Papers by Rannver Hannesson

Paper Stories – Paper and Book History in Early Modern Europe. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023
The Case of Hannes Gunnlaugsson In Ísafjarðardjúp in the last decades of the 17th century, so man... more The Case of Hannes Gunnlaugsson In Ísafjarðardjúp in the last decades of the 17th century, so many books were written that there was hardly more diligent work in that field anywhere else in Iceland at the time.1 1 Jón Helgason 1955, 7: "Við Ísafjarðardjúp var á síðustu áratugum 17du aldar skrifað svo margt bóka að naumast hefur þá verið unnið af meira kappi í þeirri grein annarsstaðar á Íslandi." Translations from Icelandic in this article are ours unless otherwise noted. 2 The other one is R-AMI, AM 264 I fol. 3 In his Íslandslýsing (Description of Iceland), likely written around 1596, Bishop Oddur Einarsson explains why most Icelandic manuscripts had been written on parchment up until then: "There has always been a scarcity of paper […] But now, a considerable amount of paper is imported annually." (Oddur Einarsson 1971, 147). 4 Arna Björk Stefánsdóttir 2013, 227, 231. 5 These figures are from Arna Björk Stefánsdóttir's BA-thesis "Pappír sem ritfang. Yfirtaka pappírs á Íslandi á 16. og 17. öld", table on p. 25. Arna Björk's research includes manuscripts preserved at the
Papers by Rannver Hannesson