Papers by Rafael Hernández Tristán

Neonu/a/ antiandrogens and organi::ution of' behavioral se.r c/Uferences i11 the ml (Rattus n... more Neonu/a/ antiandrogens and organi::ution of' behavioral se.r c/Uferences i11 the ml (Rattus norvegicus).The role or androgens in the masculinization and later activation of socio sexual hehavior. was studied in the following experimental groups or Wistar rats: control males (MAL): peripuberLally castrated males (GON): peripubertally castrated males supplied with testosterone propionate in ,1dulthood (GTP): and males postnatally injected with cyproterone acetate. gonadectomized and supplied with testosterone propionate (CGTP). The observed clecrc,1se of sexual perrormance in animals neonatally treated with cyproterone acetate (CPA) should he a consequence of the reduced neonatal binding of testosterone (T) or 5adihydrotestosterone (DHT) lo androgen receptors provoked by the antiandrogen. On the contrary. animals treated with CPJ\ showed higher levels or sexual motivation (sniff, partner grooming. anogenital sniff and mount): neonatal CPA seems to increase the sensibility to test...
Effects of social isolation and crowding on sexual beha,·iour in the rat (Rattus norvegicus).The ... more Effects of social isolation and crowding on sexual beha,·iour in the rat (Rattus norvegicus).The effects of social isolation and crowding on the sexual behaviour of Sprague Dawley male and female rats (Rattus norvegicus) were investigated. The major housing condition effect was found among social isolates. A significant decrease in their non-copulatory activity was observed in both genders when compared with socially reared animals, but only a similar tendency appeared with respect to their copulatory activity. No clear effects of crowding on the animal's sexual behaviour was found. The importance of social experience during development for a complete sexual display in the adulthood is discussed. The absence of noticeable effects of crowding upon specific sexual patterns, and the influence of high population density upon several physiological systems are also discussed.
La Universidad Ante Los Desastres Naturales Accion Humanitaria Y Desarrollo 2010 Isbn 978 84 9828 237 5 Pags 202 207, 2010
La Reforma De Las Titulaciones Universitarias Y Su Incidencia En El Mundo De La Empresa 1993 Isbn 84 7482 119 3 Pags 49 54, 1993
Bio Revista Del Colegio Oficial De Biologos, 2000
Revista Espanola De Desarrollo Y Cooperacion, 2010

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2001
The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of the cannabinoid agonist CP 55,940 and ... more The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of the cannabinoid agonist CP 55,940 and the antagonist SR 141716A, alone and in combination, on rat exploratory and anxiety-like behaviour in the holeboard and elevated plus-maze tests. A further aim was to evaluate the effects of these treatments on hypothalamic neurotransmitters. Animals treated with CP 55,940 doses of 0.125 and 0.1 mg/kg exhibited less exploration and an increase in anxiety-like behaviour accompanied by great motor inhibition. No hypoactivity was seen at 0.075 mg/kg dosage, but anxiety and neophobic responses persisted, indicating independent and specific effects. Motor activity effects induced by CP 55,940 were reversed by pretreatment with SR 141716A (3 mg/kg). Surprisingly, when administered on its own, the antagonist also induced a reduction in exploratory parameters and an increase in anxiety-like responses. These apparently similar effects might be caused by different neural mechanisms. Finally, CP 55,940 increased hypothalamic dopamine and serotonin levels. These increases might be involved in the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis described for cannabinoids.
Revista española de desarrollo y cooperación, 2019
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1984
Conducta general y testosteronemia en la rata : un modelo de comportamiento basado en esta relaci... more Conducta general y testosteronemia en la rata : un modelo de comportamiento basado en esta relación Departamento de Fisiología (Fisiología Animal II) TP Rnfarl Hernandez Tristan UNPVegsiDADCOM^LjrENsI CON DUCT A GENFRAT, Y TESTOSTERONE, M I A EN T.A RATA; UN MODELO DE COMFORT AMIE NTO BASADO EN F ST A RET.ACION D enart ament:n de F r s f o l o r f a A n im a l F a c n lt a f l de C i e^c l a s B l o l é ' r l c a s U n i y e r s ld a d Cotnr»lut.onse de M a d rid Colecci6n Tesia Doctorales. N9 46/84
Papers by Rafael Hernández Tristán