Ravindrasai A
Associate editor for IJMER (International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research)
Supervisors: Assocuate editor
Supervisors: Assocuate editor
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Papers by Ravindrasai A
In this present investigation is aimed to design and analyse the vapour turbine to use organic fluids.Generally we use organic fluids like Pentance, Iso butance, Tolune and silicone fluids.
CFD will be done on ANSYS Software and Design is created in the Pro/Engineer software.
The main aim of the project is Design a turbine blades and find out the thermal efficiency of the orgnaic fluids.
CNC Vertical shaping machine may be a wide accepted material removal method won’t to manufacture elements with sophisticated shapes and profiles. Throughout the face edge method, the fabric is removed by the 100mm and 150mm DIA tool. The consequences of varied parameters of edge method like spindle speed, Depth of cut, Feed rate are investigated to reveal their impact on surface end exploitation Taguchi methodology. Experimental arrange is performed by a customary Orthogonal Array. The results of research of variance (ANOVA) indicate that the feed rate is most influencing issue for modeling surface end. The graph of S-N quantitative relation indicates the optimum setting of the machining parameters which provides the optimum worth of surface end. The optimum set of method parameters has additionally been expected to maximize the surface end.
In this project we have a tendency to produce 3D modeling in Solid Works and Simulation is completed in Solid Works package. Structure Analysis and Thermal Analysis is completed exploitation the parameters taken from the experiment. Solid Works is leading 3D modeling and Simulation package.
Keywords: Steel Slag, Brick Dust, Marshall Stability Test
Cognitive radio (CR) is considered one of the prominent techniques for improving the utilization of the radio spectrum. Cognitive radio network allows using even licensed spectrum when no one is using it reduces waste of unused spectrum.
Space time block coding is a wireless technology that uses multiple antennas along with appropriate signaling. The Space Time block Coding has evolved as a most vibrant research area in wireless communications. This project the Space-Time Block Codes (STBC) for wireless networks that uses multiple numbers of antennas at both transmitter and receiver. In this project the Bit error rate performance analysis is done by using 1X1, 1X2, 2X1 and for 2X2. And BER comparison is done for different modulation techniques like QPSK and QAM. Here the complexity for QPSK and QAM is more compared to BPSK. BPSK is the simple technique and less affected by noise. And the power required to transmit the data is also less compared to other techniques.
Index Terms — Cognitive radio network, spectral energy, STBC, Bit error rate.
In this present investigation is aimed to design and analyse the vapour turbine to use organic fluids.Generally we use organic fluids like Pentance, Iso butance, Tolune and silicone fluids.
CFD will be done on ANSYS Software and Design is created in the Pro/Engineer software.
The main aim of the project is Design a turbine blades and find out the thermal efficiency of the orgnaic fluids.
CNC Vertical shaping machine may be a wide accepted material removal method won’t to manufacture elements with sophisticated shapes and profiles. Throughout the face edge method, the fabric is removed by the 100mm and 150mm DIA tool. The consequences of varied parameters of edge method like spindle speed, Depth of cut, Feed rate are investigated to reveal their impact on surface end exploitation Taguchi methodology. Experimental arrange is performed by a customary Orthogonal Array. The results of research of variance (ANOVA) indicate that the feed rate is most influencing issue for modeling surface end. The graph of S-N quantitative relation indicates the optimum setting of the machining parameters which provides the optimum worth of surface end. The optimum set of method parameters has additionally been expected to maximize the surface end.
In this project we have a tendency to produce 3D modeling in Solid Works and Simulation is completed in Solid Works package. Structure Analysis and Thermal Analysis is completed exploitation the parameters taken from the experiment. Solid Works is leading 3D modeling and Simulation package.
Keywords: Steel Slag, Brick Dust, Marshall Stability Test
Cognitive radio (CR) is considered one of the prominent techniques for improving the utilization of the radio spectrum. Cognitive radio network allows using even licensed spectrum when no one is using it reduces waste of unused spectrum.
Space time block coding is a wireless technology that uses multiple antennas along with appropriate signaling. The Space Time block Coding has evolved as a most vibrant research area in wireless communications. This project the Space-Time Block Codes (STBC) for wireless networks that uses multiple numbers of antennas at both transmitter and receiver. In this project the Bit error rate performance analysis is done by using 1X1, 1X2, 2X1 and for 2X2. And BER comparison is done for different modulation techniques like QPSK and QAM. Here the complexity for QPSK and QAM is more compared to BPSK. BPSK is the simple technique and less affected by noise. And the power required to transmit the data is also less compared to other techniques.
Index Terms — Cognitive radio network, spectral energy, STBC, Bit error rate.