Papers by Ragimun Abdullah
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning

Jurnal Ekonomi & kebijakan Publik, Jun 30, 2018
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) was formed as a manifestation of ASEAN's respo... more Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) was formed as a manifestation of ASEAN's response to the economic dynamics in the region as well as globally, in the format of integration of ASEAN countries with the global economy. The RCEP has a progressive goal of eliminating tariffs and non-tariff barriers, and facilitating and enhancing transparency among members. The unification of 16 countries under a free trade agreement scheme would be make the RCEP a large trading bloc, that holds one-third of the world. The objective of this study is to analyze the optimization of trade in goods with the enactment of RCEP and efforts that can be done to optimize the benefits of trade in goods for Indonesia. In this research, the economic approaches are use to emphasized the impact of RCEP formation on trade of goods for Indonesia through descriptive approach. The result of the study are, the optimization of Indonesia's medium and long-term export increase can be achieved, by the acceleration of the resolution of the RCEP negotiations, especially on three important issues, namely trade in goods, trade in services, and investment. The other efforts that should be taken were to encourage the transformation of export structures from commodity-based to value-added products and services, utilizing all existing preferences schemes regarding the opening of access market especially specific target markets requests by Indonesian delegates. Furthermore, it should always focus on economis of scale to improve trade balance and compile the negative list of export destination countries which need to be optimized such as China, Japan and South Korea.

Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, Nov 9, 2021
The purpose of this research is to analyze Indonesia's coal-gasification industry policy. This re... more The purpose of this research is to analyze Indonesia's coal-gasification industry policy. This research needs to map the undeveloped coal-gasification industry. In fact, the coal-gasification industry can increase the economic value of coal, increase local income, absorb the labor force, and reduce pollution. It also has some strategic roles in national fiscal revenue and foreign exchange reserves and is of great significance to regional development. The research methods used are quantitative and qualitative. The results of this study indicate that government needs to provide some financial incentives for the coal-gasification industries, especially for pioneer companies for having coal-gasification works, and ensure that policies taken will be able to encourage economic growth and investment in Indonesia's coal-gasification industry. To support investment in the coal-gasification industry, it is necessary to formulate policies and rules to provide a sign for its implementation.
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning

Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, Oct 17, 2022
This study aims to map out Indonesia's export performance, the competitiveness of its commodities... more This study aims to map out Indonesia's export performance, the competitiveness of its commodities, and the position of some of Indonesia's flagship commodities in China. The research method used in this study is the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and the Constant Market Share Analysis (CMSA). The data is from the Indonesia Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and UN Comtrade for 4-digit HS products. The finding from this study indicates that Indonesia's trade balance with China for the last three years (2018-2020) has widened the deficit. Intense negotiations with China are necessary to open up trade access to overcome the trade deficit. The Government is encouraged to launch the development of flagship products with high market values, such as chemicals, machinery, electricity, and textiles. In addition, the national downstream program for mineral and metal products is encouraged to do more robust plans, including considering attracting new industrial investment from China.

Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies
This study aims to map out Indonesia's export performance, the competitiveness of its commodi... more This study aims to map out Indonesia's export performance, the competitiveness of its commodities, and the position of some of Indonesia's flagship commodities in China. The research method used in this study is the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and the Constant Market Share Analysis (CMSA). The data is from the Indonesia Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and UN Comtrade for 4-digit HS products. The finding from this study indicates that Indonesia's trade balance with China for the last three years (2018-2020) has widened the deficit. Intense negotiations with China are necessary to open up trade access to overcome the trade deficit. The Government is encouraged to launch the development of flagship products with high market values, such as chemicals, machinery, electricity, and textiles. In addition, the national downstream program for mineral and metal products is encouraged to do more robust plans, including considering attracting new industrial investment from C...

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik, 2018
RCEP dibentuk sebagai wujud dari respon ASEAN terhadap dinamika ekonomi di kawasan dan global ber... more RCEP dibentuk sebagai wujud dari respon ASEAN terhadap dinamika ekonomi di kawasan dan global berupa integrasi ASEAN dengan perekonomian global. RCEP memiliki tujuan progresif menghapuskan tarif dan hambatan non-tarif serta memfasilitasi dan meningkatkan transparansi antar negara anggota. Penyatuan 16 negara dalam satu skema perjanjian perdagangan bebas akan menjadikan RCEP menjadi blok perdagangan besar sepertiga dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis optimalisasi perdagangan barang dengan diberlakukannya RCEP dan upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan manfaat atas perdagangan barang. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Salah satu upaya peningkatan ekspor jangka menengah dapat dicapai juga dengan mempercepat penyelesaian perundingan RCEP khususnya terkait tiga isu penting yaitu isu perdagangan barang (trade in goods), perdagangan jasa (trade in services), dan investasi. mendorong transformasi struktur ekspor dari berbasis komoditi ke produk ...

Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 2021
The purpose of this study is to map some of Indonesia's loser sector products which are commo... more The purpose of this study is to map some of Indonesia's loser sector products which are commodities that need to be strengthened in the RCEP cooperation forum. In this study, the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) formula is used to analyze the competitiveness of Indonesian export products. The average RCA results between, 2015-2019 show that out of the five food and beverage product items, most of them have high competitiveness. Meanwhile, the average RCA of livestock products, light industry and heavy industrial products has low competitiveness. A strengthening strategy to increase product competitiveness in the RCEP market requires several steps. These steps include identifying market access in RCEP partner countries, improving product quality and specialization, coordinating between the Government and the private sector and continuing to encourage bureaucratic reform, harmonization of regulations to obtain Smart Regulations.

Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies
The purpose of this research is to analyze Indonesia's coal-gasification industry policy. Thi... more The purpose of this research is to analyze Indonesia's coal-gasification industry policy. This research needs to map the undeveloped coal-gasification industry. In fact, the coal-gasification industry can increase the economic value of coal, increase local income, absorb the labor force, and reduce pollution. It also has some strategic roles in national fiscal revenue and foreign exchange reserves and is of great significance to regional development. The research methods used are quantitative and qualitative. The results of this study indicate that government needs to provide some financial incentives for the coal-gasification industries, especially for pioneer companies for having coal-gasification works, and ensure that policies taken will be able to encourage economic growth and investment in Indonesia’s coal-gasification industry. To support investment in the coal-gasification industry, it is necessary to formulate policies and rules to provide a sign for its implementation.

Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, Jan 24, 2017
Indonesia Korea Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Partnership (IKCEPA) arises from the desire of... more Indonesia Korea Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Partnership (IKCEPA) arises from the desire of both countries to boost trade performance and make the free trade agreement more comprehensive. CEPA agreement with South Korea has targeted the reduction and elimination of tariffs that cover more products and services. This study analyzed the relationship between Indonesia merchandise trade cooperation with South Korea. Besides, look at the potential of the Korean market for goods exports from Indonesia featured. To deepen the study simple equilibrium analysis is used to analyze the potential of the South Korean market for goods exports Indonesia. The analysis showed that after the implementation of AKFTA in 2007, Indonesia merchandise trade performance by sector turned out to have an average growth of imports by 21.36 percent, higher than the average export growth of 8.19 percent. There are some items which have the potential to become a mainstay of exports to Korea that includes textiles, wood processing, manufacturing goods such as spare parts of household appliances, bicycles and others. Likewise, there are some agricultural products such as pineapple, guava, and animals such as freshwater fish, crabs, cuttlefish and others. However, the export of these items to South Korea is still hampered by their tariff barriers. Forum IKCEPA cooperation can be a bridge to fill the gap between the two countries for tariff reduction, market acces and an increase in exports of both countries.
Papers by Ragimun Abdullah