Papers by Rahayu Kusumastuti
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology

ANALISIS PENGARUH UKURAN BUTIR KARBON AKTIF TERHADAP ADSORPSI GAS N2 DAN O2 PADA KONDISI KRIOGENI... more ANALISIS PENGARUH UKURAN BUTIR KARBON AKTIF TERHADAP ADSORPSI GAS N2 DAN O2 PADA KONDISI KRIOGENIK. RGTT200K merupakan reaktor generasi IV yang panasnya dimanfaatkan sebagai pembangkit listrik dan produksi hidrogen. Dalam sistem pengoperasian RGTT 200K, helium sebagai pendingin di prediksikan mengandung beberapa pengotor diantaranya adalah H2O, CO2, CO, CH4, N2, O2, H2. Oksigen dan nitrogen merupakan salah satu jenis pengotor yang harus dipisahkan dari pendingin helium karena berpotensi terhadap degradasi sistem struktur dan komponen. Karbon aktif merupakan salah satu kandidat adsorben yang mempunyai kemampuan memisahkan gas N2 dan O2 pada pendingin RGTT 200K. Oleh karena itu dilakukan analisis pengaruh ukuran butir karbon aktif terhadap adsorpsi gas N2 dan O2 pada kondisi kriogenik dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ukuran butir karbon aktif terhadap kapasitas adsorpsi karbon aktif dengan pemodelan unit adsorpsi Langmuir. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak C...

RGTT200K is a power reactor, designed based on HTGR tech-nology having capability to operate at h... more RGTT200K is a power reactor, designed based on HTGR tech-nology having capability to operate at high temperatures. RGTT200K features are 200 MWth power, helium-cooled, graphite moderator and reflector, pebble fuel type, and uses the Brayton direct cycle. Helium Inventory Control System (HICS) is one of its safety system which maintains the pressure, the helium coolant quality and quantity to meet safety requirements. The HICS consists of 3 subsys-tems, namely: Inventory Control System (ICS), Helium Purification System (HPS), and Helium Make-Up System (HMS). All of the systems have the function to maintain pressure, helium quality and quantity so that the reactor can operate reliable and safely. This paper discusses the performance of the ICS, which is integrated to the reactor coolant. The research objective was to determine the helium storage tank response rate, when primary coolant is overpressured and depressurized. The methodology used in this research is modeling and simulation...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
Reaktor Daya Eksperimental (RDE) is currently being developed by Batan. This reactor uses HTGR te... more Reaktor Daya Eksperimental (RDE) is currently being developed by Batan. This reactor uses HTGR technology as the basis for its development. It has an indirect cycle power conversion with primary coolant is helium and its secondary is water. The RDE will be operated not only for an electrical generation but also for cogeneration purposes. One process can be supported in the cogeneration scheme is seawater desalination. Water is the main source of life and its availability must be maintained on earth. Therefore, to overcome the scarcity of freshwater at the remote islands in Indonesia, it needs nuclear cogeneration by coupling of RDE and desalination. With this technology, it can simultaneously produce electricity and freshwater. A variety of desalting technologies has been developed over the years, including primarily thermal and membrane processes. This paper discusses the simulation of RDE for desalination purposes. The methodology used in this research is modeled and simulation by...

DETERMINATION OF THE MOLECULAR STRUCTURES AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CORROSION INHIBITOR USING F... more DETERMINATION OF THE MOLECULAR STRUCTURES AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CORROSION INHIBITOR USING FTIR AND GCMS. RSG GAS secondary cooling system is an open recirculating water cooling systems , it means coolant is in direct contact with the outside air circulation . The problems that may arise in an open recirculating system is the inclusion of oxygen into the water, results in oxidation of the material in the secondary coolant. The use of a corrosion inhibitor is one of the efforts made to inhibit the corrosion process. Effectiveness of the inhibitor can be determined by knowing the chemical composition in the inhibitor. The purpose of this study was to determine the chemical composition of corrosion inhibitor that is used in secondary coolant. Analysis is done using FTIR and GCMS. From the results of FTIR for corrosion inhibitor, it was found that O-H group , N-H as amide, amine at 3550 cm-1, the C-H stretch at 2962 cm-1, the stretch Si-CH3 at 2904–2962 cm-1 then follow of IR absor...

The cooling model in the gap between the High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) reactor press... more The cooling model in the gap between the High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) reactor pressure vessel and the concrete wall needs to be investigated because of the importance of protection against the integrity of the supporting concrete. The cooling is called the reactor cavity cooling system (RCCS). The RCCS research was carried out by BATAN by building the RCCS-RDNK Test Strand consisting of a heater, RPV wall, riser, water heat-sink, expansion tank and piping. The type of heater used is the heater plate which in the test experienced a heating failure to reach a design temperature of 300 C 400 C, so that a replacement heater model called the heater element segments (HES) was made. Before making as many as 10 HES, the prototype HES was first made including the test. The purpose of this study was to calculate the effectiveness of heating from the insulating-brick section to the RPV wall during the heating process. The research method was carried out experimentally, by placing...

RGTT200K adalah Reaktor Gas TemperaturTinggi 200MWth Kogenerasi. RGTT200K menggunakan helium seba... more RGTT200K adalah Reaktor Gas TemperaturTinggi 200MWth Kogenerasi. RGTT200K menggunakan helium sebagai pendingin. Kemurnianhelium harus selalu dijaga dari pengotor berbentuk partikel padatan dan gas. Untuk menjaminkeselamatan operasional reaktor, RGTT200K dilengkapi dengan sistem pemurnian pendingin reaktor.Ada 4 tahapan proses dalam sistem pemurnian helium untuk mengendalikan kotoran-kotoranyang muncul selama operasi, yaitu penyaringan partikulat padat, oksidasi gas pengotor, penyaringanmolekuler, dan adsorpsi kriogenik. Dalam proses pemurnian helium, temperatur dan tekanan mempunyaiperan yang sangat menentukan dalam keberhasilan pemurnian. Makalah ini membahas analisispengaruh tekanan dan temperatur terhadap proses penyaringan gas pengotor dengan Karbon Aktif.Unit operasi Karbon Aktif dimodelkan dengan software Super Pro Designer. Hasil analisismenunjukkan bahwa kenaikan temperatur dari: 200oChingga 0oC menurunkan kapasitas serap KarbonAktif terhadap O2 dari 0,000103 g/L hingga 0,00...

EFFECT OF CHLORIDE ION AND COPPER ION FOR TANK MATERIAL INTEGRITY OF RSG GAS PRIMARY COOLING SYST... more EFFECT OF CHLORIDE ION AND COPPER ION FOR TANK MATERIAL INTEGRITY OF RSG GAS PRIMARY COOLING SYSTEM. RSG GAS as Multipurpose Reactor designed to operate for 30 years, now RSG GAS has been operating for approximately 29 years. Al2Mg3 as a reactor tank material has a weakness in its use, that is not resistant for environment that contains of chloride ions and copper ion. The purpose of this research was to know the impact of Cl- and Cu2+for tank material integrity of the RSG GAS primary cooling system. The analysis is done by simulation on Al2Mg3 corrosion in Cl- and Cu2+ solution using Potensiogalvanostate IG & G. The results showed that the concentration of chloride ion in the primary cooling water that greater than 6 ppm have potentially to degrade the integrity of reactor tank material. The existence of copper ions in the primary cooling water will accelerate the damage to the reactor tank. Material integrity of RSG GAS reactor tank can be maintained by limiting the concentration ...

ABSTRAK UNJUK KERJA KARBON AKTIF TERHADAP PENYERAPAN PENGOTOR N2 DAN O2 PADA SISTEM PEMURNIAN HEL... more ABSTRAK UNJUK KERJA KARBON AKTIF TERHADAP PENYERAPAN PENGOTOR N2 DAN O2 PADA SISTEM PEMURNIAN HELIUM RGTT200K. RGTT200K adalah Reaktor Gas Temperatur Tinggi 200MWth Kogenerasi. RGTT200K menggunakan gas helium sebagai pendingin dan kemurnian helium harus selalu dijaga dari pengotor berbentuk partikel padat dan gas. Untuk menjamin kemurnian helium, RGTT200K dilengkapi dengan sistem pemurnian helium (SPH). Ada 4 tahapan proses pada sistem pemurnian helium, yaitu penyaringan partikulat padat, oksidasi gas pengotor, penyaringan molekuler, dan adsorpsi kriogenik. Dalam makalah ini dianalisis daya serap Karbon Aktif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui waktu regenerasinya terhadap gas pengotor N2 dan O2 pada temperatur kriogenik (–1800C). Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak ChemCAD. Jenis Karbon Aktif yang digunakan adalah micropores dengan porositas 0,7A . Spesifikasi bed Karbon Aktif yang dimodelkan mempunyai densitas 2000 kg/m3, diameter bed 0,1667 m, tinggi bed 15 m, denga...

PENYERAPAN KARBONDIOKSIDA OLEH KOLOM MOLECULAR SIEVE PADA SISTEM PEMURNIAN HELIUM DALAM PELUIT. P... more PENYERAPAN KARBONDIOKSIDA OLEH KOLOM MOLECULAR SIEVE PADA SISTEM PEMURNIAN HELIUM DALAM PELUIT. Peluit adalah desain konseptual reaktor daya yang dirancang berdasar teknologi High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR), dengan siklus konversi daya tidak langsung. Pendingin primer Peluit adalah gas helium dan harus dijaga kemurniannya dari pengotor CO2 dibawah 0,6 parts per million by volume (ppmv) berdasarkan persyaratannya. CO2 terbentuk karena reaksi oksigen atau air dengan karbon di teras pada saat kejadian water/air ingress. Dampak CO2 terhadap sistem, struktur dan komponen (SSK) adalah terjadinya reaksi dekarburisasi pada tabung steam generator. Dalam sistem pemurnian helium Peluit, komponen penyerap CO2 adalah kolom molecular sieve jenis 5A. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendemonstrasikan simulasi proses penyerapan pengotor CO2 pada kolom molecular sieve sepanjang ketinggian kolom yang dirancang sehingga hasil penyerapan menghasilkan konsentrasi batas maksimal pada pendingin primer ...

Research on the effect of the concentration of the inhibitor on the corrosion behavior of carbon-... more Research on the effect of the concentration of the inhibitor on the corrosion behavior of carbon-steel material has been done. The research was started by immersing the prepared carbon-steel plate in a 1 M HCl en-vironment. After that, corrosion inhibitor was added with several concentrations, which are 0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 ppm in to that environment, to be stirred using a magnetic stirrer at 300 rpm for 30 minutes under room temperatur condition. The effect of the added inhibitor was then analyzed using the Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopies (EIS) method. The experiment results showed that the greater the concentration of the inhibitor, the greater the resistance, so that the metal is more pro-tected from corrosion attack. The calculation results showed that the inhibitor efficiency is directly proportional to the concentration of inhibitor that is achieved at a concentration of 400 ppm with an efficiency of 71.24%.

Reaktor Serba Guna Siwabessy (RSG GAS) adalah reaktor serbaguna yang dibangun sejak Tahun 1983. R... more Reaktor Serba Guna Siwabessy (RSG GAS) adalah reaktor serbaguna yang dibangun sejak Tahun 1983. RSG GAS berdaya 30 MW th , dengan fluks neutron rata-rata 10 14 n/cm 2 .detik yang berasal dari reaksi fisi. Reaktor ini dibangun untuk berbagai eksperimen dan juga mendukung sediaan produksi radiofarmaka di Indonesia. Pada saat ini RSG GAS telah berumur lebih dari 30 tahun. Dan sudah keluar izin operasi dari Bapeten. RSG GAS mempunyai dua sistem pendingin yaitu sistem pendingin primer dan sekunder. Kedua sistem pendingin menggunakan air sebagai fluidanya. Kualitas air pendingin sekunder sesuai yang dipersyaratkan juga harus dipenuhi untuk menekan terjadinya korosi, kerak dan lumut/mikroorganisme. Dengan penanganan sistem pendingin yang baik diharapkan keandalan operasi RSG GAS dapat terjaga. Penilaian Keselamatan Berkala (PKB) dilakukan reaktor GA.Siwabessy dalam setiap 10 tahun sekali. PKB periode 2005 – 2015 telah di laporkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja sistem ...

CALCULATION OF O2 CONCENTRATIONS FORMED FROM THE RADIOLYSIS OF PWR COOLANT BY -RAYS, FAST NEUTRO... more CALCULATION OF O2 CONCENTRATIONS FORMED FROM THE RADIOLYSIS OF PWR COOLANT BY -RAYS, FAST NEUTRONS AND TRITIUM β- PARTICLES. Water chemistry control for light water coolant reactor requires a reliable understanding of radiolysis effect in mitigating corrosion and degradation of reactor structure material. It is known that oxidator products can promote the corrosion, cracking and hydrogen pickup both in the core and in the associated piping components of the reactor. Direct observations or measurements of the chemistry in and around the high-flux core region of a nuclear reactor are difficult due to the extreme conditions of high temperature, pressure, and mixed radiation fields. For this reason, chemical models and computer simulations of the radiolysis of water under these conditions are an important route of investigation. O2 can inevitably generate the degradation of reactor component structures, thus the existency of O2 in PWR coolant need to be controlled. FACSIMILE were used ...

Teknologi proses produksi hidrogen secara termokimia telahmenjadi unggulan bila dikopel dengan re... more Teknologi proses produksi hidrogen secara termokimia telahmenjadi unggulan bila dikopel dengan reaktor nuklir temperatur tinggi. Proses ini hanya memerlukan energitermal untuk memecahkan air menjadi hidrogen dan oksigen. Implementasi rancangan eksperimen reaksiBunsen telah dilakukan. Bahan peralatan percobaan ini terdiri dari bahan kaca pyrex dan pipa teflon agar tahanterhadap serangan korosi, tekanan 2 bar dan suhu reaksi 120 oC. Percobaan telah dilakukan dengan parameterpengubah yaitu durasi reaksi, komposisi I2 dan H2O, sedangkan parameter tetap yaitu komposisi SO2,temperatur dan tekanan gas SO2 secara statis. Hasil percobaan optimasi dengan kondisi menunjukkan bahwaproduk reaksi Bunsen meningkat dengan bertambahnya fraksi I2, H2O dan durasi reaksi. Namun padapenambahan H2O peningkatan produk terbatas pada jumlah H2O 0,055 mol. Hasil analisis terhadap produkreaksi Bunsen menunjukkan bahwa reaktan yang bereaksi membentuk produk adalah sebesar 5,6 % dan reaktanyang belum bereaksi a...

Indonesia’s experimental power reactor (RDE) is a reactor design based on the high-temperature ga... more Indonesia’s experimental power reactor (RDE) is a reactor design based on the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) technology with the power of 10 MWth. According to the reactor safety, helium gas as the primary coolant has to be purified to assure the thermal characteristic. There are several stages of the purification process in the helium purification system (HPS). One stage in the train of HPS for removing N2 and O2 gas from the primary coolant system is the cryogenic unit. The cryogenic unit operates in the temperature about - 196 C. The objective of the research is to analyze the cryogenic unit performance in the helium purification system for removing N2 and O2 gas from the primary coolant system in the design of RDE. The performance analysis has been done by simulation using ChemCAD with variations in mass flowrate in the helium purification system and variations in the concentration of N2 and O2 gas in the helium coolant. The pressure in the cryogenic unit and all uni...

DESIGN OF HEATER ELEMENT SEGMENT ON RDNK CAVITY COOLING SYSTEM SERIES. The passive cooling proces... more DESIGN OF HEATER ELEMENT SEGMENT ON RDNK CAVITY COOLING SYSTEM SERIES. The passive cooling process has become a special concern since the accident at the Fukushima and TMI-2 NPP, the accident was caused by a failure of the active cooling system where the pump was not functioning. Then, natural circulation flow as the working principle of the passive cooling system is also used in the cooling mode in the gap between the outer wall of the HTGR reactor RPV and the RPV support concrete. Research related to the passive cooling-based reactor cavity cooling system was carried out by making the RCCS-RDNK Test Loop, but when commissioning the heating function was not optimal, the temperature that target of 300C 400C on the surface of the RPV HTGR simulator was not achieved, so modifications to the heating system were made with heater element segments (HES) based on the radiation process. The research objective was to perform an analysis for heating test results to reach the optimal temperatu...

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
An Experimental Power Reactor called RDE is a non-commercial power reactor with the thermal power... more An Experimental Power Reactor called RDE is a non-commercial power reactor with the thermal power of 10 MW. RDE is being designed based on the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). The purpose of the RDE designed is to supply thermal energy for experimental purposes and to generate electricity for supplying the electricity in Serpong research area. The energy conversion system of RDE is designed in cogeneration configuration with a Rankine cycle. The outlet reactor coolant temperature of RDE is 700 °C, and the steam temperature at the outlet of the steam generator is 530 °C. The performance analysis of the RDE energy conversion system is concentrated on two parameters are the thermal efficiency and the energy utilization factor (EUF). This research aims to calculate and analyse the optimal of the two parameters in the RDE energy conversion system. Calculation and analysis of the performance of the RDE energy conversion system are performed by simulation using computer code Che...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Feb 1, 2018
Abstract Water chemistry control for light water coolant reactor required a reliable understandin... more Abstract Water chemistry control for light water coolant reactor required a reliable understanding of radiolysis effect in mitigating corrosion and degradation of reactor structure material. It is known that oxidator products can promote the corrosion, cracking and hydrogen pickup both in the core and in the associated piping components of the reactor. The objective of this work is to provide the radiolysis model of RSG GAS cooling water and further more to predict the oxidator concentration which can lead to corrosion of reactor material. Direct observations or measurements of the chemistry in and around the high-flux core region of a nuclear reactor are difficult due to the extreme conditions of high temperature, pressure, and mixed radiation fields. For this reason, chemical models and computer simulations of the radiolysis of water under these conditions are an important route of investigation. FACSIMILE were used to calculate the concentration of O2 formed at relatively long-time by the pure water γ and neutron irradiation (pH=7) at temperature between 25 and 50 °C. This simulation method is based on a complex chemical reaction kinetic. In this present work, 300 MeV-proton were used to mimic γ-rays radiolysis and 2 MeV fast neutrons. Concentration of O2 were calculated at 10−6 - 106 s time scale.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Temperature profile analysis on cryogenic activated carbon column of helium purification testing ... more Temperature profile analysis on cryogenic activated carbon column of helium purification testing facility

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
BATAN has a plan to build an Experimental Power Reactor which is called RDE. RDE10 is designed ba... more BATAN has a plan to build an Experimental Power Reactor which is called RDE. RDE10 is designed based on HTGR technology. The main safety systems applied in the RDE are inherent safety. One of the systems in the RDE is the helium purification system. The helium purification system has a function to maintain the helium quality of the experimental power plant cooling in accordance with requirements. The problem in RDE system is there some the impurity gas into reactor coolant occurs because of water ingress and air ingress. One of impurities that may exist in the RDE system is the presence of CO2. The presence of impurities in the coolant will threaten the material integrity of the system structures and reactor components thus disrupting the safety and reliability of the operation. Therefore a done the study of the process of the mechanism of absorption of co2 by zeolite 5A as molecular sieve and its investigation using FTIR. The results of the study obtained information that the process of absorption of CO2 into zeolite 5A occurs by physisorpsi and chemisorpsi. The molecule will bind to the zeolite surface with the van der waals bond. And by chemisorption, the oxygen in CO2 will bind to Al on the zeolite by forming a covalent bond. The adsorption mechanism in zeolite 5A can be done by using FTIR with functional group analysis.
Papers by Rahayu Kusumastuti