Papers by Rafał Olszanecki
Cardiovascular Research
In pharmacology of vascular endothelium, everything is new…Old established research routes are sa... more In pharmacology of vascular endothelium, everything is new…Old established research routes are safe, while novel paths are interesting' 1 .

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2020
Angiotensin 1-7 (Ang 1-7) enhances insulin signaling and glucose transport activity in the skelet... more Angiotensin 1-7 (Ang 1-7) enhances insulin signaling and glucose transport activity in the skeletal muscle. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of AVE0991, a nonpeptide Mas receptor agonist, on the metabolic parameters, expression of RAS components and markers of oxidative stress, and insulin signaling in the skeletal morbidly obese rats. 33-week-old male obese Zucker rats were treated with vehicle and AVE0991 (0.5 mg/kg BW/day) via osmotic minipumps for two weeks. Gene expressions were determined by qPCR and/or Western blot analysis in musculus quadriceps. The enzymatic activities were detected flourometrically (aminopeptidase A) or by colorimetric assay kit (protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B). Administration of AVE0991 enhanced insulin signaling cascade in the skeletal muscle, reflected by improved whole-body glucose tolerance. It has been shown that reactive oxygen species (ROS) have insulin-mimetic action in muscle. The expression of renin receptor, transcription facto...

Journal of physiology and pharmacology : an official journal of the Polish Physiological Society, 2006
Production of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolites - prostacyclin (PGI(2)) in large vessels and pros... more Production of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolites - prostacyclin (PGI(2)) in large vessels and prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) in microcirculation is intrinsically involved in maintenance of vascular wall homeostasis. EA.hy 926 is a hybrid cell line, is derived by fusion of HUVEC with A549 cells. The aim of this study was to examine the production of prostacyclin and PGE2 in resting and IL-1beta-stimulated EA.ha 926 cells, in comparison with its progenitor cells. Non-stimulated EA.hy 926 cells has been found to produce much lower amounts of prostacyclin than resting HUVEC. Resting hybrid cells produced more PGE(2) than prostacyclin, despite they expressed high levels of COX-1 and PGI(2) synthase. On the contrary to HUVEC and A549, EA.hy 926 cells did not respond to IL-1beta with COX-2 induction and increase of prostaglandin production, however they did it in response to lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC). The characteristics of EA.hy 926 cells in terms of the pattern of prostanoid formation co...

Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy
Background Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) constitutes an independent risk factor for th... more Background Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) constitutes an independent risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease. Low-grade inflammation has been shown to play an important role in the development of atherosclerosis and NAFLD. Free fatty acid receptor 4 (FFAR4/GPR120), which is involved in damping inflammatory reactions, may represent a promising target for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of TUG-891, the synthetic agonist of FFAR4/GPR120, on fatty liver in vivo. Methods The effect of TUG-891 on fatty liver was investigated in apoE−/− mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD), using microscopic, biochemical, molecular, and proteomic methods. Results Treatment with TUG-891 inhibited the progression of liver steatosis in apoE−/− mice, as evidenced by histological analysis, and reduced the accumulation of TG in the liver. This action was associated with a decrease in plasma AST levels. TUG-891 decreased the expression of live...

Zainteresowanie oksygenazą hemową (HO), znanym od 1968 roku enzymem rozkładającym hem i wytwarzaj... more Zainteresowanie oksygenazą hemową (HO), znanym od 1968 roku enzymem rozkładającym hem i wytwarzającym tlenek węgla (CO), wzrosło po odkryciu w latach osiemdziesiątych XX wieku pierwszego "gazowego" mediatora-tlenku azotu (NO). Okazało się wtedy, że rola HO nie ogranicza się jedynie do kontroli poziomu wolnego hemu w komórce, a rozliczne działania biologiczne produktów rozkładu hemu-CO, bilirubiny i żelaza-zapewniły HO główną rolę wśród endogennych układów chroniących komórki przed uszkodzeniem. Jak dotychczas, większość badań dotyczy szeroko rozumianego działania przeciwzapalnego HO. W piśmiennictwie obecne są także prace, oparte głównie na badaniach in vitro, ogólnie opisujące pobudzające lub hamujące (w zależności od szczegółów modelu badawczego) oddziaływanie szlaku HO na zachodzenie procesów apoptozy. Oryginalność niniejszej pracy polega na tym, że skupia się ona na badaniach prowadzonych in vivo (analizie uszkodzenia nerek w trzech różnych, zwierzęcych modelach schorzeń, będących poważnymi problemami w praktyce klinicznej), a także przedstawia molekularne mechanizmy wpływu oksygenazy hemowej na procesy regulujące apoptozę. Praca niniejsza jest częściowo oparta na następujących artykułach:

Journal of physiology and pharmacology : an official journal of the Polish Physiological Society, 2018
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an essential substrate metabolite in human beings. Mitochondrial ... more Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an essential substrate metabolite in human beings. Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation provides > 95% of ATP with the remainder derived from glycolysis or tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA). In normal hearts, acetyl-CoA is synthesized from the β-oxidation of free fatty acids (FFA) and the oxidation of pyruvate. Pyruvate is synthesized from glycolysis and can be submitted either for decarboxylation to acetyl-CoA or for dehydrogenation to lactate. Moreover, pyruvate, as well as lactate, plays a key role in aerobic glucose metabolism which is highly dependent on ubiquitous regulatory mechanisms. Many recent advances in molecular biology, genetics, and physiology have revealed new insights into the metabolic flux of lactate. The initial perception characterized by increased lactate production and accumulation in peripheral tissues in anaerobic conditions has been recently contested. The paradigm of increased lactate concentration in the anaerobic setti...

The metabolic action of oxytocin has recently been intensively studied to assess the ability of t... more The metabolic action of oxytocin has recently been intensively studied to assess the ability of the peptide to regulate energy homeostasis. Despite the obvious weight-reducing effect of oxytocin observed in experimental studies, plasma oxytocin levels were found to be unchanged or even elevated in human obesity. The aim of our study was to evaluate the changes in the oxytocin system in Zucker rats, an animal model closely mirroring morbid obesity in humans. Plasma oxytocin levels were measured in obese Zucker rats and lean controls by enzyme immunoassay after plasma extraction. The expression of oxytocin and oxytocin receptor (OXTR) was assessed at the mRNA and protein levels by quantitative real-time PCR and immunoblotting respectively. Plasma and tissue activity of oxytocinase, the main enzyme involved in oxytocin degradation, were measured by fluorometric assay using an arylamide derivate as the substrate. Obese Zucker rats displayed a marked reduction in plasma oxytocin levels. ...

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2017
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Inflammation plays a key role in atherosclerosis. The protective role of a... more BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Inflammation plays a key role in atherosclerosis. The protective role of angiotensin 1-7 (Ang-(1-7)) in vascular pathologies suggested the therapeutic use of low MW, non-peptide Ang-(1-7) mimetics, such as AVE0991. The mechanisms underlying the vasoprotective effects of AVE0991, a Mas receptor agonist, remain to be explored. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH We investigated the effects of AVE0991 on the spontaneous atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E (ApoE)À/À mice, in the context of vascular inflammation and plaque stability. KEY RESULTS AVE0991 has significant anti-atherosclerotic properties in ApoEÀ/À mice and increases plaque stability, by reducing plaque macrophage content, without effects on collagen. Using the descending aorta of chow-fed ApoEÀ/À mice, before significant atherosclerotic plaque develops, we gained insight to early events in atherosclerosis. Interestingly, perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) and adventitial infiltration with macrophages and T-cells precedes atherosclerotic plaque or the impairment of endothelium-dependent NO bioavailability (a measure of endothelial function). AVE0991 inhibited perivascular inflammation, by reducing chemokine expression in PVAT and through direct actions on monocytes/macrophages inhibiting their activation, characterized by production of IL-1β, TNF-α, CCL2 and CXCL10, and differentiation to M1 phenotype. Pretreatment with AVE0991 inhibited migration of THP-1 monocytes towards supernatants of activated adipocytes (SW872). Mas receptors were expressed in PVAT and in THP-1 cells in vitro, and the anti-inflammatory effects of AVE0991 were partly Mas dependent. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS The selective Mas receptor agonist AVE0991 exhibited anti-atherosclerotic and anti-inflammatory actions, affecting monocyte/macrophage differentiation and recruitment to the perivascular space during early stages of atherosclerosis in ApoEÀ/À mice.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016
Coagulation is recognized as a key player in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The aim of the... more Coagulation is recognized as a key player in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The aim of the current research was to examine the effect of pretreatment with acenocoumarol on the development of acute pancreatitis (AP) evoked by cerulein. Methods: AP was induced in rats by cerulein administered intraperitoneally. Acenocoumarol (50, 100 or 150 µg/kg/dose/day) or saline were given once daily for seven days before AP induction. Results: In rats with AP, pretreatment with acenocoumarol administered at the dose of 50 or 100 µg/kg/dose/day improved pancreatic histology, reducing the degree of edema and inflammatory infiltration, and vacuolization of acinar cells. Moreover, pretreatment with acenocoumarol given at the dose of 50 or 100 µg/kg/dose/day reduced the AP-evoked increase in pancreatic weight, serum activity of amylase and lipase, and serum concentration of pro-inflammatory interleukin-1β, as well as ameliorated pancreatic DNA synthesis and pancreatic blood flow. In contrast, acenocoumarol given at the dose of 150 µg/kg/dose did not exhibit any protective effect against cerulein-induced pancreatitis. Conclusion: Low doses of acenocoumarol, given before induction of AP by cerulein, inhibit the development of that inflammation.

International Journal of Immunogenetics, 2016
Coronary artery disease (CAD) remains a major cause of death in developed countries. Both environ... more Coronary artery disease (CAD) remains a major cause of death in developed countries. Both environmental and, less known, genetic factors contribute to progression of CAD to myocardial infarction (MI). Immune system is activated in patients with CAD through dendritic cells (DCs), which present plaque antigens to T lymphocytes. Production of proinflammatory cytokines by activated T cells contributes to plaque rupture in MI. Chemokine receptor 7 (CCR7) on DCs is required for their chemotaxis from plaque to lymph nodes. This makes possible an interaction of DCs with T lymphocytes and initiation of specific immune response. We hypothesized that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in CCR7 gene locus are associated with previous MI in patients with CAD. To test this hypothesis, we genotyped six SNPs from the CCR7 gene locus in 300 consecutive patients, admitted for elective coronary angiography. We performed univariate‐, multivariate‐ (including potential confounders) and haplotype‐based tests of association of SNPs with previous MI and results of angiography. Allele A of rs17708087 SNP was associated with previous MI. This association remained significant after adjustment for age, sex, smoking, hypercholesterolaemia and drugs used by patients (odds ratio 2.13, 95% confidence interval: 1.13–3.86). Therefore, we conclude that CCR7 gene locus harbours a polymorphism that modifies risk of MI in patients with CAD. Replication of this association could be sought in a prospective cohort of initially healthy individuals.

Hormone and Metabolic Research, 2015
Multifunctional peptide oxytocin currently undergoes intensive research due to its proposed anti-... more Multifunctional peptide oxytocin currently undergoes intensive research due to its proposed anti-obesity properties. Until now, little is known about regulation of oxytocin receptor in metabolically active tissues in obesity. The aim of the present study was to measure expression of oxytocin receptor upon obese phenotype with respect to the variety among adipose tissue and skeletal muscles with distinct anatomical localisation. Total homogenates were prepared from epididymal, retroperitoneal and inguinal adipose tissues as well as quadriceps and soleus muscle from lean and obese Zucker rats. Oxytocin receptor protein was determined by immunoblot. Interestingly, elevated oxytocin receptor was observed in epididymal adipose tissue of obese rats in contrast to its downregulation in subcutaneous and no change in retroperitoneal fat. In lean animals, oxytocin receptor protein was expressed at similar levels in all adipose depots. This uniformity was not observed in the case of skeletal muscle in which fibre type composition seems to be determinant of oxytocin receptor expression. Quadriceps muscle with the predominance of glycolytic fibres exhibits higher oxytocin receptor expression than almost exclusively oxidative soleus muscle. Oxytocin receptor protein levels were decreased in both skeletal muscles analysed upon obese phenotype. The present work demonstrates that even under identical endocrine circumstances, oxytocin receptor is differentially regulated in adipose tissue of obese rats depending on fat depot localisation. These results also imply which tissues may be preferentially targeted by oxytocin treatment in metabolic disease.

Journal of physiology and pharmacology : an official journal of the Polish Physiological Society, 2008
Inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) has proved to be beneficial in the treatment of... more Inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) has proved to be beneficial in the treatment of various cardiovascular disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate ACE inhibitory potential of two polyphenolic compounds with different structures: resveratrol (present in high quantities in French wine) and kaempferol (abundant in greens), using method of liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS) for ex vivo measurement of angiotensin I to angiotensin II conversion by ACE in aortic tissue of Wistar-Kyoto rats. In this setting, kaempferol (10-30-100 microM), but not resveratrol (10-30-100 microM) appeared to inhibit dose-dependently conversion of Ang I to Ang II. Although the mechanism of ACE inhibition by kaempferol remains to be elucidated, this observation may help in search or designing of new classes of ACE inhibitors.

Journal of physiology and pharmacology : an official journal of the Polish Physiological Society, 2004
Although lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is recognized to induce a biphasic cardiovascular response its ... more Although lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is recognized to induce a biphasic cardiovascular response its mechanism is not fully elucidated. In this study we analysed the involvement of PAF, TXA(2) and cysteinyl leukotrienes (cysLTs) in the acute cardiovascular effects of LPS in the isolated rat heart as well as in delayed phase of LPS response using a surrogate cellular model of the induction of NOS-2 by LPS in mouse macrophages. Perfusion of rat hearts with LPS resulted, in an immediate fall in heart contractility and coronary flow by 2.5 +/- 0.59 ml x min(-1) and 560 +/- 81 mmHg x sec(-1), respectively. This response was fully blocked by platelet activating factor (PAF) antagonist - WEB 2170 and partially inhibited, by inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (indomethacin) or by inhibitor of thromboxane synthase (camonagrel). The inhibition of leukotriene synthesis (BAY x1005) or cysLTs receptors (BAY x7195) was without effect. Administration of stable PAF analog (methylcarbamyl-PAF - MC-PAF) alone, ...

Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 2005
Antiplatelet thienopyridines (ticlopidine, clopidogrel) and their thienopyrimidinone congeners, i... more Antiplatelet thienopyridines (ticlopidine, clopidogrel) and their thienopyrimidinone congeners, induce prostacyclin-dependent thrombolysis in vivo. Here we tested whether thienopyridines (ticlopidine, clopidogrel, and its enantiomer without antiplatelet properties) and structurally related thienopyrimidinones release NO from coronary endothelium in the isolated guinea pig heart, perfused according to Langendorff technique. The involvement of endothelium-derived NO in coronary vasodilation induced by these agents was assessed by effect of L-N G-nitro-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME). In addition, effect of thienopyridines or thienopyrimidinones on nitrite accumulation in cultured endothelium was assayed. Tienopyridines (10-100 mmol L À1) and thienopyrimidinones (10-30 mmol L À1) produced concentration-dependent increase in coronary flow comparable to that induced by acetylcholine (0.1 mmol L À1) or bradykinin (3 nmol L À1) which was inhibited by L-NAME (by 50-70%) but not by indomethacin. Furthermore, thienopyridines and thienopyrimidinones caused NO release from cultured endothelial cells. In conclusion, both thienopyridines independently from their antiplatelet action and their thienopyrimidinone congeners that are devoid of antiplatelet action stimulate coronary endothelium to release NO. Endothelial action of these compounds merits further investigation.

Cardiovascular Research, 2006
Objective: Carbon monoxide (CO) modulates several physiological functions through activation of a... more Objective: Carbon monoxide (CO) modulates several physiological functions through activation of a cGMP-dependent pathway similar to that of nitric oxide (NO). Here we investigated the possible involvement of soluble guanylate cyclase in the anti-aggregatory effect of micromolar concentrations of CO released by a novel, water-soluble, CO releasing molecule (CORM) in human platelets. Methods: Human platelet aggregation was induced by collagen or thrombin, and the effects of CO releasing molecule (CORM-3) and an NO donor on platelet aggregation were compared. Results: CORM-3 liberated CO in a time-and concentration-dependent manner as evidenced by the formation of carbon monoxy myoglobin (MbCO) using a spectrophotometric assay. When added to washed platelets, CORM-3 (10-300 AM) inhibited collagen-and thrombininduced aggregation in a concentration-dependent manner. The anti-aggregatory effect of CORM-3 was reversed by deoxy-Mb (50 AM). Interestingly, in the presence of an inhibitor of guanylate cyclase (ODQ, 5 AM), inhibition of collagen-induced aggregation by CORM-3 was not blocked but potentiated. Under the same experimental conditions, inhibition of platelet aggregation by an NO donor (SNAP, 1 AM) was prevented by ODQ. In collagen-induced or thrombin-induced platelet aggregation, a stimulator of guanylate cyclase (YC-1, 0.3 AM) did not alter the effect of CORM-3, whereas it markedly potentiated the inhibition of platelet aggregation mediated by SNAP. Notably, CORM-3induced inhibition of platelet aggregation was of similar degree when platelets were activated by a low (20 mU/ml) or by high concentration of thrombin (100-200 mU/ml), whereas NO donors (SNP and SNAP)-or carbaprostacylin (cPGI 2)-induced effects were considerably attenuated when platelets were activated by high concentrations of thrombin. Conclusions: Inhibition of platelet aggregation by CO released by a novel, water-soluble CORM is not mediated by activation of soluble guanylate cyclase. In contrast to NO and PGI 2 , CO effectively inhibits platelets even when cells are activated excessively. We suggest that despite the fact that CO is not a potent inhibitor of platelet activation, it may gain importance when NO and PGI 2 alone are insufficient to overcome excessive platelet activation.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1998
We have previously reported that induction of nuclear factor-k B NF-k B occurs in a biphasic mann... more We have previously reported that induction of nuclear factor-k B NF-k B occurs in a biphasic manner in postischemic Ž. Ž. myocardium. Because interleukin-1 IL-1 , IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-a TNF-a , and inducible nitric-oxide synthase Ž. Ž. iNOS contain k B-response elements, and since transforming growth factor-b 1 TGF-b 1 down-modulates both cytokine Ž. and iNOS expression, we studied their temporal expression during myocardial ischemiarreperfusion IrR. Northern and Western analyses showed low levels of IL-6 and no signal for IL-1b, TNF-a and iNOS under basal conditions. Their expression rose significantly over sham-operated controls by 1 h reperfusion, and persisted high for various periods. Under basal conditions, low levels of TGF-b 1 were detected, which rose significantly at 3 h reperfusion, and remained high until Ž. 24 h reperfusion. Administration of diethyldithiocarbamate DDC inhibited induction of NF-k B and concomitantly the expression of IL-1b, IL-6, TNF-a as well as iNOS. However, expression of TGF-b was not altered. Our results indicate that ischemiarreperfusion induces NF-k B, and upregulates k B-response genes. Administration of DDC inhibits NF-k B levels, and attenuates expression of inflammatory cytokines and iNOS. q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

Folia medica Cracoviensia, 2017
Atherosclerosis is considered as a chronic, low-grade inflammatory process involving the aorta an... more Atherosclerosis is considered as a chronic, low-grade inflammatory process involving the aorta and the medium-sized arteries. Exposure to air pollutants, especially particulate matter, is highly related to cardiovascular diseases including atherosclerosis. Many studies confirm that proatherogenic potential of particulate matter is determined by its ability to induce inflammation, oxidative stress and thrombosis formation. Recently, an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis has been attributed to autoimmune response. Moreover, harmful effects of PM particles strongly depend on their physicochemical properties. It is still not known what exact role air pollutants, and in particular their inorganic part, play in the development of atherosclerotic lesions. In this article, we will briefy discuss the different aspects of particulate matter activity and its implication with atherosclerosis progression.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research
The adverse effects of air pollution on the cardiovascular system have been well documented. Nona... more The adverse effects of air pollution on the cardiovascular system have been well documented. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular events. However, the influence of exposure to airborne particles on the development of NAFLD is less recognised. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of silica nanoparticles (SiNPs) on the development of liver steatosis. We used molecular and proteomic SWATH-MS methods to investigate the changes in the liver proteome of apolipoprotein E-knockout mice (apoE−/− mice) exposed to SiNPs for 4 months in a whole-body exposure chamber. Exposure to SiNPs evoked microvesicular liver steatosis in apoE−/− mice. Quantitative liver proteomics showed significant downregulation of ribosomal proteins and endoplasmic reticulum proteins. Gene expression analysis revealed a reduced level of proteins related to endoplasmic reticulum stress. Treatment with SiNPs decreased mitochondrial membrane potential and i...

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
The use of polypyridyl Ru complexes to inhibit metastasis is a novel approach, and recent studies... more The use of polypyridyl Ru complexes to inhibit metastasis is a novel approach, and recent studies have shown promising results. We have reported recently that Ru (II) complexes gathering two 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (dip) ligands and the one being 2,2′-bipyridine (bpy) or its derivative with a 4-[3-(2-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)propyl (bpy-NitroIm) or 5-(4-{4′-methyl-[2,2′-bipyridine]-4-yl}but-1-yn-1-yl)pyridine-2-carbaldehyde semicarbazone (bpy-SC) moieties can alter the metastatic cascade, among others, by modulating cell adhesion properties. In this work, we show further studies of this group of complexes by evaluating their effect on HMEC-1 endothelial cells. While all the tested complexes significantly inhibited the endothelial cell migration, Ru-bpy additionally interrupted the pseudovessels formation. Functional changes in endothelial cells might arise from the impact of the studied compounds on cell elasticity and expression of proteins (vinculin and paxillin) involved i...
Papers by Rafał Olszanecki