Papers by Rafael José Rodríguez
Continuando con el primer trabajo se profundiza sobre la idea de los átomos como los verdaderos r... more Continuando con el primer trabajo se profundiza sobre la idea de los átomos como los verdaderos resonadores o cuerpos negros. Se propone experimento para demostrar los expuesto
Analisis de la simultaneidad de los eventos sobre la base de tener la exigencia de medir o detect... more Analisis de la simultaneidad de los eventos sobre la base de tener la exigencia de medir o detectar la realidad. esto es posible si aceptamos la hipotesis de que no podemos "ver" o deectar ondas electromagnéticas fuera del Ether
If we consider The Ether is real many works about inertial system or invariance postulate must be... more If we consider The Ether is real many works about inertial system or invariance postulate must be revised, like some Lorentz works. Really the Ether is here all time but we don't want to see it. The metaphysical concept about the world is very important to development new concept in sciences. Let's try to probe the ether and the new way concept about our world and the consequences in the Physics theory.
The propagation sound phenomena may be studied by Relativity Theory. The sound propagation has a ... more The propagation sound phenomena may be studied by Relativity Theory. The sound propagation has a medium and could help understand the Ether for light propagation
How detect the Ether , The Einstein simultaneity and the Michelson Morley Experiment was wrong, 2018
The Ether hypothesis is show to try explain how we see the world. If we acept the Ether is impos... more The Ether hypothesis is show to try explain how we see the world. If we acept the Ether is impossible measure the Ether velocity because we don't go out from the Ether, then we show how the Michelson Morley isn't right.
We talk about Einstein simultaneity problem
A graphic presentation about one new visions of change in earth magnetic field pole. I hope you l... more A graphic presentation about one new visions of change in earth magnetic field pole. I hope you like this presentation
There is enough evidence that the Earth's magnetic field polarity has changed several times in th... more There is enough evidence that the Earth's magnetic field polarity has changed several times in the last 180 million years. The causes of changes have always been associated with terrestrial parameters. It has always been considered internal nature of these changes. Can the terrestrial field be influenced by the Space field? Could be that the galactic magnetic field produced geophysical events that affects the solar system when transits over the galaxy? Having established the geological moments in which the magnetic field has changed, one could correlate the spatial regions where the changes were presented due a galactic events. Can we find some geologic event in other planet to confirm the possible geophysical event affect other planet? One proposal to measure the galactic magnetic field is presented.
The relativity theory tells us the black hole existence by the gravitational forces. I propose on... more The relativity theory tells us the black hole existence by the gravitational forces. I propose one experiment to probe that the black hole is Ether absence and then we don't see anything. I propose how to make one advance Faraday cage to probe the Ether existence.
The Photoelectric Effect is the first work where use the quantum concept. That is the light is li... more The Photoelectric Effect is the first work where use the quantum concept. That is the light is like a ball with energy equal to hυ. A few years later de Broglie introduced the wave concept for a particle. The particle vision of the world is a classical point of view of the physics. But the wave vision of the world is not making feel comfortable to physicist. With the Ether concept, the wave point of view takes value and makes possible one ondulatory vision of the world. We can demonstrate that it is theoretically possible with the photoelectric effect. I hope the experimental physicist make the experiment and demonstrate or refuse my analysis.
Conference Presentations by Rafael José Rodríguez
En el principio, cuando Dios creó los cielos y la tierra, todo era confusión y no había nada en l... more En el principio, cuando Dios creó los cielos y la tierra, todo era confusión y no había nada en la tierra. Las tinieblas cubrían los abismos mientras el espíritu de Dios aleteaba sobre la superficie de las aguas. " Génesis " El universo es irreal. Brahman es real. El universo es Brahman " Sankara
Papers by Rafael José Rodríguez
We talk about Einstein simultaneity problem
Conference Presentations by Rafael José Rodríguez
We talk about Einstein simultaneity problem