Papers by Rafael walter contreras ortega
La historia de los Hermanos Musulmanes de Siria (HHMMS) es un tanto desconocida y mal entendida, ... more La historia de los Hermanos Musulmanes de Siria (HHMMS) es un tanto desconocida y mal entendida, por lo que tenemos ante nosotros un importante estudio a añadir a la lista, no muy amplia, de investigaciones al respecto de autores como Raymond Hinnebush, Salwa Ismail, Line Khatib o François Burgat..., porque, como señala la autora, los investigadores se han centrado, tradicionalmente, en los HHMM de Egipto y en las figuras de Hasan al-Banna y Sayyed Qutb, mientras que se ha dejado de lado el análisis del islamismo en otros contextos nacionales, sea el sirio, el mauritano o el sudanés.

Araucaria, 2019
The analysis of Islam in Sudan shows the great variety of approaches to the object of study, the ... more The analysis of Islam in Sudan shows the great variety of approaches to the object of study, the diversity of its readings and the repeated recourse to religious principles to justify or legitimize political and State issues. Sudanese Islam, in its different manifestations, has crossed national borders and has contributed to African, Arab and world Islam. This has been like this since the first Islamic proto-state emerged in the Nineteenth century at the hands of the messianic figure who was Muhammad Ahmad Ibn Abdallah, the Mahdi until the thinker and statesman Hasan al-Turabi in the Twentieth century. Three dimensions will be analyzed: the reformist Islam of Mahmud Muhammad Taha, the Sudanese Islamism led by al-Turabi and the role of Sufism in popular religiosity and Sudanese politics, and finally the recent confrontation with the Salafi tendencies active in the country in what seems to be a new struggle for the socio-religious space of the 21st century.

Endocrinologia Y Nutricion, Oct 1, 2013
Liraglutide is a GLP-1 receptor agonist approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. T... more Liraglutide is a GLP-1 receptor agonist approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. This drug improves glycemic control with a low risk of hypoglycemias, reduces body weight, improves other cardiovascular risk factors and has a potential protective effect on beta cell function. In the long term, these effects could translate into a reduction in the complications of this disease. These advantages make liraglutide the preferred treatment option after failure of monotherapy compared with other currently available drugs, given that its probability of achieving a composite outcome of HbA1c <7% with no hypoglycemia and no weight gain is signifi cantly higher than that of its comparators. Currently, liraglutide is approved in adults with type 2 diabetes not achieving glucose control, in dual combination therapy with metformin or a sulfonylurea, or in triple combination with metformin plus sulfonylurea, or metformin plus thiazolidinedione. The benefi ts of this drug are greater in patients with recent onset of the disease, with obesity, metabolic syndrome and/or other comorbidities that could improve with weight loss. © 2013 SEEN. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved. PALABRAS CLAVE Diabetes mellitus tipo 2; Control glucémico; Liraglutida; Agonista de receptor de GLP-1; Incretinas; Obesidad; Factores de riesgo cardiovascular
Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 2001
The Invariant Curve Theorem asserts the existence of invariant curves for certain planar mappings... more The Invariant Curve Theorem asserts the existence of invariant curves for certain planar mappings of the type θ1 = θ + ω + δα(r) + . . . , r1 = r + . . ., where α satisfies the twist condition α′ (r) ≠ 0. This paper discusses the possibility of obtaining variants of this Theorem for mappings of the more general type θ1 = θ + ω + δl1(θ, r) + . . . , r1 = r + l2(θ, r) + . . .. It is well known that if ω satisfies a diophantine condition then the twist condition can be replaced by (θ, r),dθ ≠ 0. In this paper it will be shown that this is also the case for any number ω which is not commensurable with 2π (without imposing any arithmetic condition). As an application of this result to differential equations we shall discuss the problem of boundedness for a class of piecewise linear forced oscillators.

Pecvnia : Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de León, 2011
El presente trabajo tiene por objeto reflexionar acerca de las principales cuestiones conflictiva... more El presente trabajo tiene por objeto reflexionar acerca de las principales cuestiones conflictivas que se suscitan en el ámbito de la Economía Social, con especial atención a las llamadas sociedades participativas. Tras un análisis preliminar de la actual regulación que presenta la Economía Social en su vertiente de actividad empresarial dentro de nuestro ordenamiento jurídico, son objeto de estudio los retos más importantes que, en la actualidad, han de afrontar las empresas participativas, con especial atención a las cooperativas de trabajo asociado y a las sociedades laborales.<br /><br />This paper aims to reflect on the major contentious issues that arise in the field of Social Economy, with special attention to the so-called participatory societies. After a preliminary analysis of the current regulation that presents the Social Economy in the aspect of business activity in our legal system, are studied the most important challenges that currently have to deal with ...
Bulletin of Anesthesia History, 2007
Essential Clinical Anesthesia
Surgical Intensive Care Medicine, 2001
Endocrinología y Nutrición, 2010
Valoración de la utilidad del test de estimulación intraarterial con calcio en el diagnóstico de ... more Valoración de la utilidad del test de estimulación intraarterial con calcio en el diagnóstico de localización del hiperinsulinismo endógeno

New England Journal of Medicine, 2007
Providing positive-pressure ventilation with a face mask and a bag-valve device can be a lifesavi... more Providing positive-pressure ventilation with a face mask and a bag-valve device can be a lifesaving maneuver. Although seemingly simple, the technique requires an understanding of the airway anatomy, the equipment, and the indications. Face-mask ventilation is used in patients who have respiratory failure but are still breathing spontaneously and in patients with complete apnea. 1 Face-mask ventilation can be indicated in any situation in which spontaneous breathing is failing or has ceased, including cardiopulmonary arrest. Contraindications Face-mask ventilation is rarely contraindicated. However, caution is advised in patients with severe facial trauma and eye injuries. 2 In addition, foreign material (e.g., gastric contents) in the airway may lead to aspiration pneumonitis. In these circumstances, alternative approaches, including endotracheal intubation, may be necessary.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2004
Journal of the American College of Surgeons, Volume 198, Issue 5, Pages 810-821, May 2004, Author... more Journal of the American College of Surgeons, Volume 198, Issue 5, Pages 810-821, May 2004, Authors:Christopher R McHenry, MD; Ramon Berguer, MD; Rafael A Ortega, MD; Charles J Yowler, MD.
Journal of Clinical Monitoring, 1993
Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, 2007
1. J Clin Anesth. 2007 Feb;19(1):75-6. Kinking of an endotracheal tube within the trachea: a rare... more 1. J Clin Anesth. 2007 Feb;19(1):75-6. Kinking of an endotracheal tube within the trachea: a rare cause of endotracheal tube obstruction. Leissner KB, Ortega R, Bodzin AS, Sekhar P, Stanley GD. PMID: 17321933 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]. Publication Types: ...

Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, 2005
Leroy D Vandam, MD was a remarkable man--an intricate amalgamation of an artist, scientist, and p... more Leroy D Vandam, MD was a remarkable man--an intricate amalgamation of an artist, scientist, and physician. He was a bastion of medical historical knowledge. Dr Vandam became a most influential anesthesiologist, some say, a giant. He was an example of someone who, with resolve, overcame adversity. His artwork is displayed in countless places, and several of his paintings form part of the Wood Library Museum Heritage Series. Dr Vandam was first a surgeon, but he abandoned surgery and pursued a career in anesthesiology under the leadership of Robert Dripps. He completed his residency training at the University of Pennsylvania and joined its staff in 1949. When he arrived at Brigham and Women&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s Hospital in the 1950s as director of anesthesia, he embarked on one of the most illustrious careers in American anesthesiology. Dr Vandam published more than 250 original articles, chapters, abstracts, and other reports on a wide variety of subjects including history, art, and pharmacology. His classic article on the complications of neuroaxial blocks is a seminal work in anesthesiology. This article describes how an anesthesiologist who shared an interest with Dr Vandam in the history of anesthesiology came to produce a movie based on his career, the evolution of anesthesia equipment, and the transformation of our specialty.

Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 1998
C OMPUTER-ASSISTED instruction in anesthesiology has progressed from the simple to the complex. I... more C OMPUTER-ASSISTED instruction in anesthesiology has progressed from the simple to the complex. Initially, computerized educational programs consisted of elementary textual information, basic graphics, and mathematical calculations. Through the years, technologic advances have enhanced computer usage for instructional purposes. Present-day computers allow the complex integration of varied media, including animation, pictures, video, and sound as an approach to teaching. Training in cardiothoracic anesthesia lends itself very well to the use of multimedia. The complexity of cardiac and thoracic procedures, including room preparation, knowledge of anatomy, invasive monitoring, extracorporeal circulation, and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) requires highly specialized skills and training.1 Multimedia programs can be designed that would be uniquely suited for instruction and demonstration in this area. There is every indication that the expansion of the use of multimedia will continue at a rapid pace in medical education and anesthesiology. 2 The Department of Anesthesiology at Boston University Medical Center (Boston, MA) has used computers as a teaching aid for more than a decade. At first, computer programs consisted of simple text tutorials and quizzes for medical students and residents. Gradually, the approaches became more sophisticated, leading to more detailed and complicated programs requiring greater computer-programming expertise on the part of the program authors. It is the purpose of this article to describe the role of computer-assisted instruction in medicine, to describe the authors' experiences with the use of multimedia as a valuable educational tool in anesthesiology, and to emphasize how clinicians can harness the power of multimedia to teach and disseminate information about new developments in medicine. DEFINITION OF MULTIMEDIA Although the term multimedia first appeared several decades ago, it was not until the early 1990s that this field expanded in an overwhelming manner. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 3 defines multimedia as "using, involving, or encompassing several media." It also defines it as "an approach to teaching. ''3 In this presentation, the term multimedia is used to include both concepts: the merging of media coupled with the pedagogical dimension. Another definition of multimedia might be the use of computers to present text, graphics, video, animation, and sound in an integrated way. Integrated is a popular computer term that refers to two or more components merged together into a single system. For more information, please check, and
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 2006

Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 2001
We report a curious phenomenon associated with compression of a hematoma, which developed after p... more We report a curious phenomenon associated with compression of a hematoma, which developed after piercing the carotid artery during attempted right internal jugular vein catheterization. A 63-year-old, 53-kg, 160-cm woman with a history of mitral regurgitation was scheduled for a mitral valve replacement. In preparation for the procedure, a 16G intravenous catheter was placed in the right antecubital fossa, and an arterial catheter was inserted in the right radial artery. The patient was placed in the Trendelenburg position, and under sterile technique, a vessel thought to be the right internal jugular vein was identified with a 25G finder needle. An 18G intravenous catheter was then advanced between the sternal and clavicular heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle for right internal jugular vein cannulation. Once the vessel was entered, the catheter was introduced, and the needle was removed. Inadvertent arterial placement was obvious by bright red pulsatile blood flowing from the catheter. The catheter was removed, and manual pressure was applied. A hematoma rapidly developed despite pressure application over the area. During the period of pressure application, the right radial arterial tracing disappeared. Discontinuation of the pressure resulted in restoration of the pressure waveform (Fig 1). The case was postponed until the following week. During the operation, the surgeons found evidence of the hematoma in proximity to the brachiocephalic trunk and the mediastinum. The most likely path for the extravasated blood to have reached this area was along the carotid sheath. The absence of pulses during carotid artery compression can be caused by extreme bradycardia triggered by a vagal reflex. 1 Simultaneous electrocardiographic and pulse oximetry tracings eliminated this possibility in this patient. Another possible explanation could have been an anatomic variation in the origin and course of the right subclavian artery. On rare occasions, this vessel arises directly from the aortic arch, instead of the brachiocephalic trunk. 2 When this occurs, it can travel dorsal to the right common carotid artery. Pressure applied to the carotid artery could have directly occluded the subclavian artery. The most likely explanation for the loss of right radial pulsations in the present case is that the hematoma was sufficiently large to transmit the applied pressure to the brachiocephalic trunk or the subclavian artery. Clinicians should be aware that compression of a hematoma on the right side of the neck may result in loss of circulation to the right arm. This situation may be important during critical situations requiring uninterrupted monitoring and in patients with arteriovenous fistulae in whom hypoperfusion of the extremity may result in thrombosis.

Journal of Cardiac Surgery, 2007
Background: Patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia II (HIT II) need an alternative nonhep... more Background: Patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia II (HIT II) need an alternative nonheparin-based method of anticoagulation for cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) to prevent thrombosis and thrombosis related complications. Methods: Bivalirudin was used during CPB and deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) for resection of multiple right atrial masses in a patient with HIT II and antiphospholipid antibodies syndrome (APS). Anticoagulation was monitored with the activated clotting time (ACT) and a target ACT of 450 seconds or greater was maintained. Results: Surgical removal of multiple right atrial masses was successful and there was no evidence of thromboembolic events. Clot was noticed in the cardiotomy and venous reservoir after CPB was discontinued and the system flushed. The postoperative course was uneventful. Conclusions: Anticoagulation was successfully managed with bivalirudin, a new short-acting, and direct thrombin inhibitor. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the safety of bivalirudin during DHCA.
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Papers by Rafael walter contreras ortega