Papers by Radoslav Benuš

Facial reconstruction of a man and a woman from the Early Bronze Age
The article deals with a rec... more Facial reconstruction of a man and a woman from the Early Bronze Age
The article deals with a reconstruction of face from skulls of two adults – a middle-aged man from grave 80 and a young woman from grave 234 at the cemetery in Pata. The reconstruction drew on data acquired from osteological study. Drawings were made at two levels: norma frontalis (en face) and norma lateralis sinistra – for the man, norma frontalis (en face) and norma lateralis dextra – for the woman. The comparison of the recorded values of morphological and metric features of both individuals with average values recorded for the whole set indicates that typologically the man and the woman are typical representatives of
the population which buried his dead in the Early Bronze Age at the cemetery in Pata. The results of anthropological study showed that morphologically it was a relatively homogeneous group of people. The recorded anthropological indexes, which generally characterise the proportionality of the body, sex and the affiliation of the individual to a certain morphological type, indicate that both men and women from the cemetery belonged to the so-called robust leptodolichomorfs or "nordics” with long and narrow skulls. The drawn facial reconstructions and results of anthropological study in Pata add to our picture of the carriers of the Únětice culture, which is also spread on the territory of southwest Slovakia. Drawing reconstructions are to a certain extent infuenced by the artistic creativity of their author, yet they were made on the basis of scientific data and render essential morphological features of the peoples of the Únětice culture.

An attempt to identify the mummified human remains from the Krásna Hôrka castle (Rožňava district... more An attempt to identify the mummified human remains from the Krásna Hôrka castle (Rožňava district, Slovakia). In the castle chapel, the mummified body in a glass sarcophagus is exhibited. According to a legend, the body belongs to Countess Zsofia Andrássy (nee Serédy). Macroscopic examination of the body showed that the mummified remains are well preserved; the skin is dried, but still slightly elastic. CT scan confirmed that all the internal organs, including brain, are present. Only little degenerative-productive changes in vertebrae were found. No signs of healed fractures are present. The cortical bone of long bones is relatively thick, and the trabecular structure in humeral and femoral heads decreased only slightly. The age at death of the woman was estimated to 40±5 years. Superimposition of skull into the historical portraits showed that the mummified remains most probably do not belong to Theresa Dőry. Based on the above facts, we can conclude that the body could belong to Zsofia Andrássy, but we are not yet able to prove it.

Monitoring the body composition changes in 18-to 21-year-old students of Comenius University in B... more Monitoring the body composition changes in 18-to 21-year-old students of Comenius University in Bratislava. In recent years, overweight and obesity are considered to be the risk factors that cause serious diseases. Masked obesity is the specific type of obesity occuring mainly among young people who have BMI lower than 25, but the fat is higher than 25% in males and higher than 30% in females. The aim of the study is to assess the body composition and somatotypes of the students of the Comenius University in Bratislava. The observed study group consists of 808 university students, of these 502 females and 306 males. Ten anthropometric indicators needed for the calculation of somatotypes were measured. In a group of 18-years-old females, we found masked obesity, which indicates inadequate physical activity and inadequate diet. In this age group, we have ascertained significantly lower body weight, lower circumference of arm stretched and lower bi-epicondylar width of humerus, as well as significantly higher endomorphic and ectomorphic component. Úvod Súčasné alarmujúce trendy v prevalencii nadhmotnosti a obezity u detí a mládeže predstavujú závažný zdravotný problém nielen pre dnešnú mladú generáciu, ale i pre nasledujúce generácie. Nadhmotnosť a obezita v detstve vedie k obezite v dospelosti najmä vtedy, ak sú i rodičia obézni (Regecová et al. 2015). Potvrdilo sa, že telesnú stavbu detí a mládeže ovplyvňujú endogénne genetické, ako aj environmentálne, socioekonomické a psychosociálne faktory. Exogénne faktory sa premietajú do spôsobu života v rodinách a spoločnosti. Ovplyvňujú výživu, spôsob stravovania a denné aktivity detí a mládeže (Branca et al. 2007, Lobstein a Frelut 2003). Závažný poznatok získali Fatrcová-Šramková, Gregušová a Tináková (2010) z výskumu stredoškolských študentov. Zistili vysoké hodnoty telesného tuku, a to u 24,53 % študentov bez štatisticky významného rozdielu medzi dievčatami a chlapcami. Pritom takmer tretina súboru mala vysoké, veľmi vysoké až extrémne hodnoty BMI (29,78 %). Nízke hodnoty telesného tuku pozorovali u 36,20 % probandov, kým takmer štvrtina súboru mala nízke alebo veľmi nízke BMI. Norme pre tuk zodpovedalo 39,27 % študentov bez signifikantných rozdielov podľa pohlavia, pričom rozdiely sa podobne nepotvrdili ani pri stredných hodnotách BMI. Obezita je závažné chronické, metabolické ochorenie modernej doby, pričom je výsledkom interakcie medzi environmentálnymi a genetickými faktormi (Přidalová et al. 2011). Na určovanie stupňa obezity v klinickej a pediatrickej praxi sa stále viac zaraďuje odhad telesného zloženia (Stříbrná, Kopecký a Charamza 2016). Obezita je charakterizovaná patologickou akumuláciou tuku pri pozitívnej energetickej bilancii, čiže pri väčšom príjme potravy a menšom výdaji energie (Fábryová 2008). Skrytá obezita je špecifický typ obezity vyskytujúci sa

abstract The aim of this study was to isolate and analyse ancient DNA from the historical human s... more abstract The aim of this study was to isolate and analyse ancient DNA from the historical human skeletal remains of two populations who lived in 8 th –9 th and 11 th –12 th century for the purpose of sex determination and the determination of mitochondri-al haplogroups for detecting the possible kinship and origin. Determination of sex was performed by PCR amplification and subsequent analysis of a specific region of the ameloge-nin gene. The obtained molecular-genetic data were compared with the results of morphoscopic determination of sex. Determination of mitochondrial haplogroups was performed by amplification and sequencing of the hypervariable region I of mitochondrial DNA. Possible kinship of individuals was determined based on the correlation of polymorphisms in its HVR I sequences. Sex determination based on molecular-genetic data hepled succesfully determine the sex of individuals with an uncomplete skeleton or infants and aslo verified the morphoscopic data based sex determination of other individuals. Determination of mitochondrial haplogroups revealed the presence of several haplogroups with various haplotypes in this two researched historical populations. Possible kinship was detected between/among six individuals.

abstract The aim of the study was to evaluate intersexual differences between boys and girls from... more abstract The aim of the study was to evaluate intersexual differences between boys and girls from seven to nine years of age attending elementary school in the Bratislava Region. We also compare monitored group with group of Slovak children from 1976 (Hajniš, Brůžek, & Blažek 1989). A total of 265 chil dren were measured, 141 boys and 124 girls. There were investigated eight body parameters, and then calculated four indices of body dimensions to confirm differen ces between boys and girls, and to evaluate body composition in Slovak children after 40 years. There were used five body parameters and one index to compare these differences. The obtained results showed that boys at the age of eight and nine years achieve higher mean values in almost all body di mensions, which affirm the fact that in this period boys are hea vier and taller than girls. In comparison to Slovak population from 1976, higher mean values of stature and body weight were observed in monitored group. These findings provide existence of secular trend. Slovak population were only distinguished by the higher values of head width, in contrast to monitored chi ldren who have higher mean values of length of head, which confirm debrachycephalisation trend. Úvod V ostatných dvoch storočiach pozorujeme relatívne výraznú zmenu rastového a vývinového tempa, ako aj zmeny v hodno tách niektorých telesných znakov. Deti v jednotlivých veko vých kategóriách rastú a vyvíjajú sa rýchlejšie ako ich roves níci v minulosti, vstupujú skôr do obdobia dospelosti a skôr sa u nich končí rast (akcelerácia). Okrem veľkosti telesných častí sa však mení aj proporci onalita tela, tzn., že priemerné hodnoty telesných parametrov súčasnej dospelej populácie sú vyššie ako boli u dospelých v minulosti. Túto skutočnosť označuje termín sekulárny trend, ktorý sa týka najmä telesnej výšky, pričom hovorí o tom, že dospelí jedinci sú v súčasnosti vyšší ako boli tí pred viac ako storočím (Rebato, 2007). Tento trend však zahŕňa aj detskú po puláciu. Deti sú priemerne v dospelosti vyššie ako ich rodičia, pričom to platí zvlášť pre ženy a zvlášť pre mužov. Sekulárny trend bol zaznamenaný aj v hodnotách telesnej hmotnosti u detí aj dospelých, čo súvisí nielen so zmenou telesnej výšky (veľ kosti tela), ale aj spomínanej proporcionality a telesnej stavby (Cole, 2003). Vo všeobecnosti dochádza k zvyšovaniu teles nej hmotnosti populácie, ako dospelej, tak aj detí. Tak ako sa zvyšuje priemerná telesná hmotnosť, zvyšuje sa aj priemerná telesná výška, čo potvrdzuje pozitívny sekulárny trend telesnej výšky. V ostatnej dobe však dochádza k spomaľovaniu tohto trendu, najmä u dievčat, u chlapcov naopak tento trend pokra čuje, výraznejší je v predpubertálnom období.

Assessment of foot health condition from footprints parameters in students from Comenius Universi... more Assessment of foot health condition from footprints parameters in students from Comenius University in Bratislava. The aim of the study was to analyse foot arch and foot deformities – hallux varus, hallux valgus and digitus quintus varus from static footprints in young adults. Study sample consisted of 80 males and 90 females. Stature and body weight, metatarsal width and the narrowest part, angles of big and little toes were measured from recorded static footprints according to the standard anthropometric procedures. The arch of foot was evaluated by index Chippaux-Šmiřák, angles of big and little toes were evaluated by Weisflog method. Results showed the incidence of three levels of flat foot in both sexes, however mostly in males. The significant correlation between BMI (Body Mass Index), body weight and flat foot was observed only in males. For the reference of big toe´s deformities, there was the main abundance in females, in particular hallux valgus. In males there was detected the highest percentage of varus position of big toe. Deformities of little toes were proven in both sexes. In conclusion, our analysis confirmed monitored foot deformities in young adults, although these were not officially diagnosed by physicians in any of them. Úvod DiMaggio a Vernon (2011) definujú plantogram ako kompletný odtlačok, ktorý zahŕňa päť prstov, metatarzálnu časť chodidla, odtlačok päty, profil klenby a bočné časti klenby. Ľudská noha so zdravou klenbou má veľmi dôležitú úlohu v živote každého človeka. Zdravá noha je definovaná ako noha, ktorej kostrová sústava, svaly, kĺby a ani nervy nie sú postihnuté žiadnou vrodenou alebo získanou chybou s trvalými následkami (Potůček a Oberdörfer 1990). Klenba tlmí otrasy, a preto je dôležitým faktorom pre pružnosť chôdze, môžeme povedať, že je tzv. shock absorber (Riegerová a Přidalová 2006). V prípade, že nohu často zaťažujeme dlhým státím, môže sa klenba znížiť, prípadne až vymiznúť. Tento typ sa nazýva plochá noha – pes planus (Drobný 1998, 2001). Faktorov, ktorými sa zo zdravej nohy stane patologická, čiže s deformitami klenby alebo prstov, je viacero. Môže to byť nevhodná obuv, úraz, zápaly šliach alebo väzov, obezita, zvyšujúci sa vek alebo reumatoidná artritída (Calabro 1983). Medzi pomerne časté deformity prstov patrí hallux valgus (vbočený palec), ktorý je komplexnou vadou, na ktorej vzniku sa podieľajú dedičné faktory v kombinácii s nevhodnou, príliš špicatou obuvou, ktorá vychyľuje palec z osi a obmedzuje svalovú činnosť, a takisto preťažovaním prednej časti nohy. Vbočený palec je často spájaný aj s problémom priečne plochej nohy, kedy vzniká preťažovaním hlavného kĺbu palca a nesprávnym typom chôdze (Riegerová a Přidalová 2006). Termínom hallux varus označujeme vychýlenie palca do mediálnej strany. Najčastejšou príčinou vzniku je následok po nie vždy vydarenej chirurgickej korekcie hallux valgus (Miller 1975).

Numerous studies describe a variety of human susceptibility factors to TB and disc... more Abstract
Numerous studies describe a variety of human susceptibility factors to TB and discuss the diagnostic value of lesions attributable to this infectious disease. Regarding the differential diagnosis in skeletal populations a variety of specific and non-specific alterations is evaluated when relying on a macroscopic analysis only. The here presented results of a macroscopic investigation of 439 specimen from the medieval site Borovce (Slovakia) confirm the presence of one case of late skeletal tuberculosis and 15 cases of atypical alterations such as hypervascularisation of vertebral bodies, periosteal depositions on ribs and endocranial lesions. Tuberculosis affected primarily younger individuals in this population (most frequently juveniles and adults up to 39 years). In three cases atypical endocranial structures were indicative of tuberculous meningitis, occurring only in immatures. Further a co-occurrence of unspecific stress features and tuberculous lesions was observed. Seven out of the 16 TB affected skeletons revealed cribra orbitalia and 7 cases of long bone changes were identified. Despite of the frequent occurrence of these unspecific stress markers in individuals suggestive of TB, alterations such as cribra orbitalia, periostitis, hypertrophy or osteomyelitis of long bones can´t be linked with TB directly unless a biomolecular analysis will confirm a TB infection in the observed specimen. Therefore the here presented conclusions will be additionally confirmed by biomolecular analysis.

DNA was extracted using a Silica Bead Extraction kit from bone samples taken from a Slavonic-Avar... more DNA was extracted using a Silica Bead Extraction kit from bone samples taken from a Slavonic-Avar individual found at the archaeological site of Cífer-Pác. The analysed skeletal remains from the grave number 62/79 belong to a young adult male (20–30 years at death) and are dated to the 8 th –9 th century anno Domini. The isolated ancient DNA (aDNA) was amplified by a targeted PCR with a primer pair designed to recognize the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex insertion sequence IS6110. The aim of this molecular approach was to test and optimize a methodology for aDNA M. tuberculosis complex extraction from bone samples with osteological evidence of tuberculosis. Despite of the currently biased authenticity of the mentioned fragment, in this case study we prove that macroscopic evidence for tuberculosis additionally supported by a positive result of molecular testing can be considered authentic enough to be the proof of a tuberculosis infection caused by MTBC (Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex) bacteria when additional skeletal trauma and changes potentially caused by MOTT (mycobacteria other than tuberculosis) bacteria can be excluded. Positivity was confirmed in all of the three samples (thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae and right femur). Our results confirmed the diagnosis of tuberculosis of the spine and right hip joint. This is the first molecular evidence for the occurrence of tuberculosis on the territory of Slovakia. Through this bio-molecular approach we wish to provide a basis for aDNA examinations on other skeletal collections and provide epidemiological data concerning historical populations living on the territory of Slovakia.
The aim of the archaeological research was confirm the existence of a medieval village with churc... more The aim of the archaeological research was confirm the existence of a medieval village with church. The medieval village Egyházas-Ragyolcz was destroyed in 16th century A.D. during the Turkish invasion. The ruins of a church nave with a polygonal chancel were examined at the archaeological site. The church was oriented in the east-west direction. Altogether, 22 graves were excavated. Skeletal remains of 11 individuals from 11 graves were analyzed. The remains were incomplete, but it was possible to estimate the sex and age at death in all individuals. The most interesting paleopathological changes were probably found in a 20- to 29-years-old male from grave 7. The individual had a thickened proximal part of diaphysis of the left tibia and medial epicondyle aplasia of the right humerus.

Fungal Colonization of some Mummies and Skeletal Remains from Slovakia. Complex mycological analy... more Fungal Colonization of some Mummies and Skeletal Remains from Slovakia. Complex mycological analysis and identification of the origin of fungal colonization of nobiliar mummies from a tomb at Sládkovičovo, and skeletal remains from a crypt under the church at Sološnica was carried out to understand its decompository potential. Micromycetes isolated from the tomb environment, from the places where mummies were stored after removing from the crypt, and from the mummified bodies were characterized. Indoor and related outdoor aeromycobiota was sampled volumetrically and the settled one from the surfaces by mean of the adhesive tapes. Rhizopus oligosporus, R. oryzae, aspergilli, Alternaria sp., Penicillium sp., Cladosporium sphaerospermum predominated in the indoor air of the tomb, while Alternaria sp., cladosporia, Nigrospora oryzae, Penicillium spp., Eurotium amstelodami in the related outdoor atmosphere. Rhizopus spp., Penicillium sp., aspergilli, C. cladosporioides colonized mummified remains. Alternaria sp., Aspergillus versicolor, Botrytis cinerea, cladosporia, E. rubrum, Fusarium sporotrichioides, Nigrospora oryzae, Penicillium spp., Rhizopus oryzae, Scytalidium lignicola, ulocladia were isolated from the skeletal samples from Sološnica, while Fusarium equiseti, cladosporia and Penicillium sp. were isolated from the lab environment, where the samples were studied. When fungi are overgrown, they may cause ill health symptoms in occupants dealing with mummies in the labs.
Somatometry of 18-years-old female students from the Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia)... more Somatometry of 18-years-old female students from the Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia). The purpose of the present study was to monitor overweight, obesity and physical fitness among university students. The group consists of 45 female students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava. Fifteen length and width measures were taken, as well as 12 circumference measures. The mean body height was 166.34±7.18 cm, the mean body weight was 56.73±6.81 kg, the mean of bispinal pelvic width was 25.12±1.64 cm, the mean of gluteal circumference of the thigh was 55.77±3.91 cm, and the mean length of the head was 18.20±0.69 cm.
Somatometry of the 19-years-old male students from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius Univ... more Somatometry of the 19-years-old male students from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava (Slovakia). The purpose of the present study was to monitor overweight, obesity and physical fitness in university students. The group consists of 49 male students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava. Fifteen length and width measures, as well as 12 circumference measures were taken. The mean values of taken measurements were as follows: body height 181.42±6.43 cm, body weight 76.26±14.33 kg, bispinal pelvic width 25.94±1.82 cm, gluteal circumference of the thigh 57.12±5.76 cm, and length of the head 19.31±0.65 cm. The comparison with older studies realised more than five, 11 and 30 years ago, showed significant differences, so the continuing secular trend was confirmed.

Trends in the growth of head and facial dimensions of children from 6 to 15 years of age from Slo... more Trends in the growth of head and facial dimensions of children from 6 to 15 years of age from Slovakia. The aim of this study was to evaluate growth increments from 6 to 15 years of age in selected anthropometric parameters of the head and face and to compare individual results with the results of previous studies. 22 facial and head dimensions (13 horizontal, six vertical, two depth dimensions and head circumference) were measured and two indices (cephalic and facial index) were calculated in the sample of 262 school children from Sereď. The statistic program SPSS, version 17.0 was used for the analysis. Postnatally, height and depth dimensions of the face marked the greatest increments. The width dimensions of the face marked the smallest increments. Children from south and west Slovakia have mesocephal head and euryprosop face. Based on a comparison of the results of the pursued files and other authors' files, we confirmed continuing trend of debrachycephalization.
Middle and Late LaTène Period, Oppidum Bratislava by Radoslav Benuš

Živá archeologie Supplementum / Hroby na sídlištích 2010 / Hroby na polykulturních sídlištích
"Článok vychádza z výsledkov záchranného archeologického výskumu na lokalite Vydrica – Podhradie ... more "Článok vychádza z výsledkov záchranného archeologického výskumu na lokalite Vydrica – Podhradie v Bratislave (Slovensko). Na lokalite sa našli nálezy, ktoré pokrývali èasový úsek od eneolitu až po stredovek. V kultúrnych vrstvách mimo archeologických objektov sa našli štyri kostry z doby laténskej. Ich nález v sídliskových vrstvách z neskorej doby laténskej, potvrdzuje, že by mohlo ísť o doklady katastrofického horizontu, ktorý zachytili aj predchádzajúce výskumy. Naopak v prípade piatych detských skeletov a roztrúsených ľudských kostiach zo vèasného stredoveku môže ísť o prejav spoločensko-kultových predstáv, ktoré sa nevymykajú zo súboru podobných nálezov na území Slovenska objavených v blízkosti ľudských sídlisk.
In this short study we summarize preliminary results of rescue archaeological excavations on the site Vydrica — Podhradie in Bratislava (Slovakia). Archeological finds are dated from the Eneolithic till the Middle Ages, confirming strategic position of this site under Castle Hill on Danube shore throughout millenniums. Dated to the period of La Tène, four skeletons were found within cultural layers apart from any archaeological objects. Probably, we can talk about catastrophic phase. Then we found five child skeletons and scattered human bones from the Early Middle Ages. We interpreted this as an expression of socio-cultural traditions fully corresponding with the set of similar findings in Slovakia."
Papers by Radoslav Benuš
The article deals with a reconstruction of face from skulls of two adults – a middle-aged man from grave 80 and a young woman from grave 234 at the cemetery in Pata. The reconstruction drew on data acquired from osteological study. Drawings were made at two levels: norma frontalis (en face) and norma lateralis sinistra – for the man, norma frontalis (en face) and norma lateralis dextra – for the woman. The comparison of the recorded values of morphological and metric features of both individuals with average values recorded for the whole set indicates that typologically the man and the woman are typical representatives of
the population which buried his dead in the Early Bronze Age at the cemetery in Pata. The results of anthropological study showed that morphologically it was a relatively homogeneous group of people. The recorded anthropological indexes, which generally characterise the proportionality of the body, sex and the affiliation of the individual to a certain morphological type, indicate that both men and women from the cemetery belonged to the so-called robust leptodolichomorfs or "nordics” with long and narrow skulls. The drawn facial reconstructions and results of anthropological study in Pata add to our picture of the carriers of the Únětice culture, which is also spread on the territory of southwest Slovakia. Drawing reconstructions are to a certain extent infuenced by the artistic creativity of their author, yet they were made on the basis of scientific data and render essential morphological features of the peoples of the Únětice culture.
Numerous studies describe a variety of human susceptibility factors to TB and discuss the diagnostic value of lesions attributable to this infectious disease. Regarding the differential diagnosis in skeletal populations a variety of specific and non-specific alterations is evaluated when relying on a macroscopic analysis only. The here presented results of a macroscopic investigation of 439 specimen from the medieval site Borovce (Slovakia) confirm the presence of one case of late skeletal tuberculosis and 15 cases of atypical alterations such as hypervascularisation of vertebral bodies, periosteal depositions on ribs and endocranial lesions. Tuberculosis affected primarily younger individuals in this population (most frequently juveniles and adults up to 39 years). In three cases atypical endocranial structures were indicative of tuberculous meningitis, occurring only in immatures. Further a co-occurrence of unspecific stress features and tuberculous lesions was observed. Seven out of the 16 TB affected skeletons revealed cribra orbitalia and 7 cases of long bone changes were identified. Despite of the frequent occurrence of these unspecific stress markers in individuals suggestive of TB, alterations such as cribra orbitalia, periostitis, hypertrophy or osteomyelitis of long bones can´t be linked with TB directly unless a biomolecular analysis will confirm a TB infection in the observed specimen. Therefore the here presented conclusions will be additionally confirmed by biomolecular analysis.
Middle and Late LaTène Period, Oppidum Bratislava by Radoslav Benuš
In this short study we summarize preliminary results of rescue archaeological excavations on the site Vydrica — Podhradie in Bratislava (Slovakia). Archeological finds are dated from the Eneolithic till the Middle Ages, confirming strategic position of this site under Castle Hill on Danube shore throughout millenniums. Dated to the period of La Tène, four skeletons were found within cultural layers apart from any archaeological objects. Probably, we can talk about catastrophic phase. Then we found five child skeletons and scattered human bones from the Early Middle Ages. We interpreted this as an expression of socio-cultural traditions fully corresponding with the set of similar findings in Slovakia."
The article deals with a reconstruction of face from skulls of two adults – a middle-aged man from grave 80 and a young woman from grave 234 at the cemetery in Pata. The reconstruction drew on data acquired from osteological study. Drawings were made at two levels: norma frontalis (en face) and norma lateralis sinistra – for the man, norma frontalis (en face) and norma lateralis dextra – for the woman. The comparison of the recorded values of morphological and metric features of both individuals with average values recorded for the whole set indicates that typologically the man and the woman are typical representatives of
the population which buried his dead in the Early Bronze Age at the cemetery in Pata. The results of anthropological study showed that morphologically it was a relatively homogeneous group of people. The recorded anthropological indexes, which generally characterise the proportionality of the body, sex and the affiliation of the individual to a certain morphological type, indicate that both men and women from the cemetery belonged to the so-called robust leptodolichomorfs or "nordics” with long and narrow skulls. The drawn facial reconstructions and results of anthropological study in Pata add to our picture of the carriers of the Únětice culture, which is also spread on the territory of southwest Slovakia. Drawing reconstructions are to a certain extent infuenced by the artistic creativity of their author, yet they were made on the basis of scientific data and render essential morphological features of the peoples of the Únětice culture.
Numerous studies describe a variety of human susceptibility factors to TB and discuss the diagnostic value of lesions attributable to this infectious disease. Regarding the differential diagnosis in skeletal populations a variety of specific and non-specific alterations is evaluated when relying on a macroscopic analysis only. The here presented results of a macroscopic investigation of 439 specimen from the medieval site Borovce (Slovakia) confirm the presence of one case of late skeletal tuberculosis and 15 cases of atypical alterations such as hypervascularisation of vertebral bodies, periosteal depositions on ribs and endocranial lesions. Tuberculosis affected primarily younger individuals in this population (most frequently juveniles and adults up to 39 years). In three cases atypical endocranial structures were indicative of tuberculous meningitis, occurring only in immatures. Further a co-occurrence of unspecific stress features and tuberculous lesions was observed. Seven out of the 16 TB affected skeletons revealed cribra orbitalia and 7 cases of long bone changes were identified. Despite of the frequent occurrence of these unspecific stress markers in individuals suggestive of TB, alterations such as cribra orbitalia, periostitis, hypertrophy or osteomyelitis of long bones can´t be linked with TB directly unless a biomolecular analysis will confirm a TB infection in the observed specimen. Therefore the here presented conclusions will be additionally confirmed by biomolecular analysis.
In this short study we summarize preliminary results of rescue archaeological excavations on the site Vydrica — Podhradie in Bratislava (Slovakia). Archeological finds are dated from the Eneolithic till the Middle Ages, confirming strategic position of this site under Castle Hill on Danube shore throughout millenniums. Dated to the period of La Tène, four skeletons were found within cultural layers apart from any archaeological objects. Probably, we can talk about catastrophic phase. Then we found five child skeletons and scattered human bones from the Early Middle Ages. We interpreted this as an expression of socio-cultural traditions fully corresponding with the set of similar findings in Slovakia."