Papers by Arina Rahmatika
Syukur Alhamdulillah, penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah Swt., Tuhan yang telah melimpahkan rahmat... more Syukur Alhamdulillah, penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah Swt., Tuhan yang telah melimpahkan rahmat, taufiq dan hidayah-Nya kepada semua makhluk dibumi ini. Shalawat serta salam, Allahumma sholli 'ala Muhammad, senantiasa tercurahkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW, beserta keluarga, sahabat, dan para pengikutnya yang istiqomah dijalan-Nya. Amin. Atas berkat limpahan rahmat-Nya, penulis masih diberi kesempatan untuk menghirup udara di bumi ini, kesehatan serta kekuatan untuk menyelesaikan tesis ini dan tentunya tidak akan selesai tanpa bantuan serta dukungan dari berbagai pihak. Maka dari itu, pada kesempatan ini peneliti ingin mengucapkan terimakasih kepada;

Meyarsa, Nov 30, 2022
Women in everyday life give rise to negative perspectives. People tend to suspect hardline Muslim... more Women in everyday life give rise to negative perspectives. People tend to suspect hardline Muslim women, wives of terrorists, rigid and bigoted. They have not received support from certain parties. In this case, researchers want to know how the strategy of da'wah the Niqab Squad Jogja community in changing people's perspectives. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. Researchers use Organizational Communication Network Theory. The results showed that the proselytizing strategy carried out by the Niqab Squad Jogja (NSJ) community was by having a good character with the community in various activities. In the NSJ study of conveying the content of the message in a relaxed and straightforward way, they proved that even women with disabilities can socialize in a relaxed way, full of seriousness, But still with a friendly attitude and good manners. NSJ has so far succeeded in overcoming the negative perspective of society towards women with disabilities, this is supported by the positive activities carried out by NSJ including cooperation between organizations.

Meyarsa: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi dan Dakwah
Perempuan bercadar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari menimbulkan perspektif negatif, mereka dicurigai... more Perempuan bercadar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari menimbulkan perspektif negatif, mereka dicurigai sebagai muslimah garis keras oleh masyarakat, istri teroris, kaku dan panatik. Mereka belum mendapatkan dukungan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu. Hal ini peneliti ingin mengetahui bagaimana strategi dakwah dalam komunitas Niqab Squad Jogja dalam mengubah perspektif masyarakat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu, observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Peneliti menggunakan Teori Jaringan Komunikasi Organisasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa komunitas Niqab Squad Jogja berhasil dalam mengatasi perspektif negatif masyarakat terhadap wanita bercadar, didukung dengan kegiatan-kegiatan positif yang di lakukan komunitas Niqab Squad Jogja. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah kerjasama antara organisasi lain dengan Niqab Squad Jogja, masyarakat yang belum bercadar mau mengikuti kegiatan yang diselenggarakan,...
QAULAN: Journal of Islamic Communication, 2021
This research proves that human communication with God is a transcendent communication process th... more This research proves that human communication with God is a transcendent communication process that is important for human life and its success cannot be measured. Al Quran in this case as evidence of transcendent communication. The Qur'an is a medium of communication in the form of the word of God which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW for all humans through the angel Gabriel. While communication is the process of sending messages or information from the communicator to the communicant and then generating feedback. God in this context as a transcendent communicator, then his message is written in the Qur'an itself and humans as communicants and the Prophet is the one who delivers the news. Keywords: Al-Qur’an, media, Transcendent Communication

ARINA RAHMATIKA. Analisis Wacana Citra Wahabi di Majalah Aula Edisi Februari 2017. Skripsi. Progr... more ARINA RAHMATIKA. Analisis Wacana Citra Wahabi di Majalah Aula Edisi Februari 2017. Skripsi. Program Studi Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena gerakan Wahabi yang semakin ekspansif di masyarakat Indonesia sehingga menimbulkan perdebatan diberbagai kalangan, salah satunya Nahdhatul Ulama. Untuk menjawab perkembangan Wahabi, Nahdhatul Ulama merasa perlu memberikan respon melalui Majalah Aula. Majalah Aula sebagai media dakwah Pengurus Wilayah Nahdhatul Ulama (PW NU) Jawa Timur yang dirintis sejak tahun 1975. Isu yang dinilai penting oleh Majalah Aula pada edisi Februari 2016 menampilkan isu “Darurat Wahabi” yang kemudian menjadi laporan utama, sehingga rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana citra Wahabi pada Majalah Aula edisi Februari 2016 menurut Van Dijk jika dilihat dari dimensi teks. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif dan menggunakan analisa teks med...

The purpose of this research is to discuss how the discourse of the concept of Islamic da'wah... more The purpose of this research is to discuss how the discourse of the concept of Islamic da'wah by Rahmatan Lil'alamin according to Bangkit Magazine is seen from its main ideas to the characteristics of its preaching. Islam is a religion that was revealed by Allah SWT to the Prophet Muhammad SAW which regulates the relationship between humans and God and also regulates the relationship between humans and humans and the universe which benefits each other, therefore Islam has the principle of Rahmatan lil 'Alamin, which is a blessing for the universe. This research in extracting data using direct interviews to magazine administrators, literature study and documentation. From the research results, it can be found that Islam Rahmatan lil 'Alamin according to Bangkit Magazine is an Islam that is peaceful, just, tolerant and in accordance with the values of aswaja. The definition of Rahmatan lil 'Alamin is also not much different from the big concept of Islam which is in...
AbstracCigarette advertisement is one of the ads that has an interesting concept because it is li... more AbstracCigarette advertisement is one of the ads that has an interesting concept because it is limited by some laws. So inevitably, demand that cigarette’s advertisement thinks harder in their efforts to display a cigarette without displaying the shape and embodiment of its product. So, don’t be surprised if cigarette advertisement can cause many interpretations and even cause contradiction in society. This case of cigarette advertisement A MILD Edition “Mula Mula Malu-Malu, Lama Lama Mau”. Based on the results of research by using analysis of Roland Barthes, then cigarette advertising shows that the advertisement does not apply of the principle of gender equality and woman’s emancipation, even advertising tend to be patriarchy, bend and change the image of woman in accordance with the product offered. Keyword: Advertisement, cigarette, woman
Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi
Islam adalah agama yang menjalankan misi keselamatan duniaakhirat, kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran l... more Islam adalah agama yang menjalankan misi keselamatan duniaakhirat, kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran lahir batin bagi seluruh umatmanusia dengan cara mematuhi perintah-Nya dan menjauhi segalalarangan-Nya. Islam adalah agama yang diturunkan Allah SWT kepadaNabi Muhammad SAW yang mengatur hubungan manusia denganTuhan dan juga mengatur hubungan manusia dengan manusia sertaalam jagat raya yang saling memberi manfaat, maka dari itu Islammemiliki prinsip Rahmatan lil „Alamin yaitu rahmat bagi alam semesta.Islam Rahmatan lil „Alamin menurut Majalah Bangkit adalah Islam yangdamai, adil, toleran dan sesuai dengan nilai-nilai aswaja. PengertianRahmatan lil „Alamin tersebut juga tidak jauh beda dengan karakteristikRahmatan lil „Alamin menurut Majalah Bangkit.
Information and communication technology is growing rapidly in Indonesia and has become part of t... more Information and communication technology is growing rapidly in Indonesia and has become part of the community, one of which is social media. The social presence of the media as a public space becomes a new style of communication even in creating inter-religious communication spacesin the community. This certainly will affect the level of harmony among religious people in Indonesia. Through communication of the development of social media as a medium of communication, dissemination, it is hoped that it can build a strengthening of religious harmony through various elements of society, both individual and institutional
Jurnal Al-Bayan
Islam bukan hanya sebuah agama, melainkan pernah menjadi sebuah peradaban besar pada masa Abasiya... more Islam bukan hanya sebuah agama, melainkan pernah menjadi sebuah peradaban besar pada masa Abasiyah. Salah satu yang menjadi penyebabnya adalah adanya komunikasi ilmiah pada masa tersebut. Beberapa strategi komunikasi ilmiah yang dilakukan para khalifah Abasiyah adalah dengan melakukan beberapa kegiatan ilmiah yaitu penerjemahan, penulisan, pembangunan perpustakaan dan pembangunan instansi Pendidikan.
al-Balagh : Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi
Gadget in the form of smartphone and laptop is a development of information technology and commun... more Gadget in the form of smartphone and laptop is a development of information technology and communication in Indonesia. This development is the reason difabel to use gadget in their daily activities. But each of difabel have different motiv and gratifications in using them. So, the aim of research is there is correlation between the difabel use of gadget and satisfaction of interpersonal communication in UIN Sunan Kalijaga. This is quantitative research with the method of purposive sampling and the collection data by questionnaire. Population of data is 72 person and with sample 32 people. The results obtained from this research is proved hypothesis stating that there is a significant positive correlation between the use of gadgets with the satisfaction of interpersonal communication in difabel UIN Sunan Kalijaga.
The increasingly expansive Wahabi movement in Indonesian has caused debate in various circles, on... more The increasingly expansive Wahabi movement in Indonesian has caused debate in various circles, one of which is Nahdhatul Ulama. To answer Wahabi’s development, Nahdhatul Ulama felt it was necessary to provide a response, one of which was through Aula Magazine on edition February 2016. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach and using analysis media text in the form of discourse analysis model Van Dijk. The results obtained are imagery of Wahabi portrayed as an organization that is dangerous for Indonesia because the way of dakwah wahabi is straigh, as Wahabi sometimes blamming someone that doing something different with Nabi Muhamamd (bid’ah) and after that bid’ah can become worse like call someone kafir. Key words : discourse analysis, image, Wahabi.
Papers by Arina Rahmatika