Papers by Raquel Vial Escolano

Proceedings of the 3rd 2015 Workshop on ICTs for improving Patients Rehabilitation Research Techniques - REHAB '15, 2015
Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a neurological disorder with a large number of motor a... more Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a neurological disorder with a large number of motor and non-motor alterations that produce an impact on basic and instrumental Activities of Daily Living. These motor disorders are categorized by tremors, rigidity, bradykinesia, and postural control. Other types of alterations that are characteristic of PD are flexed posture and freezing. Traditional techniques are focused on stretching and muscle resistance training, performing movements of Pronation/Supination and Flexion/Extension, gait pattern training with different distances, (floor, and speed), weight transferences, visual-auditory cues (together with bobath), relaxation techniques, and stretching techniques. Our system, Active Balance Rehabilitation (the ABAR system) has been tested on a group composed of eleven participants with PD for a period of approximately 20 sessions with a duration of 30 minutes per session. Our main goal is to decrease the motor alterations in patients with PD. The results show that patients of these type increased their physical skills. However, our results need be interpreted with caution because our group was composed of a limited number of participants and there is no comparative study with a control group that can be tested using the traditional techniques. To resolve this problem, we need to increase the number of participants and to compare our system with a control group.

Medicina Paliativa, 2015
Introduction: With the development in palliative care, there is a resurgence of concern about pre... more Introduction: With the development in palliative care, there is a resurgence of concern about predicting the patient's prognosis with the best possible accuracy. Many treatment decisions and patient care depends on the prognosis estimation. Materials and methods: A review was performed on the literature related to the main prognosis factors in advanced cancer published within the last 20 years (from 1993 to 2013). Results: The clinical estimation of survival tends to overestimate the prognosis and should be used together with other factors. A second opinion from another doctor and repeated assessments of the patient are recommended. A poor functional state (Karnofsky, PPS.) is considered an accurate prognosis factor to predicting a short survival time. Some signs and clinical symptoms have been associated with life expectancy in these types of patients: anorexia-cachexia syndrome, dyspnea, cognitive impairment, or delirium. Many variables associated with life expectancy have undergone laboratory studies, resulting in independent prognostic factors: leukocytosis, lymphopenia, and C reactive protein. For the time being, palliative prognostic (PaP) score, which includes several prognostic factors, is the most recommended system among the multidimensional scales in European and Spanish guidelines indicating the probability of survival within 30 days. Other scales which have also showed precision are: palliative prognostic index (PPI) and cancer prognostic scale (CPS). There are other newer scales awaiting validation in wider studies. New methods of statistical estimation of survival are available on the Internet (prognostigram, prognostat.). Discussion: The current tendency is to use prognostic multidimensional scales where several prognostic parameters are combined. It would be of interest to compare the different scales, and use them in a wider population. Conclusions: The best option would be to formulate an individual prognosis for each patient, starting with a generalised prognosis, and modifying it according to clinical observations, functional assessments, symptoms, laboratory tests, and knowledge of the course of the illness.
Medicina General y de Familia, 2017
Abordaje del consumo de alcohol desde atención primaria Registros médicos y apego a la guía de pr... more Abordaje del consumo de alcohol desde atención primaria Registros médicos y apego a la guía de práctica clínica en la atención prenatal Análisis de la hiperfrecuentación ajustando por comorbilidad según ACG (Adjusted Clinical Groups) en una zona básica de salud Influencia de los fenómenos meteorológicos en la incidencia de fracturas de cadera en los varones de Teruel Síndrome de la bolsa de orina púrpura Cervicobraquialgia: una aproximación a través de la experiencia clínica Dolor abdominal desproporcionado: un caso de isquemia mesentérica aguda Revisión del diseño experimental y de su impacto científico en la atención primaria española Reflexiones sobre el acceso a las historias clínicas por parte de los pacientes menores de edad medicina general y de familia edición digital * Autor para correspondencia.
![Research paper thumbnail of [How to prescribe for patients with dysphagia: a review for the adaptation of the pharmaceutical guide in a socio-sanitary hospital]](
Farmacia hospitalaria : órgano oficial de expresión científica de la Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria
The aims of this paper are to review the pharmaceutical guide in order to include suitable dosage... more The aims of this paper are to review the pharmaceutical guide in order to include suitable dosage forms for patients with dysphagia and to establish specific recommendations for the drug administration. A comprehensive literature review was performed to develop general recommendations. Three topics were checked for every drug: a) alternative dosage forms suitable to patients with dysphagia; b) appropriateness of crushing tablets and opening capsules; and c) are these drugs suitable be mixed with food? An algorithm was designed in order to help clinicians to select the best pharmaceutical form and its optimal administration method. The former pharmaceutical guide was modified and handling recommendations were made for each drug. Eleven dispersable, 26 liquid and 8 powder new forms were included. This work has turned the pharmaceutical guide of the hospital in a useful tool for the prescription, validation and administration of medicines to patients with dysphagia.
Medicine - Programa de Formación Médica Continuada Acreditado, 2014
European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy

Methods of Information in Medicine, 2017
Summary Objectives: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characte... more Summary Objectives: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor clinical alterations among others. Postural problems have serious consequences for patients, not only limiting their daily life but also increasing some risks, like the risk of fall. Inadequate postural control and postural instability is a major problem in PD patients. A Virtual Motor Rehabilitation System (VMR) has been tested in patients with PD in the intervention period. Our purpose was to analyze the evolution of the spatial postural control during the intervention period, to see if there are any changes caused precisely by this intervention. Methods: Ten people with PD carried out 15 virtual rehabilitation sessions. We tested a groundbreaking system based on Virtual Motor Rehabilitation in two periods of time (baseline evaluation and final evaluation). In the training sessions, the participants performed a customizable treatment using a low-cost system, the Active B...
Medicina Clínica (English Edition), 2016
Cuadernos De Geriatria, 2010
Cuadernos De Geriatria, 2009
Papers by Raquel Vial Escolano