The Government of the Indonesian Republic has targeted an increase in the value of shrimp exports... more The Government of the Indonesian Republic has targeted an increase in the value of shrimp exports and production until 250% by 2024. Thus, a special strategy is needed to develop whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture that can increase production but does not negatively impact the aquatic environment. For this reason, research was carried out to obtain a strategy for developing sustainable intensive/super-intensive technology of whiteleg shrimp culture in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The activity was conducted in South Sulawesi Province from March to July 2021. The data were collected from questionnaires submitted to respondents or actors, namely whiteleg shrimp brackishwater pond managers and other stakeholders and structured observations on whiteleg shrimp ponds. The validity of the questionnaire was tested using Corrected Item-Total Correlation method and the reliability was tested using Cronbach’s alpha method. Another primary data source was obtained through Focu...
The Litopenaeus vanamei aquaculture under high stocking density. By Rachman Syah, Makmur, and Mat... more The Litopenaeus vanamei aquaculture under high stocking density. By Rachman Syah, Makmur, and Mat Fahrur In order to increase of brackishwater pond’s productivity, an effort can be reached through high stocking density of shrimp accompanied by application of high quality inputs and supported by an appropriate technology. Three different stocking densities, were applied i.e., 750; 1,000; and 1,250 ind/m2. The shrimp were reared for 105 days in three ponds with sizing of 1,000 m2 each and the water depth of 1.8 m facilitated with aeration systems consisted of paddlewheels, root blower, submersible water pump, automatic feeder, central drainage, collector drainage and waste water treatment plan. The capacity aeration systems was 500 kg of shrimp biomass/HP. The results showed that all stocking densities produced the similar final body weight of shrimp which ranged between 15.48 to 16.30 (15.78±0.45) g/shrimp with daily growth rates were 0.16-0.18 (0.17±0.01) g/day. The total harvested ...
Various types of microbubble generators for use in aquaculture facilities for aeration. The aerat... more Various types of microbubble generators for use in aquaculture facilities for aeration. The aeration system is essential for high-density shrimp cultivation. However, there is a blockage in the microbubble generator aeration system, and generally, aeration at high densities requires considerable electrical power. In this study, modifications were made to various diameter nozzles and various pump power for microbubble generators. This research was conducted to determine the best microbubble by comparing the nozzle diameter and pump power. To achieve this goal, three diameter nozzles are combined with three different powers with an airflow rate of 2.5 LPM. The best combination of 32.5 mm nozzle diameter and 160-watt pump power. Produce bubbles ranging from 5.6 – 82 μm, with an increased oxygen concentration time of 60 minutes.
Low productivity in acid sulphate soil (ASS) pond can be improved by pond bottom reclamation. The... more Low productivity in acid sulphate soil (ASS) pond can be improved by pond bottom reclamation. The aim of this research was to observe the effects of soil reclamation in acid sulphate soil on survival rate and production of tiger prawn. The research was conducted in a farmer pond in West Tarakan, Tarakan, East Kalimantan. The soil treatments were reclamation and without reclamation. The density of tiger prawn was 40.000 ind./ha during 3 months. The result showed that ponds with and without reclamation produce survival rate by 28.5% and 21.6% respectively. Pond with reclamation produce higher tiger prawn production (191.9 kg/ha) than without reclamation (143 kg/ha).
Udang merupakan komoditas unggulan ekspor perikanan Indonesia. Komoditas ini sangat strategis dal... more Udang merupakan komoditas unggulan ekspor perikanan Indonesia. Komoditas ini sangat strategis dalam menopang perekonomian nasional melalui penciptaan devisa nasional, perluasan lapangan kerja dan usaha, serta peningkatan pendapatan pembudidaya. Tujuan aplikasi teknik feeding regime pada budidaya udang vaname super-intensif untuk mengetahui seberapa besar perannya dalam upaya efisiensi biaya pakan, produksi, beban limbah, dan kualitas udang yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Instalasi Tambak Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya air Payau (BPPBP), Desa Punaga, Kabupaten Takalar, menggunakan dua petak tambak beton berukuran masing-masing 1000 m2/petak. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah benur vaname PL-10 ditebar dengan kepadatan masing-masing 300.000 ekor/petak. Perlakuan yang diujikan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: (A) Pakan berprotein 40-37, (B) Campuran pakan berprotein 40-37% (DOC 0-60) dan pakan berprotein 35 (DOC 61-98). Pemberian pakan dilakukan secara manual (DOC ...
Penelitian mengenai laju efflux nutrient,NH4+, NOÂ2- dan PO4-3, sedimen ke kolom air tambak udang... more Penelitian mengenai laju efflux nutrient,NH4+, NOÂ2- dan PO4-3, sedimen ke kolom air tambak udang vaname super intensif telah dilakukan. Sampel sedimen tambak pada minggu terakhir masa budidaya dikoleksi menggunakan sediment jars kemudian diinkubasi. Laju efflux NH4+, NO2- dan PO4-3masing-masing sebesar 207,00,1,80 dan 218,21 mmolm-2d-1. Laju konsumsi oksigen oleh sedimen selama efflux nutrien sedimen sebesar 321,26 mmol m-2d-1. Dari hasil penelitian ini, sebanyak 51,750 mmol NH4+, 450 mmol NO2- dan 54,553 mmol PO4-3 ditransfer dari sedimen kedalam kolom air tambak setiap harinya. Konsumsi oksigen sedimen per hari selama efflux nutrient sebanyak 80315 mmol. Pengukuran laju efflux nutrient sedimen perlu dilakukan selama masa pemeliharaan udang di tambak super intensif sehingga diperoleh informasi lebih detail mengenai laju efflux nutrien sedimen di tambak super intensif.
Penelitian tentang jaringan kerja pada persiapan tambak teknologi super intensif telah dilakukan ... more Penelitian tentang jaringan kerja pada persiapan tambak teknologi super intensif telah dilakukan pada bulan Mei-Juni 2013 di Instalasi Tambak Percobaan Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan masing-masing kegiatan dan perkiraan waktu pelaksanaan, mengetahui jalur kritis, dan mengetahui probabilitas penyelesaian seluruh kegiatan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan/observasi dan wawancara dengan pelaksana lapangan. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa data urutan pekerjaan dan lama waktu penyelesaiannya. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Critical Path Method (CPM) dan Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tahapan 15 (lima belas) kegiatan persiapan tambak super intensif memerlukan waktu 51 hari yang ditandai dengan selesainya kegiatan penebaran benur. Terdapat 11 (sebelas) kegiatan yang termasuk dalam jalur kritis, yaitu: Persiapan bahan (kode A) – Pem...
A 16-week feeding trial was conducted to determine the potential use of the aquatic weed, Ceratop... more A 16-week feeding trial was conducted to determine the potential use of the aquatic weed, Ceratophyllum sp., meal to replace soybean cake meal (SCM) as a protein source in diets for grow-out of rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. Four iso-nitrogenous diets were formulated to contain different levels of Ceratophyllum weed meal (CWM) at 0 (CWM0), 20 (CWM20), 30 (CWM30) and 40 (CWM40) g 100g diet substituting SCM from 38 to 0 g 100g diet, respectively. Fish meal was included in the diets at the same proportion in order to meet the protein requirement level for grow-out of rabbitfish of around 28%. Rabbitfish with initial body weight of 109±1.3 g were stocked into 15 cages each 1x1x2.5 m. Each diet was fed twice a day at a rate of 2.5-3% of biomass. Fish were measured every month to record growth and adjust the feed ration. After 16 weeks, the weight gain and specific growth rate (SGR) of fish fed the test diets containing 0-30% CWM were similar, whereas the fish fed the CWM40 diet demonstrat...
One of the most critical factors in transgenic research is analysis of promoter activity for regu... more One of the most critical factors in transgenic research is analysis of promoter activity for regulating the gene expression. To study promoter activity, a reporter gene should be combined with the promoter on a gene construct, so that a suitable promoter is indicated by the transient expression of the reporter gene. The present study aimed to examine the activity of an antiviral promoter (ProAV) on tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon using enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) as a reporter gene. Promoter ProAV linked to an EGFP gene was cloned into pEGFP-N1 to obtain the pProAV-EGFP gene construct. A transfection technique was used to transfer the promoter regulatory constructs into fertilized tiger shrimp eggs. The insertion of the EGFP gene and its transient expression were confirmed in the shrimp embryos and larvae. The results showed that the hatching rate of tiger shrimp with transfection was 39.3% and was not significantly different (p > 0.05) from the rate with transfection ...
Padat penebaran yang tinggi pada sistem budidaya super-intensif memberikan konsekuensi pada beban... more Padat penebaran yang tinggi pada sistem budidaya super-intensif memberikan konsekuensi pada beban limbah yang dapat memengaruhi kelayakan habitat udang, serta lingkungan hidup perikanan di sekitar wilayah budidaya. Limbah padat sedimen tambak udang super-intensif berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pupuk organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi respons pertumbuhan kelekap dan nener ikan bandeng yang diberikan pupuk organik limbah tambak udang super-intensif (POLTASI) yang dibandingkan dengan pupuk organik komersil. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan yang diaplikasikan adalah pupuk organik komersil (A), POLTASI (B), pupuk Urea + SP-36 + pupuk komersil (C), pupuk Urea + SP-36 + POLTASI (D), dan kontrol (tanpa pupuk) (E). Dosis pupuk yang diaplikasikan adalah urea 200 kg/ha, SP-36 sebanyak 100 kg/ha, dan pupuk organik (komersil dan POLTASI) sebanyak 2.000 kg/ha. Peubah yang diamati yakni produksi biom...
Operasional tambak superintensif menghasilkan beban limbah yang berdampak negatif bagi lingkungan... more Operasional tambak superintensif menghasilkan beban limbah yang berdampak negatif bagi lingkungan perairan sehingga diperlukan adanya Instalasi Pengolah Air Limbah (IPAL) dalam sistem budidaya superintensif. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengevaluasi kinerja IPAL pada budidayaudang superintensif. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 3 petak tambak, masing-masing ditebari benur vaname dengan kepadatan 800 ekor/m2 dan 1 unit tandon IPAL yang terdiri dari petak pengendapan, petak oksigenasi, petak biokonversi, dan petak penampungan/multispesies. Buangan air limbah budidaya dialirkan ke dalam IPAL sebelum dibuang ke perairan. Sampel air limbah diambil setiap minggu pada inlet dan outlet dari setiap petakan sedimentasi, oksigenasi, biokonversi dan penampungan. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa IPAL dapat memperbaiki peubah kualitas air untuk parameter Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Biochemical Oksigen Demand (BOD), pH dan Oksigen terlarut (DO) sampai batas ambang yang diperkenankan, sedangka...
Feeding experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of replacing fishmeal with soybean mea... more Feeding experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of replacing fishmeal with soybean meal in di6t on grolvth of humpback grouper.
The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of using seaworm meal in artificial di... more The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of using seaworm meal in artificial diet as partial substitution of freshfeed for maturation of tiger shrimp. This experiment started by growing-out tiger shrimp with initial weight around 60 g for four months until reaching maturation phase where shrimp weight were over 90 g for female. Tiger shrimp was selected and stocked into 10 ton concrete tank with stocking density of 50 shrimps with ratio of female : male of 1:1. Dietary treatments were different levels of seaworm meal at 0% (SW0), 10% (SW10) and 20% (SW20). SW0 was positive control without seaworm meal but breeder was fed with frozen seaworm. Test diets were fed as a combination of 60% test pellet and 40% fresh feed. Artificial insemination was carried out for all females before ablation to obtain fertile eggs. Results showed that after ablation, number of female matured was highest in group fed SW10 (13 breeders) and the lowest in female fed control group (7 breede...
In aquaculture, aeration through microbubble generators often experiences blockages due to the cr... more In aquaculture, aeration through microbubble generators often experiences blockages due to the cross-section area and a small air hole diameter. Therefore, this study modifed the induction of pumps equipped with piping systems that function like nozzles. A novel method of experimental design was used to convert the submersible pumps into aeration microbubble generators, by enlarging the nozzle and air hole diameter. The tests were performed for nozzle and air hole diameters were 32.5 mm and 22.4 mm, respectively, at different airflow rates speeds, namely 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 L min. Based on the results, the maximum SOTE of 11% was produced at 2.5 L min.
The positive effect of organic mineral as a dietary mineral source in aquafeed has been recently ... more The positive effect of organic mineral as a dietary mineral source in aquafeed has been recently reported on several species. Nevertheless, the influence of organic minerals on rabbitfish has not yet been determined. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of different doses of organic mineral on growth and survival, and mineral content in vertebrae of golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. Three diets were formulated containing 0.5%, 1.0%, and 2.0% organic material (OM). A control diet (OM0) did not contain OM. Instead, it was supplemented with an inorganic mineral mixture at a level of 1%. Three hundred fish were randomly selected and distributed in 12 cages to accommodate the four treatments with triplicates. The stocking density was 20 fish per cage. The initial body weight of fish used was 39.2 ± 0.3 g. Fish were fed the test diets twice a day for 150 days. A significant (P<0.05) cubic effect of the treatments was detected on all dependent parameters analy...
In aquaculture, aeration through microbubble generators often experiences blockages due to the cr... more In aquaculture, aeration through microbubble generators often experiences blockages due to the cross-section area and a small air hole diameter. Therefore, this study modifed the induction of pumps equipped with piping systems that function like nozzles. A novel method of experimental design was used to convert the submersible pumps into aeration microbubble generators, by enlarging the nozzle and air hole diameter. The tests were performed for nozzle and air hole diameters were 32.5 mm and 22.4 mm, respectively, at different airflow rates speeds, namely 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 L min-1. Based on the results, the maximum SOTE of 11% was produced at 2.5 L min-1 .
South Asian Research Journal of Nursing and Healthcare
Plastic waste has become one of the most serious threats to the marine environment. Among the pla... more Plastic waste has become one of the most serious threats to the marine environment. Among the plastic waste that is of particular concern are microplastics because of their small size. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of microplastic intake through fish consumption in the coastal area of Tamasaju Village, North Galesong, Takalar Regency. This research is a type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The samples in this study were 30 respondents and 20 fish with the types of mackerel and red kurisi fish. Data obtained by interview using questionnaires, identification of microplastics in fish in the laboratory, and identification of polymer types using FTIR spectroscopy. The results showed that the total number of microplastics found was 18 particles. The type of microplastic found was a line shape with different color and size variations, with the blue line dominating, namely 77.77%. The average concentration of microplastics found in fish was 3.1 mg/kg, with polystyrene polymer content. It is known that the average intake of non-carcinogenic microplastics by the community is 0.04 mg/kg/day (non-carcinogenic) and as much as 0.02 mg/ kg/day (carcinogenic). This shows that the intake of microplastics by humans through fish consumption is still categorized as safe.
International Journal Papier Advance and Scientific Review
Depuration is an effort to reduce/eliminate contamination including microplastics, which one is u... more Depuration is an effort to reduce/eliminate contamination including microplastics, which one is using a water circulation system. This study aims to determine the effective depuration time to reduce the microplastic content in Asaphis detlorata This study used a quantitative approach with experimental research design with a completely randomized design. There are 450 shells used as an experimental animal where is the treatment consisted of four depuration times, namely 1;2;3; and 4 days with 3 repetitions of each treatment, while the control shells were without depuration. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to see the effect of depuration treatment on the microplastic content. If the effect of the treatment was significantly different, then the post hoc test was continued to determine the differences between treatments. The results showed that Asaphis detlorata obtained from the mouth of the Lakatong river estuary were contaminated with microplastics ranging from 0.6 to 8.1 MPs/s...
The Government of the Indonesian Republic has targeted an increase in the value of shrimp exports... more The Government of the Indonesian Republic has targeted an increase in the value of shrimp exports and production until 250% by 2024. Thus, a special strategy is needed to develop whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture that can increase production but does not negatively impact the aquatic environment. For this reason, research was carried out to obtain a strategy for developing sustainable intensive/super-intensive technology of whiteleg shrimp culture in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The activity was conducted in South Sulawesi Province from March to July 2021. The data were collected from questionnaires submitted to respondents or actors, namely whiteleg shrimp brackishwater pond managers and other stakeholders and structured observations on whiteleg shrimp ponds. The validity of the questionnaire was tested using Corrected Item-Total Correlation method and the reliability was tested using Cronbach’s alpha method. Another primary data source was obtained through Focu...
The Litopenaeus vanamei aquaculture under high stocking density. By Rachman Syah, Makmur, and Mat... more The Litopenaeus vanamei aquaculture under high stocking density. By Rachman Syah, Makmur, and Mat Fahrur In order to increase of brackishwater pond’s productivity, an effort can be reached through high stocking density of shrimp accompanied by application of high quality inputs and supported by an appropriate technology. Three different stocking densities, were applied i.e., 750; 1,000; and 1,250 ind/m2. The shrimp were reared for 105 days in three ponds with sizing of 1,000 m2 each and the water depth of 1.8 m facilitated with aeration systems consisted of paddlewheels, root blower, submersible water pump, automatic feeder, central drainage, collector drainage and waste water treatment plan. The capacity aeration systems was 500 kg of shrimp biomass/HP. The results showed that all stocking densities produced the similar final body weight of shrimp which ranged between 15.48 to 16.30 (15.78±0.45) g/shrimp with daily growth rates were 0.16-0.18 (0.17±0.01) g/day. The total harvested ...
Various types of microbubble generators for use in aquaculture facilities for aeration. The aerat... more Various types of microbubble generators for use in aquaculture facilities for aeration. The aeration system is essential for high-density shrimp cultivation. However, there is a blockage in the microbubble generator aeration system, and generally, aeration at high densities requires considerable electrical power. In this study, modifications were made to various diameter nozzles and various pump power for microbubble generators. This research was conducted to determine the best microbubble by comparing the nozzle diameter and pump power. To achieve this goal, three diameter nozzles are combined with three different powers with an airflow rate of 2.5 LPM. The best combination of 32.5 mm nozzle diameter and 160-watt pump power. Produce bubbles ranging from 5.6 – 82 μm, with an increased oxygen concentration time of 60 minutes.
Low productivity in acid sulphate soil (ASS) pond can be improved by pond bottom reclamation. The... more Low productivity in acid sulphate soil (ASS) pond can be improved by pond bottom reclamation. The aim of this research was to observe the effects of soil reclamation in acid sulphate soil on survival rate and production of tiger prawn. The research was conducted in a farmer pond in West Tarakan, Tarakan, East Kalimantan. The soil treatments were reclamation and without reclamation. The density of tiger prawn was 40.000 ind./ha during 3 months. The result showed that ponds with and without reclamation produce survival rate by 28.5% and 21.6% respectively. Pond with reclamation produce higher tiger prawn production (191.9 kg/ha) than without reclamation (143 kg/ha).
Udang merupakan komoditas unggulan ekspor perikanan Indonesia. Komoditas ini sangat strategis dal... more Udang merupakan komoditas unggulan ekspor perikanan Indonesia. Komoditas ini sangat strategis dalam menopang perekonomian nasional melalui penciptaan devisa nasional, perluasan lapangan kerja dan usaha, serta peningkatan pendapatan pembudidaya. Tujuan aplikasi teknik feeding regime pada budidaya udang vaname super-intensif untuk mengetahui seberapa besar perannya dalam upaya efisiensi biaya pakan, produksi, beban limbah, dan kualitas udang yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Instalasi Tambak Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya air Payau (BPPBP), Desa Punaga, Kabupaten Takalar, menggunakan dua petak tambak beton berukuran masing-masing 1000 m2/petak. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah benur vaname PL-10 ditebar dengan kepadatan masing-masing 300.000 ekor/petak. Perlakuan yang diujikan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: (A) Pakan berprotein 40-37, (B) Campuran pakan berprotein 40-37% (DOC 0-60) dan pakan berprotein 35 (DOC 61-98). Pemberian pakan dilakukan secara manual (DOC ...
Penelitian mengenai laju efflux nutrient,NH4+, NOÂ2- dan PO4-3, sedimen ke kolom air tambak udang... more Penelitian mengenai laju efflux nutrient,NH4+, NOÂ2- dan PO4-3, sedimen ke kolom air tambak udang vaname super intensif telah dilakukan. Sampel sedimen tambak pada minggu terakhir masa budidaya dikoleksi menggunakan sediment jars kemudian diinkubasi. Laju efflux NH4+, NO2- dan PO4-3masing-masing sebesar 207,00,1,80 dan 218,21 mmolm-2d-1. Laju konsumsi oksigen oleh sedimen selama efflux nutrien sedimen sebesar 321,26 mmol m-2d-1. Dari hasil penelitian ini, sebanyak 51,750 mmol NH4+, 450 mmol NO2- dan 54,553 mmol PO4-3 ditransfer dari sedimen kedalam kolom air tambak setiap harinya. Konsumsi oksigen sedimen per hari selama efflux nutrient sebanyak 80315 mmol. Pengukuran laju efflux nutrient sedimen perlu dilakukan selama masa pemeliharaan udang di tambak super intensif sehingga diperoleh informasi lebih detail mengenai laju efflux nutrien sedimen di tambak super intensif.
Penelitian tentang jaringan kerja pada persiapan tambak teknologi super intensif telah dilakukan ... more Penelitian tentang jaringan kerja pada persiapan tambak teknologi super intensif telah dilakukan pada bulan Mei-Juni 2013 di Instalasi Tambak Percobaan Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan masing-masing kegiatan dan perkiraan waktu pelaksanaan, mengetahui jalur kritis, dan mengetahui probabilitas penyelesaian seluruh kegiatan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan/observasi dan wawancara dengan pelaksana lapangan. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa data urutan pekerjaan dan lama waktu penyelesaiannya. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Critical Path Method (CPM) dan Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tahapan 15 (lima belas) kegiatan persiapan tambak super intensif memerlukan waktu 51 hari yang ditandai dengan selesainya kegiatan penebaran benur. Terdapat 11 (sebelas) kegiatan yang termasuk dalam jalur kritis, yaitu: Persiapan bahan (kode A) – Pem...
A 16-week feeding trial was conducted to determine the potential use of the aquatic weed, Ceratop... more A 16-week feeding trial was conducted to determine the potential use of the aquatic weed, Ceratophyllum sp., meal to replace soybean cake meal (SCM) as a protein source in diets for grow-out of rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. Four iso-nitrogenous diets were formulated to contain different levels of Ceratophyllum weed meal (CWM) at 0 (CWM0), 20 (CWM20), 30 (CWM30) and 40 (CWM40) g 100g diet substituting SCM from 38 to 0 g 100g diet, respectively. Fish meal was included in the diets at the same proportion in order to meet the protein requirement level for grow-out of rabbitfish of around 28%. Rabbitfish with initial body weight of 109±1.3 g were stocked into 15 cages each 1x1x2.5 m. Each diet was fed twice a day at a rate of 2.5-3% of biomass. Fish were measured every month to record growth and adjust the feed ration. After 16 weeks, the weight gain and specific growth rate (SGR) of fish fed the test diets containing 0-30% CWM were similar, whereas the fish fed the CWM40 diet demonstrat...
One of the most critical factors in transgenic research is analysis of promoter activity for regu... more One of the most critical factors in transgenic research is analysis of promoter activity for regulating the gene expression. To study promoter activity, a reporter gene should be combined with the promoter on a gene construct, so that a suitable promoter is indicated by the transient expression of the reporter gene. The present study aimed to examine the activity of an antiviral promoter (ProAV) on tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon using enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) as a reporter gene. Promoter ProAV linked to an EGFP gene was cloned into pEGFP-N1 to obtain the pProAV-EGFP gene construct. A transfection technique was used to transfer the promoter regulatory constructs into fertilized tiger shrimp eggs. The insertion of the EGFP gene and its transient expression were confirmed in the shrimp embryos and larvae. The results showed that the hatching rate of tiger shrimp with transfection was 39.3% and was not significantly different (p > 0.05) from the rate with transfection ...
Padat penebaran yang tinggi pada sistem budidaya super-intensif memberikan konsekuensi pada beban... more Padat penebaran yang tinggi pada sistem budidaya super-intensif memberikan konsekuensi pada beban limbah yang dapat memengaruhi kelayakan habitat udang, serta lingkungan hidup perikanan di sekitar wilayah budidaya. Limbah padat sedimen tambak udang super-intensif berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pupuk organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi respons pertumbuhan kelekap dan nener ikan bandeng yang diberikan pupuk organik limbah tambak udang super-intensif (POLTASI) yang dibandingkan dengan pupuk organik komersil. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan yang diaplikasikan adalah pupuk organik komersil (A), POLTASI (B), pupuk Urea + SP-36 + pupuk komersil (C), pupuk Urea + SP-36 + POLTASI (D), dan kontrol (tanpa pupuk) (E). Dosis pupuk yang diaplikasikan adalah urea 200 kg/ha, SP-36 sebanyak 100 kg/ha, dan pupuk organik (komersil dan POLTASI) sebanyak 2.000 kg/ha. Peubah yang diamati yakni produksi biom...
Operasional tambak superintensif menghasilkan beban limbah yang berdampak negatif bagi lingkungan... more Operasional tambak superintensif menghasilkan beban limbah yang berdampak negatif bagi lingkungan perairan sehingga diperlukan adanya Instalasi Pengolah Air Limbah (IPAL) dalam sistem budidaya superintensif. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengevaluasi kinerja IPAL pada budidayaudang superintensif. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 3 petak tambak, masing-masing ditebari benur vaname dengan kepadatan 800 ekor/m2 dan 1 unit tandon IPAL yang terdiri dari petak pengendapan, petak oksigenasi, petak biokonversi, dan petak penampungan/multispesies. Buangan air limbah budidaya dialirkan ke dalam IPAL sebelum dibuang ke perairan. Sampel air limbah diambil setiap minggu pada inlet dan outlet dari setiap petakan sedimentasi, oksigenasi, biokonversi dan penampungan. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa IPAL dapat memperbaiki peubah kualitas air untuk parameter Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Biochemical Oksigen Demand (BOD), pH dan Oksigen terlarut (DO) sampai batas ambang yang diperkenankan, sedangka...
Feeding experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of replacing fishmeal with soybean mea... more Feeding experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of replacing fishmeal with soybean meal in di6t on grolvth of humpback grouper.
The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of using seaworm meal in artificial di... more The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of using seaworm meal in artificial diet as partial substitution of freshfeed for maturation of tiger shrimp. This experiment started by growing-out tiger shrimp with initial weight around 60 g for four months until reaching maturation phase where shrimp weight were over 90 g for female. Tiger shrimp was selected and stocked into 10 ton concrete tank with stocking density of 50 shrimps with ratio of female : male of 1:1. Dietary treatments were different levels of seaworm meal at 0% (SW0), 10% (SW10) and 20% (SW20). SW0 was positive control without seaworm meal but breeder was fed with frozen seaworm. Test diets were fed as a combination of 60% test pellet and 40% fresh feed. Artificial insemination was carried out for all females before ablation to obtain fertile eggs. Results showed that after ablation, number of female matured was highest in group fed SW10 (13 breeders) and the lowest in female fed control group (7 breede...
In aquaculture, aeration through microbubble generators often experiences blockages due to the cr... more In aquaculture, aeration through microbubble generators often experiences blockages due to the cross-section area and a small air hole diameter. Therefore, this study modifed the induction of pumps equipped with piping systems that function like nozzles. A novel method of experimental design was used to convert the submersible pumps into aeration microbubble generators, by enlarging the nozzle and air hole diameter. The tests were performed for nozzle and air hole diameters were 32.5 mm and 22.4 mm, respectively, at different airflow rates speeds, namely 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 L min. Based on the results, the maximum SOTE of 11% was produced at 2.5 L min.
The positive effect of organic mineral as a dietary mineral source in aquafeed has been recently ... more The positive effect of organic mineral as a dietary mineral source in aquafeed has been recently reported on several species. Nevertheless, the influence of organic minerals on rabbitfish has not yet been determined. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of different doses of organic mineral on growth and survival, and mineral content in vertebrae of golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. Three diets were formulated containing 0.5%, 1.0%, and 2.0% organic material (OM). A control diet (OM0) did not contain OM. Instead, it was supplemented with an inorganic mineral mixture at a level of 1%. Three hundred fish were randomly selected and distributed in 12 cages to accommodate the four treatments with triplicates. The stocking density was 20 fish per cage. The initial body weight of fish used was 39.2 ± 0.3 g. Fish were fed the test diets twice a day for 150 days. A significant (P<0.05) cubic effect of the treatments was detected on all dependent parameters analy...
In aquaculture, aeration through microbubble generators often experiences blockages due to the cr... more In aquaculture, aeration through microbubble generators often experiences blockages due to the cross-section area and a small air hole diameter. Therefore, this study modifed the induction of pumps equipped with piping systems that function like nozzles. A novel method of experimental design was used to convert the submersible pumps into aeration microbubble generators, by enlarging the nozzle and air hole diameter. The tests were performed for nozzle and air hole diameters were 32.5 mm and 22.4 mm, respectively, at different airflow rates speeds, namely 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 L min-1. Based on the results, the maximum SOTE of 11% was produced at 2.5 L min-1 .
South Asian Research Journal of Nursing and Healthcare
Plastic waste has become one of the most serious threats to the marine environment. Among the pla... more Plastic waste has become one of the most serious threats to the marine environment. Among the plastic waste that is of particular concern are microplastics because of their small size. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of microplastic intake through fish consumption in the coastal area of Tamasaju Village, North Galesong, Takalar Regency. This research is a type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The samples in this study were 30 respondents and 20 fish with the types of mackerel and red kurisi fish. Data obtained by interview using questionnaires, identification of microplastics in fish in the laboratory, and identification of polymer types using FTIR spectroscopy. The results showed that the total number of microplastics found was 18 particles. The type of microplastic found was a line shape with different color and size variations, with the blue line dominating, namely 77.77%. The average concentration of microplastics found in fish was 3.1 mg/kg, with polystyrene polymer content. It is known that the average intake of non-carcinogenic microplastics by the community is 0.04 mg/kg/day (non-carcinogenic) and as much as 0.02 mg/ kg/day (carcinogenic). This shows that the intake of microplastics by humans through fish consumption is still categorized as safe.
International Journal Papier Advance and Scientific Review
Depuration is an effort to reduce/eliminate contamination including microplastics, which one is u... more Depuration is an effort to reduce/eliminate contamination including microplastics, which one is using a water circulation system. This study aims to determine the effective depuration time to reduce the microplastic content in Asaphis detlorata This study used a quantitative approach with experimental research design with a completely randomized design. There are 450 shells used as an experimental animal where is the treatment consisted of four depuration times, namely 1;2;3; and 4 days with 3 repetitions of each treatment, while the control shells were without depuration. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to see the effect of depuration treatment on the microplastic content. If the effect of the treatment was significantly different, then the post hoc test was continued to determine the differences between treatments. The results showed that Asaphis detlorata obtained from the mouth of the Lakatong river estuary were contaminated with microplastics ranging from 0.6 to 8.1 MPs/s...
Papers by Rachman Syah