Papers by Ram Kumar Rengaswamy
Center For Embedded Network Sensing, 2004

Emergence of new technology in sensor networks, such as low-cost CMOS cameras and others, has int... more Emergence of new technology in sensor networks, such as low-cost CMOS cameras and others, has introduced more sophisticated sensing modalities such as imaging. Applica-tions involving image processing introduce new challenges to the design of sensor network systems. As the embedded processing becomes more complex, in-situ reconfiguration is seen as the key enabling technology to maintain and manage such systems. Reconfiguration can be used for bug-fixes, in-troducing new features, and tuning system parameters to the operating environment. This paper presents the ViRe framework that provides for in-situ reconfiguration of complex image processing applica-tions. Applications, modeled as data-flow graphs, are com-posed from a library of pre-defined and reusable elements. An efficient run-time system, called the wiring engine, is installed on the nodes to manage the graph and interaction between its elements. It facilitates communication by trans-ferring data in the form of tokens. Afte...

2006 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P'06), 2006
Inspired by unidirectional error detecting codes that are used in situations where only one kind ... more Inspired by unidirectional error detecting codes that are used in situations where only one kind of bit errors are possible (e.g., it is possible to change a bit "0" into a bit "1", but not the contrary), we propose integrity codes (I-codes) for a radio communication channel, which enable integrity protection of messages exchanged between entities that do not hold any mutual authentication material (i.e. public keys or shared secret keys). The construction of I-codes enables a sender to encode any message such that if its integrity is violated in transmission over a radio channel, the receiver is able to detect it. In order to achieve this, we rely on the physical properties of the radio channel. We analyze in detail the use of I-codes on a radio communication channel and we present their implementation on a Mica2 wireless sensor platform as a "proof of concept". We finally introduce a novel concept called "authentication through presence" that can be used for several applications, including for key establishment and for broadcast authentication over an insecure radio channel. We perform a detailed analysis of the security of our coding scheme and we show that it is secure with respect to a realistic attacker model.
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Embedded networked sensor systems - SenSys '05, 2005
2. DYNAMIC ASVM Dynamic ASVM (DASVM) is a domain-specific interpreter for the SOS operating syste... more 2. DYNAMIC ASVM Dynamic ASVM (DASVM) is a domain-specific interpreter for the SOS operating system. It enables limited high-level functionality alterations by injecting concise application-level scripts, thereby providing very efficient network programming and ...
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Embedded networked sensor systems - SenSys '05, 2005

IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2000
Inspired by unidirectional error detecting codes that are used in situations where only one kind ... more Inspired by unidirectional error detecting codes that are used in situations where only one kind of bit error is possible (e.g., it is possible to change a bit "0" into a bit "1", but not the contrary), we propose integrity codes (I-codes) for radio communication channels, which enable integrity protection of messages exchanged between entities that do not hold any mutual authentication material (i.e. public keys or shared secret keys). The construction of I-codes enables a sender to encode any message such that if its integrity is violated in transmission over a radio channel, the receiver is able to detect it. In order to achieve this, we rely on the physical properties of the radio channel and on unidirectional error detecting codes. We analyze in detail the use of I-codes and we present their implementation on a wireless platform as a "proof of concept". We further introduce a novel concept called "authentication through presence", whose broad applications include broadcast authentication, key establishment and navigation signal protection. We perform a detailed analysis of the security of our coding scheme and we show that it is secure within a realistic attacker model.
... 1 Secure Event Reporting Protocol for Sense-Response Applications Saurabh Ganeriwal, Ramkumar... more ... 1 Secure Event Reporting Protocol for Sense-Response Applications Saurabh Ganeriwal, Ramkumar Rengaswamy, Chih-Chieh Han, Mani B. Srivastava Networked Embedded Systems lab, University of California Los Angeles {saurabh, ram, simonhan, mbs} ...
Papers by Ram Kumar Rengaswamy