Papers by Rahadatul Aisyi
Jurnal Riset Matematika, 2022
Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is an operational approach for selecting the best altern... more Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is an operational approach for selecting the best alternative by involving several criteria among many potential alternatives. One of MCDM problem is the selection of exemplary students which must be done properly and objectively. One of the methods to use is the preferences selection index (PSI). The PSI concept does not require weight importance of the criteria, which makes PSI is well constructed in its algorithm. The results showed the recommendation for 5 best alternatives for exemplary students at SMPN X with the highest preference scores 0.98949, 0.97755, 0.97659, 0.975165, and 0.97229.

International Journal of Quantitative Research and Modeling
Mathematics is the basic foundation for other sciences. Equation is a mathematical model that can... more Mathematics is the basic foundation for other sciences. Equation is a mathematical model that can describe real-life problems, one of which is estimating non-tax state revenues in the coming year. Non-State Revenue (penerimaan negara bukan pajak, PNBP) is the scope of state finances which is equipped with the State Assets and Auction Service Office (kantor pelayanan keuangan negara dan lelang, KPKNL) which must be reported on the realization of PNBP that will be deposited into the state treasury. Such situation happens because expenditures in each government agency will be available and increase every year by the government. Therefore, direktorat jenderal keuangan negara (DJKN) have to be more optimal in the management of the PNBP. This study aims to determine the results of the best estimates and exponential models in estimating non-tax state income at the KPKNL Bandung, Indonesia, in year of 2017 and 2018. This research includes descriptive research using a qualitative approach. T...

Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan bahan ajar berbasis discovery learning disert... more Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan bahan ajar berbasis discovery learning disertai nilai-nilai Islam pada materi sistem persamaan linear tiga variabel yang layak dan praktis digunakan oleh siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) dan mengadaptasi model Tessmer. Langkah- langkah penggunaan model Tessmer yaitu: sefl evaluation, expert review and one to one, small group dan field test. Berdasarkan hasil validasi dengan persentase ahli materi 80% dikategorikan valid, ahli desain 88.7% dikategorikan sangat valid, dan ahli nilai Islam 98% dikategorikan valid, dan rata-rata penilaian validator adalah 88.9% dengan kategori sangat valid. Sedangkan dari hasil uji kelompok kecil diperoleh rata-rata angket respon yang diberikan oleh 5 orang siswa sebesar 75.6% dikategorikan praktis dan uji coba pemakaian diperoleh rata-rata angket respon yang diberikan oleh 10 peserta siswa sebesar 81.6% dikategorikan sangat praktis. Abstract The purpose of...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
This research aimed to develop and measure the usability of the Augmented Reality App used for le... more This research aimed to develop and measure the usability of the Augmented Reality App used for learning Chemistry, focusing on the concept of molecular geometry. AGILE model of development was employed to step by step development, starting from the analysis of the curriculum and need assessment, followed by design, development, deployment and evaluation. Some computer software such as Vuforia (database), unity (App generator) and blender (3D object maker) used at the development stage of the app. 17 students took part in the testing phase of the app. The students evaluated the ease of use of the app using the System Usability Scale (SUS). The SUS score of the app was 92,7, which means the app is easy to use, and most of them would recommend the app for other students. The result indicated that the app is user-friendly, light, and useful to learn the concept of molecular geometry.
Papers by Rahadatul Aisyi