Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Jan 18, 2022
At the smallest scale, hydropower or pico-hydro can be produced by utilizing water flow at the pi... more At the smallest scale, hydropower or pico-hydro can be produced by utilizing water flow at the piping system. This paper discusses about the performance of a water bulbturbine in a water piping water system using the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) method. This study aims to analyze the effect of flow rate and speed on the efficiency of water bulb-turbine using Solidworks Flow Simulation 2016. The propeller turbine design used in this study has 4 blades and a blade angle of 20 0 , and the static bulb using with a ratio of 0.6 to the pipe diameter. The parameter in flow rate applied in this study is between 7 and 13 L/s and for speed parameter between 100 and 1700 rpm. The final result of this study indicates that the efficiency of the water bulb-turbine is a directly proportional increase of flow rate and the highest efficiency reaches at flow rate 13 L/s and 1300 rpm.
Di era globalisasi ini, hampir semua negara menaruh perhatian besarterhadap pasar modal karena me... more Di era globalisasi ini, hampir semua negara menaruh perhatian besarterhadap pasar modal karena memiliki peranan strategis bagi penguatan
Mouse and computer can not be separated. Conventional mouse operation typically must be holded an... more Mouse and computer can not be separated. Conventional mouse operation typically must be holded and touched. Certain cases, computer users who have limitations, is unable to operate a conventional mouse. A software should be developed to replace the conventional mouse so that users can use computer properly. The software will detect the objects movement on user's body visually and then the result is used as a basis to move mouse pointer The software was developed using a template matching method. Template matching process requires the flow of images, so need a webcam to get it. Template matching method is used to locate an object in the picture that has the greatest similarity with the object reference that inserted before (template). Searching process for object location performed by calculating correlation between template with the objects in the picture. The template coordinates are determined based on the highest correlation value. By coordinates changing in sequence image, c...
비록 법인격이 인정되지 않는 단체라 하더라도 그와 같은 단체에 대한 법적 규율이 의미를 가지는 국면들이 있을 수 있다. 따라서 권리능력 없는 단체에 대한 규율의 문제는 어느 ... more 비록 법인격이 인정되지 않는 단체라 하더라도 그와 같은 단체에 대한 법적 규율이 의미를 가지는 국면들이 있을 수 있다. 따라서 권리능력 없는 단체에 대한 규율의 문제는 어느 나라에서나 해결하여야 할 과제 중의 하나라고 할 것이다. 우리 법과 비교하여 프랑스법의 특징적인 사항은 비영리사단법인에 대해서는 특별법으로 규율하는 한편, 영리법인을 민법전에서 규정하고 있다는 점이다. 즉, 형식적인 면에서 적지 않은 차이가 발견된다. 그러나 일반법인 민법에서 권리주체에 대하여 충실히 포섭하지 못하고 있다는 점은 입법적 흠결이라고 평가할 수 있으며, 그와 같은 시각에서는 프랑스법적인 해결방안이 바람직한 태도는 아니라고 할 것이다. 반면, 프랑스민법전에서는 영리법인에 대한 일반적인 규율수단을 제공하고 있다는 점에서 긍정적으로 평가할 만한 부분도 있다. 즉, 우리 민법에서는 영리법인에 관해서는 이를 모두 상사회사에 관한 규정을 준용하도록 하고 있는데, 프랑스민법에서는 민사영리법인도 별개로 존재할 수 있다는 태도를 취한다는 점에서 영리법인에 대한 규율의 폭이 더 넓다고 평가될 수 있기 때문이다. 다른 한편, 권리능력 없는 단체에 대한 규율과 관련하여, 프랑스에서의 신고 되지 않은 비영리사단은 일체의 권리능력이 인정되지 않는다는 점에서 우리 법에서의 비법인사단보다 더 활동의 범위가 좁다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 프랑스에서의 비영리사단의 설립요건이 우리 법에서의 그것과 비교하여 상당히 완화되어 있으므로, 그와 같은 최소한의 요건을 결한 경우에 있어서까지 일정한 법인격을 향유하게 하는 것은 법인에 대한 규율을 포기하는 것과 마찬가지의 결과를 초래할 수 있을 것이다. 따라서 우리 법에서 향후 법인설립의 요건을 완화하더라도 그 요건의 구비여부에 따른 법인격의 향유에 있어서는 일정한 제한이 수반될 필요는 있을 것이다. 만약 그렇지않고 비법인의 상태에서도 여전히 법인과 유사한 권리능력을 갖는 것으로 한다면, 오히려 비법인단체를 양산하는 근거가 될 것이기 때문이다. 끝으로, 프랑스민법에서는...
Abstrak:Tujuan penelitian ini mendiskripsikan: (1) kuat tekan beton ringan (br) biasa dan beton r... more Abstrak:Tujuan penelitian ini mendiskripsikan: (1) kuat tekan beton ringan (br) biasa dan beton ringan abu ampas tebu. (2) pola retak pada kolom beton ringan (kbr) abu ampas tebu akibat beban aksial eksentris. (3) nilai simpangan pada (kbr) abu ampas tebu dan (kbr) biasa akibat beban aksial eksentris. (4) perbedaan kuat tekan (kbr)biasa dan (kbr)abu ampas tebu akibat beban aksial eksentris. (5) perbedaan simpangan (kbr) biasa dan (kbr) abu ampas tebu akibat beban aksial eksentris. Penelitian eksperimen ini dengan 5 sampel silinder dan 3 sampel (kbr) biasa dan 5 sampel silinder dan 3 sampel (kbr) abu ampas tebu. Teknik analisis deskriptif dan non-parametrik Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian: beton ringan biasa dan beton ringan abu ampas tebu memenuhi ketentuan beton ringan kategori struktural di atas 17,24 MPa pada kuat tekan dan berat volume < 1850 kg/m3. Simpangan (kbr) biasa mendapatkan rata-rata beban 30,43 kN dan simpangan 5,02 mm, sedangkan pada (kbr) abu ampas tebu mendapat rata-rata beban 23,53 kN dan simpangan 5,78 mm. Kolom beton ringan biasa terjadi penurunan kuat tekan 14% dari kuat tekan rencana 35,21 kN, sedangkan (kbr) abu ampas tebu terjadi penurunan kuat tekan 33% dari kuat tekan rencana 35,21 kN. Pola retak akibat lentur terjadi pada semua sampel kolom. Kolom beton ringan biasa lebih baik menahan beban aksial eksentris daripada (kbr) abu ampas tebu.Kata-kata kunci: abu ampas tebu, beton ringan, uji simpangan kolom.Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe: (1) normal lightweight concrete press (br) and lightweight asphalt concrete ash. (2) cracked pattern on lightweight concrete columns (kbr) ash of bagasse as a result of eccentric axial load. (3) the value of drift on the ash bagasse and (kbr) ash due to the eccentric axial load. (4) the difference between the compressive strength (kbr) and (kbr) ash of bagasse as a result of the eccentric axial load. (5) the difference of standard deviation (kbr) and (kbr) ash of bagasse as a result of eccentric axial load. This experimental study was conducted with 5 cylindrical samples and 3 regular samples (kbr) and 5 cylinder samples and 3 samples (kbr) of bagasse ash. Mann-Whitney’s descriptive and non-parametric analysis techniques. Results: Ordinary lightweight concrete and lightweight asphalt concrete concrete meet the requirements of lightweight structural concrete above 17.24 MPa in compressive strength and volume weight of <1850 kg / m3. Simpang (kbr) gets average load 30.43 kN and 5.02 mm, while in (bag) bagasse ash gets average load 23,53 kN and 5,78 mm deviation. The light concrete columns usually decrease the compressive strength 14% from the compressive strength of the plan 35,21 kN, whereas (ash) bagasse ash is 33% decrease of compressive strength of plan 35,21 kN. Fracture patterns due to bending occur in all sample columns. Ordinary light concrete columns prefer to withstand anxial axial loads than (kbr) dregs of bagasse.Key Words: Ash bagasse, lightweight concrete, test column deviation.
, UOMAH TEAM, DIAMOND LIGHT SOURCE TEAM-We have created a portal to extreme science at the UK nat... more , UOMAH TEAM, DIAMOND LIGHT SOURCE TEAM-We have created a portal to extreme science at the UK national laboratory site at Harwell (University of Manchester at Harwell; UoMaH). This partnership, between the UoM, STFC and DLS has created a core team to assist users and work with the facilities to drive innovation. Further, we have recruited ten fellows, each championing a strategic area, to build teams, grow and populate each theme. We are on course to create an international beacon across national facilities science, partnering with stakeholders and other research establishments. We work with other national labs around an agreed joint theme; meta-imaging. This is the means to observe a structure and probe its mechanical state in 3D under differing applied electromagnetic fields, to determine the elemental and electronic state of constituent phases as a function of time; the 6D metaimaging of extreme dynamic behaviour. By combining sources (neutrons and X rays) and data analytics, we track chemical, mechanical and biological states, so mapping the genome of structures in six dimensions.
Pembangunan karakter bangsa sangat penting untuk mengatasi krisis karakter bangsa yang dihadapi b... more Pembangunan karakter bangsa sangat penting untuk mengatasi krisis karakter bangsa yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia saat ini dan sebagai pondasi utama untuk mensukseskan Indonesia Emas 2025. Tujuan umum penelitian adalah menyusun dan mengembangkan model pendidikan karakter berbasis nilai kearifan lokal dan civic virtue di lingkungan perguruan tinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di tiga perguruan tinggi yaitu: UMM (Jatim), UNS (Jateng), dan UPI Bandung (Jabar). Pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian pengembangan (R & D). Subyek penelitian adalah dosen, mahasiswa, pimpinan perguruan tinggi, tokoh masyarakat yang ada di tiga wilayah: Malang, Solo dan Bandung. Pengumpulan data dengan metode simak, observasi, wawancara, angket dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Analisis data pada tahun pertama dilakukan paduan diskriptif kualitatif dengan penelitian kepustakaan dan proses penggarapan yang digunakan meliputi heuristic, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. H...
Controlling the quality of learning is very important and influences the accreditation of study p... more Controlling the quality of learning is very important and influences the accreditation of study programs at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Udayana University, as a guarantor of the quality of graduates. Apply pricipal component analysis to reduce the number of determinant attributes of learning quality, with the aim of looking at the data structure with fewer variables. The control chart is a multivariate control chart that is used to view the potrait of the quality of learning in the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, using new variables obtained from principal component analysis. The results obtained from principal component analysis show that the contribution of the learning quality indicators is univen. The potrait of the quality of learning at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences obtained from the individual-moving range (I-MR) and the control chart shows the need for corrective actions and monitor regularly to improve the quality of learning.
The methanol-to-hydrocarbons (MTH) reaction refers collectively to a series of important industri... more The methanol-to-hydrocarbons (MTH) reaction refers collectively to a series of important industrial catalytic processes to produce either olefins (MTO) or gasoline (MTG). Mechanistically, methanol conversion proceeds via a 'pool' of hydrocarbon species. For MTO, these can broadly be delineated into 'desired' lighter olefins and 'undesired' heavier fractions causing deactivation in a matter of hours. The crux in further catalyst optimization is the ability to follow the formation of carbonaceous species during operation. Herein, we report the combined results of an operando Kerr-Gated Raman Spectroscopy study with state-of-the-art operando molecular simulations, which allowed to follow the formation of hydrocarbon species at various stages of methanol conversion. Polyenes are identified as crucial intermediates towards formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, with their fate being largely determined by the zeolite topology. Notably, we provide the missing link between active and deactivating species, which allows us to propose potential design rules for future generation catalysts. Commented [IL3]: I will edit this section once we get a reply from Ghent Commented [IL4]: Are you planning to provide the source data for the figure of the hypothetical zeolite
The induction period for alkene formation from methanol in single crystals of HZSM-5 decreases wi... more The induction period for alkene formation from methanol in single crystals of HZSM-5 decreases with decreasing crystal size and increasing temperature and hydrocarbon pool species are formed almost instantaneously at higher temperatures.
The small pore zeolite Cu-SSZ-13 is an efficient material for the standard selective catalytic re... more The small pore zeolite Cu-SSZ-13 is an efficient material for the standard selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by ammonia (NH3). In this work, Cu-SSZ-13 has been studied at...
Supporting Information Synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy has identified with high temporal r... more Supporting Information Synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy has identified with high temporal resolution (down to 0.25 s) the initial events occurring when methanol vapour is contacted with a crystal of zeolite HZSM-5. The first alkenes are generated directly from methoxy groups formed at the acid sites via their deprotonation. These alkenes can either desorb directly or oligomerise and cyclise to form dimethylcyclopentenyl cations. The oligomeric and dimethylcyclopentenyl cations are the first major components of the hydrocarbon pool that precede aromatic hydrocarbons and lead to indirect alkene formation. The technique observes these events in real time.
Synchrotron infrared micro-spectroscopy has been applied to measure in situ the reaction of dimet... more Synchrotron infrared micro-spectroscopy has been applied to measure in situ the reaction of dimethylether in single crystals of the silicoaluminophosphate STA-7. The crystals are found to contain a uniform and homogeneous distribution of acidic hydroxyl groups. Dimethylether is hydrogen bonded to the hydroxyl groups at low temperatures, but evidence is found for dissociation to form surface methoxy groups above 473 K, and aromatic hydrocarbon pool species above 573 K. From time resolved infrared measurements coupled with MS analysis of evolved products it is concluded that alkene formation occurs via a direct mechanism from reaction of dimethylether with surface methoxy groups.
procedures. 1,2 The starting mixture was prepared by dissolving 1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacy-clooctad... more procedures. 1,2 The starting mixture was prepared by dissolving 1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacy-clooctadecane (4 mmol; Sigma-Aldrich), cesium hydroxide (5 mmol; Sigma-Aldrich) and sodium hydroxide (8 mmol; Fisher Chemicals) in distilled water. Sodium aluminate (26 mmol; BDH Chemicals Ltd.) followed by colloidal silica, Ludox AS-40 (208 mmol; Sigma-Aldrich) was added and the mixture stirred until homogeneous. The gel formed was aged at room temperature for 24 hours in a closed polypropylene bottle under continuous stirring. The crystallization was carried out under static conditions in the same closed polypropylene bottle for 8 days at 383 K. After reaction, the solid obtained was filtered, washed with distilled water then dried at 373 K overnight. The as-prepared Na,Cs-Rho was heated at 823 K under oxygen for 12 hours to remove the template. S1.2 Synthesis of Na,Cs-Rho(3.2) Zeolite Na,Cs-Rho was synthesised by modifying a published procedure. 3 The starting mixture was prepared by dissolving aluminium isopropoxide (2.0 mmol; Sigma-Aldrich) in sodium hydroxide (50 wt %; 6.2 mmol; Sigma-Aldrich) at 373 K. After cooling to RT, cesium hydroxide (50 wt %; 1.0 mmol; Sigma-Aldrich) followed by colloidal silica, Ludox AS-30 (100 mmol; Sigma-Aldrich) and distilled water (2.1 mmol) were added and the mixture was stirred until homogeneous. The gel formed was aged at room temperature for 4 days in an autoclave. The crystallisation was carried out under static conditions in the same autoclave for 5 days at 363 K. After reaction, the solid obtained was filtered, washed with distilled water then dried at 373 K overnight. Two batches of 4 g each were prepared. S1.3 Determination of Si/Al ratio and ion exchange of Na,Cs-Rho samples The compositions of Li,M-Rho samples were estimated from a combination of MAS NMR spectroscopy and EDX analysis. Deconvolution of the 29 Si MASNMR of the as-prepared Na,Cs-Rho samples, in which all aluminium occupies tetrahedral sites, was used to determine the framework Si/Al ratio of
The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of record. I... more The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of record. If you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the repository url above for details on accessing the published version and note that access may require a subscription.
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Jan 18, 2022
At the smallest scale, hydropower or pico-hydro can be produced by utilizing water flow at the pi... more At the smallest scale, hydropower or pico-hydro can be produced by utilizing water flow at the piping system. This paper discusses about the performance of a water bulbturbine in a water piping water system using the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) method. This study aims to analyze the effect of flow rate and speed on the efficiency of water bulb-turbine using Solidworks Flow Simulation 2016. The propeller turbine design used in this study has 4 blades and a blade angle of 20 0 , and the static bulb using with a ratio of 0.6 to the pipe diameter. The parameter in flow rate applied in this study is between 7 and 13 L/s and for speed parameter between 100 and 1700 rpm. The final result of this study indicates that the efficiency of the water bulb-turbine is a directly proportional increase of flow rate and the highest efficiency reaches at flow rate 13 L/s and 1300 rpm.
Di era globalisasi ini, hampir semua negara menaruh perhatian besarterhadap pasar modal karena me... more Di era globalisasi ini, hampir semua negara menaruh perhatian besarterhadap pasar modal karena memiliki peranan strategis bagi penguatan
Mouse and computer can not be separated. Conventional mouse operation typically must be holded an... more Mouse and computer can not be separated. Conventional mouse operation typically must be holded and touched. Certain cases, computer users who have limitations, is unable to operate a conventional mouse. A software should be developed to replace the conventional mouse so that users can use computer properly. The software will detect the objects movement on user's body visually and then the result is used as a basis to move mouse pointer The software was developed using a template matching method. Template matching process requires the flow of images, so need a webcam to get it. Template matching method is used to locate an object in the picture that has the greatest similarity with the object reference that inserted before (template). Searching process for object location performed by calculating correlation between template with the objects in the picture. The template coordinates are determined based on the highest correlation value. By coordinates changing in sequence image, c...
비록 법인격이 인정되지 않는 단체라 하더라도 그와 같은 단체에 대한 법적 규율이 의미를 가지는 국면들이 있을 수 있다. 따라서 권리능력 없는 단체에 대한 규율의 문제는 어느 ... more 비록 법인격이 인정되지 않는 단체라 하더라도 그와 같은 단체에 대한 법적 규율이 의미를 가지는 국면들이 있을 수 있다. 따라서 권리능력 없는 단체에 대한 규율의 문제는 어느 나라에서나 해결하여야 할 과제 중의 하나라고 할 것이다. 우리 법과 비교하여 프랑스법의 특징적인 사항은 비영리사단법인에 대해서는 특별법으로 규율하는 한편, 영리법인을 민법전에서 규정하고 있다는 점이다. 즉, 형식적인 면에서 적지 않은 차이가 발견된다. 그러나 일반법인 민법에서 권리주체에 대하여 충실히 포섭하지 못하고 있다는 점은 입법적 흠결이라고 평가할 수 있으며, 그와 같은 시각에서는 프랑스법적인 해결방안이 바람직한 태도는 아니라고 할 것이다. 반면, 프랑스민법전에서는 영리법인에 대한 일반적인 규율수단을 제공하고 있다는 점에서 긍정적으로 평가할 만한 부분도 있다. 즉, 우리 민법에서는 영리법인에 관해서는 이를 모두 상사회사에 관한 규정을 준용하도록 하고 있는데, 프랑스민법에서는 민사영리법인도 별개로 존재할 수 있다는 태도를 취한다는 점에서 영리법인에 대한 규율의 폭이 더 넓다고 평가될 수 있기 때문이다. 다른 한편, 권리능력 없는 단체에 대한 규율과 관련하여, 프랑스에서의 신고 되지 않은 비영리사단은 일체의 권리능력이 인정되지 않는다는 점에서 우리 법에서의 비법인사단보다 더 활동의 범위가 좁다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 프랑스에서의 비영리사단의 설립요건이 우리 법에서의 그것과 비교하여 상당히 완화되어 있으므로, 그와 같은 최소한의 요건을 결한 경우에 있어서까지 일정한 법인격을 향유하게 하는 것은 법인에 대한 규율을 포기하는 것과 마찬가지의 결과를 초래할 수 있을 것이다. 따라서 우리 법에서 향후 법인설립의 요건을 완화하더라도 그 요건의 구비여부에 따른 법인격의 향유에 있어서는 일정한 제한이 수반될 필요는 있을 것이다. 만약 그렇지않고 비법인의 상태에서도 여전히 법인과 유사한 권리능력을 갖는 것으로 한다면, 오히려 비법인단체를 양산하는 근거가 될 것이기 때문이다. 끝으로, 프랑스민법에서는...
Abstrak:Tujuan penelitian ini mendiskripsikan: (1) kuat tekan beton ringan (br) biasa dan beton r... more Abstrak:Tujuan penelitian ini mendiskripsikan: (1) kuat tekan beton ringan (br) biasa dan beton ringan abu ampas tebu. (2) pola retak pada kolom beton ringan (kbr) abu ampas tebu akibat beban aksial eksentris. (3) nilai simpangan pada (kbr) abu ampas tebu dan (kbr) biasa akibat beban aksial eksentris. (4) perbedaan kuat tekan (kbr)biasa dan (kbr)abu ampas tebu akibat beban aksial eksentris. (5) perbedaan simpangan (kbr) biasa dan (kbr) abu ampas tebu akibat beban aksial eksentris. Penelitian eksperimen ini dengan 5 sampel silinder dan 3 sampel (kbr) biasa dan 5 sampel silinder dan 3 sampel (kbr) abu ampas tebu. Teknik analisis deskriptif dan non-parametrik Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian: beton ringan biasa dan beton ringan abu ampas tebu memenuhi ketentuan beton ringan kategori struktural di atas 17,24 MPa pada kuat tekan dan berat volume < 1850 kg/m3. Simpangan (kbr) biasa mendapatkan rata-rata beban 30,43 kN dan simpangan 5,02 mm, sedangkan pada (kbr) abu ampas tebu mendapat rata-rata beban 23,53 kN dan simpangan 5,78 mm. Kolom beton ringan biasa terjadi penurunan kuat tekan 14% dari kuat tekan rencana 35,21 kN, sedangkan (kbr) abu ampas tebu terjadi penurunan kuat tekan 33% dari kuat tekan rencana 35,21 kN. Pola retak akibat lentur terjadi pada semua sampel kolom. Kolom beton ringan biasa lebih baik menahan beban aksial eksentris daripada (kbr) abu ampas tebu.Kata-kata kunci: abu ampas tebu, beton ringan, uji simpangan kolom.Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe: (1) normal lightweight concrete press (br) and lightweight asphalt concrete ash. (2) cracked pattern on lightweight concrete columns (kbr) ash of bagasse as a result of eccentric axial load. (3) the value of drift on the ash bagasse and (kbr) ash due to the eccentric axial load. (4) the difference between the compressive strength (kbr) and (kbr) ash of bagasse as a result of the eccentric axial load. (5) the difference of standard deviation (kbr) and (kbr) ash of bagasse as a result of eccentric axial load. This experimental study was conducted with 5 cylindrical samples and 3 regular samples (kbr) and 5 cylinder samples and 3 samples (kbr) of bagasse ash. Mann-Whitney’s descriptive and non-parametric analysis techniques. Results: Ordinary lightweight concrete and lightweight asphalt concrete concrete meet the requirements of lightweight structural concrete above 17.24 MPa in compressive strength and volume weight of <1850 kg / m3. Simpang (kbr) gets average load 30.43 kN and 5.02 mm, while in (bag) bagasse ash gets average load 23,53 kN and 5,78 mm deviation. The light concrete columns usually decrease the compressive strength 14% from the compressive strength of the plan 35,21 kN, whereas (ash) bagasse ash is 33% decrease of compressive strength of plan 35,21 kN. Fracture patterns due to bending occur in all sample columns. Ordinary light concrete columns prefer to withstand anxial axial loads than (kbr) dregs of bagasse.Key Words: Ash bagasse, lightweight concrete, test column deviation.
, UOMAH TEAM, DIAMOND LIGHT SOURCE TEAM-We have created a portal to extreme science at the UK nat... more , UOMAH TEAM, DIAMOND LIGHT SOURCE TEAM-We have created a portal to extreme science at the UK national laboratory site at Harwell (University of Manchester at Harwell; UoMaH). This partnership, between the UoM, STFC and DLS has created a core team to assist users and work with the facilities to drive innovation. Further, we have recruited ten fellows, each championing a strategic area, to build teams, grow and populate each theme. We are on course to create an international beacon across national facilities science, partnering with stakeholders and other research establishments. We work with other national labs around an agreed joint theme; meta-imaging. This is the means to observe a structure and probe its mechanical state in 3D under differing applied electromagnetic fields, to determine the elemental and electronic state of constituent phases as a function of time; the 6D metaimaging of extreme dynamic behaviour. By combining sources (neutrons and X rays) and data analytics, we track chemical, mechanical and biological states, so mapping the genome of structures in six dimensions.
Pembangunan karakter bangsa sangat penting untuk mengatasi krisis karakter bangsa yang dihadapi b... more Pembangunan karakter bangsa sangat penting untuk mengatasi krisis karakter bangsa yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia saat ini dan sebagai pondasi utama untuk mensukseskan Indonesia Emas 2025. Tujuan umum penelitian adalah menyusun dan mengembangkan model pendidikan karakter berbasis nilai kearifan lokal dan civic virtue di lingkungan perguruan tinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di tiga perguruan tinggi yaitu: UMM (Jatim), UNS (Jateng), dan UPI Bandung (Jabar). Pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian pengembangan (R & D). Subyek penelitian adalah dosen, mahasiswa, pimpinan perguruan tinggi, tokoh masyarakat yang ada di tiga wilayah: Malang, Solo dan Bandung. Pengumpulan data dengan metode simak, observasi, wawancara, angket dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Analisis data pada tahun pertama dilakukan paduan diskriptif kualitatif dengan penelitian kepustakaan dan proses penggarapan yang digunakan meliputi heuristic, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. H...
Controlling the quality of learning is very important and influences the accreditation of study p... more Controlling the quality of learning is very important and influences the accreditation of study programs at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Udayana University, as a guarantor of the quality of graduates. Apply pricipal component analysis to reduce the number of determinant attributes of learning quality, with the aim of looking at the data structure with fewer variables. The control chart is a multivariate control chart that is used to view the potrait of the quality of learning in the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, using new variables obtained from principal component analysis. The results obtained from principal component analysis show that the contribution of the learning quality indicators is univen. The potrait of the quality of learning at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences obtained from the individual-moving range (I-MR) and the control chart shows the need for corrective actions and monitor regularly to improve the quality of learning.
The methanol-to-hydrocarbons (MTH) reaction refers collectively to a series of important industri... more The methanol-to-hydrocarbons (MTH) reaction refers collectively to a series of important industrial catalytic processes to produce either olefins (MTO) or gasoline (MTG). Mechanistically, methanol conversion proceeds via a 'pool' of hydrocarbon species. For MTO, these can broadly be delineated into 'desired' lighter olefins and 'undesired' heavier fractions causing deactivation in a matter of hours. The crux in further catalyst optimization is the ability to follow the formation of carbonaceous species during operation. Herein, we report the combined results of an operando Kerr-Gated Raman Spectroscopy study with state-of-the-art operando molecular simulations, which allowed to follow the formation of hydrocarbon species at various stages of methanol conversion. Polyenes are identified as crucial intermediates towards formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, with their fate being largely determined by the zeolite topology. Notably, we provide the missing link between active and deactivating species, which allows us to propose potential design rules for future generation catalysts. Commented [IL3]: I will edit this section once we get a reply from Ghent Commented [IL4]: Are you planning to provide the source data for the figure of the hypothetical zeolite
The induction period for alkene formation from methanol in single crystals of HZSM-5 decreases wi... more The induction period for alkene formation from methanol in single crystals of HZSM-5 decreases with decreasing crystal size and increasing temperature and hydrocarbon pool species are formed almost instantaneously at higher temperatures.
The small pore zeolite Cu-SSZ-13 is an efficient material for the standard selective catalytic re... more The small pore zeolite Cu-SSZ-13 is an efficient material for the standard selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by ammonia (NH3). In this work, Cu-SSZ-13 has been studied at...
Supporting Information Synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy has identified with high temporal r... more Supporting Information Synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy has identified with high temporal resolution (down to 0.25 s) the initial events occurring when methanol vapour is contacted with a crystal of zeolite HZSM-5. The first alkenes are generated directly from methoxy groups formed at the acid sites via their deprotonation. These alkenes can either desorb directly or oligomerise and cyclise to form dimethylcyclopentenyl cations. The oligomeric and dimethylcyclopentenyl cations are the first major components of the hydrocarbon pool that precede aromatic hydrocarbons and lead to indirect alkene formation. The technique observes these events in real time.
Synchrotron infrared micro-spectroscopy has been applied to measure in situ the reaction of dimet... more Synchrotron infrared micro-spectroscopy has been applied to measure in situ the reaction of dimethylether in single crystals of the silicoaluminophosphate STA-7. The crystals are found to contain a uniform and homogeneous distribution of acidic hydroxyl groups. Dimethylether is hydrogen bonded to the hydroxyl groups at low temperatures, but evidence is found for dissociation to form surface methoxy groups above 473 K, and aromatic hydrocarbon pool species above 573 K. From time resolved infrared measurements coupled with MS analysis of evolved products it is concluded that alkene formation occurs via a direct mechanism from reaction of dimethylether with surface methoxy groups.
procedures. 1,2 The starting mixture was prepared by dissolving 1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacy-clooctad... more procedures. 1,2 The starting mixture was prepared by dissolving 1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacy-clooctadecane (4 mmol; Sigma-Aldrich), cesium hydroxide (5 mmol; Sigma-Aldrich) and sodium hydroxide (8 mmol; Fisher Chemicals) in distilled water. Sodium aluminate (26 mmol; BDH Chemicals Ltd.) followed by colloidal silica, Ludox AS-40 (208 mmol; Sigma-Aldrich) was added and the mixture stirred until homogeneous. The gel formed was aged at room temperature for 24 hours in a closed polypropylene bottle under continuous stirring. The crystallization was carried out under static conditions in the same closed polypropylene bottle for 8 days at 383 K. After reaction, the solid obtained was filtered, washed with distilled water then dried at 373 K overnight. The as-prepared Na,Cs-Rho was heated at 823 K under oxygen for 12 hours to remove the template. S1.2 Synthesis of Na,Cs-Rho(3.2) Zeolite Na,Cs-Rho was synthesised by modifying a published procedure. 3 The starting mixture was prepared by dissolving aluminium isopropoxide (2.0 mmol; Sigma-Aldrich) in sodium hydroxide (50 wt %; 6.2 mmol; Sigma-Aldrich) at 373 K. After cooling to RT, cesium hydroxide (50 wt %; 1.0 mmol; Sigma-Aldrich) followed by colloidal silica, Ludox AS-30 (100 mmol; Sigma-Aldrich) and distilled water (2.1 mmol) were added and the mixture was stirred until homogeneous. The gel formed was aged at room temperature for 4 days in an autoclave. The crystallisation was carried out under static conditions in the same autoclave for 5 days at 363 K. After reaction, the solid obtained was filtered, washed with distilled water then dried at 373 K overnight. Two batches of 4 g each were prepared. S1.3 Determination of Si/Al ratio and ion exchange of Na,Cs-Rho samples The compositions of Li,M-Rho samples were estimated from a combination of MAS NMR spectroscopy and EDX analysis. Deconvolution of the 29 Si MASNMR of the as-prepared Na,Cs-Rho samples, in which all aluminium occupies tetrahedral sites, was used to determine the framework Si/Al ratio of
The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of record. I... more The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of record. If you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the repository url above for details on accessing the published version and note that access may require a subscription.
Papers by Rahmad Widodo