Papers by Rajkumar Ramteke

The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Jun 1, 2012
Field experiments were conducted during 2008 and 2009 using 90 genotypes to screen for height of ... more Field experiments were conducted during 2008 and 2009 using 90 genotypes to screen for height of insertion of the lowest pod, the trait useful for combine harvester. Data was recorded on plant height (cm), height of insertion of the lowest pod (cm) when erect, lodging of the plant in degrees (o), stem diameter (cm), number of nodes, number of branches and yield. Results of analysis of variance showed significant differences among genotypes in terms of traits under study, which indicate the existence of genetic variation. Correlation coefficient indicated that the grain yield was not significantly associated with all studied traits, which showed non-significant association. Plant height and nodes were negatively correlated with lodging of plants in degrees. First pod height was significant and positively associated with height as well as number of nodes/plant. Stem diameter was positively associated with the nodes/plant. Highest yield was observed in genotypes JS 95-60, Co Soya 2, JS 71-05, MACS 450, VL Soya 21, MAUS 47, KB -79, MAUS 81, PS 1225, NRC 37 and MAUS 71 and was found at par with JS 95-60. However, the genotypes JS 71-05, MAUS 47, PS 1225, NRC 37 and MAUS 71 had a yield at par with JS 95-60, with the lodging angle in degrees (> 65.00°), having pod height above 12 cm, these genotypes are recommended for mechanical harvesting.
Journal of Phytopathology, Feb 18, 2012
The fungus Macrophomina phaseolina is a causative agent of diseases in more than 500 plant specie... more The fungus Macrophomina phaseolina is a causative agent of diseases in more than 500 plant species. The fungus is primarily soil‐inhabiting but is also seed‐borne in many crops including soybean. It survives in the soil mainly as microsclerotia that germinate repeatedly during the crop‐growing season. Low C : N ratio in the soil and high bulk density as well as high soil moisture content adversely affect the survival of sclerotia. The disease can be managed to some extent by cultural practices, organic amendments, seed treatment and genetic host resistance. The scattered literature on these aspects is reviewed in this paper.

Agricultural research, Mar 28, 2015
In recent years, soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] has emerged as a major rainy season cash crop... more In recent years, soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] has emerged as a major rainy season cash crop in central India. In the present study, the changes in soybean scenario over a period from 2001 to 2013 of Indore district and Madhya Pradesh since 1980 with respect to area sown, production, and productivity are discussed, taking in consideration the changes in climatic variables like rainfall and temperature during the corresponding period. The data related to area, production, and yield of soybean from 2001 to 2013 of Indore district, Madhya Pradesh since 1980, and India were collected from published work. To observe yield changes across seasons, the means of the yield were plotted against the seasons. It was observed that in last 10 years, there is a shift in the peak rainfall from July to August, and the total rainfall during the peak month was reduced. The rainfall during the emergence and vegetative growth of the soybean crop has been reduced. However, the soybean productivity has increased with 21.6 and 13.9 kg/ha/year in Indore district and in Madhya Pradesh, respectively. Release of new cultivars and improvements in farming technology have contributed to this continuous increase in soybean yield. A few studies showed that potential adaptation options for sustained soybean productivity in India include adjustment in cropping calendar and crop rotation, development and promotion of use of high yielding varieties, and sustainable technological applications. Delayed sowing date for soybean crop at all locations in India should be most effective in mitigating the thermal effects of climate change.

Soybean rust and yellow mosaic diseases substantially reduce the yield. A Disease resistant varie... more Soybean rust and yellow mosaic diseases substantially reduce the yield. A Disease resistant variety developed by transfer of resistance genes in superior line is the most desirable approach. Field screening revealed significant differences among genotypes for disease reaction. Under field evaluation, none of the genotypes including rust differentials (PI 200492, PI 230970, PI 462312, ‘Ankur’, PI 459025, PI 200477, PI 230971, PI 459024, TK - 5 and Wayne) showed rust resistance, indicating evolution of new rust race(s); However, yellow mosaic (YMV) resistant varieties ‘PK 416’, ‘PK 564’, ‘PK 1024’, ‘PK 1029’, ‘SL 528’ have still maintained their resistance status. The genotypes SL 603, SL 295 remained free of YMV, while SL 328 and three derived lines from the cross PS 1024 x Ankur (F3) were highly resistant. F2 lines derived from crosses PS 1024 x Ankur, Ankur x PS 1024 and PK 416 x Samrat and genotypes Ankur, PS 1024, PS 1029, PK 416 and PS 564 were resistant. This work caters to the plant breeders and pathologist, working on the host-pathogen interactions with information on hybridization, field screening and development of disease tolerant varieties.
Journal of Oilseeds Research
Till date, none of the soybean cultivars are reported as immune to Sclerotium blight. A very meag... more Till date, none of the soybean cultivars are reported as immune to Sclerotium blight. A very meagre work hasbeen done on understanding of genetics resistance to S. rolfsii in soybean. Crosses were made between collar rotresistant soybean genotype PK 327 with other agronomically superior parents and the F1 seed was collected. Mapping populations are being developed to identify genes/QTL governing resistance.

Agricultural research, Dec 29, 2015
Under the unpredictable behavior of monsoon in Central India, faster seedbed preparation and time... more Under the unpredictable behavior of monsoon in Central India, faster seedbed preparation and timely sowing are critical factors to achieve higher soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] yield. Therefore, a “tractor-drawn ridge fertilizer drill cum seed planter” hitched to the three-point linkage system of the tractor was conceived, fabricated, and farm validated for facilitating the development of ridges of soil along with placement of fertilizer under the ridges and sowing of seeds operations upon it. The study comprised of two treatments: (T1) normal fertilizer cum seed planter and (T2) tractor-operated ridge fertilizer drill cum seed planter with 10 replications. Planting of soybean using ridge fertilizer drill cum seed planter resulted in 17.22 % increased plant population and consequently seed yield by 31.16 %. The fertilizer drill cum seed planter is capable of placing the fertilizer deep as desired below the seed and mitigating the effect of dry spells as well as temporary waterlogged conditions. The ridge fertilizer drill cum seed planter system of sowing helps to save 44 % of starter basal fertilizer for the soybean crop which is placed below the seed of the plant unlike other methods of starter doze fertilizer application such as common practice of broadcasting of starter basal doze fertilizer followed by use of tine tiller to mix the fertilizer. Besides saving fertilizer, there was considerable reduction in weed growth in the field of soybean crop.
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2011
A tractor-drawn broad bed furrow (BBF) seed drill machine for soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] ... more A tractor-drawn broad bed furrow (BBF) seed drill machine for soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] was conceived, fabricated and farm validated. It effectively operates in Vertisols and associated soils and is attachable to the tractor for facilitating formation of broad bed along with furrows on both the sides of the beds of desired width and depths and subsequent sowing in one go. Plant population mortality in soybean with tractor-drawn BBF seed drill for Vertisols was reduced in the range of 14–19% as compared to flat bed under the vagaries of monsoon which subsequently resulted in yield enhancement to the extent of 18.65%. Study also indicated that tractor-operated BBF seed drill specifically fabricated for individual tractor performed better in Vertisols and under prevailing field draft conditions.
Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding
Electronic Journal of Plant …
Information on the economic characters was derived from ninety-two varieties of soybean. Analysis... more Information on the economic characters was derived from ninety-two varieties of soybean. Analysis of variance was carried out for the datarecorded on plant height, nodes plant-1, branches plant-1, 100-seed weight, days to 50 % flowering, days to maturity, grain yield, oil and ...

Agronomy Journal, 2021
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is the leading Indian oilseed crop grown under rainfed condition... more Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is the leading Indian oilseed crop grown under rainfed conditions. Meticulous understanding of genotype × environment interaction patterns is essential to develop superior and widely adaptable soybean varieties. In the current study, 32 soybean genotypes were evaluated at eight locations for two consecutive years. Additive main effect and multiplicative interaction ANOVA revealed that only 41.6% of variance was explained by the first two interaction principal component axes (IPCAs), leaving 58.4% to the remaining 13 IPCs. The weighted average of absolute scores (WAASB) stability index, a best linear unbiased prediction–based mixed model that takes in to account all the IPCAs, has been used in stability analysis. SL1171 (WAASB score, 4.09) was found to be highly stable among the genotypes under study, with grain yield (2,050.87 kg ha−1) lower than the grand mean (2,082.50 kg ha−1). A superiority index that allows weighting between mean performance and...
Papers by Rajkumar Ramteke