Papers by Ramang H. demolinggo
The American Historical Review, 1986
TURN JOURNAL, Oct 2, 2021

International Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Reviews
Purpose of the Study: This study aims to identify the potential of Pentingsari Tourist Village an... more Purpose of the Study: This study aims to identify the potential of Pentingsari Tourist Village and tourist characteristics and analyze the presence of local wisdom Memayu Hayuning Bawono in Pentingsari Village, especially its implementation in the sustainable Tourist Villages management. Methodology: This research uses a "multi-method" or mixed-method approach. In addition to conducting non-participant observation in the Pentingsari tourism village, researchers also conducted in-depth interviews with a purposive sampling method. While the accident sampling method was adopted to distribute questionnaires involving 72 respondents (tourists). Main Findings: This research found that tourism and local wisdom have become unity and seem to strengthen one another. In other words, harmonization between the environment, arts and culture, and community life aspects through local wisdom, can become a tourism commodity. On the other hand, tourism provides economic and social impacts to...
Books by Ramang H. demolinggo
Buku Ajar Ber-ISBN, 2023
Buku ini berisi tentang Pendahuluan (Kepariwisataan, Destinasi Pariwisata, Pengunjung, Wisatawan,... more Buku ini berisi tentang Pendahuluan (Kepariwisataan, Destinasi Pariwisata, Pengunjung, Wisatawan, Pelancong, Daya Dukung Lingkungan Kepariwisataan); Dampak Pariwisata Pada Destinasi Wisata (Dampak Pariwisata Pada Destinasi Wisata, Bidang Ekonomi, Bidang Sosial Budaya, Bidang Lingkungan); Manajemen Pengunjung (Mengapa Dibutuhkan Manajemen Pengunjung, Manfaat Manajemen Pengunjung, Pendekatan Manajemen Pengunjung, Regulasi Perjalanan Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19); Panduan Pelaksanaan Kebersihan, Kesehatan, Keselamatan dan Kelestarian Lingkungan Di Daya Tarik Wisata Dalam Masa Penanganan Pandemi Covid-19.
Papers by Ramang H. demolinggo
Books by Ramang H. demolinggo