The aim of this study was to show how climatic conditions could affect the yield and profitabilit... more The aim of this study was to show how climatic conditions could affect the yield and profitability of quince brandy production. The study was conducted using various methods such as content analysis, analytical methods, interview and direct observation. In addition, hypothetical-deductive method, statistical methods and descriptive methods were also used. Data were obtained from different sources i.e. the internal documentation of agricultural holding where the quince, as a raw material for production of brandy was produced, the internal documentation of distillery, as well as professional literature and the internet. The analysis was done for the period 2013 - 2016. The study showed that climatic conditions can affect the yield and profitability of quince brandy production, and the production of quince brandy in analyzed years was profitable
Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, 2019
The paper analyzes cost effectiveness of invested funds for apple orchard establishment on the fa... more The paper analyzes cost effectiveness of invested funds for apple orchard establishment on the family farm located in Rasina District in Central Serbia. It is assumed that the apple orchard establishment on the family farm can contribute to reducing unemployment in rural areas and increasing income of individual farms. As a primary source of information accounting calculations were used, technological table of apple orchard establishment, internal records and the pilot version of the business plan of apple producers at the family farm. For more accurate view and better monitoring of data domestic and foreign literature, internet web sites, available statistical data on the production of apples and publications related to apples production has been used. Methods used for the paper preparation were: calculation of plantation establishment, cash inflows and outflows for the period planned for orchard exploitation, and indicators of economic efficiency. Total cost of planting of apple orchard on the family farm amounts to € 16,080 for one hectare. All economic indicators show positive results. The production is efficient, since the ratio is greater than zero. Planned production is profitable, because profits participate with 71% in total production value. Calculating productivity, it was found that production of one tonne of apples required 822 hours of workers' labour. Establishing apple orchard is certainly high-budget investment, but it can be concluded that the economic effects of raising apple orchards on the farm was economically justified and costeffective, based on the analyzed result.
Family farms are faced with an ever-rising competitiveness on the market. In order to meet the re... more Family farms are faced with an ever-rising competitiveness on the market. In order to meet the requirements on the market family farms are obliged to use current resources, raise labor productivity and adapt the production program to the needs of the consumers. Small farms are unlikely to succeed on the market considering the lack of both human and material resources. Their only chance is production intensification, competitive crop production and establishment of associations. The aim of the study was to develop models for different family farm types taking into account the constraints in order to enable an income which would meet the needs of household members. A comparison of the models would enable the determination of competitiveness of some production lines and of the farms involved. This is of principal interest to regions where there are numerous producers disposing of small agricultural land areas and focused on the production of one or two products (raspberry or any other ...
Management Production of Enterprises Involved in the Purchase
The aim was to discuss organizational and economic issues of some major business indices of an en... more The aim was to discuss organizational and economic issues of some major business indices of an enterprise. An overview of organizational and economic as well as technical and technological segments of an enterprise was given and links and relationships were described. The objective was to analyze positive business results in the enterprise focused on the purchase and processing of mushrooms, wild fruits and medicinal plants but also to mitigate or eliminate any adverse effects influencing business activities
Determinants of family farms in the regions of Serbia
The paper analyses family farms as important subjects in agricultural production in the region of... more The paper analyses family farms as important subjects in agricultural production in the region of Sumadija and Western Serbia, Eastern and Southern Serbia and the region of Belgrade, where 76% of the total number of family farms in Serbia are situated. Most family farms have a mixed production. The survey comprised 516 family farms in these three regions. The authors used different methods, including questionnaires, analyses, syntheses and deduction. Moreover, the authors used the publications issued by the Serbian Statistical Office and the data from the Census of Agriculture 2012. Family farms are main agricultural producers in these regions. In general, farmers have a rather low level of agricultural and financial knowledge. These regions comprised 92% family farms with fruit production and 88% with livestock production. The research has shown that surveyed farms are larger, have bigger production capacities and better infrastructure, as well as an additional source of income, wh...
Ekonomika Poljoprivrede (Economics of Agriculture) Vol. I, Issue 3
The Economics of Agriculture (Ekonomika poljoprivrede) is an international scientific journal, pu... more The Economics of Agriculture (Ekonomika poljoprivrede) is an international scientific journal, published quarterly by BSAAE (Balkan Scientific Association of Agricultural Economists) in cooperation with Institute of Agricultural Economics (IAE) Belgrade and Academy of Economic Studies, in which are published original scientific papers, review articles, book reviews, short communications and research reports.
The use of fast FT-IR spectroscopy as a sensitive method to estimate a change of the crosslinking... more The use of fast FT-IR spectroscopy as a sensitive method to estimate a change of the crosslinking kinetics of epoxy resin with polyamine adducts is described in this study. A new epoxy formulation based on the use of polyamine adducts as the hardeners was analyzed. Crosslinking reactions of the different stoichiometric mixtures of the unmodified GY250 epoxy resin with the aliphatic EH606 and the cycloaliphatic EH637 polyamine adducts were studied using mid FT-IR spectroscopic techniques. As the crosslinking proceeded, the primary amine groups in polyamine adduct are converted to secondary and the tertiary amines. The decrease in the IR band intensity of epoxy groups at about 915 cm-1 , as well as at about 3,056 cm-1 , was observed due to process. Mid IR spectral analysis was used to calculate the content of the epoxy groups as a function of crosslinking time and the crosslinking degree of resin. The amount of all the epoxy species was estimated from IR spectra to changes during the crosslinking kinetics of epichlorhydrin.
Propagation of quality vegetable seedlings is a key of successful vegetable production in an open... more Propagation of quality vegetable seedlings is a key of successful vegetable production in an open field and in protected areas. The research is aimed at the production process itself, analyzing it from technological and organizational aspects. Based on a detail calculation of time, means and costs, the researchers obtained the duration of production in days, regarding the propagation of pepper, tomato, cabbage and lettuce seedlings, taking into consideration different technological requirements of crops, ripening time, delivery time and an optimal use of the propagation area. The use of the Program Evaluation and Review Technique required more attention when making a production plan, resulting in the introduction of activities, the realization of which required only the flow of time to harmonize the monitoring of real activities. By using the Precedence Diagramming Method this problem was overcome with predefining the type of relationship between the interdependent activities (Finis...
Adequate resource management represents the basic precondition for successful agricultural produc... more Adequate resource management represents the basic precondition for successful agricultural production. The majority of municipalities in which agriculture represent the primary activity are facing the significant dispersal of human and other natural resources. It is unreal to expect that local self-government can stop the negative trends by itself. There is an encourageing fact that in many municipalities there are agriculture development programmes, and agrarian funds were established to supports perspective households, financially and on some other ways. This kind of approach, where producers are not left on their own, but supported to organise, to make connections with suppliers and buyers, financial and scientific institutions, relatively fast gives the results. Supporters of individual households stimulates younger population to stay in villages and to work in agriculture. Wider aspect of such approach considers stopping or slowdowning the process of land deterioration, аnd mor...
There are various possibilities of fruit processing regarding assortments of both semiprocessed a... more There are various possibilities of fruit processing regarding assortments of both semiprocessed and finished fruit products. Within a wide assortment of processed fruit products, there are semi-processed fruit products which can be directly marketed or used as raw materials in further stages of processing, thus causing different economic effects. This paper displays the indicators of economic effects (production value, production costs (especially direct costs), and the difference between production value and total production costs) in all stages of a certain type of fruit processing. The obtained results indicate that advanced stages of fruit processing entail an increase in costs, but these increased costs eventually enable higher revenues. Fruit processing is cost-effective due to the fact that fruit processing value is higher than the market value of fruits. The fruit processing value in compote production is on average 48.87% higher than the fruit market value. In semi-processe...
Although Serbia is characterized by favourable natural conditions for growing most of the contine... more Although Serbia is characterized by favourable natural conditions for growing most of the continental fruit species, the full potential of their exploitation has not been reached yet. The main indicators of this underutilisation are values of main parameters of fruit production during longer periods of time. Due to its mostly extensive feature, the fruit production in Serbia has been ground to a halt for a considerable period of time, and has even shown the signs of reduction. In the period from 1981 to 2011, orchard areas in Serbia covered 252,364 ha on average, with the annual reduction rate of -0.40%. During the analysed period (2001-2010), the highest production volume of processed fruit products (semi-processed and finished products) was recorded in fruit juices (155,012 t) and frozen fruits (24,602 t). Fruit juices and frozen fruits account for 93% of the total processed fruit products in Serbia. The processed fruit production during the analysed period increased at the averag...
Agriculture and agricultural extension service are facing numerous problems in present times when... more Agriculture and agricultural extension service are facing numerous problems in present times when good solutions are not easy to find. Providing of agricultural extension service is important foreign-political instrument of a state which has stimulates the development of agricultural production. Agricultural extension service must provide effective link between holdings-producers, agricultural research and other sources of information. Agricultural extension agents must be aware of psycho-social and social aspects of group action and individual counselling. Therefore, one of priorities in agricultural development of our country is rising of the level of extension operation and establishment of extension service based on modern principles. This is the reason why in this paper, some of the traits of the genesis of extension services were indicated, as well as types of extension services and models of the organization, financing and human resources at disposal and structuring of these ...
Volatility in agricultural production caused by the reliance on natural factors, and water is one... more Volatility in agricultural production caused by the reliance on natural factors, and water is one of the basic, which provides greater production. Volatility in agricultural production caused by the reliance on natural factors, and water is one of the basic, which provides greater production. The authors in their professional praxis have seen that the presence and absence of vadose zone in the upper part of aquifer, with inter-granulary porosity type, is a prerequisite for enhanced concentrations of iron and manganese in groundwater. The natural aeration zone in vadose zone of the upper part of aquifer enables additional enrichment of groundwater with oxygen, which is spent on the account of biochemical processes in the direction of their flow. The absence of this zone in aquifer directly influences higher iron and manganese content in groundwater, often above the permissible concentration in drinking water. In order to eliminate this problem, in this paper proposal of future works ...
The study deals with the analysis of production costs, as well as the net area in the production ... more The study deals with the analysis of production costs, as well as the net area in the production of the herd of organizational structures at the pig farm. The question arises of the optimum production structure in the cooperative household, which is mainly oriented to the production of Pigmeat. In this paper, a concrete model of linear programming for the optimal organizational structure of the herd of pig farms of the net effective area was defined. The research covered the cooperative farm "1.Decembr" in Žitorađa in Toplički district. For 2013, the production technology of agricultural animals was followed, and economic results were analyzed. In the observed period of one year. It was found that
Two types of economic effectiveness and two types of economic efficiency, as well as three types ... more Two types of economic effectiveness and two types of economic efficiency, as well as three types of indicators as nutritional quality criteria were used in this paper for ranking certain winter lettuce growing technologies. Four certain types of growing technologies of winter lettuce in greenhouses were ranked by two multi-attribute decision making methods. Results of ranking for both methods, SAW and TOPSIS are shown. Alternatives were ranked by three different scenarios with different weight coefficients. The type of growing technology with combination of mulching + agro textile is the best ranked one according both methods and all scenarios.The SAW method showed more sensitivity on weight coefficients changes than TOPSIS.
Carp production in Serbia is traditionally conducted in large area fish farms under a semiintensi... more Carp production in Serbia is traditionally conducted in large area fish farms under a semiintensive farming system. Total area under fish farms in Serbia amounts to approximately 11 thousand hectares, with 8.5 thousand hectares being under exploitation each year. In 2004, a significant intensification of production began at fish farms in Serbia which have traditionally organized their production under a classic semi-intensive farming system. Intensification of production was undertaken with partial or complete feeding with pelleted complete feeds. That way carp production per area unit (kg/ha) was increased by over 50%. Apart from intensification by means of using the complete extruded feeds, construction of specialized fish farms for intensive carp production started in 2003. At this moment (2016) their area amounts to several hundred hectares. Data from intensive carp fish farms indicate that production of one-and two-year fish has been approximately 3t/ha in the period from 2003 until today, with a mild increase during the last couple of years. With the purpose of determining the cost effectiveness of investments in fish ponds for intensive carp production two organization-economic models have been analyzed in the study. The models have been formed based on in line with the specific features of the Serbian carp farming, which has been analyzed both on the basis of data obtained from the scientific and specialist literature but also from the production practice. Models of intensive carp production in technical and production sense have been defined in the study and production plans have been prepared. Therefore, based on such defined models,
Human resources include overall human potential within an organisation: the available knowledge a... more Human resources include overall human potential within an organisation: the available knowledge and experience, usable skills and abilities, possible ideas and creations, the level of motivation and interest in the achievement of organisational objectives, etc. The objective of this paper is to highlight the role and importance of human resource management (HRM) in achieving business success, based on the analysis of the most important theoretical and practical aspects of human resource management at the "Imlek" Company. This study required the use of different methods and techniques such as: content analysis, case study, observation, testing and systemic approach. The study showed that sale of the Imlek Company products was widespread in the country and the region. An ongoing market advantage is achieved due to a high quality standard of products, and primarily due to an effective management of human resources. Company management should make formalisation and unification, and implement a set of measures in order to improve discipline of the employees. Top workers should be motivated through incentives for performance and innovation.
To successfully investigate slaughter characteristics of fattening pigs fed in different ways, th... more To successfully investigate slaughter characteristics of fattening pigs fed in different ways, this experiment was carried out on Experimental Farm of the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun. Investigation of correlation between slaughter traits of pigs fed with different additives in their nutrition was done by factorial analysis. Slaughter characteristics in three groups of fattening pigs fed in different ways were observed. The first group (variant 1) consisted of fatteners fed diets without any special additives. The second group (variant 2) consisted of pigs fed diets containing enzyme Rovabio, and the third group (variant 3) probiotic Lacture + Microbond. This study was aimed at coming to conclusion based on the results of factorial analysis of the observed traits to the greatest extent which determined slaughter traits of pigs fed diets containing different additives. The results obtained in general, that is, the structure of separated factors showed that different slaughter characteristics are realized with different nutrition.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture, 2015
The paper discusses the organizational, technological and economic aspects of the most important ... more The paper discusses the organizational, technological and economic aspects of the most important indicators of beef cattle production on family farms. Emphasis is placed on explaining the connections and relationships between organizational, economic, technical and technological business segments of family farm. The ultimate goal of this paper is to evaluate the strengths of the business, as well as the ways to eliminate or reduce the impact of those factors whose influence adversely affects the business. The data for this paper were collected from family farm business reports, throughout direct communication with employees, from relevant literature and internet. Several methods were applied, including: a method for content analysis, calculative and balance methods, spreadsheets, as well as method of comparative analysis and principles of business economics. Key success indicators of beef cattle production on the family farm suggest that, considering both observed years, the business achieved satisfactory results. Although there was a decline in productivity, total efficiency measured by the ratio of total income and total expenditure is on an uptrend. An investment turnover ratio show that 100 RSD invested in the production achieves 63 RSD of final product value in 2011, or 55 RSD in 2012. In both years, current assets covered the current liabilities. The family farm was not solvent in either of the observed years, except that in 2012 the solvency increased by 42% compared to the previous year, 2011. Total debt increased by 45%, whereas total operating assets increased by 106%. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the observed family farm provides a good example of how organized and proper process technologies of cattle production may improve the achieved business results.
The aim of this study was to show how climatic conditions could affect the yield and profitabilit... more The aim of this study was to show how climatic conditions could affect the yield and profitability of quince brandy production. The study was conducted using various methods such as content analysis, analytical methods, interview and direct observation. In addition, hypothetical-deductive method, statistical methods and descriptive methods were also used. Data were obtained from different sources i.e. the internal documentation of agricultural holding where the quince, as a raw material for production of brandy was produced, the internal documentation of distillery, as well as professional literature and the internet. The analysis was done for the period 2013 - 2016. The study showed that climatic conditions can affect the yield and profitability of quince brandy production, and the production of quince brandy in analyzed years was profitable
Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, 2019
The paper analyzes cost effectiveness of invested funds for apple orchard establishment on the fa... more The paper analyzes cost effectiveness of invested funds for apple orchard establishment on the family farm located in Rasina District in Central Serbia. It is assumed that the apple orchard establishment on the family farm can contribute to reducing unemployment in rural areas and increasing income of individual farms. As a primary source of information accounting calculations were used, technological table of apple orchard establishment, internal records and the pilot version of the business plan of apple producers at the family farm. For more accurate view and better monitoring of data domestic and foreign literature, internet web sites, available statistical data on the production of apples and publications related to apples production has been used. Methods used for the paper preparation were: calculation of plantation establishment, cash inflows and outflows for the period planned for orchard exploitation, and indicators of economic efficiency. Total cost of planting of apple orchard on the family farm amounts to € 16,080 for one hectare. All economic indicators show positive results. The production is efficient, since the ratio is greater than zero. Planned production is profitable, because profits participate with 71% in total production value. Calculating productivity, it was found that production of one tonne of apples required 822 hours of workers' labour. Establishing apple orchard is certainly high-budget investment, but it can be concluded that the economic effects of raising apple orchards on the farm was economically justified and costeffective, based on the analyzed result.
Family farms are faced with an ever-rising competitiveness on the market. In order to meet the re... more Family farms are faced with an ever-rising competitiveness on the market. In order to meet the requirements on the market family farms are obliged to use current resources, raise labor productivity and adapt the production program to the needs of the consumers. Small farms are unlikely to succeed on the market considering the lack of both human and material resources. Their only chance is production intensification, competitive crop production and establishment of associations. The aim of the study was to develop models for different family farm types taking into account the constraints in order to enable an income which would meet the needs of household members. A comparison of the models would enable the determination of competitiveness of some production lines and of the farms involved. This is of principal interest to regions where there are numerous producers disposing of small agricultural land areas and focused on the production of one or two products (raspberry or any other ...
Management Production of Enterprises Involved in the Purchase
The aim was to discuss organizational and economic issues of some major business indices of an en... more The aim was to discuss organizational and economic issues of some major business indices of an enterprise. An overview of organizational and economic as well as technical and technological segments of an enterprise was given and links and relationships were described. The objective was to analyze positive business results in the enterprise focused on the purchase and processing of mushrooms, wild fruits and medicinal plants but also to mitigate or eliminate any adverse effects influencing business activities
Determinants of family farms in the regions of Serbia
The paper analyses family farms as important subjects in agricultural production in the region of... more The paper analyses family farms as important subjects in agricultural production in the region of Sumadija and Western Serbia, Eastern and Southern Serbia and the region of Belgrade, where 76% of the total number of family farms in Serbia are situated. Most family farms have a mixed production. The survey comprised 516 family farms in these three regions. The authors used different methods, including questionnaires, analyses, syntheses and deduction. Moreover, the authors used the publications issued by the Serbian Statistical Office and the data from the Census of Agriculture 2012. Family farms are main agricultural producers in these regions. In general, farmers have a rather low level of agricultural and financial knowledge. These regions comprised 92% family farms with fruit production and 88% with livestock production. The research has shown that surveyed farms are larger, have bigger production capacities and better infrastructure, as well as an additional source of income, wh...
Ekonomika Poljoprivrede (Economics of Agriculture) Vol. I, Issue 3
The Economics of Agriculture (Ekonomika poljoprivrede) is an international scientific journal, pu... more The Economics of Agriculture (Ekonomika poljoprivrede) is an international scientific journal, published quarterly by BSAAE (Balkan Scientific Association of Agricultural Economists) in cooperation with Institute of Agricultural Economics (IAE) Belgrade and Academy of Economic Studies, in which are published original scientific papers, review articles, book reviews, short communications and research reports.
The use of fast FT-IR spectroscopy as a sensitive method to estimate a change of the crosslinking... more The use of fast FT-IR spectroscopy as a sensitive method to estimate a change of the crosslinking kinetics of epoxy resin with polyamine adducts is described in this study. A new epoxy formulation based on the use of polyamine adducts as the hardeners was analyzed. Crosslinking reactions of the different stoichiometric mixtures of the unmodified GY250 epoxy resin with the aliphatic EH606 and the cycloaliphatic EH637 polyamine adducts were studied using mid FT-IR spectroscopic techniques. As the crosslinking proceeded, the primary amine groups in polyamine adduct are converted to secondary and the tertiary amines. The decrease in the IR band intensity of epoxy groups at about 915 cm-1 , as well as at about 3,056 cm-1 , was observed due to process. Mid IR spectral analysis was used to calculate the content of the epoxy groups as a function of crosslinking time and the crosslinking degree of resin. The amount of all the epoxy species was estimated from IR spectra to changes during the crosslinking kinetics of epichlorhydrin.
Propagation of quality vegetable seedlings is a key of successful vegetable production in an open... more Propagation of quality vegetable seedlings is a key of successful vegetable production in an open field and in protected areas. The research is aimed at the production process itself, analyzing it from technological and organizational aspects. Based on a detail calculation of time, means and costs, the researchers obtained the duration of production in days, regarding the propagation of pepper, tomato, cabbage and lettuce seedlings, taking into consideration different technological requirements of crops, ripening time, delivery time and an optimal use of the propagation area. The use of the Program Evaluation and Review Technique required more attention when making a production plan, resulting in the introduction of activities, the realization of which required only the flow of time to harmonize the monitoring of real activities. By using the Precedence Diagramming Method this problem was overcome with predefining the type of relationship between the interdependent activities (Finis...
Adequate resource management represents the basic precondition for successful agricultural produc... more Adequate resource management represents the basic precondition for successful agricultural production. The majority of municipalities in which agriculture represent the primary activity are facing the significant dispersal of human and other natural resources. It is unreal to expect that local self-government can stop the negative trends by itself. There is an encourageing fact that in many municipalities there are agriculture development programmes, and agrarian funds were established to supports perspective households, financially and on some other ways. This kind of approach, where producers are not left on their own, but supported to organise, to make connections with suppliers and buyers, financial and scientific institutions, relatively fast gives the results. Supporters of individual households stimulates younger population to stay in villages and to work in agriculture. Wider aspect of such approach considers stopping or slowdowning the process of land deterioration, аnd mor...
There are various possibilities of fruit processing regarding assortments of both semiprocessed a... more There are various possibilities of fruit processing regarding assortments of both semiprocessed and finished fruit products. Within a wide assortment of processed fruit products, there are semi-processed fruit products which can be directly marketed or used as raw materials in further stages of processing, thus causing different economic effects. This paper displays the indicators of economic effects (production value, production costs (especially direct costs), and the difference between production value and total production costs) in all stages of a certain type of fruit processing. The obtained results indicate that advanced stages of fruit processing entail an increase in costs, but these increased costs eventually enable higher revenues. Fruit processing is cost-effective due to the fact that fruit processing value is higher than the market value of fruits. The fruit processing value in compote production is on average 48.87% higher than the fruit market value. In semi-processe...
Although Serbia is characterized by favourable natural conditions for growing most of the contine... more Although Serbia is characterized by favourable natural conditions for growing most of the continental fruit species, the full potential of their exploitation has not been reached yet. The main indicators of this underutilisation are values of main parameters of fruit production during longer periods of time. Due to its mostly extensive feature, the fruit production in Serbia has been ground to a halt for a considerable period of time, and has even shown the signs of reduction. In the period from 1981 to 2011, orchard areas in Serbia covered 252,364 ha on average, with the annual reduction rate of -0.40%. During the analysed period (2001-2010), the highest production volume of processed fruit products (semi-processed and finished products) was recorded in fruit juices (155,012 t) and frozen fruits (24,602 t). Fruit juices and frozen fruits account for 93% of the total processed fruit products in Serbia. The processed fruit production during the analysed period increased at the averag...
Agriculture and agricultural extension service are facing numerous problems in present times when... more Agriculture and agricultural extension service are facing numerous problems in present times when good solutions are not easy to find. Providing of agricultural extension service is important foreign-political instrument of a state which has stimulates the development of agricultural production. Agricultural extension service must provide effective link between holdings-producers, agricultural research and other sources of information. Agricultural extension agents must be aware of psycho-social and social aspects of group action and individual counselling. Therefore, one of priorities in agricultural development of our country is rising of the level of extension operation and establishment of extension service based on modern principles. This is the reason why in this paper, some of the traits of the genesis of extension services were indicated, as well as types of extension services and models of the organization, financing and human resources at disposal and structuring of these ...
Volatility in agricultural production caused by the reliance on natural factors, and water is one... more Volatility in agricultural production caused by the reliance on natural factors, and water is one of the basic, which provides greater production. Volatility in agricultural production caused by the reliance on natural factors, and water is one of the basic, which provides greater production. The authors in their professional praxis have seen that the presence and absence of vadose zone in the upper part of aquifer, with inter-granulary porosity type, is a prerequisite for enhanced concentrations of iron and manganese in groundwater. The natural aeration zone in vadose zone of the upper part of aquifer enables additional enrichment of groundwater with oxygen, which is spent on the account of biochemical processes in the direction of their flow. The absence of this zone in aquifer directly influences higher iron and manganese content in groundwater, often above the permissible concentration in drinking water. In order to eliminate this problem, in this paper proposal of future works ...
The study deals with the analysis of production costs, as well as the net area in the production ... more The study deals with the analysis of production costs, as well as the net area in the production of the herd of organizational structures at the pig farm. The question arises of the optimum production structure in the cooperative household, which is mainly oriented to the production of Pigmeat. In this paper, a concrete model of linear programming for the optimal organizational structure of the herd of pig farms of the net effective area was defined. The research covered the cooperative farm "1.Decembr" in Žitorađa in Toplički district. For 2013, the production technology of agricultural animals was followed, and economic results were analyzed. In the observed period of one year. It was found that
Two types of economic effectiveness and two types of economic efficiency, as well as three types ... more Two types of economic effectiveness and two types of economic efficiency, as well as three types of indicators as nutritional quality criteria were used in this paper for ranking certain winter lettuce growing technologies. Four certain types of growing technologies of winter lettuce in greenhouses were ranked by two multi-attribute decision making methods. Results of ranking for both methods, SAW and TOPSIS are shown. Alternatives were ranked by three different scenarios with different weight coefficients. The type of growing technology with combination of mulching + agro textile is the best ranked one according both methods and all scenarios.The SAW method showed more sensitivity on weight coefficients changes than TOPSIS.
Carp production in Serbia is traditionally conducted in large area fish farms under a semiintensi... more Carp production in Serbia is traditionally conducted in large area fish farms under a semiintensive farming system. Total area under fish farms in Serbia amounts to approximately 11 thousand hectares, with 8.5 thousand hectares being under exploitation each year. In 2004, a significant intensification of production began at fish farms in Serbia which have traditionally organized their production under a classic semi-intensive farming system. Intensification of production was undertaken with partial or complete feeding with pelleted complete feeds. That way carp production per area unit (kg/ha) was increased by over 50%. Apart from intensification by means of using the complete extruded feeds, construction of specialized fish farms for intensive carp production started in 2003. At this moment (2016) their area amounts to several hundred hectares. Data from intensive carp fish farms indicate that production of one-and two-year fish has been approximately 3t/ha in the period from 2003 until today, with a mild increase during the last couple of years. With the purpose of determining the cost effectiveness of investments in fish ponds for intensive carp production two organization-economic models have been analyzed in the study. The models have been formed based on in line with the specific features of the Serbian carp farming, which has been analyzed both on the basis of data obtained from the scientific and specialist literature but also from the production practice. Models of intensive carp production in technical and production sense have been defined in the study and production plans have been prepared. Therefore, based on such defined models,
Human resources include overall human potential within an organisation: the available knowledge a... more Human resources include overall human potential within an organisation: the available knowledge and experience, usable skills and abilities, possible ideas and creations, the level of motivation and interest in the achievement of organisational objectives, etc. The objective of this paper is to highlight the role and importance of human resource management (HRM) in achieving business success, based on the analysis of the most important theoretical and practical aspects of human resource management at the "Imlek" Company. This study required the use of different methods and techniques such as: content analysis, case study, observation, testing and systemic approach. The study showed that sale of the Imlek Company products was widespread in the country and the region. An ongoing market advantage is achieved due to a high quality standard of products, and primarily due to an effective management of human resources. Company management should make formalisation and unification, and implement a set of measures in order to improve discipline of the employees. Top workers should be motivated through incentives for performance and innovation.
To successfully investigate slaughter characteristics of fattening pigs fed in different ways, th... more To successfully investigate slaughter characteristics of fattening pigs fed in different ways, this experiment was carried out on Experimental Farm of the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun. Investigation of correlation between slaughter traits of pigs fed with different additives in their nutrition was done by factorial analysis. Slaughter characteristics in three groups of fattening pigs fed in different ways were observed. The first group (variant 1) consisted of fatteners fed diets without any special additives. The second group (variant 2) consisted of pigs fed diets containing enzyme Rovabio, and the third group (variant 3) probiotic Lacture + Microbond. This study was aimed at coming to conclusion based on the results of factorial analysis of the observed traits to the greatest extent which determined slaughter traits of pigs fed diets containing different additives. The results obtained in general, that is, the structure of separated factors showed that different slaughter characteristics are realized with different nutrition.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture, 2015
The paper discusses the organizational, technological and economic aspects of the most important ... more The paper discusses the organizational, technological and economic aspects of the most important indicators of beef cattle production on family farms. Emphasis is placed on explaining the connections and relationships between organizational, economic, technical and technological business segments of family farm. The ultimate goal of this paper is to evaluate the strengths of the business, as well as the ways to eliminate or reduce the impact of those factors whose influence adversely affects the business. The data for this paper were collected from family farm business reports, throughout direct communication with employees, from relevant literature and internet. Several methods were applied, including: a method for content analysis, calculative and balance methods, spreadsheets, as well as method of comparative analysis and principles of business economics. Key success indicators of beef cattle production on the family farm suggest that, considering both observed years, the business achieved satisfactory results. Although there was a decline in productivity, total efficiency measured by the ratio of total income and total expenditure is on an uptrend. An investment turnover ratio show that 100 RSD invested in the production achieves 63 RSD of final product value in 2011, or 55 RSD in 2012. In both years, current assets covered the current liabilities. The family farm was not solvent in either of the observed years, except that in 2012 the solvency increased by 42% compared to the previous year, 2011. Total debt increased by 45%, whereas total operating assets increased by 106%. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the observed family farm provides a good example of how organized and proper process technologies of cattle production may improve the achieved business results.
Papers by Zoran Rajic