Papers by Rayah Al-Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam
Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
Kiai's role has a role that can understand the teachings of Islam towards the community both who ... more Kiai's role has a role that can understand the teachings of Islam towards the community both who are still lay and already know Islam. Kiai is the center of the outpouring or solution of the problems faced by the local community. The result of Kiai's role in developing Islamic education in Balekambang, Tanjungrejo Village, Wirosari District, Grobogan Regency is kiai has improved and changed slowly the customs in the village, even making new customs such as tahlilan and yasin activities, sholawatan, manaqiban, and there are private schools such as TPQ, and Madratsah Diniyah that exist from grades 1-6 and at graduation along with Akhirussanah.

Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1 , 2021
Teaching Arabic that was conducted at Kuttab Ibnu Abbas School is an educational activity underta... more Teaching Arabic that was conducted at Kuttab Ibnu Abbas School is an educational activity undertaken by teachers to provide students with the goal of being able to properly understand their religion, change behavior and increase knowledge, especially matters related to the Arabic language and the ability to speak and understand Arabic in conversation and written form. And the goal of teaching Arabic to this level is so that students have the ability in the Arabic language like the owner of the language, like the children of Arabs who live in the Arab country. In order to make their level close to those, the teacher must be a native speaker of the Arabic language because the students will take the language from the teacher, how does the teacher express, how does his speech and his expression, and this is not a requirement for the teacher to speak Arabic, but it is better. Or not speaking Indonesian, for example, but he has a high ability in the Arabic language. The problem of this research is: (1) How to implement the teaching of Arabic language using the means of communication and the means of learning among first-grade students at Kitab Ibn Abbas Tangerang School. (2) How effective is the use of the method of teaching the Arabic language by means of communication among first grade pupils at Kitab Ibn Abbas Tangerang School? (3) What is the problem faced by the first graders of Kitab Ibn Abbas Tangerang School in learning Arabic from a distance? (4) What is the problem that the female teacher faces in teaching them?

Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
Arabic is the language of the Islamic ummah, a language that has spread throughout the world, inc... more Arabic is the language of the Islamic ummah, a language that has spread throughout the world, including Indonesia, which has a diversity of ethnicities, cultures and languages. However, the diversity of languages in the archipelago does not cover the languages that have entered from abroad, including Arabic. Even the Indonesian language has adopted many of the Arabic language. Then, with the increasing number of homeland enthusiasts using Arabic, it automatically requires teachers who are competent in the field of Arabic. The Arabic language teaching system in Indonesia in general, from the past until now, many educational institutions, especially Islamic boarding schools, use the same methods and skills, not developed. One of the methods used is the al-qawāid wa al-tajamah method. The drawback of this method is that it does not pay attention to the four Arabic language skills, namely istima '(listening), kalam (speaking), qirāah (reading), and kitābah (writing). This method hones a lot of reading skills only. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to write about this problem by examining the application of Arabic language skills sourced from the Arabic language learning guide book for non-native speakers (non-Arabic), namely kitāb al-Idhāāt by 'Abdurrahman al-Fauzan. The form of this research is the study of literature (books) which are qualitative in nature, in this research method using the library research method (literature study) whose main source (primary) is Kitāb al-Idhāāt which focuses on the application of Arabic language skills for non Arabic ('ajam). The author hopes that with the realization of this research, Arabic language teachers in the archipelago will be able to apply the four Arabic language skills, namely istima '(listening), kalam (speaking), qirāah (reading), and kitābah (writing) skills maximally

Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
Islam is the Shari'at of Allah SWT which is a guide for humans in worshiping Allah and as a guide... more Islam is the Shari'at of Allah SWT which is a guide for humans in worshiping Allah and as a guide to get happiness in this world and in the Hereafter. So that humans can apply this great mandate, Islamic Shari'ah requires education, learning and practice. Education is something that is very important for human life. The educational process to produce the best graduates does not just happen. The success of an education is determined by the success of the learning process. The learning success is influenced by various instruments which are interconnected with one another. The demand for quality National Education is inseparable from the existence of Educational Facilities and Infrastructure which are very much needed in the education and learning process. Therefore, a good management of facilities and infrastructure is needed so that the good quality and quantity of facilities and infrastructure is expected to be a solution for efforts to manage facilities and infrastructure in educational institutions. The management of educational facilities and infrastructure functions to regulate and maintain educational facilities and infrastructure so that they can contribute to the educational process optimally and meaningfully. Therefore, the authors feel the need to explain how the basic concepts and classification of management planning facilities and infrastructure are applied in educational institutions.

Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
The main purpose of (PAI) is to change the noble character of students. In fact, there are many v... more The main purpose of (PAI) is to change the noble character of students. In fact, there are many violations in the attitude aspect. These violations include the average students coming to school late, not entering school without information, and there are still many students who do not put their clothes on or are untidy in wearing school uniforms, so this study aims to discuss the concept of Adab students according to Ibn Jama'ah in the his book’s. This research is a qualitative research with a library research approach. The data collection technique is done through documentation study. The results showed that the concept of student adab according to Ibn Jama'ah in his book’s is each classified into three kinds, including: student behavior towards himself, in learning, and with educators. From some of the adab, it is known that a student in studying should be sincere because of Allah SWT, zuhud, wara', tawadhu', qana'ah, always patient, istiqomah, muhasabah, high social spirit, mutual respect, compassion , organize of time and are not prestigious.

Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
The failure of formal education to educate students substantively, especially in realizing civili... more The failure of formal education to educate students substantively, especially in realizing civilized and moral people in accordance with the mandate of the national education law, namely education is a conscious effort to realize students who have faith, then it becomes the forerunner to the birth and development of a new educational model that is family based. Education models that make parents as first and foremost educators are now starting to mushroom and are seen as a solution to the anxiety of parents who have begun to shift their beliefs from formal education to family-based informal education, namely homeschooling. This then becomes the background for the presence of this paper. This paper describes the trend of homeschooling which has begun to develop by studying it in literature and in-depth analysis in order to create solutions to existing problems. The results obtained in this study that homeschooling is a family-based educational model, so that the implementation of the process involves the participation of parents in determining each child's education process. Parents are fully responsible for education and education administration. Starting from the goals, processes, methods to the evaluation. This is because the curriculum in homeschooling is flexible in terms of time, space and content standards. So that in the context of Islamic education with a flexible curriculum it will be much more effective in providing value and understanding as well as subject matter that is in accordance with the expectations of parents, of course also in line with the goals of education This will make learning more functional because children are taught things that are not found in formal schools. Moral development, manners and internalization of Islamic values are easier to implement.

Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
The problem in this research is the development of an Islamic class management model, which in th... more The problem in this research is the development of an Islamic class management model, which in the management process of this class emphasizes the educator to become an educator who has expertise in the form of observing activities, identifying all the needs of learning management based on the needs of students who will be carried out in learning until the end. decided to make an Itqan learning plan. This study aims to analyze Class Management at SMP Madina Islamic School. The approach used in this research is developmental research with the main stages, namely: observation, interview, documentation. The data source is the process of teaching and learning activities in both schools, namely: SMP Madina Islamic School. The analytical method used is a qualitative method for the discovery and design of Islamic classroom management models. Based on literature review and observations from the results of administrative data collection as well as facts in the field against school profiles which include vision, mission, objectives, curriculum which contains various elements such as curriculum content, school programs, learning systems and implementation of learning even though it is done online In Madina Islamic School, the class management model has implemented various subsections in an Islamic manner, from planning, implementation to the evaluation process. This Islamic class management model refers to the concept of class management that seeks to implement Islamic values in the classroom.

Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan profesionalitas guru dalam penggunaan a... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan profesionalitas guru dalam penggunaan aplikasi google pada pembelajaran daring untuk meningkatkan efektivitas belajar siswa selama masa pandemi covid-19 di Korwilcam Dindik Somagede Kabupaten Banyumas. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode Mixed Methods sedangkan model penelitiannya Sequential Expplonatory. Realitas empirik memperlihatkan bahwa kondisi saat ini sangat meprihatinkan menurunnya kualitas pembelajaran di sekolah saat ini dengan pola Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ). Beberapa penyebabnya adalah kurangnya ketersediaan alat/media yang dimiliki sekolah, kurangnya kemampuan guru dalam mengoperasikan alat/media seperti laptop; akses internet yang kurang mendukung untuk kelancaran pembelajaran daring; tidak semua siswa memiliki smartphone. Berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan 86,7% dari 214 guru setuju untuk dilaksanakan bimbingan dan pelatihan penggunaan google (google form, google classroom, google drive, dan google meet). Penggunaan aplikasi google dalam PJJ guru berperan sebagai motivator, fasilitator, mediator, dan komunikator. Kemampuan guru dalam pembelajaran daring dengan menggunakan aplikasi google meningkat, jumlah peserta yang mengikuti bimlat sebanyak 120 orang, semua peserta mendapatkan sertifikat kelulusan. Melihat hasil lulusan tersebut dapat dinyatakan berhasil untuk program diklat penggunaan aplikasi google.

Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
This article describes the meaning of husnul khatimah in general and specially analyzes Mahmud Al... more This article describes the meaning of husnul khatimah in general and specially analyzes Mahmud Al-Mishri's views on husnul khatimah. The method used in this analysis is descriptive qualitative with a library research approach. Trying to uncover, analyze, present data and facts. Primary data is taken directly from Mahmud Al-Mishri's book Ath-Tahriq Ila Husnil Khatimah and secondary data is taken from other relevant books and articles. Then analyze the sources that have been collected and then draw conclusions related to the material discussed. The research results show that husnul khatimah is a gift from Allah ﷻ given to His servants for avoiding all things that are hated by Allah ﷻ, repenting of all sins and immorality, hastening to do obedience and good deeds. Then he dies in a state of doing the intended good. As for Mahmud Al-Mishri's view specifically about husnul khatimah is the meeting that a servant longs for with Allah ﷻ, so that he gets peace at the time of death, where it is achieved from the consistency process in doing worship and closes with a good deed as well.

Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
Murābaḥah is one of the most popular financing for Sharia Financial Institutions. Likewise, at th... more Murābaḥah is one of the most popular financing for Sharia Financial Institutions. Likewise, at the BPRS Dana Amanah Surakarta, murābaḥah financing is what customers are most interested in, therefore, among other financing products the risk is also higher. In addition, many customers choose deferred payments. This deferred payment creates several risks, one of which is financing problems. Many customers who are deemed capable are still procrastinating in terms of payment of installment obligations, this is what causes losses for the BPRS, where the more customers delay payment, the higher the level of Non Performing Financing (NPF) in a bank, causing the bank's condition to not healthy. Then the problem that will be raised in this study is how to solve the problematic murābaḥah financing in the BPRS Dana Amanah Surakarta and how the view of the fatwa DSN MUI towards the practice of solving the problematic murābaḥah financing in the BPRS Dana Amanah Surakarta. This study uses field research methods, with a descriptive qualitative approach. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data, with data collection methods through interviews with informants and documentation and then analyzed with qualitative descriptive methods. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that: (1) The steps for solving problematic murābaḥah financing at BPRS Dana Amanah Surakarta include billing, rescheduling, restructuring, customers selling their own goods, execution of collateral, AYDA and judicial channels. (2) The mechanism for the settlement of murābaḥah financing at BPRS Dana Amanah Surakarta is in accordance with the MUI DSN Fatwa and POJK No. 29/POJK.03/2019, except for the Fatwa DSN MUI No. 47 / DSN-MUI / II / 2005 on the provisions of point 5 regarding exemption for customers who are truly unable to pay off their financing payments, because in its implementation the BPRS Dana Amanah Surakarta implementing the final solution of problematic murābaḥah financing by way of settlement through the judiciary, if the BPRS performs debt relief, only the write-off records are written off, not the write-offs. Even though it has been written off, there is still a billing.

Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
This study aims to see: describe the efforts of the Guidance teacher in forming Ahklak in MAN 2 B... more This study aims to see: describe the efforts of the Guidance teacher in forming Ahklak in MAN 2 Boyolali in the academic year 2018/2020. The research method used is descriptive qualitative in MAN 2 Boyolali from March to August 2018. The sample is the counseling teacher at MAN 2 Boyolali. The results showed: that the efforts of the Counseling Guidance teacher in MAN 2. Through the learning process in the classroom according to the MAN 2 Guidance and Counseling service unit MAN 2 Boyolali 2017/2018, namely the advice method, exemplary method, method more directed towards the spiritual). Provide advice and motivation to students so that they always behave well, as long as they are in the school environment and in the family and community. Through activities outside of learning, where the implementation of the Counseling Guidance teacher collaborates with the Aqidah Akhlak teacher. The form of cooperation between protection provides sanctions for students who do not comply with school regulations by memorizing short letters or verses in Aqidah Akhlak lessons. In addition, the Counseling Guidance teacher also communicates with the parents by filling in the control book.

Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
Salah satu masalah dalam dunia pendidikan adalah kenakalan para peserta didik. Dalam dunia pendid... more Salah satu masalah dalam dunia pendidikan adalah kenakalan para peserta didik. Dalam dunia pendidikan islam, salah satu aspek yang perlu diperhatikan adalah aspek tazkiyatun nafs. Yaitu aspek yang lebih menitik beratkan pada proses pembersihan jiwa, dengan cara membersihkan hati dari segala kotoran-kotoran dan nafsu syahwat serta mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dengan amalan-amalan sholih. Maka tujuan penulisan artikel ini untuk mengetahui konsep tazkiyatun nafs Ibnul Qayyim dalam kitab Al daa' wa al dawaa' dalam menangani kenakalan peserta didik. Metode yang dipakai adalah metode penelitian kualitatif studi pustaka. Yaitu penulis menganalisis kitab al-daa' wa al-dawaa' mulai halaman 1-100. Setelah menganalisis dan mengklasifikasi konsep tazkiyatun nafs, penulis kemudian mengumpulkan teori dan informasi lainnya dari berbagai kitab yang berhubungan dengan tema penelitian. Hasil analisis penulis ada lima konsep tazkiyatun nafs, yaitu: a) meyakini bahwa setiap penyakit pasti ada obatnya, b) Al Qur'an sebagai obat, c) memperbanyak doa, d) menyeimbangkan antara mahabbah, khouf, dan raja', dan e) menjauhi dosa dan kemaksiatan. Kesimpulan penelitian bahwa kelima konsep ini dapat diimplementasikan dalam dunia pendidikan untuk membersihkan jiwa-jiwa para peserta didik dengan harapan dapat menurunkan kenakalan mereka. Kata kunci: Tazkiyatun Nafs; al daa' wa al dawaa'; kenakalan peserta didik.
Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
This study focuses on finding out how important previous research is to the thesis written by stu... more This study focuses on finding out how important previous research is to the thesis written by students at Stiba Arraayah. The existence of errors in citing previous studies experienced by thesis writers in Arroyah and the magnitude of their dependence on previous research is one of the bases that support its realization. this research. The method used in this research is the descriptive method of analysis while the results obtained from this study are that all research authors, especially in Stiba Arraayah, make previous research one of the important references in writing a thesis.

Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
The issues in this research are related to life skills in education. The Institute for Developmen... more The issues in this research are related to life skills in education. The Institute for Development of Economics and finance stated that unemployment in 2021 will increase. In August 2020, President Joko Widodo provided assistance for the Preside (Banpres) of 2.4 million rupiah. Regarding the goal, the President hopes that entrepreneurs will be more productive with the assistance provided. Being productive is one of the life skills a person must have, be it an entrepreneur or a student. This research was conducted at SMPIT As-Syifa Boarding School Wanareja Subang. This research is a qualitative research using secondary and primary data. The results of this study indicate that the role of life skills in educating students at SMPIT As Syifa Wanareja Subang in educating and creating independent character is very important, there are (1) a curriculum that combines the relevance of education with life skills; (2) the pesantrenan and kasramaan curicum which teaches students to live independently; (3) Clubs and organizations that help students learn to develop hobbies and learn leadership.

Raayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
The method of learning tahsin Al-Quran is a learning process for someone to be able to read the K... more The method of learning tahsin Al-Quran is a learning process for someone to be able to read the Koran properly and correctly. With the existence of this method of tahsin Al-Quran, generations will always be born who are able to read the Al-Quran with tartil, and its impact will directly support and help the focus of the government in achieving its own educational goals. One method to make the learning of the Al-Quran tahsin run interesting is to use the Naghom maqomat approach (the art of reading the Al-Quran). One of the interesting maqomats is the baby rhythm. From the land of Arabia to all corners of the world, nagham has become a loyal friend to the recitation of the Al-Qur'an, then Muslims can read the Al-Qur'an in the murattal version and the mujawwad version. Even though there are differences of opinion about whether or not nagham is allowed to read the Qur'an, the difference of opinion - which is old - leads to the caution of the Maliki school of thought that the purity of the Al-Qur'an is tainted. The purpose of this research is to determine the development of the tahsin method with the maqamat bayati approach. The method used is a qualitative research method by means of experiments. The summary of this study describes a new tahsin method that is easy, interesting and fun and easy to learn. The conclusion is to produce a new method that can increase people's interest in learning tahsin Al-Quran.

Rayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
Pendidikan memang sangat dibutuhkan untuk menentukan keberhasilan dalam dunia pendidikan, apalagi... more Pendidikan memang sangat dibutuhkan untuk menentukan keberhasilan dalam dunia pendidikan, apalagi dengan adanya perubahan zaman yang sangat cepat, sudah semestinya para pendidik berpikir lebih keras untuk bisa memanfaatkan waktu bagaimana memberikan pendidikan yang terbaik sebagai wasilah atau perantara keberhasilan mendidik anak-anak dalam dunia pendidikan. Banyak sekali dari para ahli pendidikan yang memikirkan dan berpendapat bagaimana pendidikan yang terbaik, tapi setidaknya ada empat unsur yang menjadi syarat berdirinya pengajaran dan mestinya menjadi sorotan serius biar pendidikan bisa kerjalan dengan baik, seperti halnya pendidik, peseta didik, ilmu yang akan diberikan kemudian metode yang digunakan dalam menyampaikan ilmu. Agar lebih spesifik maka penulis hanya akan mengambil bagaimana Model pendidikan bercorak teknologi. Karena model pendidikan bercorak teknologi merupakan hal yang vital atau harus diketahui dan dipahami oleh setiap lembaga pendidikan, sehingga output yang dihasilkan bisa mendapatkan hal yang sempurna sebagaimana dengan visi misi yang sudah direncanakan oleh setiap lembaga pendidikan Hal ini yang memotivasi penulis untuk mengungkapkan lebih dan bagaimana model pendidikan bercorak teknologi yang baik, baik menurut ilmuan barat, maupun yang sesuai dengan Al-Quran

Rayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
This study aims to determine: 1) The difference in akhlak between high and low emotional intellig... more This study aims to determine: 1) The difference in akhlak between high and low emotional intelligence. 2) The difference in akhlak between high and low spiritual intelligence. 3) Moral differences in terms of the interaction between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence in students of SMP Negeri Sidoharjo in the academic year 2020/2021. The research method used was comparative quantitative using t-test analysis and two-way ANOVA at State Junior High Schools in Sidoharjo District from October to December 2020. The population in this study were all classes of grade VIII students totaling 507 students. The sample is some students of SMP Negeri in Sidoharjo District as many as 221 students. The results showed: 1) there is a difference in akhlak between students who have high and low emotional intelligence, because the significance value is 0.000 <0.05. 2) there are moral differences between students who have high and low spiritual intelligence because the significance value is 0.000 <0.05. 3) there are differences in akhlak in terms of the interaction between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence, the hypothesis results show sig. 0.001 <0.05. there is an interaction between high emotional intelligence and low spiritual intelligence, high spiritual intelligence and low emotional intelligence towards akhlak.

Rayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 1 No 2, 2022
Morals are one of the factors that determine the ups and downs of a person, nation and state. The... more Morals are one of the factors that determine the ups and downs of a person, nation and state. The glory of a person, society, nation and state is very dependent on their morals. With good morals, a person will get a position in the environment and society, because the scope of morals is not just courtesy or physical manners, such as how to speak, how to behave and behave daily. But the morals also involve matters of a spiritual nature, namely the filling of a person's heart with main characteristics, such as being responsible, fair, patient, forgiving and avoiding destructive traits such as arrogance, jealousy, envy, and others. The purpose of writing this article is to find out the moral development according to Shaykh az-Zarnuji in the book ta'limul muta'allim. The method used in writing this article is to use qualitative research type library research (library research) with content analysis (content analysis) or textual analysis, and interpretation methods. According to Sheikh az-Zarnuji, the aim of building morals is not only aimed at the interests of the hereafter, but also for the good or the interests of the world. However, the interests of the hereafter must take precedence over worldly interests. In fact, he firmly stated that studying for worldly interests cannot be separated from the interests of the hereafter. That way, students will get the delicacy of science.

Rayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 No 1, 2021
In the view of Islam, the main education is that which can humanize humans according to their hum... more In the view of Islam, the main education is that which can humanize humans according to their human nature. Education that can put humans on the rails. Education that can elevate human identity so that it gets its essence as a human being, becoming a perfect human being, a human being who can carry out his roles and functions, both vertically as servants of Allah (abdullah), and horizontally in human social relations (khalifatullah). The focus of this research is to analyze the concept of the Perfect Man in the Book al-Insan al-Kamil by Abdul Karim al-Jili. The method used in this research is a non-interactive qualitative research method, a type of library research using content analysis and historical analysis. Insan kamil is the teaching of tasawuf al-Jili which is the development of the concept of tasawuf Ibn 'Arabi, namely wahdat al-wujud. The view of wahdat al-wujud is not interpreted textually by the union of two different beings into one form, but rather a meaning in which a sufi can absorb as much asthma 'and God's attributes as possible (al-Takhalluq bi akhlaq Allah) so that it occurs. spiritual transformation. A Sufi experiences fana 'in asthma', the nature, and essence of God. All the steps in his life are always focused on what God wants (rida’ Allah).

Rayah Al Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam, Vol 5 N0 2, 2021
Various problems that occur in the world of educators and education personnel, ranging from teach... more Various problems that occur in the world of educators and education personnel, ranging from teachers often being late to class, skipping classes, teachers often hitting students, and many others so that it affects the image of educational institutions. personnel become mirror figures and guides for their students. Teaching science, training, researching, developing and educating wise human beings. However, what happens is the opposite. There are often problems with that should not have been carried out. Therefore, it is necessary to have a program of Islamic coaching activities environment so as to change deviant behaviors among personnel. Purpose from this research is for know see materai founding islamic activities for educators and educational staff in the Islamic school in book guidance Islamic for life a muslim The research method used is qualitative research, a type of field research with a qualitative-descriptive approach study book a relevant in problems research. Output something found that is skill islamic have to property alone muslim is know purpose there is no god other than Allah, purified, discussion, about whorship, fasting month, zakat, religious meal, and religious poundation, method implentation whorship who has made the pilgrimage to mecca, transaction economics, give shape to a family muslim and study morals somebody muslim.
Papers by Rayah Al-Islam : Jurnal Ilmu Islam