KLITIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, 2019
Musik disebut sebagai bahasa dari perasaan-perasaan yang dirasakan manusia (the language of emoti... more Musik disebut sebagai bahasa dari perasaan-perasaan yang dirasakan manusia (the language of emotions). Musik dan bahasa memiliki tujuan yang serupa yaitu mengomunikasikan sesuatu arti tertentu yang ingin disampaikan. Sebagaimana yang ingin dikomunikasikan Ipa Hadi Sasonodalam karya lagunya berjudul "Rembulan". Selain itu penelitian ini juga mendeskripsikan tentang persepsi masyarakat usia 21-24 di kalangan karang taruna Desa Gentan, Kecamatan Bulu, Kabupaten Sukoharjo terhadap lagu. Subyek penelitian adalah lagu "Rembulan" Karya Ipa Hadi Sasono. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Semiotika Roland Barthes. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan sekunder. Teknik Keabsahan data menggunakan Triangulasi sumber. Teknik Pengumpulan data menggunakan content analysis dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa lagu "Rembulan" menggunakan dua macam simbol, yakni simbol verbal berupa syair atau lirik lagu yang mengandung makna tentang percintaan. Sedangkan simbol non verbal berupa unsur-unsur lagu yang indah dan lembut membuat lagu saling berkesinambungan. Persepsi yang didapat dari lagu "Rembulan" adalah persepsi positif karena bisa mendorong anak muda untuk membuat karya dan menjadi anak muda yang kreatif.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang baik dengan menggunakan pendeka... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang baik dengan menggunakan pendekatan Quantum Learning berbasis needs assesment pada mata kuliah Aljabar Linier. Penggunaan pendekatan Quantum Learning dalam pembelajaran merupakan salah satu cara untuk menarik minat mahasiswa dalam mengikuti dan memahami materi Aljabar Linier. Pendekatan Quantum Learning tidak dapat berjalan tanpa adanya metode pembelajaran, untuk itu dimanfaatkan needs assesment untuk menentukan metode pembelajaran yang cocok dengan karakteristik masing-masing mahasiswa. Penelitian pengembangan ini dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan pengembangan 4-D Thiagarajan, dkk.. Pendekatan Thiagarajan terdiri dari 4 tahap yang dikenal dengan pendekatan 4-D (four D pendekatan). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika IKIP PGRI Madiun Semester V. Perangkat pembelajaran yang telah didapatkan dinyatakan valid oleh para validator dan memenuhi kriteria yaitu aktivitas mahasiswa efektif, kemampu...
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah dihasilkannya perangkat pembelajaran matematik... more Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah dihasilkannya perangkat pembelajaran matematika realistik di SMP yang telah tervalidasikan. Metode penelitian dilakukan lewat pengembangan model 4-D (four D model). Subjek uji coba terbatas perangkat pembelajaran adalah siswa kelas VII SMPN 2 Sukoharjo tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Hasil penelitian berupa produk perangkat pembelajaran pada materi Aljabar di kelas VII SMP. Buku tersebut telah divalidasikan secara teoretis yang dilakukan oleh ahli di bidangnya; rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran tertentu telah diuji secara terbatas keterbacaan dan disimulasikan;dan perangkat pembelajaran dan instrumen penelitian telah diuji coba terbatas. Kata Kunci: perangkat pembelajaran, matematika realistik DEVELOPING REALISTIC MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTION KITS IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS : This study was aimed to develop validated realistic mathematics instruction kits in junior high schools. The study was carried out using the four-D model. The subjects for th...
This research aims to develop a model heredity for values of Javanese culture through ritual trad... more This research aims to develop a model heredity for values of Javanese culture through ritual tradition in order to values of Javanese culture returns back internalized in living experience of Javanese life. The ritual application was intended for the more empowering its potential than ever before. During for long time, it was only used to grasp the local per capita and tourism as well as hospitality. Specifically, this research involves: (a) examining model theoretical-conceptual and testing it for small scale; b) describing effectivity of conceptual model;c) arranging conceptual model for heredity toward values of Javanese culture via ritual tradition. Methods consists of: a) literatures exploration and tracing some of enquiries which has similarity and relevancy;b)expert judgement was a process in which give suggestion and worthy comments from the experts through seminar or discussion; c) experimental studies to examine the referred model;d) analytical survey to measure effectivit...
This paper will examine the phenomenon of the construction of the meaning of La Light Wise Cigare... more This paper will examine the phenomenon of the construction of the meaning of La Light Wise Cigarette Ads Politically nuanced Do not Want Pitted, using semiotic analysis. The purpose of this paper is to obtain the construction of verbal and non-verbal messages of L.A Wise Cigarette Ads. Politically nuanced Don't Want to Be Pitted. Data in the form of image segments amounted to 8 verbal and non verbal messages. The results showed that La Light Wise Cigarette Ads with Political Shades Don't Want to Be Pitted aims to educate the public, to think critically and wisely, to make bold decisions individually or in groups, out of tension, fierce battles, insulting each other, taunting each other, hitting each other in the 2019 presidential election in Indonesia, which threatens unity and integrity. We do not want to be pitted by parties who have an interest in using the presidential election situation, in order to divide unity and integrity. We are still brothers and sisters as one na...
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Language, Literature and Society for Education, 2019
The article highlights the meaning construction phenomenon from a political advertising video ent... more The article highlights the meaning construction phenomenon from a political advertising video entitled Curahan Hati-Harapan Warga Jakarta (Confession-Expectation from Jakarta People) through a hyper-semiotics analysis. It aims to describe the hyper-reality sense based on a number of sign typologies, which include proper sign, pseudo sign, false sign, recycled sign, artificial sign, and superlative sign. It adopted a Qualitative method for the study. The data source derived from 41 frames of the political advertising video's scenes that show Jakarta people's daily life. A Content Analysis was deployed as the data collecting technique. The findings revealed that the political advertising video entitled Curahan Hati-Harapan Warga Jakarta had utilized superlative sign domination, as it was designed to create a multiplicity of hyperbolic sense for the sake of political imagery.
This study aims to describe the mix of cultural communication or inheritance of cultural values t... more This study aims to describe the mix of cultural communication or inheritance of cultural values through sekaten traditional media and digital media. Participants consisted of the Surakarta palace informants and a number of online news portal writers. Data were collected using interview guides and coding sheets. Data validity is achieved through source triangulation techniques, and analysis is carried out with circular interactive techniques. The results obtained indicate that the sekaten tradition in the Surakarta palace since it was created in the XV century was intended as a medium of communication between the king and the people in spreading Islamic ideology. Sekaten tradition still exists because it contains philosophical, ideological, historical, political and economic values that can always be adapted to social dynamics and the development of the era. But its function as a medium to inherit values is less than the maximum if digital media do not support it. Therefore, the comm...
This article discusses the meaning behind the sekaten traditional ceremony, as performed in Surak... more This article discusses the meaning behind the sekaten traditional ceremony, as performed in Surakarta by Surakarta palace, the government, and the local community. This is important because the sekaten ceremony is a traditional cultural event that encompasses local wisdom and moral values that guide the development of a civilized social life, yet it currently tends to be oriented toward the tourism sector, and its previous meaning is not understood by the local community. This research applies a descriptive analytical method with a qualitative approach. Data were collected from informants, namely staff at Surakarta palace, the Surakarta City Government, and Islamic religious leaders in Surakarta, as well as traders and visitors at the sekaten. The technique involved in-depth interviews and participatory observation of the places and events involved in the sekaten traditional procession. Data analysis was then carried out inductively using interactive methods. The results showed that...
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model pewarisan nilai-nilai budaya Jawa melalui pemanfaata... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model pewarisan nilai-nilai budaya Jawa melalui pemanfaatan upacara ritual dengan maksud agar nilai-nilai budaya Jawa dapat kembali menjadi filosofi dan mewujud dalam perilaku hidup masyarakat Jawa. Pemanfaatan ritual dimaksudkan untuk lebih memberdayakan potensinya mengingat penyelenggaraannya oleh masyarakat dan beberapa pemerintah daerah selama ini hanya diarahkan untuk meningkatkan PAD dari sektor pariwisata. Target khusus penelitian ini meliputi; (a) Pengujian teoretis model konseptual dan uji cobanya dalam skala kecil, (b) Deskripsi efektivitas model konseptual (c) Tersusunnya model konseptual efektif pewarisan nilai-nilai budaya Jawa melalui pemanfaatan upacara ritual. Metode yang digunakan antara lain : (a) Studi pustaka dan pelacakan hasil penelitian relefan untuk memantapkan rancangan penelitian, (b) Expert judgment melalui seminar /lokakarya untuk uji teoretis rancangan model konseptual, (c) Studi Experimental untuk uji coba model, d...
This study aims at analyzing and describing the use of digital media by elementary school student... more This study aims at analyzing and describing the use of digital media by elementary school students, the pattern of social interaction of the students and the influence of new media use on the students’ social ability. This research is explanative and has causal correlation with survey method using main instrument of questionnaire. The population covers students aged 8-12 years of elementary school students of Sukoharjo regency with total number 11.263 children fromn 554 elementary schools. The sample size is 80 students. The results showed that the rate of use of new media among the children was in the medium category (1.89), and social interaction in high category (2.45). The assumption which states that the higher the use of new media the social interaction of children tends to be lower is acceptable. It was proved with a correlation coefficient of 0.54 at degrees of freedom 0.05 or 95% confidence level.
In Indonesia, MSMEs are a business group that is a mainstay of economic activity that is able to ... more In Indonesia, MSMEs are a business group that is a mainstay of economic activity that is able to support most of its citizens. Economic development in Indonesia depends on the development and improvement of the capacity of MSMEs. MSMEs will be helped by improving their marketing performance through social media advertising. The use of social media advertising will create easy, cheap and fast access. Social media advertising can be used by companies to distribute advertisements and create awareness for customers. The research method in this research uses descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques use in-depth interviews with SMEs, library research, and focus group discussions involving advertising experts, academics, and social media experts. The data source in this study is MSMEs, advertising practitioners, communication science academics. Data analysis is carried out inductively and interactive analysis methods. The results of this study are 1) successful social med...
Iklan Politik Media Luar Ruang Honda Hendarto tampil dengan ciri khusus menggunakan bahasa karika... more Iklan Politik Media Luar Ruang Honda Hendarto tampil dengan ciri khusus menggunakan bahasa karikatur. Iklan ini biasanya menampilkan kandidat dengan gambar nyata yaitu : photo kandidat dengan gesturetertentu , logo partai politik, nama partai politik, tag line, nomor urut, background warna partai, dan nama caleg. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami makna konotatif kontruksi dan makna konfiguratif tanda non verbal dan verbal Karikatur Iklan Politik Media Luar Ruang Honda Hendarto.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan teknik menyimak. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah tanda non verbal Karikatur Iklan Politik Media Luar Ruang Honda Hendarto dan tanda verbal peribahasa Jangan Membeli Kucing dalam Karung. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisa semiotika dan pandangan stilistika Hasil penelitian iniadalah bahwaKaritur tersebut memiliki makna konotatif : 1) tentang sosok Honda Hendarto yang ingin membangun mitos dirinya, sebagai seorang pemikir besar...
KLITIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, 2019
Musik disebut sebagai bahasa dari perasaan-perasaan yang dirasakan manusia (the language of emoti... more Musik disebut sebagai bahasa dari perasaan-perasaan yang dirasakan manusia (the language of emotions). Musik dan bahasa memiliki tujuan yang serupa yaitu mengomunikasikan sesuatu arti tertentu yang ingin disampaikan. Sebagaimana yang ingin dikomunikasikan Ipa Hadi Sasonodalam karya lagunya berjudul "Rembulan". Selain itu penelitian ini juga mendeskripsikan tentang persepsi masyarakat usia 21-24 di kalangan karang taruna Desa Gentan, Kecamatan Bulu, Kabupaten Sukoharjo terhadap lagu. Subyek penelitian adalah lagu "Rembulan" Karya Ipa Hadi Sasono. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Semiotika Roland Barthes. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan sekunder. Teknik Keabsahan data menggunakan Triangulasi sumber. Teknik Pengumpulan data menggunakan content analysis dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa lagu "Rembulan" menggunakan dua macam simbol, yakni simbol verbal berupa syair atau lirik lagu yang mengandung makna tentang percintaan. Sedangkan simbol non verbal berupa unsur-unsur lagu yang indah dan lembut membuat lagu saling berkesinambungan. Persepsi yang didapat dari lagu "Rembulan" adalah persepsi positif karena bisa mendorong anak muda untuk membuat karya dan menjadi anak muda yang kreatif.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang baik dengan menggunakan pendeka... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran yang baik dengan menggunakan pendekatan Quantum Learning berbasis needs assesment pada mata kuliah Aljabar Linier. Penggunaan pendekatan Quantum Learning dalam pembelajaran merupakan salah satu cara untuk menarik minat mahasiswa dalam mengikuti dan memahami materi Aljabar Linier. Pendekatan Quantum Learning tidak dapat berjalan tanpa adanya metode pembelajaran, untuk itu dimanfaatkan needs assesment untuk menentukan metode pembelajaran yang cocok dengan karakteristik masing-masing mahasiswa. Penelitian pengembangan ini dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan pengembangan 4-D Thiagarajan, dkk.. Pendekatan Thiagarajan terdiri dari 4 tahap yang dikenal dengan pendekatan 4-D (four D pendekatan). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika IKIP PGRI Madiun Semester V. Perangkat pembelajaran yang telah didapatkan dinyatakan valid oleh para validator dan memenuhi kriteria yaitu aktivitas mahasiswa efektif, kemampu...
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah dihasilkannya perangkat pembelajaran matematik... more Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah dihasilkannya perangkat pembelajaran matematika realistik di SMP yang telah tervalidasikan. Metode penelitian dilakukan lewat pengembangan model 4-D (four D model). Subjek uji coba terbatas perangkat pembelajaran adalah siswa kelas VII SMPN 2 Sukoharjo tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Hasil penelitian berupa produk perangkat pembelajaran pada materi Aljabar di kelas VII SMP. Buku tersebut telah divalidasikan secara teoretis yang dilakukan oleh ahli di bidangnya; rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran tertentu telah diuji secara terbatas keterbacaan dan disimulasikan;dan perangkat pembelajaran dan instrumen penelitian telah diuji coba terbatas. Kata Kunci: perangkat pembelajaran, matematika realistik DEVELOPING REALISTIC MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTION KITS IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS : This study was aimed to develop validated realistic mathematics instruction kits in junior high schools. The study was carried out using the four-D model. The subjects for th...
This research aims to develop a model heredity for values of Javanese culture through ritual trad... more This research aims to develop a model heredity for values of Javanese culture through ritual tradition in order to values of Javanese culture returns back internalized in living experience of Javanese life. The ritual application was intended for the more empowering its potential than ever before. During for long time, it was only used to grasp the local per capita and tourism as well as hospitality. Specifically, this research involves: (a) examining model theoretical-conceptual and testing it for small scale; b) describing effectivity of conceptual model;c) arranging conceptual model for heredity toward values of Javanese culture via ritual tradition. Methods consists of: a) literatures exploration and tracing some of enquiries which has similarity and relevancy;b)expert judgement was a process in which give suggestion and worthy comments from the experts through seminar or discussion; c) experimental studies to examine the referred model;d) analytical survey to measure effectivit...
This paper will examine the phenomenon of the construction of the meaning of La Light Wise Cigare... more This paper will examine the phenomenon of the construction of the meaning of La Light Wise Cigarette Ads Politically nuanced Do not Want Pitted, using semiotic analysis. The purpose of this paper is to obtain the construction of verbal and non-verbal messages of L.A Wise Cigarette Ads. Politically nuanced Don't Want to Be Pitted. Data in the form of image segments amounted to 8 verbal and non verbal messages. The results showed that La Light Wise Cigarette Ads with Political Shades Don't Want to Be Pitted aims to educate the public, to think critically and wisely, to make bold decisions individually or in groups, out of tension, fierce battles, insulting each other, taunting each other, hitting each other in the 2019 presidential election in Indonesia, which threatens unity and integrity. We do not want to be pitted by parties who have an interest in using the presidential election situation, in order to divide unity and integrity. We are still brothers and sisters as one na...
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Language, Literature and Society for Education, 2019
The article highlights the meaning construction phenomenon from a political advertising video ent... more The article highlights the meaning construction phenomenon from a political advertising video entitled Curahan Hati-Harapan Warga Jakarta (Confession-Expectation from Jakarta People) through a hyper-semiotics analysis. It aims to describe the hyper-reality sense based on a number of sign typologies, which include proper sign, pseudo sign, false sign, recycled sign, artificial sign, and superlative sign. It adopted a Qualitative method for the study. The data source derived from 41 frames of the political advertising video's scenes that show Jakarta people's daily life. A Content Analysis was deployed as the data collecting technique. The findings revealed that the political advertising video entitled Curahan Hati-Harapan Warga Jakarta had utilized superlative sign domination, as it was designed to create a multiplicity of hyperbolic sense for the sake of political imagery.
This study aims to describe the mix of cultural communication or inheritance of cultural values t... more This study aims to describe the mix of cultural communication or inheritance of cultural values through sekaten traditional media and digital media. Participants consisted of the Surakarta palace informants and a number of online news portal writers. Data were collected using interview guides and coding sheets. Data validity is achieved through source triangulation techniques, and analysis is carried out with circular interactive techniques. The results obtained indicate that the sekaten tradition in the Surakarta palace since it was created in the XV century was intended as a medium of communication between the king and the people in spreading Islamic ideology. Sekaten tradition still exists because it contains philosophical, ideological, historical, political and economic values that can always be adapted to social dynamics and the development of the era. But its function as a medium to inherit values is less than the maximum if digital media do not support it. Therefore, the comm...
This article discusses the meaning behind the sekaten traditional ceremony, as performed in Surak... more This article discusses the meaning behind the sekaten traditional ceremony, as performed in Surakarta by Surakarta palace, the government, and the local community. This is important because the sekaten ceremony is a traditional cultural event that encompasses local wisdom and moral values that guide the development of a civilized social life, yet it currently tends to be oriented toward the tourism sector, and its previous meaning is not understood by the local community. This research applies a descriptive analytical method with a qualitative approach. Data were collected from informants, namely staff at Surakarta palace, the Surakarta City Government, and Islamic religious leaders in Surakarta, as well as traders and visitors at the sekaten. The technique involved in-depth interviews and participatory observation of the places and events involved in the sekaten traditional procession. Data analysis was then carried out inductively using interactive methods. The results showed that...
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model pewarisan nilai-nilai budaya Jawa melalui pemanfaata... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model pewarisan nilai-nilai budaya Jawa melalui pemanfaatan upacara ritual dengan maksud agar nilai-nilai budaya Jawa dapat kembali menjadi filosofi dan mewujud dalam perilaku hidup masyarakat Jawa. Pemanfaatan ritual dimaksudkan untuk lebih memberdayakan potensinya mengingat penyelenggaraannya oleh masyarakat dan beberapa pemerintah daerah selama ini hanya diarahkan untuk meningkatkan PAD dari sektor pariwisata. Target khusus penelitian ini meliputi; (a) Pengujian teoretis model konseptual dan uji cobanya dalam skala kecil, (b) Deskripsi efektivitas model konseptual (c) Tersusunnya model konseptual efektif pewarisan nilai-nilai budaya Jawa melalui pemanfaatan upacara ritual. Metode yang digunakan antara lain : (a) Studi pustaka dan pelacakan hasil penelitian relefan untuk memantapkan rancangan penelitian, (b) Expert judgment melalui seminar /lokakarya untuk uji teoretis rancangan model konseptual, (c) Studi Experimental untuk uji coba model, d...
This study aims at analyzing and describing the use of digital media by elementary school student... more This study aims at analyzing and describing the use of digital media by elementary school students, the pattern of social interaction of the students and the influence of new media use on the students’ social ability. This research is explanative and has causal correlation with survey method using main instrument of questionnaire. The population covers students aged 8-12 years of elementary school students of Sukoharjo regency with total number 11.263 children fromn 554 elementary schools. The sample size is 80 students. The results showed that the rate of use of new media among the children was in the medium category (1.89), and social interaction in high category (2.45). The assumption which states that the higher the use of new media the social interaction of children tends to be lower is acceptable. It was proved with a correlation coefficient of 0.54 at degrees of freedom 0.05 or 95% confidence level.
In Indonesia, MSMEs are a business group that is a mainstay of economic activity that is able to ... more In Indonesia, MSMEs are a business group that is a mainstay of economic activity that is able to support most of its citizens. Economic development in Indonesia depends on the development and improvement of the capacity of MSMEs. MSMEs will be helped by improving their marketing performance through social media advertising. The use of social media advertising will create easy, cheap and fast access. Social media advertising can be used by companies to distribute advertisements and create awareness for customers. The research method in this research uses descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques use in-depth interviews with SMEs, library research, and focus group discussions involving advertising experts, academics, and social media experts. The data source in this study is MSMEs, advertising practitioners, communication science academics. Data analysis is carried out inductively and interactive analysis methods. The results of this study are 1) successful social med...
Iklan Politik Media Luar Ruang Honda Hendarto tampil dengan ciri khusus menggunakan bahasa karika... more Iklan Politik Media Luar Ruang Honda Hendarto tampil dengan ciri khusus menggunakan bahasa karikatur. Iklan ini biasanya menampilkan kandidat dengan gambar nyata yaitu : photo kandidat dengan gesturetertentu , logo partai politik, nama partai politik, tag line, nomor urut, background warna partai, dan nama caleg. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami makna konotatif kontruksi dan makna konfiguratif tanda non verbal dan verbal Karikatur Iklan Politik Media Luar Ruang Honda Hendarto.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan teknik menyimak. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah tanda non verbal Karikatur Iklan Politik Media Luar Ruang Honda Hendarto dan tanda verbal peribahasa Jangan Membeli Kucing dalam Karung. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisa semiotika dan pandangan stilistika Hasil penelitian iniadalah bahwaKaritur tersebut memiliki makna konotatif : 1) tentang sosok Honda Hendarto yang ingin membangun mitos dirinya, sebagai seorang pemikir besar...
Papers by Nuryani Rahayu