Papers by Rosa Branca Tracana
Terrae didatica, Dec 4, 2018
The discovery of naTural resources: an ouTdoor acTiviTy wiTh Primary school sTudenTs rosa Branca ... more The discovery of naTural resources: an ouTdoor acTiviTy wiTh Primary school sTudenTs rosa Branca Tracana, ana loPes, ana farinha direiTo, maria eduarda ferreira InstItuto polItécnIco da guarda, escola superIor de educação, comunIcação e desporto, udI-unId. Invest. para desenv. do InterIor, guarda, portugal
Cytobios, 1994
Stainless steel type AISI 316L is widely used in orthopaedic surgery. The toxic effects of its co... more Stainless steel type AISI 316L is widely used in orthopaedic surgery. The toxic effects of its corrosion products on the morphology of mouse seminiferous cells were investigated. Chemical elements from stainless steel were released into a physiological medium using an electrochemical method. This metallic solution was injected subcutaneously into male Charles River mice at 72 h intervals for 10 days. Electron microscopic observations of seminiferous tubule thin sections showed that the metallic suspension caused tissue vacuolation, cell degeneration, and multinucleated cell formation. This apparent tissue toxicity induced by stainless steel corrosion products suggests that long term implantation of such biomaterials may impair spermatogenesis.

European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The last decade has seen a significant increase in economic and social inequalities, especially i... more The last decade has seen a significant increase in economic and social inequalities, especially in Portugal's inland territories. As a consequence, the increase in social needs is increasingly evident in low-density territories. In this sense, social entrepreneurs have an important role in society, to the extent that, by having more direct contact with their surroundings, they are also more alert to identify needs, which until then have not had the necessary response from public policies. Thus, social entrepreneurship, allied with innovation, can serve as a "tool" to meet social needs, as well as help combat depopulation. Thus, this work shows the social entrepreneurship activities developed within the i3Social project, which aims to clarify the aspects and dynamics of social entrepreneurship to create social businesses. In this sense, this work also seeks to give an overview of what social entrepreneurship involves, i.e., in practical terms, to show that there is a pa...

Egitania Sciencia
The Estrela Geopark, through the development of programmes and both educational and interpretativ... more The Estrela Geopark, through the development of programmes and both educational and interpretative routes, aims to stimulate contact with the geological and geomorphological heritage of the Serra da Estrela territory, in an outdoor learning approach that educates and raises awareness of the importance of geoconservation, heritage enhancement and tourism sustainability. As such, the understanding of the history and evolution of the Earth and life is promoted in a natural mountain laboratory context. The educational programmes of the Estrela Geopark, designed in accordance with the curricular programmes of primary and secondary schools in Portugal, promote outdoor activities on the geographic knowledge of the Estrela mountain, its resources and the environmental implications for the local life styles and the impact generated by tourist practices in the territory. Geoeducation and geotourism have gained relevance in tourism development projects, especially in low density territories wi...

2. Theoretical background and key objectives The contemporary society lives a crisis related with... more 2. Theoretical background and key objectives The contemporary society lives a crisis related with several problems where we can highlighted the pollution problems and the resources over exploration, as the Brundtland Report refers “ … the sustainable development answer to the present needs without compromising the possibility of the next generations… ” (Mckeown et al, 2002). Environmental Education has been seen as a basic tool to contribute to the change of values, attitudes and behaviours. The interactions between scientific knowledge (K), values (V) and social practices (P) (model KVP by Clément, 2006) is important in the didactic transposition and a useful tool to understand what is related to science and to values in a scientific presentation such as in textbooks. In this work it was intended to analyse the didactical transposition in Environmental Education and Sustainable Development. More specifically, our key objectives can be formulated in the following research question: ...

This text analyzes the process of professional development of teachers in Brazil and Portugal. It... more This text analyzes the process of professional development of teachers in Brazil and Portugal. Its main discussion: What characteristics are present in the Community of Practice (CoP) to become Learning Community (LC) and potentiate the professional development of the teacher / trainer? The proposal is to develop and investigate a process of creation of a CoP (case study), through a space of face-to-face interaction and in cyberspace, that fosters Professional Teacher Development from studies, discussions, reflections and written productions referring to shared conceptions, experiences and knowledge, providing the transformation into a LC. The audio of meetings will be transcribed and posts in cyberspace facilitate the analysis. To analyze the data, we will carry out the follow-up and systematization of the studies through discursive textual analysis to produce categories of teacher knowledge experienced in the interactive process. The text starts from a theoretical reference on the...
Mediterranean Protected Areas in the Era of Overtourism, 2021
Several scales have been built to evaluate the health literacy levels of populations. For this st... more Several scales have been built to evaluate the health literacy levels of populations. For this study the European Health Literacy Survey (HLSEU) (Sorensen, 2012) was selected to assess the health literacy levels in a diversified sample of higher education students and lecturers. The main goal was to evaluate whether this European HLS-EU scale is appropriate for discriminating health literacy levels in a higher education population, including university and polytechnic students and lecturers of
Considerando que a Terra é um planeta ativo e que a ação antrópica contribui para alterar o equil... more Considerando que a Terra é um planeta ativo e que a ação antrópica contribui para alterar o equilíbrio dinâmico do planeta, nomeadamente através do aumento dos riscos naturais e da delapidação/destruição do património geológico, muitas vezes devido à falta de conhecimento do seu valor científico e didático, a divulgação do trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito das Geociências, bem como na Educação, revela-se da maior importância.
Práticas e metodologias no ensino de ciências, 2021

A Licenciatura em Computacao do Instituto Federal Farroupilha e um curso de formacao de professor... more A Licenciatura em Computacao do Instituto Federal Farroupilha e um curso de formacao de professores, que desenvolve projetos de ensino, pesquisa e extensao. Este texto apresenta as percepcoes de um licenciando sobre as contribuicoes para a formacao docente perante a participacao nesses projetos. O ponto inicial parte da do ingresso e envolvimento com o curso de Licenciatura, que perpassa por participacoes comprometidas no espaco de sala de aula, ao vivenciar a vida academica e seus desdobramentos. O Licenciando em Computacao sera um professor de Computacao. Assim, o ensino perpassa por disciplinas variadas desde a: Computacao, Matematica, Pedagogia, Filosofia, Psicologia, etc. A pesquisa esta presente na Licenciatura em Computacao, que proporcionou-me a participacao em um projeto de pesquisa sobre o desenvolvimento profissional docente (DPD) no referido curso, que permitiu investigar posturas critico-reflexivas sobre a pratica docente, analisando a formacao do professor formador de...

The present study intends to analyse the didactic transposition of the topic Ecosystems and Cycle... more The present study intends to analyse the didactic transposition of the topic Ecosystems and Cycles, in national programmes and textbooks of the Portuguese education system in the period between 1991 and 2006. The changes during this period in the "national Portuguese curricula" and respective "competencies" were identified from primary up to the secondary school level (12 years of schooling). Their respective contents were analysed in order to identify topics where Ecosystems and Cycles were addressed in the national programmes. From this analysis, respective textbooks of Environmental Studies, Natural Sciences, Biology, Ecology, Geology and Geography, Social Studies and Chemistry where Ecosystems and Cycles where the topic of Ecosystems and Cycles was present were analysed. Results showed two periods: Time I (1991 – 2000) showing more developed approach to the presentation of the subjects as compared with Time II (2000 – 2006). The textbooks approach is essentia...

Handbook of Research on the Role of Tourism in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals, 2021
The mountains represent territories of exceptional environmental and heritage value, holding vita... more The mountains represent territories of exceptional environmental and heritage value, holding vital resources and functions for humanity. The conservation of its geo and biodiversity is decisive, given the growth in its demand, in particular for tourism and leisure activities. In addition to their immediate physical perception, they are spaces of science and knowledge and a resource for geoeducation to promote the natural and cultural values held. The creation of geoparks constituted a new paradigm in which geosciences, territories, their heritage (material and immaterial) and the ways of life of their communities are disseminated. In this context, geoparks are based on integrated territorial approaches to the enhancement, preservation and promotion of education, biodiversity, geological heritage, tourism and scientific research, among others. Tourism, as a strategy for geoeducation and territorial valorisation, is in the mission of Estrela Geopark, promoting educational programs wit...

Revista Contexto & Educação, 2017
Seguindo-se um modelo de formação de educadores de infância em que são privilegiadas práticas ped... more Seguindo-se um modelo de formação de educadores de infância em que são privilegiadas práticas pedagógico-didáticas com uma orientação de cariz prático, analisam-se os resultados de uma investigação educacional, enquadrada na formação destes profissionais. A investigação seguiu uma abordagem qualitativa. Partiu-se do pressuposto de que a educação baseia-se em premissas sociais, culturais, individuais e coletivas, e neste contexto, desenvolveu-se, com um grupo de crianças que frequentam a educação pré-escolar, uma experiência pedagógico-didática a que intitulamos Reciclar Recordações-A Magia das Ciências. Esta foi enquadrada no trabalho de projeto, trabalhada numa perspetiva interdisciplinar em contexto de ensino das Ciências, operacionalizada por meio da realização de atividades práticas, tendo por enfoque a triangulação ciência-criança-meio sociocultural. Utilizaram-se as seguintes categorias de análise: metodologia de ensino e recursos didáticos construídos; conceções das crianças; articulação ciência-criança-meio sociocultural. Constatou-se que esta experiência pedagógico-didática permitiu desenvolver, nestas crianças, a autonomia, a partilha, o entusiasmo pela descoberta, o conhecimento científico, e possibilitou o reviver
Papers by Rosa Branca Tracana