Papers by Rama Swamy Nanna

Advances in Plants and Agriculture Research, Jun 4, 2018
The efficiency of Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of groundnut is dependent on vari... more The efficiency of Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of groundnut is dependent on various factors such as type and age of explants, antibiotics used for selection, Acetosyringone (AS), duration of co cultivation and infection period. Hence, we have attempted to standardize these parameters to improve the Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation efficiency in groundnut cv ICG 13942. To evaluate the optimization of factors affecting Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation in which we used three different explants (Deembryonated cotyledon-DC, Leaflet-LL, Cotyledonary node-CN) and studied, the effect of inoculum concentration (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 OD 600 of A. tumefaciens), pre culture period (1-11 days), co cultivation period (1-7 days), Acetosyringone concentration (25-200mg/L) and antibiotic (Kan) concentration (25-150mg/L) on the efficiency of genetic transformation. The transformation was verified by GUS staining and by means of PCR amplification of the uidA and nptII genes. The optimized factors for A. tumefaciens LBA 4404 harboring pBAL2 binary vector mediated transformation in groundnut cv ICG 13942 are: Pre culture period-3 days, Concentration of A. tumefaciens-1.0 at OD 600 , Co-cultivation period-4 days, Kan concentration-100mg/L for DC &CN, 75mg/L for LL explants, Concentration of AS-100mg/L during infection and co cultivation and Cefotaxime concentration-250mg/L. Thus, the optimized protocol showed the enhanced transient transformation frequencies such as 18.13% for DC, 15.33% for LL and 12.32% for CN explants.

Aim: An efficient, reproducible protocol for multiple shoot induction and plantlet establishment ... more Aim: An efficient, reproducible protocol for multiple shoot induction and plantlet establishment was achieved through seed culture in Solanum surattense Burm. f. (Indian Solanum) an important medicinal herb. Methods: Seeds of S. surattense were germinated on MS (Murashige and Skoog's) medium supplemented with different concentrations of BAP (6-Benzylaminopurine 0.5-3mg/L). Results: Maximum number of multiple shoot formation (31.83±0.53) was observed on MS medium containing 2.5 mg/L BAP. The highest percentage of germination was also recorded at the same concentration of BAP with an average number of 5 days for seed germination. When 2-4 shoots were subcultured on fresh medium containing 2.5 mg/L BAP, continual enhancement in shoot production was observed for every subculture. The microshoots were rooted on MS medium supplemented with 1.0mg/L IAA (Indole-3-Acetic Acid). The regenerants were acclimatized and the survival percentage was found to be 70% with normal flowering and fruiting. Conclusion: The present protocol can be used for in planta transformation using Agrobacterium tumefaciens to introduce gene(s) of interest.

International Journal of Phytomedicine, Jan 25, 2016
The present investigation was undertaken to screen the different parts of Adansonia digitata L. f... more The present investigation was undertaken to screen the different parts of Adansonia digitata L. for the presence of bioactive compounds. The preliminary phytochemical screening was performed by using various solvent extracts of different parts such as leaf, seed, fruit wall and floral parts of A. digitata . The phytochemical analysis of the dry seeds, leaf, floral extracts, fruit wall and bark of stem was carried out to determine the presence of bioactive compounds using the standard qualitative procedures. The phytochemical analysis revealed that all the solvent extracts of different parts were rich in possession of flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, sterols, phenols, saponins, coumarins and quinones. From the present study it can be concluded that extracts of different parts of this valuable tree can be utilized in the preparation of various active principles of medicines to alleviate many diseases.

European Journal of Biology and Biotechnology
In this review, we report on the different plant growth regulators (PGRs) affecting the callus in... more In this review, we report on the different plant growth regulators (PGRs) affecting the callus induction, callus-mediated regeneration, organogenesis, somatic embryogenesis from different explants and micropropagation through shoot tip and nodal cultures in Turkey Berry (Solanum torvumSW). The fruits of this plant guard against liver and kidney damage, stop certain cancers, and regulate blood sugar levels. They benefit digestion, the management of gout and menstruation, the treatment of anaemia and diabetes, the prevention of intestinal worms, cardiovascular disorders, and strokes. The protocol developed for the induction of callus can be utilized to isolate pharmaceutically important secondary metabolites in S. torvum, and the regeneration protocols optimized in this study can be used for genetic transformation and conservation of S. torvum, not only as a medicinal plant but also a model system.

International journal of pharma and bio sciences, 2014
Peanut/Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is economically the most important species of the Legume f... more Peanut/Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is economically the most important species of the Legume family. It is cultivated for its oil and proteins. The present study reports on the direct induction of multiple shoots from de-embryonated cotyledon explants of peanut cvs ICG 7827 and ICG 13942 which is prerequisite for genetic transformation experiments. Longitudinally halved cotyledons were inoculated on shoot induction medium (SIM) containing MS salts with B5 vitamins supplemented with different concentrations and combination of plant growth regulators (BAP/TDZ, NAA/IAA+BAP/TDZ). Maximum number of direct multiple shoots/explant (45.67±0.23) with 94% of shoot conversion was found at 0.5 mg/L IAA+15 mg/L TDZ in cv ICG 13942 followed by 37.82±0.11 multiple shoots/explant with 85% of conversion at 0.5 mg/L NAA+20 mg/L BAP in cv ICG 7827. The individual shoots were elongated on shoot elongation medium (SEM) fortified with 0.5 mg/L BAP. For in vitro rooting, these elongated micro-shoots we...

We report on the influence of different plant growth regulators (PGRs) as well as the type of exp... more We report on the influence of different plant growth regulators (PGRs) as well as the type of explants on callus mediated regeneration in Turkey berry/pea egg medicinal plant, S.torvum. The explants viz., hypocotyl (0.4-0.8 cm long), cotyledon (0.6-0.8 cm 2) from 3 week old and leaves (1.0 cm 2) from 6 week old in vitro grown seedlings were cultured on MS medium with various concentrations (0.5-4.0 mg/L) of BAP/KIN alone and also in combination with 0.5 mg/L NAA/IAA. The calli developed from all the explants have shown the maximum percentage of response (94% leaf and cotyledon, 88% hypocotyl) and highest number of multiple shoots induction (36.2±1.50 leaf, 33.2±0.25 cotyledon and 23.4±0.11 hypocotyl explants) per explant with maximum length of shoots (3.9±0.18 leaf, 4.0±0.11 cotyledon and 3.7±0.19 hypocotyl) at 0.5 mg/L NAA+2.5 mg/L BAP (leaf), 0.5 mg/L IAA+2.5 mg/L BAP (cotyledon) and 0.5 mg/L IAA+3.0 mg/L BAP (hypocotyl) in comparison to different concentrations of cytokinins used alone and as well as in combination with IAA/NAA. The calli induced from cotyledon explants were found to be more potent in inducing high frequency number of shoots per explant among all other explants tested in the present investigations. Cytokinins BAP/KIN alone or in combination with IAA/NAA was found to be more effective in inducing callus mediated shoot regeneration in all the explants of S. torvum. For in vitro rooting, the elongated microshoots were transferred on to root induction medium (RIM) fortified with 0.25-2.0 mg/L NAA/IAA. Maximum percentage of response (90%), average number of roots (18.2±0.03) per micro-shoot with highest length of roots (7.8±0.09 cms) was observed at 1.0 mg/L IAA. In vitro rooted plantlets were acclimatized in the green house and transferred into field. The survival percentage was found to be 90% and the plantlets were found to be normal in morphology, flowering and fruiting. Thus, the regeneration protocol developed in the present investigation can be used for the conservation and genetic transformation experiments in S. torvum, not only as a medicinal plant but also as a model plant, based on its regeneration potentiality.

Journal of Cancer Science & Therapy, Dec 2, 2015
Background: Breast cancer is one of leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide in female... more Background: Breast cancer is one of leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide in females. It has been associated with both physical and psychological burden. It also has a profound effect on family and friends leading to psychological strain, social isolation, relationship strain and financial strain apart from added responsibility of taking care of patient. Many studies done have found profound effect on patients as well as caregivers of breast cancer but data from Indian setup is lacking hence this study was designed to study the impact of breast cancer on quality of life of patients as well as caregivers. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on patients and caregivers visiting the oncology department. The study was approved by the IEC of the institute and informed consent was obtained from all the participants. The patients were subjected to Quality of Life Scale/Breast Cancer Patient and World Health Organization-Quality of life-Brief (WHO-QOL Bref) questionnaire. The caregivers were subjected to WHO-QOL Bref questionnaire and Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI). Results: A total of 50 patients and caregivers were enrolled in the study, the QOL of both the patient and caregivers was compromised and was significantly (p<0.05) higher in patients and caregiver who were diagnosed in the last few months. The QOL scores of both the patient and caregivers improved with passage of time and was significantly higher in patients who were symptom free and leading almost a normal life. Conclusion: To conclude breast cancer not only compromises the patients well being it also takes a toll on the caregivers. With due course of time and treatment, there was significant improvement in quality of life.

Senna alata (L.) Roxb. (Syn. Cassia alata) is an ethnomedicinal plant belonging to the family Fab... more Senna alata (L.) Roxb. (Syn. Cassia alata) is an ethnomedicinal plant belonging to the family Fabaceae. A number of bioactive constituents which contribute to a wide range of medicinal properties are attributed to the species. In the present investigation, an attempt has been made to determine the total phenolic, flavonoid contents and also to study the in vitro antioxidant activity associated with leaf extracts of S. alata. According to our investigations, the highest amount of phenolic content was observed in aqueous extract (52.3 ± 0.03) followed by methanolic (41.6±0.41) extract. Similarly the concentration of flavonoids was also found to be higher in aqueous extract (41.6±0.34) followed by methanolic (31.9±0.63) extracts. In vitro antioxidant assays of aqueous and methanolic leaf extracts of S. alata have been carried out by DPPH assay, Reducing power assay, Phosphomolybdenum and Hydroxy radical scavenging activities. From the combined results of all the activities, it can be i...
European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 2016

The present work has been under taken to study the antifungal activity of stem, leaf, flower and ... more The present work has been under taken to study the antifungal activity of stem, leaf, flower and seed extracts of Trichosanthes cucumerina L against disease causing fungi. Antifungal activity of different solvent (Water, Methanol, Chloroform, Petroleum ether, Acetone) extracts of stem, leaf, flower and seed of T. cucumerina has been studied to find out its activity against six important fungi Penicillium, Fusarium chlmydosporum, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus fumigates and Curvularia lunata. The antifungal activity of the stem, leaf, flower and seed extracts was done through well diffusion method and by measuring the inhibition zone around the disc. The results revealed that the seed extracts of T. cucumerina exhibited antifungal activity against all the microbes under study. The results provided evidence that the species T. cucumerina can be used as a potential source of antifungal agents.
The Indian Forester, 2018
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2014

International Journal of Herbal Medicine, 2016
The species Oroxylum indicum (L) Kurz (Bignoniaceae) is an endangered and important medicinal for... more The species Oroxylum indicum (L) Kurz (Bignoniaceae) is an endangered and important medicinal forest tree possessing various secondary metabolites with potential pharmaceutical properties. The present investigation reports the callus induction from leaf and cotyledonary leaf explants of O. indicum. The leaf and cotyledonary leaf explants were cultured on MS medium containing 30g/L sucrose supplemented with various types of auxins viz., IAA/IBA/NAA/2, 4-D to evaluate the efficiency of auxins for inducing the callus in O. indicum. Among the various auxins used for the present study, IBA and 2, 4-D were found to be potent for callus proliferation followed by IAA/NAA. Proliferation of callus was faster and very high yield of callusing mass was achieved within 4 weeks on IBA/2, 4-D followed by IAA/NAA. Among the explants tested cotyledonary leaf explants were highly efficient for inducing the callus production in O. indicum. Since, it is medicinally important and endangered species; the pharmaceutically valuable compounds can be isolated by using callus cultures throughout the year.
British Biotechnology Journal, 2016
IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, 2013
The present work has been under taken to study the antibacterial activity of stem bark extracts o... more The present work has been under taken to study the antibacterial activity of stem bark extracts of O. indicum against disease causing gram negative and gram positive bacteria. Antimicrobial activity of solvent extracts of stem bark of Oroxylum indicum has been studied to find out its activity against four important bacterial strains Bacillus subtilis, B. cereus, Staphylococcus albus and S. aureus. The antimicrobial activity of the stem bark extracts was done through well diffusion method and by measuring the inhibition zone around the disc. The results revealed that the aqueous extracts of O. indicum exhibited antimicrobial activity against all the microbes under study. The results provided evidence that the species O. indicum can be used as a potential source of antimicrobial agent.
International Journal of Plant …, 2009
This paper focuses on the use of the Internet to retrieve required botanical data from different ... more This paper focuses on the use of the Internet to retrieve required botanical data from different sources. Data are given on the different search engines, world wide web addresses of specific topic from public domain, links to botany related databases, links for advanced plant ...

The protocol for in vitro multiple shoot development and plantlet formation was developed using c... more The protocol for in vitro multiple shoot development and plantlet formation was developed using cotyledonary node and shoot tip explant in Wrightia tomentosa (Roxb.) Roem. and Schultz an endangered medicinally important forest tree. The explants were cultured on ¼ strength MS medium supplemented with various concentrations of BAP. Multiple shoots were induced from the cotyledonary nodal segments and shoot tip explants in all the concentrations of BAP. More percentage of multiple shoot induction was observed in cotyledonary nodal explants compared to shoot tips. Maximum number of shoots proliferation (12±1.07) with high frequency of shooting response was found in shoot tip explants followed by nodal explants at 3.0 mg/L BAP. The micro-shoots were cultured on ¼ strength MS medium with various concentrations of auxins IAA/IBA for in vitro rooting. Profuse rhizogenesis (16.2±2.01, 12.8±1.29 cm) was observed on ¼ strength MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/L IAA/1.5 mg/L IBA. The in vitr...
The species Arachis hypogaea L. (peanut/groundnut) belongs to the Leguminous family possess rich ... more The species Arachis hypogaea L. (peanut/groundnut) belongs to the Leguminous family possess rich in proteins and oils. However, it also contains some of the phytochemicals, which are useful in pharmaceutical industry. The phytochemicals present in peanut, have been screened from the extracts of different parts of the plant such as leaf, stem, root and seed by using various solvents. The phytochemical analysis showed the presence of alkaloids, lignins, fats and oils, whereas the tannins, flavonoids, sterols and quinones were found to be negative. The glycosides, phenols, saponins were feebly detected in all the types of extracts used. The present screening of phytochemicals in various parts of peanut plant suggest that these can also be used as food supplements to reduce the anti nutritional effects.
Papers by Rama Swamy Nanna
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