
“ 一歩ずつ進んでいこう。皆でつくろう、皆のために ” の教育理念をより深く理解していただくためのガイドライン, 2022

El Patrimonio cultural en la Escuela , 2022
El Manual de orientaciones teórico-prácticas para docentes de
Educación Básica Regular (EBR), “El... more El Manual de orientaciones teórico-prácticas para docentes de
Educación Básica Regular (EBR), “El Patrimonio Cultural en la escuela”,
es una herramienta que permite a los docentes de Educación Básica
Regular incluir los contenidos de patrimonio cultural en el aula, con
un enfoque transversal.
Ha sido elaborada por especialistas de la Dirección de Participación
Ciudadana con el aporte y asesoramiento de la Dra. Zaida García
Valecillo, investigadora y educadora del patrimonio cultural
de Venezuela, con amplia trayectoria en proyectos de difusión
patrimonial. En su elaboración se ha tenido en cuenta y evaluado
la estructura curricular vigente, identificando las áreas de mayor
interés relacionadas al patrimonio cultural, que permitan al docente
emplearlas en su práctica pedagógica para favorecer el ejercicio de
competencias ciudadanas en base al reconocimiento, apropiación
y valoración del patrimonio cultural por parte de sus estudiantes.
Asimismo, resaltamos el aporte del especialista Reynaldo Panduro
Llerena y a todos los docentes que se implicaron en el proceso de
revisión, sensibilización y elaboración de propuestas didácticas que
han sido consideradas en este documento.
El documento está dividido en tres partes: la primera es “Conociendo el
Patrimonio Cultural”, que aborda la definición, tipología y clasificación
del patrimonio cultural en el Perú; el segundo acápite denominado
“Conectando el Patrimonio Cultural con el Currículo Nacional”, ofrece
un panorama del enfoque de educación patrimonial evidenciando los
lazos con la escuela a través de las áreas curriculares, y finalmente,
la tercera parte titulada “Aprehendiendo el Patrimonio Cultural”,
reflexiona sobre la importancia de la didáctica del patrimonio como
una herramienta para la enseñanza en la escuela, a ser desarrollada
por los docentes.
De esta manera, este manual contribuye a la reflexión acerca de la
importancia de abordar el patrimonio cultural en las aulas desde la
programación curricular, atendiendo así a la necesidad de colaborar
con los docentes en la formación y el fortalecimiento de habilidades
ciudadanas en los estudiantes, a partir del conocimiento y valoración
de su patrimonio cultural.
Diana Aguirre Manrique
Directora de Participación Ciudadana
Global Education 2050: Enhancing Global Citizenship & Online Partnerships, 2021
RWYC ASIA, President
“The real difficulty is that people have no idea of w... more PROF. RANA P.B. SINGH
RWYC ASIA, President
“The real difficulty is that people have no idea of what education truly is. We assess the value of education in the same manner as we assess the value of land or of shares in the stock-exchange market. We want to provide only such education as would enable the student to earn more. We hardly give any thought to the improvement of the character of the educated. The girls, we say, do not have to earn; so why should they be educated? As long as such ideas persist there is no hope of our ever knowing the true value of education.” ― M. K. Gandhi (on True Education).
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” ― Aristotle
EdA Esempi di Architettura, 2022
The project "Reconnecting with your Culture. Draw your heritage" born from a need that is transve... more The project "Reconnecting with your Culture. Draw your heritage" born from a need that is transversal in all countries of the world and is directly related to the lack of knowledge of cultural heritage. Especially since the second half of the twentieth century, this lack of knowledge has fostered a distance of the young generations from the knowledge of their own history and with it the consequent loss also of intergenerational relationships. This paper aims to propose a new pedagogical methodology that favors a reconnection between the past and the present in order to build a better world.
Papers by Reconnecting with Your Culture
comunidades y viendo cómo avanzan en la superación de desafíos sin perder su identidad cultural al tiempo que incorporan nuevos métodos, innovaciones y desarrollos aplicados. Para definir una metodología que sea capaz de medir la organicidad de la comunidad, concretamente a través de la Tectología, se analizan los datos más pertinentes desde una primera aproximación. Los resultados observados permitieron establecer la relevancia social al tener en cuenta la planificación y construcción de viviendas nuevas en la Alta Guajira y revisar los componentes arquitectónicos en relación con los componentes culturales y proporcionar indicadores para evaluar el impacto social de los proyectos de vinculación comunitaria. Finalmente, es necesario realizar un seguimiento periódico de estos indicadores a partir de los lineamientos estructurados para la evaluación y gestión de impactos sociales desarrollado por la Asociación Internacional para la Evaluación de Impactos, fortaleciendo el desarrollo local e integral a partir de su participación y democracia.
The newsletter becomes a platform capable of socializing publications, articles, reflections, among other initiatives that members of national committees around the world consider to be of great value and usefulness to their peers in the rest of the world.
ICOMOS en el comité científico internacional Places of Religion and Ritual (Perico) y de Asian Cultural Landscape Association (Acla, Seúl, República de Corea). Los avances y reflexiones que Olimpia desarrolla en torno al patrimonio cultural, desde la perspectiva de las infancias y su relación con la escuela y el territorio, han permitido que la participación se extienda al mundo entero; cuenta con el apoyo de la Cátedra Unesco (Universidad y Patrimonio) y del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Italia. El programa Reconnecting with your Culture (Rwyc) es miembro de la comisión europea New European Bauhaus y de la Charter - European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance.
jeunes des écoles du monde entier, sans exclusion,
puissent participer au projet pédagogique
Reconnecting With Your Culture.
Il a été créé pour que les enfants et les adolescents,
leurs professeurs, grands-mères, grands-pères,
autres parents et la communauté locale, connaissent
les étapes à suivre dans la méthode pédagogique
internationale Reconnecting With Your Culture.
Le guide a été rédigé en langage clair et a été illustré
pour faciliter sa compréhension et l’autonomie des
personnes handicapées, leur permettant ainsi un accès
et une participation significative à l’application de la
méthode pédagogique.
Rinchen Dorji, Royal University of Bhutan, Kingdom of Bhutan (Settembre 2021)
children and young people in schools around
the world, without exclusion, can participate
in the pedagogical project Reconnecting With
Your Culture.
What is the international
pedagogical method -
Reconnecting With Your
It is an educational method created by the
International Research Centre Esempi di
Architettura and the UNESCO Forum Chair
University and Cultural Heritage.
Reconnecting With Your Culture is aimed at
primary and secondary schools around the world.
The pedagogical method is an orderly process in
which children and adolescents with the help of
their teachers, mothers, fathers, and
representatives search for some cultural heritage,
draw it, and tell their experiences.
What is the purpose of the
pedagogical method -
Reconnecting With Your Culture?
Its objective is to bring young generations closer to the
values and content of their CULTURE. Strengthen local
identity as well as knowledge and protection of its
cultural heritage.
It has been created so that children
and adolescents, their teachers,
grandmothers, grandfathers, other
relatives, and the local community,
know the steps to follow of the
international pedagogical method.
The guide has been written using Clear
Language (clairvoyance) and has been illustrated
to facilitate its understanding and the autonomy
of people with disabilities, thus allowing them
access and meaningful participation in the
application of the pedagogical method
niñas y jóvenes de las escuelas del mundo, sin exclusión,
puedan participar en el proyecto pedagógico
Reconnecting with your culture.
Se ha creado para que niños, niñas y adolescentes,
sus docentes, abuelas, abuelos, otros familiares y
comunidad local, conozcan los pasos a seguir
del método pedagógico internacional
Reconnecting with your culture.
La guía se ha redactado utilizando un Lenguaje Claro y se
ha ilustrado para facilitar su comprensión y la autonomía
de personas con discapacidad, permitiéndoles así el acceso
y la participación significativa en la aplicación del método
children and young people in schools around
the world, without exclusion, can participate
in the pedagogical project Reconnecting With
Your Culture.
What is the international
pedagogical method -
Reconnecting With Your
It is an educational method created by the
International Research Centre Esempi di
Architettura and the UNESCO Forum Chair
University and Cultural Heritage.
Reconnecting With Your Culture is aimed at
primary and secondary schools around the world.
The pedagogical method is an orderly process in
which children and adolescents with the help of
their teachers, mothers, fathers, and
representatives search for some cultural heritage,
draw it, and tell their experiences.
What is the purpose of the
pedagogical method -
Reconnecting With Your Culture?
Its objective is to bring young generations closer to the
values and content of their CULTURE. Strengthen local
identity as well as knowledge and protection of its
cultural heritage.
It has been created so that children
and adolescents, their teachers,
grandmothers, grandfathers, other
relatives, and the local community,
know the steps to follow of the
international pedagogical method.
The guide has been written using Clear
Language (clairvoyance) and has been illustrated
to facilitate its understanding and the autonomy
of people with disabilities, thus allowing them
access and meaningful participation in the
application of the pedagogical method.
os jovens das escolas do mundo, sem exceção, possam
participar do projeto pedagógico Reconnecting with your
Foi criado para que as crianças e os adolescentes,
seus docentes, seus avós, outros familiares e a
comunidade local conheçam os passos do método
pedagógico internacional Reconnecting with your
O guia foi redigido utilizando uma Linguagem Clara e foi
ilustrado para facilitar sua compreensão e a autonomia
de pessoas com deficiência, permitindo, assim, o acesso
e a participação significativa na aplicação do método pedagógico
e i giovani delle scuole del mondo, senza eccezioni,
possano partecipare al progetto pedagogico
Reconnecting with your culture.
È stato creato in modo che i bambini e gli adolescenti,
i loro insegnanti, i loro nonni, gli altri membri della
famiglia e la comunità locale conoscano i singoli
passi del metodo pedagogico internazionale
Reconnecting with your culture.
La guida è stata scritta utilizzando un Linguaggio
Accessibile ed è stata illustrata per facilitare la sua
comprensione e autonomia anche da parte delle
persone con disabilità, consentendo così l’accesso e una
partecipazione significativa all’applicazione del metodo
Educación Básica Regular (EBR), “El Patrimonio Cultural en la escuela”,
es una herramienta que permite a los docentes de Educación Básica
Regular incluir los contenidos de patrimonio cultural en el aula, con
un enfoque transversal.
Ha sido elaborada por especialistas de la Dirección de Participación
Ciudadana con el aporte y asesoramiento de la Dra. Zaida García
Valecillo, investigadora y educadora del patrimonio cultural
de Venezuela, con amplia trayectoria en proyectos de difusión
patrimonial. En su elaboración se ha tenido en cuenta y evaluado
la estructura curricular vigente, identificando las áreas de mayor
interés relacionadas al patrimonio cultural, que permitan al docente
emplearlas en su práctica pedagógica para favorecer el ejercicio de
competencias ciudadanas en base al reconocimiento, apropiación
y valoración del patrimonio cultural por parte de sus estudiantes.
Asimismo, resaltamos el aporte del especialista Reynaldo Panduro
Llerena y a todos los docentes que se implicaron en el proceso de
revisión, sensibilización y elaboración de propuestas didácticas que
han sido consideradas en este documento.
El documento está dividido en tres partes: la primera es “Conociendo el
Patrimonio Cultural”, que aborda la definición, tipología y clasificación
del patrimonio cultural en el Perú; el segundo acápite denominado
“Conectando el Patrimonio Cultural con el Currículo Nacional”, ofrece
un panorama del enfoque de educación patrimonial evidenciando los
lazos con la escuela a través de las áreas curriculares, y finalmente,
la tercera parte titulada “Aprehendiendo el Patrimonio Cultural”,
reflexiona sobre la importancia de la didáctica del patrimonio como
una herramienta para la enseñanza en la escuela, a ser desarrollada
por los docentes.
De esta manera, este manual contribuye a la reflexión acerca de la
importancia de abordar el patrimonio cultural en las aulas desde la
programación curricular, atendiendo así a la necesidad de colaborar
con los docentes en la formación y el fortalecimiento de habilidades
ciudadanas en los estudiantes, a partir del conocimiento y valoración
de su patrimonio cultural.
Diana Aguirre Manrique
Directora de Participación Ciudadana
RWYC ASIA, President
“The real difficulty is that people have no idea of what education truly is. We assess the value of education in the same manner as we assess the value of land or of shares in the stock-exchange market. We want to provide only such education as would enable the student to earn more. We hardly give any thought to the improvement of the character of the educated. The girls, we say, do not have to earn; so why should they be educated? As long as such ideas persist there is no hope of our ever knowing the true value of education.” ― M. K. Gandhi (on True Education).
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” ― Aristotle
comunidades y viendo cómo avanzan en la superación de desafíos sin perder su identidad cultural al tiempo que incorporan nuevos métodos, innovaciones y desarrollos aplicados. Para definir una metodología que sea capaz de medir la organicidad de la comunidad, concretamente a través de la Tectología, se analizan los datos más pertinentes desde una primera aproximación. Los resultados observados permitieron establecer la relevancia social al tener en cuenta la planificación y construcción de viviendas nuevas en la Alta Guajira y revisar los componentes arquitectónicos en relación con los componentes culturales y proporcionar indicadores para evaluar el impacto social de los proyectos de vinculación comunitaria. Finalmente, es necesario realizar un seguimiento periódico de estos indicadores a partir de los lineamientos estructurados para la evaluación y gestión de impactos sociales desarrollado por la Asociación Internacional para la Evaluación de Impactos, fortaleciendo el desarrollo local e integral a partir de su participación y democracia.
The newsletter becomes a platform capable of socializing publications, articles, reflections, among other initiatives that members of national committees around the world consider to be of great value and usefulness to their peers in the rest of the world.
ICOMOS en el comité científico internacional Places of Religion and Ritual (Perico) y de Asian Cultural Landscape Association (Acla, Seúl, República de Corea). Los avances y reflexiones que Olimpia desarrolla en torno al patrimonio cultural, desde la perspectiva de las infancias y su relación con la escuela y el territorio, han permitido que la participación se extienda al mundo entero; cuenta con el apoyo de la Cátedra Unesco (Universidad y Patrimonio) y del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Italia. El programa Reconnecting with your Culture (Rwyc) es miembro de la comisión europea New European Bauhaus y de la Charter - European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance.
jeunes des écoles du monde entier, sans exclusion,
puissent participer au projet pédagogique
Reconnecting With Your Culture.
Il a été créé pour que les enfants et les adolescents,
leurs professeurs, grands-mères, grands-pères,
autres parents et la communauté locale, connaissent
les étapes à suivre dans la méthode pédagogique
internationale Reconnecting With Your Culture.
Le guide a été rédigé en langage clair et a été illustré
pour faciliter sa compréhension et l’autonomie des
personnes handicapées, leur permettant ainsi un accès
et une participation significative à l’application de la
méthode pédagogique.
Rinchen Dorji, Royal University of Bhutan, Kingdom of Bhutan (Settembre 2021)
children and young people in schools around
the world, without exclusion, can participate
in the pedagogical project Reconnecting With
Your Culture.
What is the international
pedagogical method -
Reconnecting With Your
It is an educational method created by the
International Research Centre Esempi di
Architettura and the UNESCO Forum Chair
University and Cultural Heritage.
Reconnecting With Your Culture is aimed at
primary and secondary schools around the world.
The pedagogical method is an orderly process in
which children and adolescents with the help of
their teachers, mothers, fathers, and
representatives search for some cultural heritage,
draw it, and tell their experiences.
What is the purpose of the
pedagogical method -
Reconnecting With Your Culture?
Its objective is to bring young generations closer to the
values and content of their CULTURE. Strengthen local
identity as well as knowledge and protection of its
cultural heritage.
It has been created so that children
and adolescents, their teachers,
grandmothers, grandfathers, other
relatives, and the local community,
know the steps to follow of the
international pedagogical method.
The guide has been written using Clear
Language (clairvoyance) and has been illustrated
to facilitate its understanding and the autonomy
of people with disabilities, thus allowing them
access and meaningful participation in the
application of the pedagogical method
niñas y jóvenes de las escuelas del mundo, sin exclusión,
puedan participar en el proyecto pedagógico
Reconnecting with your culture.
Se ha creado para que niños, niñas y adolescentes,
sus docentes, abuelas, abuelos, otros familiares y
comunidad local, conozcan los pasos a seguir
del método pedagógico internacional
Reconnecting with your culture.
La guía se ha redactado utilizando un Lenguaje Claro y se
ha ilustrado para facilitar su comprensión y la autonomía
de personas con discapacidad, permitiéndoles así el acceso
y la participación significativa en la aplicación del método
children and young people in schools around
the world, without exclusion, can participate
in the pedagogical project Reconnecting With
Your Culture.
What is the international
pedagogical method -
Reconnecting With Your
It is an educational method created by the
International Research Centre Esempi di
Architettura and the UNESCO Forum Chair
University and Cultural Heritage.
Reconnecting With Your Culture is aimed at
primary and secondary schools around the world.
The pedagogical method is an orderly process in
which children and adolescents with the help of
their teachers, mothers, fathers, and
representatives search for some cultural heritage,
draw it, and tell their experiences.
What is the purpose of the
pedagogical method -
Reconnecting With Your Culture?
Its objective is to bring young generations closer to the
values and content of their CULTURE. Strengthen local
identity as well as knowledge and protection of its
cultural heritage.
It has been created so that children
and adolescents, their teachers,
grandmothers, grandfathers, other
relatives, and the local community,
know the steps to follow of the
international pedagogical method.
The guide has been written using Clear
Language (clairvoyance) and has been illustrated
to facilitate its understanding and the autonomy
of people with disabilities, thus allowing them
access and meaningful participation in the
application of the pedagogical method.
os jovens das escolas do mundo, sem exceção, possam
participar do projeto pedagógico Reconnecting with your
Foi criado para que as crianças e os adolescentes,
seus docentes, seus avós, outros familiares e a
comunidade local conheçam os passos do método
pedagógico internacional Reconnecting with your
O guia foi redigido utilizando uma Linguagem Clara e foi
ilustrado para facilitar sua compreensão e a autonomia
de pessoas com deficiência, permitindo, assim, o acesso
e a participação significativa na aplicação do método pedagógico
e i giovani delle scuole del mondo, senza eccezioni,
possano partecipare al progetto pedagogico
Reconnecting with your culture.
È stato creato in modo che i bambini e gli adolescenti,
i loro insegnanti, i loro nonni, gli altri membri della
famiglia e la comunità locale conoscano i singoli
passi del metodo pedagogico internazionale
Reconnecting with your culture.
La guida è stata scritta utilizzando un Linguaggio
Accessibile ed è stata illustrata per facilitare la sua
comprensione e autonomia anche da parte delle
persone con disabilità, consentendo così l’accesso e una
partecipazione significativa all’applicazione del metodo
Educación Básica Regular (EBR), “El Patrimonio Cultural en la escuela”,
es una herramienta que permite a los docentes de Educación Básica
Regular incluir los contenidos de patrimonio cultural en el aula, con
un enfoque transversal.
Ha sido elaborada por especialistas de la Dirección de Participación
Ciudadana con el aporte y asesoramiento de la Dra. Zaida García
Valecillo, investigadora y educadora del patrimonio cultural
de Venezuela, con amplia trayectoria en proyectos de difusión
patrimonial. En su elaboración se ha tenido en cuenta y evaluado
la estructura curricular vigente, identificando las áreas de mayor
interés relacionadas al patrimonio cultural, que permitan al docente
emplearlas en su práctica pedagógica para favorecer el ejercicio de
competencias ciudadanas en base al reconocimiento, apropiación
y valoración del patrimonio cultural por parte de sus estudiantes.
Asimismo, resaltamos el aporte del especialista Reynaldo Panduro
Llerena y a todos los docentes que se implicaron en el proceso de
revisión, sensibilización y elaboración de propuestas didácticas que
han sido consideradas en este documento.
El documento está dividido en tres partes: la primera es “Conociendo el
Patrimonio Cultural”, que aborda la definición, tipología y clasificación
del patrimonio cultural en el Perú; el segundo acápite denominado
“Conectando el Patrimonio Cultural con el Currículo Nacional”, ofrece
un panorama del enfoque de educación patrimonial evidenciando los
lazos con la escuela a través de las áreas curriculares, y finalmente,
la tercera parte titulada “Aprehendiendo el Patrimonio Cultural”,
reflexiona sobre la importancia de la didáctica del patrimonio como
una herramienta para la enseñanza en la escuela, a ser desarrollada
por los docentes.
De esta manera, este manual contribuye a la reflexión acerca de la
importancia de abordar el patrimonio cultural en las aulas desde la
programación curricular, atendiendo así a la necesidad de colaborar
con los docentes en la formación y el fortalecimiento de habilidades
ciudadanas en los estudiantes, a partir del conocimiento y valoración
de su patrimonio cultural.
Diana Aguirre Manrique
Directora de Participación Ciudadana
RWYC ASIA, President
“The real difficulty is that people have no idea of what education truly is. We assess the value of education in the same manner as we assess the value of land or of shares in the stock-exchange market. We want to provide only such education as would enable the student to earn more. We hardly give any thought to the improvement of the character of the educated. The girls, we say, do not have to earn; so why should they be educated? As long as such ideas persist there is no hope of our ever knowing the true value of education.” ― M. K. Gandhi (on True Education).
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” ― Aristotle
(Spanish version, 2021)
Now the international guide "Reconnecting with your Culture" is available on our webpage (version in Spanish, open access)
Coordinators of the publication
Flores Ortiz, Ana Cecilia (RWYC Venezuela)
Bravo Vásquez, Baroska (RWYC Venezuela)
Please, you can download the international guide at these specific links:
EdA Books
RWYC (site)
RWYC Pedagogical Program
Foreword, Prof. TAKEMURA Makio
Research Center for Kyosei Philosophy
Toyo University, Japan
About two decades ago, when physicist David Bohm (1992)
proposed a systematic nature of thought that may inter-mingled with
different peoples, cultures and societies, crossing the boundaries of
“your thoughts” and “my thoughts”. Perhaps he was not familiar to the
ancient Japanese philosophy of Kyosei that emphasises the harmonious
coexistence of society. Of course his basis preposition that “thought is a
system” was analogous to Kyosei. He was right in his own way saying
that “thought, felts , feelings, the body, the whole society sharing
thoughts ‒ it's all one process.” He adds, “But „my‟ thought is part of
the system. It has the same fault as the fault I'm trying to look at, or a
similar fault. Thought is constantly creating problems that way and then
trying to solve them. But as it tries to solve them it makes it worse
because it doesn‟t notice that it's creating them, and the more it thinks,
the more problems it creates”
Manual de Orientaciones teórico- prácticas para docentes de Educación Básica Regular (EBR)
Dirección General de Defensa del Patrimonio Cultural
Dirección de Participación Ciudadana
Investigación, textos y sociabilización
Diana Anuska Aguirre Manrique
Patricia Jovanna Bravo Wong
Carla Paola Córdova Frías
Julia Llerena González
Verónica Juliani Tassara Suárez
Luz María Zevallos Guillén
André Pereira da Silva
Eliane Claudio Guilherme - Baniwa
Jhonny Passos de Oliveira - Xacriabá
Kuhupi Waurá - Waurá
Luciana Maria dos santos - Pankararu
Luzia Sigoli Fernandes Costa
Marcondy Maurício de Souza - Omágua/Kambeba
Omar Lopes da Silva - Baré
Renata Sebastiani
Roseli Batalha Braga - Omágua/Kambeba
Thaís Juliana Palomino
Vanessa Louise Batista
São Carlos, 2021
imposta a todos nós por conta da pandemia da Covid-19, agravada, na realidade
brasileira, por uma crise política marcada por polarizações, recorrentes
casos de falta de empatia e negligência na condução da situação por parte do
poder público. Todos os profissionais tiveram grande impacto em suas atividades
cotidianas e nas relações de trabalho, que intensificaram antigos problemas
e nos impuseram novos desafios. Entre esses profissionais, as professoras e professores foram uma das categorias mais atingidas e, talvez, a educação formal
nunca tenha sofrido tantas transformações em tão pouco tempo. Mas esse momento
de adversidades também nos trouxe aprendizados e a demonstração da
capacidade dos educadores em se articular, agora de forma ainda mais amplificada
pelas redes virtuais, para repensar estratégias de trabalho e potencializar
os projetos que vinham sendo desenvolvidos.
bairro Santo Amaro, em Recife, nos idos de 1960, numa época
em que os moradores recorriam à maré para lavar roupa e
abasteciam a casa com água carregada em latões. O local carecia
de saneamento básico e luz elétrica, entre outras necessidades
de infraestrutura primordiais – as quais, ainda hoje, não estão
solucionadas por completo. Já naqueles tempos, ela ficava olhando
“de longe” certa construção imponente, “inacessível” aos seus
olhos de menina, erguida próximo ao conjunto de casas de sua
comunidade, a maioria de taipa em chão de terra batida. “Era,
e ainda é, um tempo marcado por muitas batalhas”, ela lembra,
tateando as lembranças do bairro durante uma roda de conversa
com os colegas da turma de EJA (Educação de Jovens e Adultos)
da Escola Municipal de Santo Amaro, localizada na região central
da capital pernambucana, uma das instituições integrantes
do projeto Educação e Patrimônio Compartilhado: Cooperação
Brasil e Holanda.
Realizado ao longo de 2018, o desafio das ações empreendidas
foi aproximar diferentes perspectivas, memórias, identidades e
referências culturais por meio de um processo de educação desenvolvido
no entorno de três fortificações do estado de Pernambuco:
do Forte das Cinco Pontas e do Forte do Brum, ambos em Recife,
e da Fortaleza de Santa Cruz de Itamaracá, mais conhecida como
Forte Orange, na Ilha de Itamaracá. Um dos monumentos, o
Forte do Brum, é a tal construção imponente, “inacessível”, de
Santo Amaro, “a raiz” ou “o chão” de Maria da Conceição, a Dona
Conceição, assim chamada pelos colegas. As histórias da estudante
estão no centro das lutas (ou no campo de batalha), assim como as
de diversas pessoas, crianças, jovens, idosos, educadores, alunos e
seus familiares, também protagonistas de muitas lutas cotidianas.
Chakra Cultural Foundation
Today, human knowledge and science have far developed to an unimaginably complex thought close to comprehensive conclusion. Yet, crisis situation in humanity still exists worse than before. It looks like there is in reverse situation to what human had achieved. What is actually happening ? However, the light at the end of tunnel rises up, that is when culture becomes a key in sustainable development. Many topics and debates on culture in sustainable development are rendered and held worldwide. Unfortunately, most are concerned with the role or, strictly speaking, products of culture to yield to nothing but further questions pertaining involution between culture and sustainable development. None is seemingly boiling down to the root, yet the essence of culture, not its derivative products, to seek harmony hence resolving crisis and conflicts of societies all at once due to the differences and lack of integrity that occur today. For that reason, the author presents herein a thorough elaboration on culture, its essence as well as its products in a wide-range scope. To labor the preparation of the said elaboration, the author applies several interdisciplinary of sciences including history, archaeology and genetics in postulating conclusive involution as to what culture is, why human needs culture, why culture is underscored as key in human development and how culture embeds in sustainable development. There are two best outcomes of the elaboration of culture presented herein. First is the discovery of the new method in studying human differences based on the root of human culture. It would then simultaneously eradicate concept of race or anything like it that is being used today to study human differences that creates misunderstanding and chaotic situation in human societies. Second is postulation of the spirit of culture to become groundwork in applying culture in sustainable development to settle and resolve various challenges in human development. The purpose of this book is to make ease on apprehending culture in sustainable development. The proper and prudent endeavors to reflect culture in sustainable development can be consistently conducted hereof in pursuing harmony on earth. Essentially, harmony with nature is the purpose of human in life. Therefore, attestation of harmony within the framework of harmony through differences becomes the major consideration in all phases of the book.
President RWYC Asia and Vice President RWYC India
First International Conference RWYC
Jakarta, Indonesia
November 20, 2021