Papers by Rafael García maties Fundacion Musol
Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, 2015
mantienen que los municipios no tendrían más competencias propias que las que deriven de la actua... more mantienen que los municipios no tendrían más competencias propias que las que deriven de la actual redacción del artículo 25.2. Otras, mantienen que la nueva redacción no afecta a las competencias atribuidas por norma con rango de ley Estatal o Autonómica, antes de su entrada en vigor, aun cuando no figuren en el listado del articulo 25.2 LRBRL. Esta última es la posición que se mantiene en el presente artículo.

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, 2016
La Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas aprobó, en la reunión plenaria de los días 25 al 27 de sep... more La Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas aprobó, en la reunión plenaria de los días 25 al 27 de septiembre de 2015, una declaración denominada: «Transformar nuestro mundo: La Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible». España y 192 países más han suscrito esa Agenda, que ha entrado en vigor el 1 de enero de 2016. La Agenda se configura como un plan de acción, a favor de las personas, el planeta y la prosperidad y se refiere a 17 objetivos y 169 metas a alcanzar en todo el planeta, estableciendo que todos los actores públicos y privados, hemos de trabajar para su logro. Se analiza la naturaleza jurídica de la declaración y el papel de los municipios en el ámbito internacional, singularmente en la implementación de la agenda. <strong>Local authorities and sustainable development aims. Some notes on the legal nature of the 2030 Agenda</strong> The United Nations General Assembly adopted, at the plenary meeting from 25 to 27 September 2015, a declaration entitled «Transforming...

Revista de estudios de Administración local y autonómica (Spain), 2016
La Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas aprobó, en la reunión plenaria de los días 25 al 27 de sep... more La Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas aprobó, en la reunión plenaria de los días 25 al 27 de septiembre de 2015, una declaración denominada: «Transformar nuestro mundo: La Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible». España y 192 países más han suscrito esa Agenda, que ha entrado en vigor el 1 de enero de 2016. La Agenda se configura como un plan de acción, a favor de las personas, el planeta y la prosperidad y se refiere a 17 objetivos y 169 metas a alcanzar en todo el planeta, estableciendo que todos los actores públicos y privados, hemos de trabajar para su logro. Se analiza la naturaleza jurídica de la declaración y el papel de los municipios en el ámbito internacional, singularmente en la implementación de la agenda.
The United Nations General Assembly adopted, at the plenary meeting from 25 to 27 September 2015, a declaration entitled «Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development». Spain, along with more than 192 countries, has signed the Agenda which came into effect on 1 January 2016. The Agenda is configured as an action plan for people, the planet, and prosperity and relates to 17 objectives and 169 goals to achieve across the globe, establishing that all public and private actors have to work for their attainment. The UN analyzed the legal nature of the declaration and the role of municipalities on the international level, especially in the implementation of the agenda.
REVISTA NÚMERO 4 by Rafael García maties Fundacion Musol

Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, 2015
La modificación de la Ley 7/1985 de 2 de abril Reguladora de las Bases del Régimen Local, por la ... more La modificación de la Ley 7/1985 de 2 de abril Reguladora de las Bases del Régimen Local, por la ley 27/2013, de 27 de diciembre, de racionalización y sostenibilidad de la Administración Local, ha generado una zona de inseguridad jurídica en cuanto a las competencias de los municipios. En el presente artículo se afirma que la competencia en Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo de la que los municipios eran titulares antes de la ley 27/2013, sigue siendo competencia municipal. Para ello se parte de la irretroactividad de la reforma por lo que se mantienen las atribuciones otorgadas por leyes anteriores a la misma, como es la Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, de que se trata de una actividad de interés local e incluso de que la Ley del Servicio y la Acción Exterior del Estado dictada con posterioridad ha reforzado esta interpretación.
The modification of Law 7/1985 of April 2 Regulator of the Bases of Local Regime, by Law 27/2013, of December 27, of rationalization and sustainability of the Local Administration, has generated an area of legal insecurity regarding the competency of the municipality. The present article affirms that the power of International Cooperation for Development of which the municipalities were titled before the law 27/2013, which still is municipal responsibility. For this, it starts with the non-retroactivity of the reform for which they maintain the powers given by the laws before this, such as the International Development Cooperation, which is an activity of local interest and even of the Law of Service and Exterior Action of the State, issued after it has reinforced this interpretation.
Papers by Rafael García maties Fundacion Musol
The United Nations General Assembly adopted, at the plenary meeting from 25 to 27 September 2015, a declaration entitled «Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development». Spain, along with more than 192 countries, has signed the Agenda which came into effect on 1 January 2016. The Agenda is configured as an action plan for people, the planet, and prosperity and relates to 17 objectives and 169 goals to achieve across the globe, establishing that all public and private actors have to work for their attainment. The UN analyzed the legal nature of the declaration and the role of municipalities on the international level, especially in the implementation of the agenda.
REVISTA NÚMERO 4 by Rafael García maties Fundacion Musol
The modification of Law 7/1985 of April 2 Regulator of the Bases of Local Regime, by Law 27/2013, of December 27, of rationalization and sustainability of the Local Administration, has generated an area of legal insecurity regarding the competency of the municipality. The present article affirms that the power of International Cooperation for Development of which the municipalities were titled before the law 27/2013, which still is municipal responsibility. For this, it starts with the non-retroactivity of the reform for which they maintain the powers given by the laws before this, such as the International Development Cooperation, which is an activity of local interest and even of the Law of Service and Exterior Action of the State, issued after it has reinforced this interpretation.
The United Nations General Assembly adopted, at the plenary meeting from 25 to 27 September 2015, a declaration entitled «Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development». Spain, along with more than 192 countries, has signed the Agenda which came into effect on 1 January 2016. The Agenda is configured as an action plan for people, the planet, and prosperity and relates to 17 objectives and 169 goals to achieve across the globe, establishing that all public and private actors have to work for their attainment. The UN analyzed the legal nature of the declaration and the role of municipalities on the international level, especially in the implementation of the agenda.
The modification of Law 7/1985 of April 2 Regulator of the Bases of Local Regime, by Law 27/2013, of December 27, of rationalization and sustainability of the Local Administration, has generated an area of legal insecurity regarding the competency of the municipality. The present article affirms that the power of International Cooperation for Development of which the municipalities were titled before the law 27/2013, which still is municipal responsibility. For this, it starts with the non-retroactivity of the reform for which they maintain the powers given by the laws before this, such as the International Development Cooperation, which is an activity of local interest and even of the Law of Service and Exterior Action of the State, issued after it has reinforced this interpretation.