Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Feb 20, 2020
Secara programatik, pendidikan budaya dan karakter bangsa adalah usaha bersama semua guru dan pim... more Secara programatik, pendidikan budaya dan karakter bangsa adalah usaha bersama semua guru dan pimpinan sekolah, melalui semua mata pelajaran dan budaya sekolah dalam membina dan mengembangkan nilai-nilai budaya dan karakter bangsa pada peserta didik. Oleh karena itu guru PAI dan Budi Pekerti dituntut untuk memiliki akhlak dan sifat-sifat yang mulia serta menjadi teladan dalam pembentukan karakter jujur siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, gambaran umum pendidikan karakter jujur di SMP Negeri 2 Tamansari Bogor sudah cukup baik. Berupa program rutinan, seperti program jumat Ngaos dan gerakan dua ribu (GADIBU). Kedua, upaya guru antara lain: mengisi absensi, memberikan jadwal piket, memberikan pemahaman kejujuran, memberikan pengawasan dan pembinaan, menjadi teladan yang baik, mengurangi poin atau nilai, memberikan sangsi, dan melakukan evaluasi. Ketiga, faktor pendukung antara lain: kerjasama antar guru, siswa dan pembina rohis, lingkungan sekolah yang mendukung dan membiasakan guru menanamkan karakter jujur. Keempat, faktor penghambat: pengaruh teman-teman yang buruk, sebagian masyarakat yang berperilaku buruk, dan keterbatasan waktu. Kelima, solusi dari faktor penghambat yaitu: menumbuhkan kesadaran pada siswa, membangun komunikasi baik dengan orang tua siswa, membangun komunikasi baik dengan masyarakat sekitar sekolah dan berusaha meluangkan waktu.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Mar 19, 2019
Tahfidz Alquran Islamic Boarding School Darussunnah Parung Bogor Regency is a school where there ... more Tahfidz Alquran Islamic Boarding School Darussunnah Parung Bogor Regency is a school where there are subjects to memorize the Koran. In the implementation of the memorizing learners of the Koran, santri of the Islamic Boarding School of Darussunnah use the halaqah method. Based on this explanation, the authors determined to explore more about how the implementation of the halaqah method in learning to memorize the Koran of the santri in the Islamic Boarding School of DarussunnahParung, Bogor Regency. The results of the study show that: a. The implementation of the halaqah method in the implementation of learning to recite the Koran of the santri in Islamic Boarding Schools Darussunnah Bogor is in the form of a halaqah system, process, and evaluation of learning; b. Supporting factors include guidance from the tahfidz teacher, parental support and the environment, and because they are able to read the Koran; c. The inhibiting factor is the character of different santri, drowsiness, and the need for learning innovation;and d. Efforts to overcome the inhibiting factors include providing motivation, strict teacher guidance, learning how to read the Qur'an and varied subjects.
Curriculum management has an important role in the education process, especially in Early Childho... more Curriculum management has an important role in the education process, especially in Early Childhood Education (PAUD). At that time the child's development is very fast so that there is a need for guidance and stimulation according to the level of development. The method of this article is descriptive qualitative where this research describes the object of research based on the facts as they are. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of curriculum management in the Tahfidzul Qur'an Kindergarten Nurul Iman Jakarta Academic Year 2018/2019 in terms of (1) curriculum planning; (2) organizing the curriculum; (3) curriculum implementation; and (4) curriculum evaluation. The results of this study are: (1) in curriculum planning there are annual, semester, weekly and daily planning; (2) organizing the curriculum in the classical form in the learning process and the distribution of material adapted to the curriculum book by Conscience Musta'in and others; (3) curriculum implementation is in accordance with the planned program there are only a few negligence in making SKH; and (4) in the curriculum evaluation there are daily, weekly, and semester evaluations carried out by the principal, teachers, and parents of students
The implementation of the early fardu prayer is one of the factors in the formation of a person's... more The implementation of the early fardu prayer is one of the factors in the formation of a person's disciplinary character. This study aims to determine the formation of the character of discipline by implementing the early fardu prayer. This research took place at Al Ghiffari Islamic Boarding School, Lewuliang District, Cibeber Village, Bogor Regency, using qualitative non-statistical field methods. While the results of this study are (1) the implementation of the early prayer at Al Ghiffari Islamic Boarding School is very good and running smoothly, (2) supporting factors; the application of the fardu prayer at the beginning of time, the existence of examples from the asatidzah (teachers), internal strengthening of the supervisor in controlling the students, strengthening the punishment (punishment), the existence of rewards (achievements) for disciplined students, and diligent friends (3) inhibiting factors; the lack of understanding of the santri towards discipline, the students who go back and forth (not living); and transfer students (4) The solution is done; there is guidance for students, control of students who go back and forth (pp), and special guidance for transfer students.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Apr 20, 2020
Peningkatan siswa dalam karakter religiusnya dipengaruhi peran Guru PAI serta Budi Pekerti melalu... more Peningkatan siswa dalam karakter religiusnya dipengaruhi peran Guru PAI serta Budi Pekerti melalui program salat berjamaah dan salat duha. Penelitian memakai metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian: (a) guru (PAI) sebagai penggerak salat berjamaah, dan salat duha; (b) memberikan pengarahan; (c) membuat jadwal waktu salat; (d) memberikan motivasi. Faktor-faktor pendukung (a) adanya sarana prasarana masjid; (b) pengaturan jadwal salat; (c) adanya Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid (DKM) dari kesiswaan; dan (d) lapangan luas. Faktor-faktor penghambat (a) masjid kecil; (b) sedikitnya guru (PAI); (c) guru (PAI) perempuan semua; dan (d) kesadaran siswa rendah. Solusi mengatasi faktor-faktor penghambat: (a) dibuat tim pembimbing; (b) mengarahkan siswa; (c) membentuk (DKM) dari siswa; dan (d) Absensi siswa.
India, offers a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) programme of 5 years duration... more India, offers a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) programme of 5 years duration. Majority (98%) of students in this programme are Malaysians. The present study was intended to explore students' perspectives about the academic and non-academic aspects of their life in the campus. Methods: Students (n=126) of the first year of the MBBS programme, living in the campus for 10 months, were included in the study. They were asked to respond to a questionnaire consisting of 18 items each in the academic and non-academic categories and the responses were analysed. Results: Students felt that the content of the syllabus in the first year was adequate(85%) and clinically oriented(70%). They found faculty approachable, accessible outside class hours(92%) and inspirational to achieve higher goals(84%). They felt that their feedback was valued(82%) and assessment methods effective(74%). However, they opined that the work load was too heavy(70%), teaching hours too long and as a result concentration in class difficult(78%). An attendance requirement of 90% for appearing for the final examination was a matter of concern(70%). They also wished they had more avenues (77%) and time (83%), for relaxation after class. Conclusion: The students were able to appreciate the strengths of the academic programme as well as motivational attributes of the faculty. Guidance regarding time management may be in order to help them manage their workload.
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya anak-anak pada saat sekarang ini, khususnya pada d... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya anak-anak pada saat sekarang ini, khususnya pada daerah perkotaan, dimana masih terdapat anak yang belum bisa membaca Alquran. Kalau sejak dini masih belum bisa membaca Alquran, maka akan sulit juga untuk memahami isi kandungan dari kitab suci Alquran. Maka dari itu banyak orangtua menitipkan anaknya ke Taman Pendidikan Alquran (TPA) untuk belajar agama, khususnya cara membaca Alquran. Pada Taman Pendidikan Alquran (TPA) Hunafa Anak Shaleh dan Shalehah Kecamatan Jagakarsa Kota Jakarta Selatan memakai suatu metode untuk memudahkan anak di dalam membaca Alquran, yaitu metode At-Tahsin . Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implementasi metode At-Tahsin , serta faktor yang menjadi penunjang dan penghambat pembelajaran membaca Alquran. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan deskriptive in...
As creatures that have more complex life needs, human are required to have the motivation to fulf... more As creatures that have more complex life needs, human are required to have the motivation to fulfill them and also to achieve various other life goals, even with high motivation. Especially in facing the 4.0 industrial revolution and to become a 5.0 society that is superior and competitive in all aspects of life, including in the aspect of education, even in Islamic education. The urgency of motivation and the need to be highly motivated is highly recommended in Islam, especially based on the Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadits as well as the opinions of the scholars and their implementation in various aspects of life. The reality of das sollen and das sein, is narrated explicitly and in detail by Sayyid Al-‘Affânî about the obligation of muslim to have high motivation as outlined in 15 volumes of his work entitled Shalâh Al-Ummah fî ‘Uluww Al-Himmah. Therefore, this research articles that use qualitative methods with a literature review and field study approach as well as data collection throu...
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Apr 20, 2020
Moral education is very important in an effort to deal with the problem of national moral decaden... more Moral education is very important in an effort to deal with the problem of national moral decadence. Based on this, this study aims to discuss the implementation of moral education in the formation of Islamic character of Class VIII students at MTs Al Falah Gunungsindur, Bogor Regency, Academic Year 2020/2021. This study used a qualitative field study method with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation study as well as data analysis using interpretive descriptive methods. The results of this study are: First, the process of implementing moral education at MTs Al Falah Gunungsindur Bogor, namely through activities that lead to moral development and the formation of Islamic character of students. Second, the supporting factors in the implementation of moral education include: good and firm rules, strict sanctions against students who violate, adequate school facilities, competent teaching staff, and a good school environment. Third, inhibiting factors in the implementation of moral education include: uncontrolled student life outside of school, the school environment close to urban areas, the presence of students from broken homes, and the presence of students who abuse communication tools in the classroom. Fourth, solutions to inhibiting factors include: the school works with the parents of students in monitoring their children outside of school, mobilizes security forces to supervise the environment around the school, maximizes the role of BK (Guidance and Counseling) teachers to students from families having problems, and conducting routine checks (raids) on student luggage.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Apr 20, 2020
Learning to read and write the Al-Qur'an is very important for Muslims, so there needs to be an e... more Learning to read and write the Al-Qur'an is very important for Muslims, so there needs to be an effort by BTQ teachers in overcoming difficulties, one of which is at the Assa'adah Islamic Education Foundation Junior High School (YAPSA). The results of this research are (1) The teacher's efforts include: choosing the right method, motivation, enthusiasm, creating study groups, and giving assignments; (2) Supporting factors include: adequate school facilities, learning media, active teachers, and family support when learning BTQ at home; (3) Inhibiting factors include: students have various abilities in BTQ, less varied learning media, and students who lack self-confidence; and lack of motivation to learn from family (4) The solutions include: creating study groups, using other learning media, providing motivation to students, and families guiding students to study at home.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Apr 20, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran guru Akidah Akhlak beserta faktor pendukung, peng... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran guru Akidah Akhlak beserta faktor pendukung, penghambat, dan solusi dari faktor penghambat dalam meningkatkan akhlakuk karimah siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang tersusun dari obeservasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dengan analisis deskriptif interpretatif. Hasil penelitian dari peran guru Akidah Akhlak dalam meningkatkan akhlakul karimah siswa Kelas VIII-3 di Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Darul Ihya Ciomas Bogor Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020. Hasil penelitian: Pertama, peran guru Akidah Akhlak dalam meningkatkan akhlakul karimah siswa Kelas VIII-3 di sekolah ini sudah cukup baik dalam berperan, yaitu dengan cara mendidik, membimbing, memfasilitasi, menasihati, dan juga mengevaluasi siswanya dalam hal-hal kebaikan. Kedua, faktor pendukung: (a) peraturan sekolah yang baik dan tegas; (b) guru yang kompeten; (c) fasilitas yang memadai; dan (d) kelas yang bersih dan nyaman. Ketiga, faktor penghambat: (a) latar belakang siswa yang beragam; (b) guru belum bisa mengejar kemajuan teknologi; dan (c) orang tua yang kurang perhatian terhadap anaknya. Keempat, solusi: (a) guru harus sigap menanggapi siswa yang bermasalah, (b) guru harus berusaha ekstra keras mengejar ketertinggalan kemajuan teknologi; dan (c) orang tua harus selalu memantau dan mendengarkan cerita anaknya, ketika ia telah melakukan sesuatu.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Jul 8, 2020
Many educational institutions have excellent Al-Qur'an memorization programs, but the selection o... more Many educational institutions have excellent Al-Qur'an memorization programs, but the selection of methods is not right so the achievement of memorization targets is not optimal. The purpose of this study are: to find out the implementation of the Al Muyassar method in improving the memorization of the Qur'an at the El Ma'mur Cimanggu Bogor City Junior High School, knowing the supporting factors and inhibiting factors, and solutions to the obstacles. This type of research is qualitative research with a case study approach and data collection techniques through observation, documentation, and interviews, and data analysis techniques through interpretive descriptive methods. The results of this study are: (1) The implementation of the Al Muyassar method in improving the memorization of the Qur'an of students at El Ma'mur Junior High School is carried out through learning Tahfidz and Tahsin so that students can reach the target memorization well. (2) Supporting factors are: the role of the principal, professional teacher, learning tools, school collaboration, student ability, and rhythm. (3) The inhibiting factors are: diverse student input, uneven teacher qualifications, and minimal role of parents. (4) Diverse student input solutions with the presence of the Al-Qur'an clinical program. Solution to the obstacles to teacher qualifications that have not been evenly distributed and the lack of parental roles by holding regular coaching.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Dec 10, 2018
The implementation of tajweed science learning is the branch of science that the law of study is ... more The implementation of tajweed science learning is the branch of science that the law of study is fardhu kifayah or and the law of reading the Alquran with the principles of tajweed is fardhu ain. The results of this study are: first, necessary learning is the Talaqqi method, the whiteboard learning media and makers, the source of the book is the Matan Al-Muqaddimah Al-Jazarriyah's book, and imtihan. Second, supporting factors others: Mudarris quality Learning, system created, talaqqi method conducive environment, and complete facilities. Third, inhibiting factors in the application of recitation knowledge, among others: weak students interest, lack of learning media, lack of motivation, and student psychologists. Fourth, a solution to overcome the inhibiting factors in the application of learning about recitation, among others; add additional learning programs outside of normal time, the need for additional learning media by collaborating with various parties, and submit applications to donors for the procurement with asatidz to always provide motivation and make flexible approaches to the psychology of students.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Dec 10, 2019
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of students who still do not pay attention to the ma... more This research is motivated by the phenomenon of students who still do not pay attention to the material presented because of the emergence of boredom, laziness, and often joking with friends. Students also tend to be ashamed to ask the teacher when they encounter problems in Islamic Studies and Character. Seeing the above reality, teachers are required to be able to choose and use appropriate learning methods to help teachers deliver material in order to improve student achievement in teaching and learning. The location of this research is at SDIT Al-Azhar Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. The results of this study are: First, teacher planning to prepare the material presented, both in the form of books and lesson plans. Second, the teacher learning process explains the learning objectives and uses the question and answer method interspersed with other methods. Third, supporting factors are good student motivation, infrastructure and sources of teaching materials that support, and a conducive social learning climate. Fourth, the inhibiting factors are the varied character of students, the level of enthusiasm that is sometimes low, the concentration that sometimes decreases, and the limitations of learning time due to students' answers which sometimes take a long time. Fifth, the solution of these obstacles is that educators always maintain enthusiasm during teaching and present games or stories to overcome students' lack of concentration, fatigue, sleepiness and boredom during learning.
Menjaga dan merawat para orang tua berusia lanjut menjadi salah satu hal yang menjadi perhatian d... more Menjaga dan merawat para orang tua berusia lanjut menjadi salah satu hal yang menjadi perhatian di banyak negara, khususnya negara-negara modern. Salah satu cara untuk menangani hal itu adalah dengan mendirikan rumah-rumah jompo atau panti. Pihak pemerintah dan swasta setempat membangun rumah-rumah yang digunakan untuk menampung kebutuhan lansia agar dapat menjalani masa tuanya dengan lebih baik dan terawat. Salah satunya adalah Singapura sebagai negara dengan komunitas multietnis dan multi-agamanya. Kementerian Sosial dan Pembangunan Keluarga Singapura berusaha memberikan penempatan bagi generasi ini untuk dijaga dan dirawat dengan baik dengan menyiapkan beberapa panti jompo bagi setiap lansia yang membutuhkannya. Penelitian ini mencoba meneliti proses pembinaan untuk para lansia di salah satu panti jompo yang ada di Singapura, yaitu Rumah Muhibbah Warga Tua Pertapis Singapura. Dalam hal ini masalah yang akan diangkat adalah untuk melihat apa saja program-program yang diberikan oleh panti jompo tersebut dalam membina para lansia, serta apakah programprogram tersebut dapat membentuk karakter religius para lansia di hari tuanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan strategi penelitian studi lapangan, yaitu pengambilan catatan lapangan bersifat deskriptif, dengan mengumpulkan suatu variasi informasi dari perspektif berbeda. Hanya saja, karena penelitian ini dilakukan dalam kondisi pandemi, maka metode penelitian yang dilakukan tanpa tatap muka dan menggali dari jaringan dunia maya berupa web dan akun youtube. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa program-program yang diberikan oleh panti jompo Rumah Muhibbah Warga Tua Pertapis meliputi kegiatan yang melibatkan motorik tangan, kegiatan pikiran, berkebun, dan pembinaan ruhani keagamaan. Adapun kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut belum maksimal membentuk karakter para penghuni panti jompo. Kata kunci: Pendidikan Karakter, Panti Jompo, Singapura.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2017
Learning-teaching process or teaching-learning process need learning methodology. It used to achi... more Learning-teaching process or teaching-learning process need learning methodology. It used to achieve goal of learning-teaching or teaching-learning as planning and target. There are two model of method. The first, method is tehcnique or way. It's mean way to send the content of message to audiens. The second, in learning methodology, method are term of model, strategy, learning technique and learning tactics.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2017
Edukasi Islami Jurnal Pendidikan Islam reorientasi visi-misi perguruan tinggi Islam sendiri dalam... more Edukasi Islami Jurnal Pendidikan Islam reorientasi visi-misi perguruan tinggi Islam sendiri dalam menciptakan lulusan yang profesional, kompetitif dan berwawasan multikultural, 4 maka muncullah ide dan rencana pengembangan IAIN menjadi UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri). 5
The management of marketing education services will be good if done correctly and professionally.... more The management of marketing education services will be good if done correctly and professionally. The aim of the marketing management of education services is to facilitate the institution in marketing its educational services to the community. The purpose of this study is to be able to find out how the implementation of the mix strategy in the marketing management of education services in the Darul Fallah Integrated Aliyah Madrasah (MAT) Bogor. This scientific research uses qualitative methods by collecting data from field observation activities, interviews with relevant sources, and taking documentation from the research site. The marketing mix of education services in MAT Darul Fallah Bogor includes: (1) Product strategy; (2) Price Strategy; (3) Place Strategy (location); (4) Promotion Strategy; (5) People Strategy; (6) Physical Evendece Strategy; and (7) Process Strategy. In addition, this study also discusses the development of marketing education services in MAT Darul Fallah Bogor from year to year and various kinds of educational services products offered so that consumers are more interested in seeing firsthand the advantages of this school.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Feb 20, 2020
Secara programatik, pendidikan budaya dan karakter bangsa adalah usaha bersama semua guru dan pim... more Secara programatik, pendidikan budaya dan karakter bangsa adalah usaha bersama semua guru dan pimpinan sekolah, melalui semua mata pelajaran dan budaya sekolah dalam membina dan mengembangkan nilai-nilai budaya dan karakter bangsa pada peserta didik. Oleh karena itu guru PAI dan Budi Pekerti dituntut untuk memiliki akhlak dan sifat-sifat yang mulia serta menjadi teladan dalam pembentukan karakter jujur siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, gambaran umum pendidikan karakter jujur di SMP Negeri 2 Tamansari Bogor sudah cukup baik. Berupa program rutinan, seperti program jumat Ngaos dan gerakan dua ribu (GADIBU). Kedua, upaya guru antara lain: mengisi absensi, memberikan jadwal piket, memberikan pemahaman kejujuran, memberikan pengawasan dan pembinaan, menjadi teladan yang baik, mengurangi poin atau nilai, memberikan sangsi, dan melakukan evaluasi. Ketiga, faktor pendukung antara lain: kerjasama antar guru, siswa dan pembina rohis, lingkungan sekolah yang mendukung dan membiasakan guru menanamkan karakter jujur. Keempat, faktor penghambat: pengaruh teman-teman yang buruk, sebagian masyarakat yang berperilaku buruk, dan keterbatasan waktu. Kelima, solusi dari faktor penghambat yaitu: menumbuhkan kesadaran pada siswa, membangun komunikasi baik dengan orang tua siswa, membangun komunikasi baik dengan masyarakat sekitar sekolah dan berusaha meluangkan waktu.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Mar 19, 2019
Tahfidz Alquran Islamic Boarding School Darussunnah Parung Bogor Regency is a school where there ... more Tahfidz Alquran Islamic Boarding School Darussunnah Parung Bogor Regency is a school where there are subjects to memorize the Koran. In the implementation of the memorizing learners of the Koran, santri of the Islamic Boarding School of Darussunnah use the halaqah method. Based on this explanation, the authors determined to explore more about how the implementation of the halaqah method in learning to memorize the Koran of the santri in the Islamic Boarding School of DarussunnahParung, Bogor Regency. The results of the study show that: a. The implementation of the halaqah method in the implementation of learning to recite the Koran of the santri in Islamic Boarding Schools Darussunnah Bogor is in the form of a halaqah system, process, and evaluation of learning; b. Supporting factors include guidance from the tahfidz teacher, parental support and the environment, and because they are able to read the Koran; c. The inhibiting factor is the character of different santri, drowsiness, and the need for learning innovation;and d. Efforts to overcome the inhibiting factors include providing motivation, strict teacher guidance, learning how to read the Qur'an and varied subjects.
Curriculum management has an important role in the education process, especially in Early Childho... more Curriculum management has an important role in the education process, especially in Early Childhood Education (PAUD). At that time the child's development is very fast so that there is a need for guidance and stimulation according to the level of development. The method of this article is descriptive qualitative where this research describes the object of research based on the facts as they are. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of curriculum management in the Tahfidzul Qur'an Kindergarten Nurul Iman Jakarta Academic Year 2018/2019 in terms of (1) curriculum planning; (2) organizing the curriculum; (3) curriculum implementation; and (4) curriculum evaluation. The results of this study are: (1) in curriculum planning there are annual, semester, weekly and daily planning; (2) organizing the curriculum in the classical form in the learning process and the distribution of material adapted to the curriculum book by Conscience Musta'in and others; (3) curriculum implementation is in accordance with the planned program there are only a few negligence in making SKH; and (4) in the curriculum evaluation there are daily, weekly, and semester evaluations carried out by the principal, teachers, and parents of students
The implementation of the early fardu prayer is one of the factors in the formation of a person's... more The implementation of the early fardu prayer is one of the factors in the formation of a person's disciplinary character. This study aims to determine the formation of the character of discipline by implementing the early fardu prayer. This research took place at Al Ghiffari Islamic Boarding School, Lewuliang District, Cibeber Village, Bogor Regency, using qualitative non-statistical field methods. While the results of this study are (1) the implementation of the early prayer at Al Ghiffari Islamic Boarding School is very good and running smoothly, (2) supporting factors; the application of the fardu prayer at the beginning of time, the existence of examples from the asatidzah (teachers), internal strengthening of the supervisor in controlling the students, strengthening the punishment (punishment), the existence of rewards (achievements) for disciplined students, and diligent friends (3) inhibiting factors; the lack of understanding of the santri towards discipline, the students who go back and forth (not living); and transfer students (4) The solution is done; there is guidance for students, control of students who go back and forth (pp), and special guidance for transfer students.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Apr 20, 2020
Peningkatan siswa dalam karakter religiusnya dipengaruhi peran Guru PAI serta Budi Pekerti melalu... more Peningkatan siswa dalam karakter religiusnya dipengaruhi peran Guru PAI serta Budi Pekerti melalui program salat berjamaah dan salat duha. Penelitian memakai metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian: (a) guru (PAI) sebagai penggerak salat berjamaah, dan salat duha; (b) memberikan pengarahan; (c) membuat jadwal waktu salat; (d) memberikan motivasi. Faktor-faktor pendukung (a) adanya sarana prasarana masjid; (b) pengaturan jadwal salat; (c) adanya Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid (DKM) dari kesiswaan; dan (d) lapangan luas. Faktor-faktor penghambat (a) masjid kecil; (b) sedikitnya guru (PAI); (c) guru (PAI) perempuan semua; dan (d) kesadaran siswa rendah. Solusi mengatasi faktor-faktor penghambat: (a) dibuat tim pembimbing; (b) mengarahkan siswa; (c) membentuk (DKM) dari siswa; dan (d) Absensi siswa.
India, offers a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) programme of 5 years duration... more India, offers a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) programme of 5 years duration. Majority (98%) of students in this programme are Malaysians. The present study was intended to explore students' perspectives about the academic and non-academic aspects of their life in the campus. Methods: Students (n=126) of the first year of the MBBS programme, living in the campus for 10 months, were included in the study. They were asked to respond to a questionnaire consisting of 18 items each in the academic and non-academic categories and the responses were analysed. Results: Students felt that the content of the syllabus in the first year was adequate(85%) and clinically oriented(70%). They found faculty approachable, accessible outside class hours(92%) and inspirational to achieve higher goals(84%). They felt that their feedback was valued(82%) and assessment methods effective(74%). However, they opined that the work load was too heavy(70%), teaching hours too long and as a result concentration in class difficult(78%). An attendance requirement of 90% for appearing for the final examination was a matter of concern(70%). They also wished they had more avenues (77%) and time (83%), for relaxation after class. Conclusion: The students were able to appreciate the strengths of the academic programme as well as motivational attributes of the faculty. Guidance regarding time management may be in order to help them manage their workload.
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya anak-anak pada saat sekarang ini, khususnya pada d... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya anak-anak pada saat sekarang ini, khususnya pada daerah perkotaan, dimana masih terdapat anak yang belum bisa membaca Alquran. Kalau sejak dini masih belum bisa membaca Alquran, maka akan sulit juga untuk memahami isi kandungan dari kitab suci Alquran. Maka dari itu banyak orangtua menitipkan anaknya ke Taman Pendidikan Alquran (TPA) untuk belajar agama, khususnya cara membaca Alquran. Pada Taman Pendidikan Alquran (TPA) Hunafa Anak Shaleh dan Shalehah Kecamatan Jagakarsa Kota Jakarta Selatan memakai suatu metode untuk memudahkan anak di dalam membaca Alquran, yaitu metode At-Tahsin . Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implementasi metode At-Tahsin , serta faktor yang menjadi penunjang dan penghambat pembelajaran membaca Alquran. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan deskriptive in...
As creatures that have more complex life needs, human are required to have the motivation to fulf... more As creatures that have more complex life needs, human are required to have the motivation to fulfill them and also to achieve various other life goals, even with high motivation. Especially in facing the 4.0 industrial revolution and to become a 5.0 society that is superior and competitive in all aspects of life, including in the aspect of education, even in Islamic education. The urgency of motivation and the need to be highly motivated is highly recommended in Islam, especially based on the Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadits as well as the opinions of the scholars and their implementation in various aspects of life. The reality of das sollen and das sein, is narrated explicitly and in detail by Sayyid Al-‘Affânî about the obligation of muslim to have high motivation as outlined in 15 volumes of his work entitled Shalâh Al-Ummah fî ‘Uluww Al-Himmah. Therefore, this research articles that use qualitative methods with a literature review and field study approach as well as data collection throu...
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Apr 20, 2020
Moral education is very important in an effort to deal with the problem of national moral decaden... more Moral education is very important in an effort to deal with the problem of national moral decadence. Based on this, this study aims to discuss the implementation of moral education in the formation of Islamic character of Class VIII students at MTs Al Falah Gunungsindur, Bogor Regency, Academic Year 2020/2021. This study used a qualitative field study method with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation study as well as data analysis using interpretive descriptive methods. The results of this study are: First, the process of implementing moral education at MTs Al Falah Gunungsindur Bogor, namely through activities that lead to moral development and the formation of Islamic character of students. Second, the supporting factors in the implementation of moral education include: good and firm rules, strict sanctions against students who violate, adequate school facilities, competent teaching staff, and a good school environment. Third, inhibiting factors in the implementation of moral education include: uncontrolled student life outside of school, the school environment close to urban areas, the presence of students from broken homes, and the presence of students who abuse communication tools in the classroom. Fourth, solutions to inhibiting factors include: the school works with the parents of students in monitoring their children outside of school, mobilizes security forces to supervise the environment around the school, maximizes the role of BK (Guidance and Counseling) teachers to students from families having problems, and conducting routine checks (raids) on student luggage.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Apr 20, 2020
Learning to read and write the Al-Qur'an is very important for Muslims, so there needs to be an e... more Learning to read and write the Al-Qur'an is very important for Muslims, so there needs to be an effort by BTQ teachers in overcoming difficulties, one of which is at the Assa'adah Islamic Education Foundation Junior High School (YAPSA). The results of this research are (1) The teacher's efforts include: choosing the right method, motivation, enthusiasm, creating study groups, and giving assignments; (2) Supporting factors include: adequate school facilities, learning media, active teachers, and family support when learning BTQ at home; (3) Inhibiting factors include: students have various abilities in BTQ, less varied learning media, and students who lack self-confidence; and lack of motivation to learn from family (4) The solutions include: creating study groups, using other learning media, providing motivation to students, and families guiding students to study at home.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Apr 20, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran guru Akidah Akhlak beserta faktor pendukung, peng... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran guru Akidah Akhlak beserta faktor pendukung, penghambat, dan solusi dari faktor penghambat dalam meningkatkan akhlakuk karimah siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang tersusun dari obeservasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dengan analisis deskriptif interpretatif. Hasil penelitian dari peran guru Akidah Akhlak dalam meningkatkan akhlakul karimah siswa Kelas VIII-3 di Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Darul Ihya Ciomas Bogor Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020. Hasil penelitian: Pertama, peran guru Akidah Akhlak dalam meningkatkan akhlakul karimah siswa Kelas VIII-3 di sekolah ini sudah cukup baik dalam berperan, yaitu dengan cara mendidik, membimbing, memfasilitasi, menasihati, dan juga mengevaluasi siswanya dalam hal-hal kebaikan. Kedua, faktor pendukung: (a) peraturan sekolah yang baik dan tegas; (b) guru yang kompeten; (c) fasilitas yang memadai; dan (d) kelas yang bersih dan nyaman. Ketiga, faktor penghambat: (a) latar belakang siswa yang beragam; (b) guru belum bisa mengejar kemajuan teknologi; dan (c) orang tua yang kurang perhatian terhadap anaknya. Keempat, solusi: (a) guru harus sigap menanggapi siswa yang bermasalah, (b) guru harus berusaha ekstra keras mengejar ketertinggalan kemajuan teknologi; dan (c) orang tua harus selalu memantau dan mendengarkan cerita anaknya, ketika ia telah melakukan sesuatu.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Jul 8, 2020
Many educational institutions have excellent Al-Qur'an memorization programs, but the selection o... more Many educational institutions have excellent Al-Qur'an memorization programs, but the selection of methods is not right so the achievement of memorization targets is not optimal. The purpose of this study are: to find out the implementation of the Al Muyassar method in improving the memorization of the Qur'an at the El Ma'mur Cimanggu Bogor City Junior High School, knowing the supporting factors and inhibiting factors, and solutions to the obstacles. This type of research is qualitative research with a case study approach and data collection techniques through observation, documentation, and interviews, and data analysis techniques through interpretive descriptive methods. The results of this study are: (1) The implementation of the Al Muyassar method in improving the memorization of the Qur'an of students at El Ma'mur Junior High School is carried out through learning Tahfidz and Tahsin so that students can reach the target memorization well. (2) Supporting factors are: the role of the principal, professional teacher, learning tools, school collaboration, student ability, and rhythm. (3) The inhibiting factors are: diverse student input, uneven teacher qualifications, and minimal role of parents. (4) Diverse student input solutions with the presence of the Al-Qur'an clinical program. Solution to the obstacles to teacher qualifications that have not been evenly distributed and the lack of parental roles by holding regular coaching.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Dec 10, 2018
The implementation of tajweed science learning is the branch of science that the law of study is ... more The implementation of tajweed science learning is the branch of science that the law of study is fardhu kifayah or and the law of reading the Alquran with the principles of tajweed is fardhu ain. The results of this study are: first, necessary learning is the Talaqqi method, the whiteboard learning media and makers, the source of the book is the Matan Al-Muqaddimah Al-Jazarriyah's book, and imtihan. Second, supporting factors others: Mudarris quality Learning, system created, talaqqi method conducive environment, and complete facilities. Third, inhibiting factors in the application of recitation knowledge, among others: weak students interest, lack of learning media, lack of motivation, and student psychologists. Fourth, a solution to overcome the inhibiting factors in the application of learning about recitation, among others; add additional learning programs outside of normal time, the need for additional learning media by collaborating with various parties, and submit applications to donors for the procurement with asatidz to always provide motivation and make flexible approaches to the psychology of students.
Prosa PAI : Prosiding Al Hidayah Pendidikan Agama Islam, Dec 10, 2019
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of students who still do not pay attention to the ma... more This research is motivated by the phenomenon of students who still do not pay attention to the material presented because of the emergence of boredom, laziness, and often joking with friends. Students also tend to be ashamed to ask the teacher when they encounter problems in Islamic Studies and Character. Seeing the above reality, teachers are required to be able to choose and use appropriate learning methods to help teachers deliver material in order to improve student achievement in teaching and learning. The location of this research is at SDIT Al-Azhar Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. The results of this study are: First, teacher planning to prepare the material presented, both in the form of books and lesson plans. Second, the teacher learning process explains the learning objectives and uses the question and answer method interspersed with other methods. Third, supporting factors are good student motivation, infrastructure and sources of teaching materials that support, and a conducive social learning climate. Fourth, the inhibiting factors are the varied character of students, the level of enthusiasm that is sometimes low, the concentration that sometimes decreases, and the limitations of learning time due to students' answers which sometimes take a long time. Fifth, the solution of these obstacles is that educators always maintain enthusiasm during teaching and present games or stories to overcome students' lack of concentration, fatigue, sleepiness and boredom during learning.
Menjaga dan merawat para orang tua berusia lanjut menjadi salah satu hal yang menjadi perhatian d... more Menjaga dan merawat para orang tua berusia lanjut menjadi salah satu hal yang menjadi perhatian di banyak negara, khususnya negara-negara modern. Salah satu cara untuk menangani hal itu adalah dengan mendirikan rumah-rumah jompo atau panti. Pihak pemerintah dan swasta setempat membangun rumah-rumah yang digunakan untuk menampung kebutuhan lansia agar dapat menjalani masa tuanya dengan lebih baik dan terawat. Salah satunya adalah Singapura sebagai negara dengan komunitas multietnis dan multi-agamanya. Kementerian Sosial dan Pembangunan Keluarga Singapura berusaha memberikan penempatan bagi generasi ini untuk dijaga dan dirawat dengan baik dengan menyiapkan beberapa panti jompo bagi setiap lansia yang membutuhkannya. Penelitian ini mencoba meneliti proses pembinaan untuk para lansia di salah satu panti jompo yang ada di Singapura, yaitu Rumah Muhibbah Warga Tua Pertapis Singapura. Dalam hal ini masalah yang akan diangkat adalah untuk melihat apa saja program-program yang diberikan oleh panti jompo tersebut dalam membina para lansia, serta apakah programprogram tersebut dapat membentuk karakter religius para lansia di hari tuanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan strategi penelitian studi lapangan, yaitu pengambilan catatan lapangan bersifat deskriptif, dengan mengumpulkan suatu variasi informasi dari perspektif berbeda. Hanya saja, karena penelitian ini dilakukan dalam kondisi pandemi, maka metode penelitian yang dilakukan tanpa tatap muka dan menggali dari jaringan dunia maya berupa web dan akun youtube. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa program-program yang diberikan oleh panti jompo Rumah Muhibbah Warga Tua Pertapis meliputi kegiatan yang melibatkan motorik tangan, kegiatan pikiran, berkebun, dan pembinaan ruhani keagamaan. Adapun kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut belum maksimal membentuk karakter para penghuni panti jompo. Kata kunci: Pendidikan Karakter, Panti Jompo, Singapura.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2017
Learning-teaching process or teaching-learning process need learning methodology. It used to achi... more Learning-teaching process or teaching-learning process need learning methodology. It used to achieve goal of learning-teaching or teaching-learning as planning and target. There are two model of method. The first, method is tehcnique or way. It's mean way to send the content of message to audiens. The second, in learning methodology, method are term of model, strategy, learning technique and learning tactics.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2017
Edukasi Islami Jurnal Pendidikan Islam reorientasi visi-misi perguruan tinggi Islam sendiri dalam... more Edukasi Islami Jurnal Pendidikan Islam reorientasi visi-misi perguruan tinggi Islam sendiri dalam menciptakan lulusan yang profesional, kompetitif dan berwawasan multikultural, 4 maka muncullah ide dan rencana pengembangan IAIN menjadi UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri). 5
The management of marketing education services will be good if done correctly and professionally.... more The management of marketing education services will be good if done correctly and professionally. The aim of the marketing management of education services is to facilitate the institution in marketing its educational services to the community. The purpose of this study is to be able to find out how the implementation of the mix strategy in the marketing management of education services in the Darul Fallah Integrated Aliyah Madrasah (MAT) Bogor. This scientific research uses qualitative methods by collecting data from field observation activities, interviews with relevant sources, and taking documentation from the research site. The marketing mix of education services in MAT Darul Fallah Bogor includes: (1) Product strategy; (2) Price Strategy; (3) Place Strategy (location); (4) Promotion Strategy; (5) People Strategy; (6) Physical Evendece Strategy; and (7) Process Strategy. In addition, this study also discusses the development of marketing education services in MAT Darul Fallah Bogor from year to year and various kinds of educational services products offered so that consumers are more interested in seeing firsthand the advantages of this school.
Papers by Rahendra Maya