Papers by Ramiro Sofronie

Engineering Structures, Aug 1, 2008
The paper is devoted to stone masonry structures in view of possible improvement of their dynamic... more The paper is devoted to stone masonry structures in view of possible improvement of their dynamic-seismic resistance and durability. Many existing structures and large models were investigated by the authors in the framework of national and international research projects. The investigation of a large stone masonry model, tested on the shaking table, had as main purpose the evaluation of the behaviour of new and rehabilitated masonry structures reinforced with polymer grids produced in the European Union. The test plan consisted of the following parts: tests of individual material properties; seismic tests of a masonry model reinforced with polymer grids inserted horizontally in prescribed bed joints; seismic tests of a masonry model reinforced on parts of a wall surface by vertical polymer grids bonded with fibre-reinforced plaster. The paper presents the selected representative results and synthesis of obtained data. The polymer grids and fibre mortars enhance the seismic resistance of stone masonry structures. They contribute also to the durability of historical and other stone masonry structures, especially in cases of vertical polymer grids combined with fibre lime-cement plaster.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The paper deals with a comparative analysis between original and advanced masonry. Both are of hi... more The paper deals with a comparative analysis between original and advanced masonry. Both are of high practical interest in buildings and monuments. Particularly, in seismic areas, where they are submitted to the strong actions of earthquakes, the Latin principle Primum non-nocere should be applied. That principle was considered by the Venice Chart in 1964. Later it was resumed by ICOMOS-Iscarsah Recommendations in 2001. The paper presents first some historical data for each type of masonry. The original masonry has a long history when it was well checked by time. On the contrary, the history of advanced masonry is very short. Among the basic proprieties of the original masonry is the ductility of the lime mortar. Its mechanical strengths are lower than that of bricks. In these conditions, the original masonry exhibits the phenomenon of self-defending by adaptation. It is not the case of the advanced masonry which remains stiff. By physical modeling, the main proprieties of original a...
Computational Mechanics–New Frontiers for the New Millennium, 2001
The paper presents the seismic behaviour of elastic structures founded on earth reinforcements wa... more The paper presents the seismic behaviour of elastic structures founded on earth reinforcements walls. The research was carried out physically by testing two models on the shaking table and numerically with the aid of UDEC3 computing program. The physical model of elastic structure was founded on two different types of earth reinforcement walls, one of conventional type with aspect ratio L/HÂ =Â 0.6 and another of confined type with L/HÂ =Â 0.6. By processing the results obtained the knowledge about the interaction between earth reinforcement and elastic structures was much enriched. Some of them were reciprocally validated, while others are complementary.

Elsevier eBooks, 2001
ABSTRACT The paper is focused on the experimental and numerical study of a reinforcement techniqu... more ABSTRACT The paper is focused on the experimental and numerical study of a reinforcement technique that makes use of polymer grids and appears to be promising in the field of conservation of historical buildings. For this application grids can be connected to walls through external coatings and improve their shear strength. This effect has been proved through experimental evidence by testing masonry walls. The test procedure is described and the relevant results are reported. Next, numerical investigations aimed at developing an adequate mathematical model for the analysis of monuments are discussed. One pilot historical building, an Orthodox church in Romania made of brick masonry, was considered for numerical simulations. Its static and dynamic behaviour was studied by using different material models. Particular attention was given to the response in the presence of seismic actions, as benefits were expected owing to an improved ductility due to polymer grids.

It has already been 6 years since Stephen Hawking passed away and his absence is still felt. In h... more It has already been 6 years since Stephen Hawking passed away and his absence is still felt. In his book THE UNIVERSE IN A NUTSHELL, published in 2001, in London, on page 156, Hawking presented a suggestive graph of population growth [1]. The chart spans the entire Stone Age, then the Bronze and Iron Ages, along with the Christian, Medieval, and Modern Eras, until the year 2000. Then the population was 6 billion (Fig.1). In 2022, 8 billion were already registered, and by the middle of the 21st century, in 2050, the population was estimated to reach 9.7 billion. Figure 1: Population Growth In the same book, on page 159, Hawking presents a slightly ironic joke that, at that time, was circulating in the world. It seems that aliens did not contact Earth until then because here on Earth, when a society reaches an advanced civilization, like the one in 2001, for example, that civilization becomes unstable and self-destructs. However, Hawking stated, in the same context, that he is optimistic and believes that society would continue its natural evolution. Hawking probably had in mind, at that time, the fact that any civilization rises with a lot of effort, a lot of energy consumption, and even sacrifices. However, how many of the thousands of civilizations, smaller or larger, risen on Earth in the course of history have survived? None. All civilizations only left samples for museums. For this reason, Simplicius of Cilicia (480-560 AD) wrote about Heraclitus of Ephesus that he would have stated in 500 BC Panta Rei! That means that on Earth Everything flows!, and nothing remains unchanged. Following this and not by chance, but much later, the Principle of conservation has been formulated. This Principle states that in Nature, nothing is lost and nothing gains, everything is changed. Exactly ten years after Hawking's statement, in 2011, in London, in his non-fictional book named Sapiens, Yuval announced that in 2100, would take place the extinction of the human species. As expected, this news reactivated the statement attributed, during the last century, to André Malraux: the 21st Century will be religious/spiritual, or will it not be at all? Of course, back then, such a statement aroused a lot of interest, but now, through Theosophy, it is acknowledged that man is of divine creation and spirituality, while through Anthroposophy it is acknowledged that man has a secular spirituality, he is of a gravitational nature, he belongs to the Universe, and he is eternal [2]. Nevertheless, Hawking's 2001 book meant much more than the population growth. Hawking then set out to unify the four fundamental forces of the Earth, namely: the gravitational force, the electromagnetic force, the atomic force, and the nuclear force. Fortunately, shortly after, in 2005, in his book The Theory of Everything Hawking revealed the quantum nature of the gravitational force [3]. He concluded that the unification of the four fundamental forces is no longer neither necessary nor possible. Since the same year 2005, Galileo Galilei's and Isaac Newton's Gravitation has definitively come under the authority of Stephen Hawking. The gravitational nature of the Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi's creation, by a simple coincidence, was brought up at a world congress held in Paris, also in 2001 [4]. The association of the two discoveries led to the identification of the gravitational nature of the awareness of the Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens is the last animal on the Darwin's evolutionary scale. In 11,451 BC, gravity penetrated, upon awareness, definitively in the human genetic system raising the status of primitive man far above the animal condition. Back then, the conscious being did not receive a distinct name. The name Homo Gravitas was assigned to this conscious being much later, but only after and because of Hawking's discovery in 2005 [5] As for Darwin, in 1859, in London, he published his book On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection, 23 years after he returned from his 5-year voyage across the five continents on HMS
A comparative analysis is made of dynamic stability of suspension bridge systems with respect to ... more A comparative analysis is made of dynamic stability of suspension bridge systems with respect to wind. In this analysis, the wind was assumed to be an incompressible horizontal fluid in a steady-state flow, while the bridge decks to be rigid lifting surfaces elastically clamped at the ends. The typical cross section of each structural system at zero incidence was subjected to a small bending-torsional perturbation. When the limit state of equilibrium between aerodynamic, elastic, and inertial forces is reached, the dynamic phenomenon of binary flutter occurs. The corresponding wind velocities were used as comparative criteria of hanged, anchored, and prestressed suspension bridge systems.

The paper deals with the design in safe conditions of retaining structures. Both reinforced concr... more The paper deals with the design in safe conditions of retaining structures. Both reinforced concrete and reinforced soil retaining walls are considered. When used in seismic areas their original and permanent eccentricities dramatically increase. In order to apply the Meyerhof assumption regarding the distribution of compressive stresses on the basses of retaining structures, the resultants of all vertical forces should be applied on the third-half of the bases. From that condition at limit state, the expression of the aspect-ratio is determined. Those four cases of analysis are: 1) permanent actions AP, 2) permanent and variable actions AP+AV, 3) permanent and accidental actions AP +AA and 4) permanent, variable and accidental actions AP+AV+AA. The obtained expressions for aspect-ratios are represented graphically as functions of different parameters. They suggestively show how the aspect-ratio is influenced by geometric, geo-technique and dynamic parameters. The shaping of cross-sections can be done now in safety. Further, the stability of cross-sections is checked for the three degrees of freedom in plane: sliding, overturning and settling. The obtained safety factors are depending on the aspect-ratio as a geometric parameter. They are also graphically represented and by acting on some parameters the stability conditions of retaining structures can be improved.

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2013
The paper deals with reinforced soil structures used in critical infrastructures for ecological l... more The paper deals with reinforced soil structures used in critical infrastructures for ecological landfills. During the last 17 years in Romania 28 such landfills were completed. Romania is however a country where strong earthquakes often occur. About 60% of its territory feels the seismic actions which combine with the existing ones. During earthquakes in the massive structures of landfills, huge inertial forces are developing. Due to uncontrolled movements and deformations, the protective layers of isolation could yield, producing ecological disasters of unforeseen proportions and consequences. Since prevention measures are preferable as opposed to those of repairment, the paper presents a comparative analysis between the safety levels reached in four compatible scenarios of loading. For this purpose three phenomena of instability are considered: lateral sliding, overturning and settlement. These three phenomena correspond to the degrees of freedom by which typical cross sections are endowed. The numerical analysis was carried out with the WinWall Program under Tensar license whilst the results were displayed analytically, in tables, and graphically, in axonometric views. By this study, those parameters allowing physical or structural interventions for enhancing the level of safety were identified. The study is also of high interest for the cost evaluations of the reinforced soil structures currently used in critical infrastructures.
Anthroposophy refers to human cleverness and was created by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) in Vienna ... more Anthroposophy refers to human cleverness and was created by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) in Vienna in the late 19 th century. By wisdom, Anthroposophy is a philosophy, and by knowledge, it is a science. The object of Anthroposophy is secular spirituality and thus it differs from Theosophy which deals with mystical spirituality. From the very beginning of his initiative, Rudolf Steiner suspected that man did not belong on Earth. It seemed too much to him that man differed from other forms of life on Planet Earth. That is why he publicly asked the question, "Who is man and where does it come from, since it does not seem to be Earthly?"

IOP conference series, May 1, 2021
The paper deals with enhancing the strength of original masonry with polymer grids by preserving ... more The paper deals with enhancing the strength of original masonry with polymer grids by preserving its basic physical properties of strength, stiffness, and potential energy. The behavior of the original masonry is carefully analyzed. The adopted solution for seismic protection of masonry was based on Landau’s Theory of dislocation. The basic idea of the patented method of reinforcing original masonry was related to the vertical joints of the original masonry. The suitable reinforcement for the original masonry should have high strength and long durability. The paper is suggesting some applications of reinforcing the original masonry. The tests on physical models confirm the practical value of the proposed method of reinforcing the original masonry. The numerical models extend the field of application regarding the polymer grids as suitable reinforcements.

This text reflects on the legacy of Stephen Hawking and his views on Artificial Intelligence (AI)... more This text reflects on the legacy of Stephen Hawking and his views on Artificial Intelligence (AI) shortly before his passing in 2018. It discusses his accomplishments as an astronomer, his pioneering work on black holes, and his final years during which he strongly opposed AI. The text presents the historical suspicion towards AI and how it evolved over time, raising questions about the nature of intelligence and its connection to conscious humans. The author delves into Hawking's transition from being an outspoken opponent of AI to becoming more optimistic about its potential benefits. The text poses rhetorical questions regarding the cause of his vigorous fight against AI and his sudden change in perspective. Additionally, it highlights the issue of overpopulation and the potential consequences of highly concentrated populations. The author introduces the concept of "Homo Gravitas" presented at a conference in India, and its relevance to the world's current challenges. The text concludes with a reflection on the complexities of human behavior and the significance of Hawking's views on AI in the context of a changing world.

This text reflects on the legacy of Stephen Hawking and his views on Artificial Intelligence (AI)... more This text reflects on the legacy of Stephen Hawking and his views on Artificial Intelligence (AI) shortly before his passing in 2018. It discusses his accomplishments as an astronomer, his pioneering work on black holes, and his final years during which he strongly opposed AI. The text presents the historical suspicion towards AI and how it evolved over time, raising questions about the nature of intelligence and its connection to conscious humans. The author delves into Hawking's transition from being an outspoken opponent of AI to becoming more optimistic about its potential benefits. The text poses rhetorical questions regarding the cause of his vigorous fight against AI and his sudden change in perspective. Additionally, it highlights the issue of overpopulation and the potential consequences of highly concentrated populations. The author introduces the concept of "Homo Gravitas" presented at a conference in India, and its relevance to the world's current challenges. The text concludes with a reflection on the complexities of human behavior and the significance of Hawking's views on AI in the context of a changing world.

The paper deals with the recurrence that naturally occurs between deformable structures and the b... more The paper deals with the recurrence that naturally occurs between deformable structures and the bearing soil. In one of his preserved sketches Leonardo da Vinci assumed that there are loaded beams that deform under nearly parabolic shapes. The first mathematical model about the beams on elastic foundation is due to the German railroad engineer Emil Winkler in 1867 when he was teaching Strength of Materials at the Polytechnic Institute in Prague. It is a linear model independently of time that seems inspired from the Law of Elasticity published by Robert Hooke in 1678 as Ut tensio, sic vis, and meaning As the extension, so the force. It looks like Winkler only replaced the tension by compression in Hooke's Law. By coincidence, in the same year 1867 Joseph Monier from Versailles obtained in Paris his patent for reinforced concrete. Winkler's Theory of beams on elastic foundations under static loads was gradually extended on thin and thick plates, piles and sheet piles, circula...
Consistent with the objective of ICOMOS, cross-disciplinary collaborations between International ... more Consistent with the objective of ICOMOS, cross-disciplinary collaborations between International Scientific Committees has long been encouraged. In order to promote the exchange of information and knowledge on cultural heritage conservation, CIPA, ICORP and ISCARSAH, the three ISCs have organized cooperatively the CIPA-ICORP-ISCARSAH 2017 Joint Meeting (CII 2017). The 30 papers of CII2017 on cultural heritage studies are cross-disciplinary and cover topics at least in two fields of CIPA, ICORP and ISCARSAH. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas: a.Research trends, results and findings b.Integration platform c.Education and knowledge dissemination d.Public participation and engagement e.Case studies for application f.Possible collaborations of ICOMOS International Scientific Committees for the future
Anthroposophy of the Sculptor Constantin Brancusicusi, 2023
The paper deals with the spirituality of the creations of the sculptor Constantin Brancusi based ... more The paper deals with the spirituality of the creations of the sculptor Constantin Brancusi based on gravitational force. Anthroposophy has highlighted Brancusi's actual value and Brancusi demonstrated the capacity of Anthroposophy to evaluate human spiritual values. The paper concludes that the Spirit holds the key to life.
Papers by Ramiro Sofronie