Researches have been carried on in order to elaborate a platform for oil pollution risk assessmen... more Researches have been carried on in order to elaborate a platform for oil pollution risk assessment, in the framework of the PN 2 Project No.11036/2007 BIOREGIS. a bio-remediation technology accelerated by bacterial inoculum has been applied on a former petroleum park, at Sfinţii Voievozi, Dâmboviţa County. The experiment
Electro remediation technologies have been applied on a former Petroleum Park, at Sfinţii Voievoz... more Electro remediation technologies have been applied on a former Petroleum Park, at Sfinţii Voievozi, Dâmboviţa County. The evolution of the soil chemical and microbiological properties has been studied, by sampling and laboratory analyses carried out at different time intervals. Organic carbon and nutritional macro elements contents varied in time. An organic carbon depletion tendency has been noticed, implying the oil residues contents depletion, which is the purpose of the experiment. The variations of the plant nutritional elements contents (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) were low, meaning that these elements don't migrate with the oil residues, which is very important for this land's re-cultivation. The soil reaction and the total soluble salts content registered small variations, statistically not ensured. As for the microbiological properties, a modification phenomenon was noticed, of the number, communities' structure, and physiologic activities of the soil micro flora. The obtained results will be used to develop a computing system for petroleum products pollution risk management and to apply electro kinetic and bio-remediation techniques in situ.
Six soil profiles were analyzed from the southern part of Oltenia, the area of sandy soils, from ... more Six soil profiles were analyzed from the southern part of Oltenia, the area of sandy soils, from the point of view of main physical and chemical characteristics and of the selenium abundance. Three of them are located around the Desa locality and three around the Dăbuleni locality. The predominance of coarse texture was established, along with a diverse reaction, from moderately acid to moderately alkaline, very low humus, total nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and potassium contents, and a low to extremely low total cation exchange capacity. The A horizon makes exception as its humus and total nitrogen contents are slightly increased. The total selenium contents of these soils oscillate between 20 and 190 μg·kg-1, with a 97 μg·kg-1 average value, and the mobile selenium contents belong to the interval 5 to 41 μg·kg-1, with a 22 μg·kg-1 average value. The soils of the Desa area have a total selenium content 2.1 times higher than those of the Dăbuleni area. On the other hand, the mobile selenium content is smaller in the Desa area, with the average value of 14 μg·kg-1, as compared to the average value in the Dăbuleni area, of 21 μg·kg-1. Total selenium fractions distribution shows that only 26% of the total content belongs to fractions capable to offer selenium for plant nutrition and the difference belongs to the fractions hard to render soluble. Between the total selenium contents and some sandy soils chemical characteristics statistically ensured correlative relations have been established. Statistically ensured correlations have also been established between total and mobile selenium.
Résumé. Les données sont présentées considérant la nature des sols de la zone de Rosia Montana (A... more Résumé. Les données sont présentées considérant la nature des sols de la zone de Rosia Montana (Alba Country). La situation actuelle des sols est conditionnée par leurs niveaux de charge en métaux lourds et par la capacitéamortissement de leurs réactions. Le possible impact polluant des métaux lourds provoqué parìexploitation et la transformation des minerais est conditionné aussi par le contenus relatif baissé des métaux lourds des roches porteuses des minerals et dans les roches mortes(terril). Les possibles types et formesimpact sur le sols des la zone de Rosia Montana comme conséquence de la construction et des travaux exploitation.
Abstract: Selenium is a trace element with multiple functions in animal and human nutrition. Defi... more Abstract: Selenium is a trace element with multiple functions in animal and human nutrition. Deficiency in selenium reported for sheep bred in Central Dobrogea, required to initiate a comprehensive study on the abundance of total Se in parental rocks, in soil and wheat plants (the whole ...
Abstract. In order to cover with vegetation the red mud deposition from Tulcea tests with
pasture... more Abstract. In order to cover with vegetation the red mud deposition from Tulcea tests with pasture plants have been carried out, in the climate maintenance room. The composite nutritive layer on which the plants were grown consisted of red mud (50%) and phosphogypsum, acid peat, sawdust, compost, and sludge from wastewater treatment, 10% each. In another variant the phosphogypsum and compost percentages were changed, at 5, respectively 15%. Out of the four plant species tested, Lolium perene had the best growth, highlighted both as height and weight. Phleum pratense, Dactys glomerata and Lotus corniculatus followed, in decreasing order. The composite material on which the pasture plants developed had a slightly alkaline reaction and a high organic carbon, total nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and potassium, copper, zinc, cadmium, and chromium contents, and also an advanced salinization, in which natrum sulphate (Na2SO4) predominates. In the dry matter of the plants normal contents of macro elements were determined, except for natrium (Na), which average content was eight times higher than the right limit of the normal content interval. The contents of metallic microelements and heavy metals laid in the normal values area, except for zinc (Zn), which values were twofold the zinc content of plants grown on a normal soil (control variant).
Six soil profiles were analyzed from the southern part of Oltenia, the area of sandy soils, from ... more Six soil profiles were analyzed from the southern part of Oltenia, the area of sandy soils, from the point of view of main physical and chemical characteristics and of the selenium abundance. Three of them are located around the Desa locality and three around the Dăbuleni locality.
According the red mud chemical and agrochemical properties evaluated in the previous paper, there... more According the red mud chemical and agrochemical properties evaluated in the previous paper, there were set up two experiments concerning individual types of nutritive red mud composite formulations. Adjuvant materials selected for deep changes in the basic red mud agrochemical properties were: phosphogypsum (PG), sludge from urban biological waste water treatment factories (SWBT), sludge from water softening stage in chemical plants (SWCT), organic compost (OC), marine algae debris (MA), wood sawdust (WS), acidic peat (AP) and acidic soil (AaS) from Albota region, Romania. Agrochemical analysis of the adjuvant materials and the first type of nutritive red mud composite materials has shown that adjuvant materials themselves and all formulated composites are conveying a large dowry of mineral salts with neutral (PG, OC and MA), and alkaline (SWBT and SWCT) reaction, containing macro, mezzo and micronutrients at variable concentrations. Satisfactory concentrations of organic carbon have been carried in by SWBT (17%), OC (9.2%) and MA (1-8 %) and most all the adjuvant materials and more than that, enough buffering capacity and nutritive ionic species to sustain the crops growth. In the first type of red mud composite material, theoretical expected changes might accomplish a real conversion of the red mud into a nutritive composite material. But, soluble salts contents ranging from 1.874 to 2.888 mg/100g composite mixture, with dominant molecular species sodium carbonate did lead to rather infertile composite formulations. The second type of red mud composite materials SWBT and MA were replaced by the rich carbon and high power buffering materials as WS, AP and AaS and the ratios adjuvant materials/RM were increased to 700/1000 - 900/1000. Study of Triticum durum response to this new type of red mud composite has shown a real emerging fertility in these materials and sustainability in plants crop growth. This was an encouraging step toward better balanced formulations.
Researches have been carried on in order to elaborate a platform for oil pollution risk assessmen... more Researches have been carried on in order to elaborate a platform for oil pollution risk assessment, in the framework of the PN 2 Project No.11036/2007 BIOREGIS. a bio-remediation technology accelerated by bacterial inoculum has been applied on a former petroleum park, at Sfinţii Voievozi, Dâmboviţa County. The experiment
Electro remediation technologies have been applied on a former Petroleum Park, at Sfinţii Voievoz... more Electro remediation technologies have been applied on a former Petroleum Park, at Sfinţii Voievozi, Dâmboviţa County. The evolution of the soil chemical and microbiological properties has been studied, by sampling and laboratory analyses carried out at different time intervals. Organic carbon and nutritional macro elements contents varied in time. An organic carbon depletion tendency has been noticed, implying the oil residues contents depletion, which is the purpose of the experiment. The variations of the plant nutritional elements contents (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) were low, meaning that these elements don't migrate with the oil residues, which is very important for this land's re-cultivation. The soil reaction and the total soluble salts content registered small variations, statistically not ensured. As for the microbiological properties, a modification phenomenon was noticed, of the number, communities' structure, and physiologic activities of the soil micro flora. The obtained results will be used to develop a computing system for petroleum products pollution risk management and to apply electro kinetic and bio-remediation techniques in situ.
Six soil profiles were analyzed from the southern part of Oltenia, the area of sandy soils, from ... more Six soil profiles were analyzed from the southern part of Oltenia, the area of sandy soils, from the point of view of main physical and chemical characteristics and of the selenium abundance. Three of them are located around the Desa locality and three around the Dăbuleni locality. The predominance of coarse texture was established, along with a diverse reaction, from moderately acid to moderately alkaline, very low humus, total nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and potassium contents, and a low to extremely low total cation exchange capacity. The A horizon makes exception as its humus and total nitrogen contents are slightly increased. The total selenium contents of these soils oscillate between 20 and 190 μg·kg-1, with a 97 μg·kg-1 average value, and the mobile selenium contents belong to the interval 5 to 41 μg·kg-1, with a 22 μg·kg-1 average value. The soils of the Desa area have a total selenium content 2.1 times higher than those of the Dăbuleni area. On the other hand, the mobile selenium content is smaller in the Desa area, with the average value of 14 μg·kg-1, as compared to the average value in the Dăbuleni area, of 21 μg·kg-1. Total selenium fractions distribution shows that only 26% of the total content belongs to fractions capable to offer selenium for plant nutrition and the difference belongs to the fractions hard to render soluble. Between the total selenium contents and some sandy soils chemical characteristics statistically ensured correlative relations have been established. Statistically ensured correlations have also been established between total and mobile selenium.
Résumé. Les données sont présentées considérant la nature des sols de la zone de Rosia Montana (A... more Résumé. Les données sont présentées considérant la nature des sols de la zone de Rosia Montana (Alba Country). La situation actuelle des sols est conditionnée par leurs niveaux de charge en métaux lourds et par la capacitéamortissement de leurs réactions. Le possible impact polluant des métaux lourds provoqué parìexploitation et la transformation des minerais est conditionné aussi par le contenus relatif baissé des métaux lourds des roches porteuses des minerals et dans les roches mortes(terril). Les possibles types et formesimpact sur le sols des la zone de Rosia Montana comme conséquence de la construction et des travaux exploitation.
Abstract: Selenium is a trace element with multiple functions in animal and human nutrition. Defi... more Abstract: Selenium is a trace element with multiple functions in animal and human nutrition. Deficiency in selenium reported for sheep bred in Central Dobrogea, required to initiate a comprehensive study on the abundance of total Se in parental rocks, in soil and wheat plants (the whole ...
Abstract. In order to cover with vegetation the red mud deposition from Tulcea tests with
pasture... more Abstract. In order to cover with vegetation the red mud deposition from Tulcea tests with pasture plants have been carried out, in the climate maintenance room. The composite nutritive layer on which the plants were grown consisted of red mud (50%) and phosphogypsum, acid peat, sawdust, compost, and sludge from wastewater treatment, 10% each. In another variant the phosphogypsum and compost percentages were changed, at 5, respectively 15%. Out of the four plant species tested, Lolium perene had the best growth, highlighted both as height and weight. Phleum pratense, Dactys glomerata and Lotus corniculatus followed, in decreasing order. The composite material on which the pasture plants developed had a slightly alkaline reaction and a high organic carbon, total nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and potassium, copper, zinc, cadmium, and chromium contents, and also an advanced salinization, in which natrum sulphate (Na2SO4) predominates. In the dry matter of the plants normal contents of macro elements were determined, except for natrium (Na), which average content was eight times higher than the right limit of the normal content interval. The contents of metallic microelements and heavy metals laid in the normal values area, except for zinc (Zn), which values were twofold the zinc content of plants grown on a normal soil (control variant).
Six soil profiles were analyzed from the southern part of Oltenia, the area of sandy soils, from ... more Six soil profiles were analyzed from the southern part of Oltenia, the area of sandy soils, from the point of view of main physical and chemical characteristics and of the selenium abundance. Three of them are located around the Desa locality and three around the Dăbuleni locality.
According the red mud chemical and agrochemical properties evaluated in the previous paper, there... more According the red mud chemical and agrochemical properties evaluated in the previous paper, there were set up two experiments concerning individual types of nutritive red mud composite formulations. Adjuvant materials selected for deep changes in the basic red mud agrochemical properties were: phosphogypsum (PG), sludge from urban biological waste water treatment factories (SWBT), sludge from water softening stage in chemical plants (SWCT), organic compost (OC), marine algae debris (MA), wood sawdust (WS), acidic peat (AP) and acidic soil (AaS) from Albota region, Romania. Agrochemical analysis of the adjuvant materials and the first type of nutritive red mud composite materials has shown that adjuvant materials themselves and all formulated composites are conveying a large dowry of mineral salts with neutral (PG, OC and MA), and alkaline (SWBT and SWCT) reaction, containing macro, mezzo and micronutrients at variable concentrations. Satisfactory concentrations of organic carbon have been carried in by SWBT (17%), OC (9.2%) and MA (1-8 %) and most all the adjuvant materials and more than that, enough buffering capacity and nutritive ionic species to sustain the crops growth. In the first type of red mud composite material, theoretical expected changes might accomplish a real conversion of the red mud into a nutritive composite material. But, soluble salts contents ranging from 1.874 to 2.888 mg/100g composite mixture, with dominant molecular species sodium carbonate did lead to rather infertile composite formulations. The second type of red mud composite materials SWBT and MA were replaced by the rich carbon and high power buffering materials as WS, AP and AaS and the ratios adjuvant materials/RM were increased to 700/1000 - 900/1000. Study of Triticum durum response to this new type of red mud composite has shown a real emerging fertility in these materials and sustainability in plants crop growth. This was an encouraging step toward better balanced formulations.
Papers by Radu Lacatusu
locality and three around the Dăbuleni locality.
The predominance of coarse texture was established, along with a diverse reaction, from moderately acid to moderately alkaline, very low humus, total nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and potassium contents, and a low to extremely low total cation exchange capacity. The A horizon makes exception as its humus and total nitrogen contents are slightly increased.
The total selenium contents of these soils oscillate between 20 and 190 μg·kg-1, with a 97 μg·kg-1 average value, and the mobile selenium contents belong to the interval 5 to 41 μg·kg-1, with a 22 μg·kg-1 average value. The soils of the Desa area have a total selenium content 2.1 times higher than those of the Dăbuleni area. On the other hand, the mobile selenium content is smaller in the Desa area, with the average value of 14 μg·kg-1, as compared to the average value in the Dăbuleni area, of 21 μg·kg-1.
Total selenium fractions distribution shows that only 26% of the total content belongs to fractions capable to offer selenium for plant nutrition and the difference belongs to the fractions hard to render soluble.
Between the total selenium contents and some sandy soils chemical characteristics statistically ensured correlative relations have been established.
Statistically ensured correlations have also been established between total and mobile selenium.
pasture plants have been carried out, in the climate maintenance room. The composite nutritive layer on
which the plants were grown consisted of red mud (50%) and phosphogypsum, acid peat, sawdust,
compost, and sludge from wastewater treatment, 10% each. In another variant the phosphogypsum and
compost percentages were changed, at 5, respectively 15%. Out of the four plant species tested, Lolium
perene had the best growth, highlighted both as height and weight. Phleum pratense, Dactys glomerata
and Lotus corniculatus followed, in decreasing order. The composite material on which the pasture
plants developed had a slightly alkaline reaction and a high organic carbon, total nitrogen, mobile
phosphorus and potassium, copper, zinc, cadmium, and chromium contents, and also an advanced
salinization, in which natrum sulphate (Na2SO4) predominates. In the dry matter of the plants normal
contents of macro elements were determined, except for natrium (Na), which average content was eight
times higher than the right limit of the normal content interval. The contents of metallic microelements
and heavy metals laid in the normal values area, except for zinc (Zn), which values were twofold the zinc
content of plants grown on a normal soil (control variant).
set up two experiments concerning individual types of nutritive red mud composite formulations. Adjuvant
materials selected for deep changes in the basic red mud agrochemical properties were: phosphogypsum
(PG), sludge from urban biological waste water treatment factories (SWBT), sludge from water softening
stage in chemical plants (SWCT), organic compost (OC), marine algae debris (MA), wood sawdust (WS),
acidic peat (AP) and acidic soil (AaS) from Albota region, Romania. Agrochemical analysis of the adjuvant
materials and the first type of nutritive red mud composite materials has shown that adjuvant materials
themselves and all formulated composites are conveying a large dowry of mineral salts with neutral (PG,
OC and MA), and alkaline (SWBT and SWCT) reaction, containing macro, mezzo and micronutrients at
variable concentrations. Satisfactory concentrations of organic carbon have been carried in by SWBT (17%),
OC (9.2%) and MA (1-8 %) and most all the adjuvant materials and more than that, enough buffering
capacity and nutritive ionic species to sustain the crops growth. In the first type of red mud composite
material, theoretical expected changes might accomplish a real conversion of the red mud into a nutritive
composite material. But, soluble salts contents ranging from 1.874 to 2.888 mg/100g composite mixture,
with dominant molecular species sodium carbonate did lead to rather infertile composite formulations. The
second type of red mud composite materials SWBT and MA were replaced by the rich carbon and high power
buffering materials as WS, AP and AaS and the ratios adjuvant materials/RM were increased to 700/1000 -
900/1000. Study of Triticum durum response to this new type of red mud composite has shown a real
emerging fertility in these materials and sustainability in plants crop growth. This was an encouraging step
toward better balanced formulations.
locality and three around the Dăbuleni locality.
The predominance of coarse texture was established, along with a diverse reaction, from moderately acid to moderately alkaline, very low humus, total nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and potassium contents, and a low to extremely low total cation exchange capacity. The A horizon makes exception as its humus and total nitrogen contents are slightly increased.
The total selenium contents of these soils oscillate between 20 and 190 μg·kg-1, with a 97 μg·kg-1 average value, and the mobile selenium contents belong to the interval 5 to 41 μg·kg-1, with a 22 μg·kg-1 average value. The soils of the Desa area have a total selenium content 2.1 times higher than those of the Dăbuleni area. On the other hand, the mobile selenium content is smaller in the Desa area, with the average value of 14 μg·kg-1, as compared to the average value in the Dăbuleni area, of 21 μg·kg-1.
Total selenium fractions distribution shows that only 26% of the total content belongs to fractions capable to offer selenium for plant nutrition and the difference belongs to the fractions hard to render soluble.
Between the total selenium contents and some sandy soils chemical characteristics statistically ensured correlative relations have been established.
Statistically ensured correlations have also been established between total and mobile selenium.
pasture plants have been carried out, in the climate maintenance room. The composite nutritive layer on
which the plants were grown consisted of red mud (50%) and phosphogypsum, acid peat, sawdust,
compost, and sludge from wastewater treatment, 10% each. In another variant the phosphogypsum and
compost percentages were changed, at 5, respectively 15%. Out of the four plant species tested, Lolium
perene had the best growth, highlighted both as height and weight. Phleum pratense, Dactys glomerata
and Lotus corniculatus followed, in decreasing order. The composite material on which the pasture
plants developed had a slightly alkaline reaction and a high organic carbon, total nitrogen, mobile
phosphorus and potassium, copper, zinc, cadmium, and chromium contents, and also an advanced
salinization, in which natrum sulphate (Na2SO4) predominates. In the dry matter of the plants normal
contents of macro elements were determined, except for natrium (Na), which average content was eight
times higher than the right limit of the normal content interval. The contents of metallic microelements
and heavy metals laid in the normal values area, except for zinc (Zn), which values were twofold the zinc
content of plants grown on a normal soil (control variant).
set up two experiments concerning individual types of nutritive red mud composite formulations. Adjuvant
materials selected for deep changes in the basic red mud agrochemical properties were: phosphogypsum
(PG), sludge from urban biological waste water treatment factories (SWBT), sludge from water softening
stage in chemical plants (SWCT), organic compost (OC), marine algae debris (MA), wood sawdust (WS),
acidic peat (AP) and acidic soil (AaS) from Albota region, Romania. Agrochemical analysis of the adjuvant
materials and the first type of nutritive red mud composite materials has shown that adjuvant materials
themselves and all formulated composites are conveying a large dowry of mineral salts with neutral (PG,
OC and MA), and alkaline (SWBT and SWCT) reaction, containing macro, mezzo and micronutrients at
variable concentrations. Satisfactory concentrations of organic carbon have been carried in by SWBT (17%),
OC (9.2%) and MA (1-8 %) and most all the adjuvant materials and more than that, enough buffering
capacity and nutritive ionic species to sustain the crops growth. In the first type of red mud composite
material, theoretical expected changes might accomplish a real conversion of the red mud into a nutritive
composite material. But, soluble salts contents ranging from 1.874 to 2.888 mg/100g composite mixture,
with dominant molecular species sodium carbonate did lead to rather infertile composite formulations. The
second type of red mud composite materials SWBT and MA were replaced by the rich carbon and high power
buffering materials as WS, AP and AaS and the ratios adjuvant materials/RM were increased to 700/1000 -
900/1000. Study of Triticum durum response to this new type of red mud composite has shown a real
emerging fertility in these materials and sustainability in plants crop growth. This was an encouraging step
toward better balanced formulations.