Papers by Rahmad Aji Prasetya

Regulatory T Cells [Working Title]
Immune checkpoint proteins are like two-faced swords that first act as gatekeepers of the immune ... more Immune checkpoint proteins are like two-faced swords that first act as gatekeepers of the immune system to protect the host from tissue damage. In contrast, these proteins can corroborate cancer progression by inhibiting tumor-specific immune responses. Here, we summarized the regulation and signaling cascade of immune checkpoints molecules (PD-1/PD-L1, CTLA-4, TIM3, TIGIT, LAG3, and BTLA), including their role in providing co-inhibitory signals for regulating T-cell response. The involvement of immune checkpoint molecules to drive cancer growth is elaborated with explanations about various anticancer strategies, such as (1) the overexpression of immune checkpoints in cancer cells, immune cells, or the surrounding environment leading to incapabilities of the tumor-specific immune response, (2) immune checkpoints interference to metabolic pathways then deplete nutrients needed by immune cells, (3) the interaction between immune checkpoints and regulatory T cells. Lastly, future chall...

Clinical Hypertension
Background Medication adherence plays an essential role in controlling blood pressure to reduce m... more Background Medication adherence plays an essential role in controlling blood pressure to reduce morbidity and mortality of hypertension disease. Thus, this study aimed to determine the association of medication adherence measured by self-reported pill count with blood pressure levels among patients at several community health centers in Surabaya. Methods Adherence was assessed using the pill count method by comparing the total number of antihypertension drugs taken with the prescribed drugs. The inclusion criteria involved hypertensive patients who received antihypertension drugs, specifically adults and elderly, except the pregnant woman. The patient blood pressure was measured by healthcare workers in the targeted community health centers. Descriptive and multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed to assess factors associated with medication adherence with blood pressure levels. Results A total of 264 hypertensive outpatients participating in this study, 77.65% of p...

Journal of Pharmacy and Science
ABSTRAKGaram dapat didefinisikan sebagai suatu kumpulan senyawa kimia yang bagian utamanya adalah... more ABSTRAKGaram dapat didefinisikan sebagai suatu kumpulan senyawa kimia yang bagian utamanya adalah Natrium Chlorida (NaCl) dengan zat-zat pengotor terdiri dari MgCl2, MgSO4, CaSO4, dan lain-lain. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan sampel garam rakyat dari Pasar Larangan Sidoarjo yang memiliki kualitas dibawah standar, dengan kadar NaCl 81,88% b/b. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pemurnian garam dengan menggunakan metode rekristalisasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama waktu pengadukan (15, 30, dan 45menit) terhadap penambahan beberapa senyawa kimia, seperti natrium hidroksida (NaOH), natrium karbonat (Na2CO3) dan barium klorida (BaCl2) untuk mengurangi ion polutan (Ca2+, Mg2+ dan SO42-). Sehingga kadar NaCl dalam garam rakyat akan meningkat. Kadar NaCl dihitung sebelum dan setelah diberi perlakuan dengan menggunakan metode titrasi argentometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar NaCl tertinggi diperoleh pada rekristalisasi dengan lama waktu pengadukan 45 menit, d...

European journal of pharmacology, 2021
The invention of immunotherapy, such as immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) for advanced-stage no... more The invention of immunotherapy, such as immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) for advanced-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), has become a new standard of care for a defined group of NSCLC patients. However, the possible impacts of ICI interactions with analgesics for alleviating cancer-related pain are unclear and lack clinical evidence. Many studies have indicated that opioids detrimentally affect the immune system, possibly harming patients of ongoing immunotherapy. Opioids may repress the immune system in various ways, including impairing T cell function, upregulating immunosuppressor Treg cells, and interrupting intestinal microflora composition that disrupts the entire immune system. Furthermore, opioids can influence tumor progression and metastasis directly as opioid receptors are overexpressed in several types of NSCLC. In contrast, another analgesic acting on cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibition (i.e., NSAIDs) may be a candidate for adjuvant therapy since COX-2 is also exp...

ABSTRAK Hipertensi adalah suatu peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik yang tidak norma... more ABSTRAK Hipertensi adalah suatu peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik yang tidak normal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil penurunan tekanan darah pada terapi obat antihipertensi yaitu Amlodipin dibandingkan Nifedipin Oros dan untuk mengetahui prevalensi efek samping obat. Penelitian ini bersifat observasional . Pengamatan berdasarkan perubahan tekanan darah pre , selama terapi, dan post terapi obat antihipertensi selama 4 bulan terapi. Hasil penelitian tekanan darah pada terapi Amlodipin menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas tekanan darah pre adalah pada kategori hipertensi stage II yaitu 13 pasien (92,86%), setelah 1-2 bulan terapi, tekanan darah mencapai kategori hipertensi stage I, setelah 3 bulan terapi mencapai kategori pre hipertensi, dan pada 4 bulan terapi (tekanan darah post ) mayoritas tekanan darah pasien pada kategori pre hipertensi yaitu 13 pasien (92,86%). Sedangkan pada terapi Nifedipin Oros, tekanan darah pasien pada kategori hipertensi stag...

Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy) (e-Journal)
Background: Chitosan is a compound that can be synthesized from nature which can reduce the total... more Background: Chitosan is a compound that can be synthesized from nature which can reduce the total serum cholesterol levels between 5.8−42.6% and decrease LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) between 15.1-35.1%. One of the natural resources containing chitosan derivative compounds is the shell of mud crab. Chitosan is insoluble in water but soluble in acidic solutions such as acetic acid. With such chitosan solubility, it is necessary to increase the solubility by making a solid dispersion system so that drug absorption can be faster. Objectives: The aims of this study is to determine the potential of chitosan solid dispersion system for reducing cholesterol. Material and Methods: The reduction of cholesterol levels was carried out by in vitro tests using UV-Vis spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 405 nm with Lieberman-Burchad reagent. The positive control used was simvastatin. There are 4 formulas, namely SD1, PM1, SD2, and PM2. This solid dispersion system uses polyvinyl pyrrolidone K-30...
Papers by Rahmad Aji Prasetya