Conference Proceedings by Ramon Obeso

by Ramon Obeso, Alvaro Arrizabalaga, Mikelo Elorza, Álvaro Moreno-Jiménez, Pablo Lopez Cisneros, Dan Cabanes, Sonia Gabriel, Marcos García-Diez, Irantzu Elorrieta-Baigorri, David Álvarez Alonso, Antonio Tarriño Vinagre, Rafael Domingo Martínez, Paloma Uzquiano Ollero, Jesus Tapia, Aitor Calvo, Jesús F. Jordá, and María de Andrés Herrero 57th Annual Meeting in Heidenheim: 15-16. ISBN.978-3-933474-97-1, 2015
Authors:D. Álvarez-Alonso, J. Yravedra, A. Arrizabalaga, J. F. Jordá, E. Álvarez-Fernández, M. de... more Authors:D. Álvarez-Alonso, J. Yravedra, A. Arrizabalaga, J. F. Jordá, E. Álvarez-Fernández, M. de Andrés-Herrero, M. Elorza, S. Gabriel, García-Díez, D. Garrido, M. M. J. Iriarte, J. Rojo, C. Sesé, P. Uzquiano, T. Aparicio, M. Arriolabengoa, A. Calvo, P. Carral, R. Domingo, I. Elorrieta, V. Estaca, O. Fuente, M. García, E. García, E. Iriarte Avilés, P. López, M. Meléndez, J. Tapia, A. Tarriño, G. J. Trancho, A. M. Valles, M de Andrés-Chain, D. Ballesteros, D. Cabanes, A. Moreno, D. Rodrigo & R. Obeso
Coímbre cave (142 meters asl) is located on the southwestern slope of Mount Pendendo (529 m), in the small valley of Besnes river, tributary of Cares river, in a medium-higher mountain are in the central-western Cantabria –northern Iberian Peninsula- (Álvarez-Alonso et al., 2009; 2013b). The landscape in the surroundings of the cave –situated in an interior valley but near to the current coast in a low altitude- can be described as a mountainous environment where valleys, small hills and steep mountains with high slopes are integrated, which confer a relative variety of ecosystems to this area. Coímbre contains an important archaeological site divided in two different areas. B Area, is the farthest from the entrance, and is the place where took place the excavations carried out to date, between 2008 and 2012 (Álvarez-Alonso et al., 2009, 2011, 2013a, 2013b).
Coímbre B shows a complete and very interesting Magdalenian sequence (with Lower, Middle and Upper Magdalenian levels), and a gravettian level, that converts this cave in one of the biggest habitat areas in western Cantabria. Its rich set of bone industries, mobiliar art and ornaments, provide key information that shows the connections between this area, the Pyrenees and the south-west of Aquitaine.
Moreover, Coímbre cave presents an interesting set of Magdalenian engravings, locatedin different places of the cavity, both in open and accessible areas, and in narrower and inaccessible places, which clearly define two different symbolic spaces. All this artistic expressions belong to the Magdalenian, and it is possible to establish a division between a set of engravings framed in the first stages of this period (the most abundant and remote); and a more limited set of engravings, in which stand out a block with a engraving of a bison with a deep trace of more than one meter long, that belongs to the recent Magdalenian.
This work presents the preliminary results of the analysis of Magdalenian occupations in Coímbre, after the end of the excavations in B Area, and the study of its rock art, shaping this site as one of the most important places of Magdalenian human activities in western Cantabria.
Papers by Ramon Obeso

<p>The karstic cavity of Cova Rosa (Sardéu, Ribadesella, Asturias), de... more <p>The karstic cavity of Cova Rosa (Sardéu, Ribadesella, Asturias), developed in the La Escalada limestones (Moscovien, Carboniferous), contains an important archaeosedimentary sequence covering the Late Upper Pleistocene and the Lower Holocene. This sequence, excavated during the second half of the 20th century by Jordá Cerdá and Gómez Fuentes (1982), presents levels of Solutrense, Lower and Upper Magdalenian and Mesolithic. The sequence was studied sedimentologically by Hoyos Gómez (1979). In the last years members of a large research team are working again on this site and its materials (Álvarez-Fernández and Jordá Pardo, 2018) and in this contribution we present the new lithostratigraphic sequence that has been studied again with geoarchaeological methodology. In addition, thanks to the 22 radiocarbon dates obtained (Álvarez-Alonso <em>et al</em>., 2021), we can place the sequence on the Quaternary chronostratigraphic scale.</p><p><strong>Referencias</strong></p><p><strong> </strong>Álvarez-Fernández, E. y Jordá Pardo, J.F. (Eds.) (2018). <em>El poblamiento prehistórico en el valle del Sella. Cincuenta años del descubrimiento de la cueva de Titot Bustillo y 60 de las primeras intervenciones del profesor Francisco Jordá en las cuevas de El Cierro y Cova Rosa (Ribadesella, Asturias)</em>. Asociación Cultural Amigos de Ribadesella, Universidad de Salamanca y UNED, Ribadesella, 208 p.</p><p>Álvarez-Fernández, E.; Jordá-Pardo, J. F.; Arias, P.; Bécares, J.; Martín-Jarque, S.; Portero, R.; Teira, L. C.; Douka, K. (2021). Radiocarbon dates for the late Pleistocene and early Holocene occupations of Cova Rosa (Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain), <em>Radiocarbon</em>, 63 (3): 1053-1072. DOI: 10.1017/RDC.2021.18</p><p>Hoyos Gómez, M. (1979). <em>El karst de Asturias en el Pleistoceno superior y Holoceno. Estudio morfológico, sedimentológico y paleoclimático</em>. Tesis doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 446 p.</p><p>Jordá Cerdá, F.; Gómez Fuentes, A. (1982). <em>Cova Rosa-A</em>. Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, 108 p.</p>
La evapotranspiracion es un componente fundamental del balance hidrico y un factor clave en la in... more La evapotranspiracion es un componente fundamental del balance hidrico y un factor clave en la interaccion entre la superficie terrestre y la atmosfera. Su cuantificacion se hace precisa en contextos diferentes tales como la produccion vegetal, la planificacion y gestion de recursos hidricos o estudios ambientales y ecologicos, y afecta por tanto a una gran variedad de especialidades cientificas. Este trabajo hace una revision, desde una perspectiva historica, de los metodos de medida y modelizacion de la evapotranspiracion usados actualmente, y describe las posibles lineas futuras de investigacion en este campo.
57th Annual Meeting in Heidenheim, 7-11 April 2015. Erlangen: Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft fur Erf... more 57th Annual Meeting in Heidenheim, 7-11 April 2015. Erlangen: Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft fur Erforschung des Eiszeitalters und der Steinzeit e. V. = Hugo Obermaier Society for Quaternary Research and Archaeology of the Stone Age, 2015
Conference Proceedings by Ramon Obeso
Coímbre cave (142 meters asl) is located on the southwestern slope of Mount Pendendo (529 m), in the small valley of Besnes river, tributary of Cares river, in a medium-higher mountain are in the central-western Cantabria –northern Iberian Peninsula- (Álvarez-Alonso et al., 2009; 2013b). The landscape in the surroundings of the cave –situated in an interior valley but near to the current coast in a low altitude- can be described as a mountainous environment where valleys, small hills and steep mountains with high slopes are integrated, which confer a relative variety of ecosystems to this area. Coímbre contains an important archaeological site divided in two different areas. B Area, is the farthest from the entrance, and is the place where took place the excavations carried out to date, between 2008 and 2012 (Álvarez-Alonso et al., 2009, 2011, 2013a, 2013b).
Coímbre B shows a complete and very interesting Magdalenian sequence (with Lower, Middle and Upper Magdalenian levels), and a gravettian level, that converts this cave in one of the biggest habitat areas in western Cantabria. Its rich set of bone industries, mobiliar art and ornaments, provide key information that shows the connections between this area, the Pyrenees and the south-west of Aquitaine.
Moreover, Coímbre cave presents an interesting set of Magdalenian engravings, locatedin different places of the cavity, both in open and accessible areas, and in narrower and inaccessible places, which clearly define two different symbolic spaces. All this artistic expressions belong to the Magdalenian, and it is possible to establish a division between a set of engravings framed in the first stages of this period (the most abundant and remote); and a more limited set of engravings, in which stand out a block with a engraving of a bison with a deep trace of more than one meter long, that belongs to the recent Magdalenian.
This work presents the preliminary results of the analysis of Magdalenian occupations in Coímbre, after the end of the excavations in B Area, and the study of its rock art, shaping this site as one of the most important places of Magdalenian human activities in western Cantabria.
Papers by Ramon Obeso
Coímbre cave (142 meters asl) is located on the southwestern slope of Mount Pendendo (529 m), in the small valley of Besnes river, tributary of Cares river, in a medium-higher mountain are in the central-western Cantabria –northern Iberian Peninsula- (Álvarez-Alonso et al., 2009; 2013b). The landscape in the surroundings of the cave –situated in an interior valley but near to the current coast in a low altitude- can be described as a mountainous environment where valleys, small hills and steep mountains with high slopes are integrated, which confer a relative variety of ecosystems to this area. Coímbre contains an important archaeological site divided in two different areas. B Area, is the farthest from the entrance, and is the place where took place the excavations carried out to date, between 2008 and 2012 (Álvarez-Alonso et al., 2009, 2011, 2013a, 2013b).
Coímbre B shows a complete and very interesting Magdalenian sequence (with Lower, Middle and Upper Magdalenian levels), and a gravettian level, that converts this cave in one of the biggest habitat areas in western Cantabria. Its rich set of bone industries, mobiliar art and ornaments, provide key information that shows the connections between this area, the Pyrenees and the south-west of Aquitaine.
Moreover, Coímbre cave presents an interesting set of Magdalenian engravings, locatedin different places of the cavity, both in open and accessible areas, and in narrower and inaccessible places, which clearly define two different symbolic spaces. All this artistic expressions belong to the Magdalenian, and it is possible to establish a division between a set of engravings framed in the first stages of this period (the most abundant and remote); and a more limited set of engravings, in which stand out a block with a engraving of a bison with a deep trace of more than one meter long, that belongs to the recent Magdalenian.
This work presents the preliminary results of the analysis of Magdalenian occupations in Coímbre, after the end of the excavations in B Area, and the study of its rock art, shaping this site as one of the most important places of Magdalenian human activities in western Cantabria.